Page:Catalogue of books suitable for a popular library.djvu/17

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Bost., D. Lothrop, 1892 75c
The purpose of this book is to help young- women to attain a nobler womanhood. It will appeal to all girls who are desirous of true development.
Bost., D. Lothrop, 1884 60c
A book on morals, manners and business occupations, is one of the needs of the times. This books aims to impart instruction along these lines.
N. Y., Harper & Bros., 1887 90c
Ten short papers full of good advice, tender admonition and amusing episodes.
N. Y., Thos. Crowell & Co., 1891 $1.25
Chapters full of womanly feeling and common sense.
N. Y., Thos. Crowell & Co., 1895 $1
The author dwells especially upon the duties of society towards young men on the threshold of life.
N. Y., Armstrong & Son, 1890 $1.25
It was the aim of these discourses to lay hold of young men before they were caught in the moral vortex of our cities in which so many of our choicest youths are disappearing.
Chic., S. C. Griggs & Co., 1893 $1
Reinforces in a practical, unambitious way some of the noblest teachings of the church concerning the spiritual world.
N. Y., Funk & Wagnalls Co., 1887 50c
Written to those girls who have not time or inclination to think and study about the many important things which make up life and living.
N. Y., Thos. Crowell & Co., 1895 35c
This pamphlet is prepared with the purpose of showing what our Christianity has to do with the familiar practices of business.