Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 15.djvu/602

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consulted by the British Ciovernment on the reform of the calendar and introduction of the "New Style", and was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of London, and the kindred societies of Paris, Berlin, and Bologna. From 1749 to 1753 he was Prior of St. Edmund's, Paris, and in 1754 was sent to Rome as procurator gen- eral of the Enghsh Benedictine Con- gregation. Two years later he was selected by Propaganda as coadjutor, with right of succes- sion, to Bishop York, Vicar Apo.s- tohc of the West- ern District; and was consecrated Bishop of Rama on 21 Dec, 1756. He administered the vicariate after the retirement of Bishop York in 1763, and suc- ceeded that prelate on his death in 1770. His energy and ability attracted to him an amount of attention seldom given to Catholic bishops in England in the eighteenth century. So much was this the case that during the "No Popery" riots of June, 1780, a post- chaise conveying four of the rioters, and bearing the insignia of the mob, drove the whole way from Lon- don to Bath, where Walmesley then resided. These men worked upon the people of Bath so much that the newly built Catholic chapel in St. James's Parade was burned to the ground, as well as the presbytery in Bell-Tree Lane; all the registers and diocesan archives, with Walinesley's private library and MSS., being destroyed.

In 1789, when the action of the "Catholic Com- mittee" threatened seriously to compromise the

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CirJRLi:s ft'AT.Mi:si i:r. Catholics, Walmesley called a synod of his colleagues, and a decree was i-ssued that the bishops of England "unanimously condemned the new form of oath intended for the Catholics, and declared it unlawful lo be taken". On \h Aug., 1790, Walnicsli>y consecrated Dr. John Carroll, the first Bishop of the United States of America, at lAilworth Castle, Dor.set- Bhire. Walmesley was buried at St. Joseph's Chapel,

Trenchard Street, Bristol. In 1906 the bodies there interred were removed, and the bishop's remains were translated to Downside Abbey and placed in a vault beneath the choir of the abbey church, so that, more than a century after his death, his body came into the charge of that community by whom he was educated nearly two hundred years ago. The sug- gestion was put forward that the bishops of the two hierarchies of America and England, of whom the large majority trace their spiritual descent to Bishop Walmesley, should erect a fitting monument over his grave. The proposal met with generous support, and a beautiful altar tomb with recumbent effigy in ala- baster from the designs of F. A. Walters, F.S.A., has now been erected on the Gospel side of the sanctu- ary. Waknesley's published works consist chiefly of treatises on astronomy and mathematics, but his "General History of the Christian Chm^ch . . . chiefly deduced from the ApocahTise of St. John the Apostle, by Signor Pastorini" (a pseudonym), went through nine or ten editions in Great Britain and five more were produced in America. Translations of the work also appeared in Latin, French, German, and Italian, and were several times reprinted. A number of his letters are in the archives of the Diocese of Clifton. Portraits exist at Downside, Clifton, and Lul worth.

Brady, Episcopal Succession, III (Rome, 1S77) ; Le Glat, Xo- tice sur C. Walmesley (Lille. 1858) : Ouver, Collections (London, 1857), 42!). 527; Butler, Historical Memoirs of Bnt/lish . . . Catholics (4 vols., London, 1822): Burton, Life and Times of Bishop Vhalloner (2 vols., London, 1909): Ward, Dawn of Che Catholic Revival (2 vola., London, 1909): The Rambler, VII.

G. Roger Hudleston.

Walpole, Henkt, Vener.vble, English Jesuit martyr, bom at Docking, Norfolk, 1558; martjTed at York, 7 .April, 1595. He was the eldest son of Chris- topher Walpole, bj' Margery, heiress of Richard Beck- ham of Narford, and was educated at Norw-ich School, Peterhouse, Cambridge, and Gray's Inn. Converted by the death of Blessed Edmund Campion, he went by way of Rouen and Paris, to Reims, where he ar- rived, 7 July, 1582. On 28 April, 1583, he was ad- mitted into the Enghsh College, Rome, and in October received minor orders. On 2 Februar>', 1584, he became a probationer of the Society, and soon after went to France, where he continued his studies, chiefly at Pont-a-Mousson. He was ordained subdeacon and deacon at Metz, and priest at Paris, 17 Dec, 1588. After acting as chaplain to the Span- ish forces in the Netherlands, suffering imprisonment by the English at Flushing in 1589, and being moved about to Brussels, Tournai, Bruges, and Spain, he was at last sent on the mission in 1590. He was arrested 7 December, at Kilham, Yorkshire, two days after lauding at Flamborough, and imprisoned at York. The following February he was sent to the Tower, where he was frequently and severely racked. He remained there until, in the spring of 1595, he was sent back to York for trial. With him suffered .Alex- ander Rawlins, of the Diocese of Gloucester. .After being twice imprisoned at Newgate for religion in 1586, Rawlins arrived at Reims, 23 Dec, 1589; he was ordained subdeacon at Laon, 23 September, 15S9, (leacon and jiriest at Soissons, 17 and IS March, l.")',i() w:i~i sent (Ml till- mission the following 9 April,

i,hl luuh-A at Wlilll.v.

S, . . l..r \\ .lii^li .1) " rr. One Generation of a Norfolk House (X.jruuh 1.S7M; lui.M, Diet. Nat. Biog,, s. v.: Pollen, English Martyrs I'ssi-lOOS in Cath. Rec. Soc. Publ. (London. 190S). For Rawlins: Challoner, Missionary Priests, I. nn. 90 and 108; Knox. Douay Diaries (London, 1878); Cath. Rec. Soc. Publ., II, 261, 264, 267.

John B. Wainewright.

Walsh, Edw.ird, Irish poet, b. at Derry in 1805; d. at Cork, 6 .\ugiist, 1S.")0. When little more than a boy he showed great intellectual gifts, and in 1830 w:is "private tutor in County Cork. He was for a time teacher of a school at Mitlstreet, whence, in