Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 15.djvu/453

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the Revolution. Veuillot wrote several works en- tirely devoted to depicting the beauty of Christian doctrine and life and then he found the journal of which he stood in need, the "Univers", which had boon established some years previously and was still unknown and almost without financial resources. At this juncture friends of Vcuillol's in official positions offered him an enviable post. He had as yet acquired no fortune, being content to gain a livelihood and to his family, but he refused all the advantages offered him and became a Catholic journalist, resolved never to be anything else. The chief question then being discussed (1843-50) wa.s liberty of teaching, which was claimed by the Cathohcs headed by Mont- alciiihert. Transformed by the ardour and talent of \i-uillot, the "Univers" became the organ of the party ami contributed greatly to its ultimate success. But this struggle was long and impassioned. The un- believing Press and, in general, even that which claimed or imagined itself to be favourable to religion, pas- sionately opposed the Catholic journalist. The wide- spread prejudices would not suffer Catholics to dis- play daring, talent, or wit. These three qualities Veuillot possessed abundantly, and the use he made of them won him not only much renown and admiration but also inflexible hatred. In 1844 he was sentenced toa month's imprisonment for having in the" Univers" undertaken the defence of the Abbe Combalot, a preacher whom the Government had just condemned in connexion with the controversy concerning the university. Even among Catholics there was a party which always remained hostile to him. After the par- tial triumph of liberty of instruction (1850), Veuillot found him.self in conflict with his former friend Montalembert, with bishops (especially Mgr Dupan- loup), and other persons who reproached him with carrying doctrinal intransigentism too far and with defending religion with too great violence, though all he asked for the Church was mere liberty.

Under the Second Empire this double conflict con- tinued. Veuillot combated free-thinking, which as- sumed a philosophical character, and the liberal world, which sought, then, " to reconcile rehgion with modern ideas". In 18.59, during the war of Napoleon III with .-Vustria, Veuillot foresaw that this under- taking would result inevitably in the destruction of the temporal sovereignty of the pope, and he pointed out the dangers of the Napoleonic policy. Soon the "Univers" was suppressed by the Govermnent for having pubhshed the EncycHcal, "NuUis certe", in which Pius IX denounced the same dangers (29 Jan., 1860). Deprived of his journal Veuillot devoted himself to writing pamphlets and books which made a great stir. All were devoted to a single cause, religious truth. In 1867 he was once more able to publish the "Univers". The Bubjects which engaged him were of the utmost importance to France, Europe, and the world. They may be cl.i.ssified in three categories: the visible decline of the imperial r<5gime, the European conspiracy against the temporal power of the pope, the Vatican Coimcil and its preUminaries. The discussions were incessant. Veuillot withstood the opposition of ten journals. His adversaries included men of talent, such a-s Pr6vost-Parad()l, Gu(5roult, About, and many others who represented free-thinking, phi- lo.sophy, or the revolutionary policy known as Liberal, an<i during this time he was often also the object of attacks from Catholic sources.

This double conflict became still more acute prior to and during the session of the council. Numerous and prolonged discussion.s were sustained by Veuillot with the free-thinkers, who were extremely irritated by the announcement of the council, and with the Catholic opponents of the doctrine of infallibility. Several times in the course of the di.sjjutes entered into by the "Univers", Piux IX declared himself in

I.OUI8 Veuillot igrav-ing on stone by L<

favour of that journal which several bishops were attacking vigorously, while many others defended it. Veuillot refrained from allying himself with any polit- ical party. His rule of conduct formulated in 1842 was: "Avoid factions of all kinds; we belong only lo our Church and our country." He supported or opposed the successive Governments according to the manner in which they treated the Church. Hence, after having vigorously upheld the Second Empire he withdrew his support when Na- poleon III favoured the free-thinking or revolutionary ideas. In 1871 he supported Cointe de Chambord who wished to rest ore the Christian mon- archy.

\'euillot's work as a journalist is comprised in 12 volumes entitled, "Melanges reli- gieux, historiques, politiques et httc- raires". This col- lection represents the political and rehgious historj' of a period of forty years, many of the articles being masterpieces. This is acknowledged by the free-thinkers themselves, who recognize Veuillot not only as an incomparable jour- nalist but as one of the greatest writers of France. Since his death his reputation has continued to spread. In the free-thinking world, where formerly he was furi- ously attacked, his talent and character are now admired. Besides countless works as a journahst, he wrote also romances and poems, all inspired by a love of religious faith. Of his voluminous correspondence, an eminent critic, a skeptic, Ijut one always respectful towards religion, M. Jules Lemaitre, says that it is "With that of Voltaire — for what different reasons — the most extraordinary ever left by a man of letters". The same critic says again, "Among writers who count, Veuillot seems to me the best in the tradition of the language, while he is likewise one of the most free and individual. . . .1 do not hesitate to number him among the half-dozen very great prose wTiters of the century." Louis Veuillot's brother, Eugene Veuillot, intimately sharing his life, labours, and com- bats, himself a very brilliant polemist, and who until his death at the age of 87 (1905) continued to edit the "Univers", wrote an accoimt in three volumes of his brother's career and history.

The works of Louis \'euilIot comprise 58 volumes. They are: "Les Pelerinages de SuLsse" (2 vols., 1838); "Pierre Saintive" (1S39); "Rome et Lorrette" (1841); "Histoirettes et fantaisies" (1844-66); "Agnes de Lauwens: IM(;moircs de Soeur Saint-Louis" (1845); "L'honnete femme" (1844; 1908); "Les Fran^ais en Alg^rie" (1845); "Les libre penseurs" (1848; 1866); " L'esclave Vindex" ; "Lelendemaindela victoire"; " La legality"; (pamphlets, 1851; 1871); "La vie de la bienheureuse Germaine Cousin" (1854; 1909); "Le droit du seigneur au moyen-Age" (1854); "La guerre et I'homme de guerre" (1855); "Ck et La" (2 vols. 1859; 1874); "Le parfum de Rome" (2 vols., 1861; 1867); "Le fond de giboyer" (1863); "De quelques erreurs sur la papaute" (1859); "La Vie de Notre Seigneur Ji'sus-Christ" (1864; large illustrated edition, 1875); "Les odeurs de Paris" (1867); "Corbinet d'Auhecourt" (18.54; 1869); "Paris pendant les deux sieges" (2 vols., 1871); "Rome pen- dant le concile" (1876; from the Melanges); "Mol-