Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 14.djvu/821

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ilS-20; DoMA8ZEW9Ki,GescAicWe der rSmischm Kaiser, II (Lcip- ..!►;, 1909), 12S-57; Merivalk, History of the Romans under the liminre (London, 1S50-G2), Ix. KleMENS LofFLER.

Tius (Tium), titular soe, suffragan of Claudiopolis 111 Honorias. Acconling to Strabo (542, 545) the i<nvn was not rouiarkable save ;ts the birthplace of I 'liilotnerus, founder of the royal dynasty of Pergamiis. I lif coins give Dionysius as the founder; in fact it was I lie site of a temple of Dionysius and one of Jupiter. I.r Quien (Oriens christ., I, 575) mentions among its lii-^hops: Apragmoni us at the Council of Ephesus in 1 !1 ; Andrew in 518; Eugenius in 536; Longinus at the Sixth General Council in 681; Michael at the Seventh I liTieral Council in 787; Constantine at the Eighth ' General Council in 869 and author of an account of I lie transfer of the relics of St. Euphemia of Chalce- ilnii (Acta SS., Sept., V, 274-83). This see figures in all the "Notitia^ episcopatuum". Novel .xxix of Jus- iinian locates the town in Paphlagonia. George I'achymerus (1,312) mentions Tium among the By- zantine towns which escaped the ravages of the Sel- juks in 1269. The modern village of Filias stands on the ruins of the ancient Tium, w'hich included the re- mains of ramparts and sculptures. The village is in the caza of Hamidye and the vilayet of Castaniouni, not far from the mouth of the Filias-Tchai,the Billipus.

Smith, Did. of Gr. and Rom. Geag.. s. v.; BouTKOwSKl, Re- cherches historiques sur la ville de Tium (Paris, 1864); MOller, ed. DiDOT, Notes on Geographi Grccci minores, I, 385; Cuinet, La Turguie d'Asie. IV (Paris, 1894), 537.

S. Vailh*.

Tivoli, Diocese of (Tibcrtina), in the Province of Rome. The city is situated where the Anio, issu- ing from the Sabine hills, leaps down from a height of nearly 300 feet and enters the Roman Campagna. The water power of the beautiful falls, which attract many tourists to the city, is utilized in various indus- tries and supplies the electric current that lights Rome. The slopes of the neighbouring hills are cov- ered with olives, vineyards, and gardens; the most important local industry is the manufacture of paper. The great cascade has existed only since 1835, when the Gregorian tunnel through Monte Catillo was com- pleted, to give an outlet to the waters of the Anio sufficient to preserve the city from inundation. The "Grotto of Neptune" and the "Cascatelle" are an- cient. There are ruins of two old temples, one of Her- cules Saxanus, commonly called "of the Sybil", the other of Tiburtus, both overlooking the great cascade. Near the Roman gate is the "Tempio della Tosse". Among the more important churches are the cathe- dral, the GesCi. S. Maria Maggiore, .and S. Maria degli Olivi, containing interesting fifteenth-century fres- coes; also S. .Maria di (^uintiliolo, built on the ruins of the villa of t^uintilius Varus. In the environs are many ruins of ancient villas, the largest being the famous construction of the Emperor Hadrian, which comprised a villa, portico, theatre, gardens, baths, library, etc., and covered 173 acres of ground. Many of the treasures of the Vatican Museum were dis- covered here. The most notable of the modern vilhus are the Villa d'Este, erected by Pirro Ligorio for Cardinal Ippolito d'Este (1.549), and decorated with frescoes by Zuccaro; at present it belongs to the Arch- duke Franz Ferdinand of Austria.

