Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 10.djvu/746

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his. tho first apostles of the Diocese of ToiiKros, which hitcr ticcame that of Lii^ge (q. v.), ami soiuo .saints of the Diocese of Ijit'ge, Sts. Lambert, Hubert, ami Juliana. Mention may also be made of St. I'oillan, of Irish oripin, founder, in (j.50, of the mon;u<tery of Fosses; St. Bepge, sister of St. Gertrude of Nivelles, and foundress, in 1392, of the monastery of .tVndenno, where her relics are preserved; St. Iladelin, founder of the monastery of Celles, d. about tiitO; St . Walhere. or Voliy, parisli priest of Onhay (thirteentli century); St. Mary of Oignies, b. at Nivelles about 1177, celebrated for lier visions, d. at the b(guinage of Oignies, where lier director, Jacques de N'itry, who became Bishop of St. Jean d'.Vcre and cardinal, wished also to be buried. La.stly, the Diocese of Namur honours in a special manner the Martyrs of Gorkum, whose relics it pos- sesses. At Arlon, which now belongs to the diocese, w:is born Henri Busch, famous as "Bon Henri", founder of the shoemakers' and the tailors' fraternities in Paris (seventeenth century).

The religious congregations administer in the Dio- cese of Namur, according to "La Belgique Charita- ble", 2 orphanages for boys, 7 for girls, 1 mixed, 18 hospitals or infirmaries, 4 clinics, 194 infant schools, 1 house of rescue, 6 houses for the care of the sick in their homes, 1 asylum for deaf mutes, 2 houses of retreat, 1 insane asylum. In 1907 the Diocese of Xamur numbered 583,722 inhabitants, 36 deaneries, 37 parishes, (j77 succursals, 96 auxiliary chapels. 111 curacies paid by the State.

G.\LUOT, Histoire generate . . , tie la rille el province de Namur (Li^ge, 178S-91); Reiffenberg, Borgnet. and Ram, Monu- ments pour servir d I'histoire des provinces de Namur, de Hainaut, el de Luxembourg (10 vols., Brussels, 1844-60); Borgnet and Bor- M.VN8. Cartutaire de la Commune de Namur (Namur. 1871-7G); AlGRET, Histoire de Vinlise et du chapUre de S. Aubain a Namur (Namur, l&Sl); Behliehe, Monasticon beige, I (Maredsoua, 1897); Doyen. Bibliogr. Namuroise (Namur, 1884-1902); CLAEssENa, La Belgique chritienne . . . 179i-lSS0 (Ixelles, 1883).

Georges GoyAti.

Nancy, Diocese of (Nanceiensis et Tdllensis), comprises the Departments of Meurthe and Moselle, France, suffragan of Besangon. The See of Nancy is the lieir, so to speak, of the celebrated See of Toul.

St . Mansuetus, Apostle of the Leuci and first Bishop of Toul, and according to some a disciple of St. Peter, cannot have been anterior to the fourth century. The dates of his saintly successors, Amondus, Alchas, and Celsinus, cannot be determined. Among the bishops of Toul should be mentioned: St. Auspicius (about 470); St. Ursus (Ours), from whom Clovis in 496 re- que.sted an ecclesiastic to instruct him in the teachings of Christianity; St. Epvre (Aper) (500-505), brother of St. Evronie (Apronia); St. Alband (about 508), es- tablished a community of ecclesiastics from which originated the .\bbey of St. Epvre; St. Leudinus-Bodo (second half of the seventh century), founder of the mon;ustery of Bon Moustiers and brother of St. Sala- berge, foundress and first abbess of the monastery of Laon; St. Jacob (7.56-65); St. Gauzelin (922-62), who reformed the monastery of St . EpvTe and founded that of Not re-Dame de Bouxieres; St. Gerard (963-94); Bruno of Dagsbourg (1026-51), eventually .St. Leo IX; (iuillaunie Filldtre (1449-f)0); Cardinal John of Lorraiuf' (1517-43), who held twelve sees and six largo abbeys; Charles of Lorriiine, cardinal of Vaude- mont (l.WO-S?); Cardinal Nicholas Francois of Lor- raine (162.5-34); Andre liu Saussay (1649-75), author of "Martvrologium Gallicanum".

The title of count and the rights of .sovereignty of the medieval Bishops of Toul originated in certain grants which Henrj- the Fowler gave St. Gauzelin in 927. The See of Toul Wiis tlisturbed by the Conflict of Investitures in 1108. The chapter W!is divided; the majority clecterl Riquin of Commercy; the minority chose Conrad of Schwarzenburg. Henry V declared for the latter; Pascal II for the former, but nevertheh^ss he granted Conrad the title of bishop.

l)rovided he jxTformed no episcopal office. In 1271 gnive dilTereuces broke out again in the chapter of To\il; after .seven years' vacancy the Holy See re- scinded the four elections ma<le by the chapter, and in 1278 Nicholas ill per.sonally apjiointed as bishop Con- rad of Tubingen. Thencefortli it was generally the Holy See which appointed the bisho|)s, alleging vari- ous reasons as the vacancies arose, hence the many Italian prelates who held this important see until 1552, when Toul was occupied by France. In 1,597 Charles 111, Duke of Lorraine, impatient of his dependence on a diocese henceforth French, aski'd Clement \TI1 for the dismemberment of the See of Toul and the creation of a see at Nancy; this failed through the opposition

of Arnaud d'Ossat, Henry's ambassador at Rome. Clement VIII, however, decided that Nancy was to have a primatial church and that its prelate would have the title of primate of Lorraine and wear episco- pal insignia, but should not exercLse episcopal juris- diction.

In 1777 and 1778 Toul lost territories out of which were formed two new dioceses: Saint-Die and Nancy, both of them suffragans of Trier. The Concordat of 1802, which su])prefS!:cd Toul. ina<ie Nancy the seat of a vast iliocese which includetl the three Departments of Meurthe, Meuse, and Vo.sges; the latter two were detached from Nancy in 1822 on the re-cstaljlishment of the Dioceses of Verdun and Saint-Diu. When France lost Alsace-Lorraine in 1871, Nancy lost the arrondissements of Sarrebourg and Ch5,teau-Salin3 which, having become German, were united with the Diocese of Metz. Nancy however annexed the ar- rondissement of Briey which remained PVench, and was detached from the Diocese of Metz (consistorial decrees of 10 and 14 July, 1874). Since 1824 the bishops of Nancy have borne the title of Bishops of Nancy and Toul, as the ancient Diocese of Toul is al- most entirely united with Nancy. It has had some illustrious bishops: Forbin-Janson (1824-44); Darboy (18.59-63); the future Cardinal Lavigerie (1863-67); and the future Cardinal Foulon (1867-82). Since 1165, whenever the Bishop of Toul officiated pontifi- cally, he wore an ornament called surhiimeral, or ra- tionale, a sort of pallium covered with precious stones, which decoration he alone of all the bishops of the Latin Church wore. A brief of 16 March, 1865, re-