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passion, all its virtue and efficacy from the passion, which is the consummation, as it were, of all the actions of Christ this, in deed, we sufficiently comprehend. [1]

The second period to be distinguished, that is, when the law of baptism was promulgated, also admits of no doubt. The Holy Fathers are unanimous in saying, that after the resurrection of our Lord, when he gave to his Apostles the command: " Go, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost;" [2] the law of baptism became obligatory, on all, who were to be saved. This is to be inferred from these words of St. Peter: " who hath re generated us unto a lively hope, by the resurrection of Jesus Christ, from the dead;" [3] and also from the words of St Paul; " He delivered himself up for it:" (he speaks of the Church) that he might sanctify it, cleansing it by the laver of water in the word of life." [4] In both passages, the obligation of baptism is referred to the time, which followed the death of our Lord. These words of our Lord: " Unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Ghost, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God," [5] refer also, no doubt, to the time subsequent to his passion. If then the pastor use all diligence in explaining these truths accurately to the faithful, impossible that they should not fully appreciate the high dignity of this Sacrament, and entertain towards it the most profound veneration; a veneration which will be heightened by the reflection, that the Holy Ghost, by his invisible agency, still infuses into the heart, at the moment of baptism, those blessings of incomparable excellence, and of inestimable value, which were so strikingly manifested, by miracles, at the baptism of Christ our Lord. Were our eyes, like those of the servant of Eliseus, [6] opened to see these heavenly things, who so insensible as not to be lost in rapturous admiration of the divine mysteries, which baptism would then present to the astonished view! when, therefore, the riches of this Sacrament are unfolded to the faithful by the pastor, so as to enable them to behold them, if not with the eyes of the body, with those of the soul illumined with the light of faith, is it not reasonable to anticipate similar results?

In the next place, it appears not only expedient but necessary, to say who are ministers of this Sacrament; in order that those to whom this office is specially confided, may study to perform its functions, religiously and holily; and that no one, outstepping as it were, his proper limits, may unseasonably take possession of, or arrogantly assume, what belongs to another; for, as the Apostle teaches, order is to be observed in all things. [7]

The faithful, therefore, are to be informed that of those who administer baptism there are three gradations: bishops and priests hold the first place; to them belongs the administration

  1. Vid. Hierott. in com. in. 3. cap. Matt. Aug. serm. 36. de temp.
  2. Mark xvi. 15. Matt, xxviii. 19.
  3. 1 Pet. i. 3.
  4. Eph. v. 25, 26.
  5. John iii. 5.
  6. 4 Kings vi. 17.
  7. 1 Cor. xiv. 40.