According to some of the ancient writers, Tivoli w.oa founded by the Siculi ; according to others, by a colony of Argives. It is first mentioneil in Roman historj' in 493, as included in the alliance against the Volscians, but in 361 it sided with the Gauls against Rome; though twice conquered, it shortly afterwards (339) allied itself with Praeneste (Pale.strina) ; for some time it was in the Confederation and in the Social War be- came a mnnicipium. It wa,s strongly fortified by Belisarius in the Gothic War, but almost destroyed by Totila in a. d. 340. After the Lombard invjusion it was in the power of the Byzantines and formed part of

the Patrimony of St. Peter. It had a count, repre- senting the emperor. In 916 Pope John X won a memorable victory there over the Saracens. In the Middle Ages it rebelled at times against the popes, under Henry IV and V, and against Innocent II; at other tunes it fought against the Roman rebels, as under Eugene III and Adrian IV. In the thirteenth century the Senate of Rome succeeded (under Inno- cent IV) in imposing a tribute on the city, and arro- gated to itself the right of appointing a count to gov- ern it in conjunction with the local consuls. In the fourteenth century it sided with the Guelphs and strongly supported Urban VI against Clement VII. Kmg Ladislaus w^as twice, and later Braccio da Mon- tone once, repulsed from the city. But its strength was undermined by internal factions, in consequence of which Pius II constructed the fortress which still exists. Alexander VI withdrew it from the jurisdic- tion of the Roman Senate. In 1527 it was sacked by bands of the supporters of the emperor and the Colonna, important archives being destroyed during the attack. In 1547 it was again occupied by the Duke of Alba in a war against Paul IV, and in 1744 by the Austrians.

Tivoli is the birthplace of St. Severinus (sixth cen- tury), of Popes St. Simplicius and John IX, also of the painter and musician Golia. The Church of Tivoli counts many martyrs, among them St. Getulius, St. Symphorosa with her seven sons, martyred in the days of Hadrian; at a later period a basilica was erected over the place of their martyrdom. Other martyrs were Vincentius, Majorius, and Generosus. The dea- con St. Cletus was later confounded with the pope of that name, really St. Anacletus. The first known bishop was Candidus (465); among his successors were: Gualterus (1000), under whom the fejistof St. Lawrence, patron of the city, was instituted; Otto (1148), during episcopacy Eugene IV died at TivoU; Giovanni da Gabenna O.P. (1337), who died in the odour of sanctity; Filippo de' Rufini, O.P. (1367), sent by the Romans to Gregory IX to induce him to return to Rome; Fra Lorenzo, ().M. (14.50), re- former of the clergy; Cardinal Giulio Roma (1634), restorer of the cathedral anil founder of the seminary; Cardinal Marcello di Saiitacroce (16.")2), who com- pleted the work of his predecessor; Gregorio Barnaba Chiaramonti (1782), afterwards Pius VII. The dio- cese is immediately subject to the Holy See. In the process of concentrating the Italian seminaries the course of theology at Tivoli was suppressed. There are: 42 parishes; 40,000 inhabitants; 69 .secular and 35 regular priests; 11 convents of male religious and 6 of sisters; 1 college for boys, and 1 for girls.

CiPPELLETTi, Le chicse d'Jlalia: Viola, Sloria di Tivoli (Rome, 1720); Bruzza, Reaeslo della chiesa di Ticoli (Rome, 1880).

U. Benigni.

Tlaxcala (Tlaxcalensis), a former diocese of the colony of New .Sjjain. It was the fifth es- tablished in the Americas by order of seniority; the secimd est:iblished in Mexico (the first in title being Yucatan); and the diocese of the colony of New Spain with an acting bishop. Fray .lulidn Carets, Dominican, nominated by Clement VII, at the re- quest of Charles V. At first Fray Garc(5s was only presented as Bishop of Yucatitn; the royal provision of Charles V reads: "We present you (Rev. Father Julirln Garc(s) to the Bishopric of Yuciitdn and Santa Maria de los Bemedins". but, as the territory dis- covered and ccnquered by Hernando Cortes became better known, Clement VII in the document sent to Bishop Garces in 1.525 says: "We gr.ant you and the bishops who .shall succeed you, that you call your- selves not bishops of Santa lilaria (de los Remedios or of Yucatdn) but 'TenuxtitlAn' and of other lands to be mentioned." This document denotes the new title of the bishop but does not determine it. Father Garc<s himself in his declaration enlightens us