Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 15.djvu/373

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"Die Erweckung des Lazarus" (1842); "Mater dolo- rosa" (1843); "Dip Heilung des Blindgeborenen " (1844); "Euoharistia" (lS4(i); "Die Saulon der Kirche" (1847); "iMisi-rii-oraia" (1848); "Politische Passionspredigten " (1S49); "Weltleben iind Christen-

and soon left for the studio of Pacheoo, whose school at Seville was the most frequented. Although one of the most tiresome of romanticizing painters, Pacheco was a cultured mind, appreciative of a genius opposed to his own. As a critic, poet, and man of the

turn" (1850); "Charitas" (1851); "Der Weg, die world, Pacheco was the centre of the first literary Wahrheit, und das Leben" (1854); "Prophetie und salon in the city, and from this society young Velaz-

Glaube" (1855) ; " Diesechs Fastensonntagenach ihren Kalendernanien " (1.S57); "Die Perikopen-Reihen der sechs Fastwochen"(lS58) ; "Die JMiichten des Unheils" (1859); "Die zwolf Stufenp.salmen" (1S(J2); "Die An- fiinge der Menschenwelt" (1863). Among his homi- lies are: "Homiletische Vortriige fiir die Sonn-und Festtage" (7 vols.); "HomiUenkranz fiir das katho-

qucz received an education through contact and conversation with superior men. Before he was twenty he had married Pacheco's daughter Dona Juana. Two daughters were born to him before 1622, when the young painter decided to seek his fortune at Madrid.

Here, through Canon Fonseca, a friend of his, who

lische Kirchenjahr" (5 vols.); "Vortrage (iber die held a post at Court, ho was enabled to visit the royal

sonntiiglischen Perikopen von Advent bis Pfingsten". Among his collections of homilies are to be found ser- mons on the feast days of the ecclesiastical year; he also published sermons of this class in 2 vols.: "Fest- predigten, zumeist in einer Doppelreihe". Of the sermons on special occasions may be named: "Die Chol- eraprodigt " (1S31); ami "Austrias Trau- er, Drei Reden bei den Exequien fiir Kai.ser Franz I"


Veith took pains to give his sermons an attractiv-e and tasteful form; their language is classic. In the third part of his "Erzilhlungen und Humoresken" he gives the de- lightful "Aphoris- men fiir Diener der

Christ in the House of Martha Vclazciuez, Natiiinal Gallfry

collections at the Alcazar, Prado, and especially the Escorial, with its matchless collection of Tintorettos and Titians. This was the sole benefit of his visit, and after some several months Velazquez returned to Seville. When Philip IV rai.sed the Sevilian Olivarez to power, Fonseca summoned V e 1 a z- quez back to Mad- rid, and he obtained pciinission to paint the king's portrait in the court of the rid- ing school. This portrait, now lost, was an event. Thenceforth Velaz- quez had the exclu- sive right to paint the person of the king. By a patent of 31 October, 1023, he was appointed painter of the cham- ber, with a salary of twenty ducats pay- appropriation for court surgeons

Kirche von einem Kirchendiener". He never made able out of th

use of the arts of secular orators to create a sensation; and barbers.

least of all did he wish to be a fashionable preacher. For years Velazquez' fortune lasted:

Veith's pulpit was always surrounded by those classes even the fall of Olivarez, in 1643, did not lessen the

of society which usually do not attend such services. Prie-sts, scholars, literary men, artists, and students came with eagerness to hear him proclaim the Word of God. In the summer of 1869 Veith received an English translation of his "Leidenswerkzeuge" from Theodore Noethen, parish priest at Albany, U. S. A., the work itself being published at Boston. He pub- lished three prayer-books: "Jesus meine Liebe", "Erkenntnis imd Liebe"; "Christus gestern, heute, und ewig". From 1S63 Veith was both blind and deaf. He could not preach any longer but he suc-

royal favour tow.ards Velaz(iuez, who rose one degree in ollicial fun<'tions with each year, becoming in turn gentleman of the bed-chamber, master of the ward- robe, and finally (1652) aposciitador, or quartermaster of the royal migrations. His life was now that of a functionary occupied with multifarious duties in a Court noted for the oddities of its protocol, and the strictness of its etiquette. This monotonous and somewhat empty existence was varied by sojourns at Aranjuez and gala excursions which entailed upon Velazquez serious cares and unpleasant tasks; only

ceeded in writing lectures on spiritual exercises for two joiu'neys to Italy, twenty years apart (1629,

publication, and supplemented and completed his books of meditations: " Denkbiichlein von Leiden Christi"; "Erkliirender Text zu Fiihrichs 15 Mys- terien des Rosenkranzes"; "Meditationen iiber den 118. Psalm"; "Hundert Psalmen"; "Der Leidensweg

1649), brought him a breath of fresh air, freedom, and relaxation. The artist, however, did not suffer in consequence of these conditions. He had solicited all these offices, and they brought him consideration and honour. At the end of a corridor at the Alcazar,

des Ilerrn"; " Die E^pistelreihe des Kirchenjahres in in a world of ministries and bureaux, he lived his own ihrem Verhiiltnisse zu den Evangelien"; also the life, which he has shown us in a picture by his son-in- posthumous work "Koheleth und Hoheslied". Veith law, Mazo, in a, bare, Arabian apartment, with

a rose in a glass shedtling its petals before a bust of the king. Philip, indeed, ahv,ays carried about with him a key to the studio of Velazquez, and went daily to spend .an hour there — to find a brief dislr.action from the sense of weariness which is exjjressed in his melancholy countenance. This intimacy was Velaz- quez' rom.ance; it lends a peculiar charm to the long series of portraits the painter made of his royal friend. This peculiar situation makes Vel.azr|uez a figure somewhat apart in the Spanish School. In an art

was buried m the ^Latzlem.sdorfer cemetery of Vienna. Ixiwr. Jiihann Emanuel Veilh (Vienna, 1879), with portrait; Idem, Der hunderlsie Jahrestag der Ceburl Johann Emanuel Ve-iths in Hei.fert'8 Oculerr. Jahrbuch, XI (Vienna, 1887), 171-81; Woi.FsaRL-BEH, Veilh als Homileliker; Swoboda, Erxter homi- letischer K urs (Vicaaa, 1911); Vortrdgeund Verhandlungen (Vienna, 1911). IL"J 4S. COLESTIN Woi.FSGRCBER.

Velazquez, Dieoo Rodriguez de Silva y, Spanish painter, b. at Seville 5 June, l.">99 (the certificate of baptism is dated 6 June); d. at Madrid, 7 August, 16tJ0. Ilis father, Juan Rodriguez, belonged to the

Portuguese family of Silva; the child took I he name of exclusively religious he alone is a lay painter, hismother,f'.('r(')iiiiiia\elazquez. Heentcred lliestudio he alone scarcely ever painted for convents and of the aged Herrcra, but could not stand his temper, churches; he alone had occasion to paint historical