Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 15.djvu/837

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he Kingdom of Civola. This glowing description of he region led to the expedition of de Coronado q. \'.) in 1540, the httle army being accompanied by •Vay Juan de Padilla.

Coronado, after storming Hawikuh, discovered that ^ray Marcos had been misled by the reports of the ndians, and that Civola 's rich cities were only seven )rdinary Indian purblos, none containing over 500 louses. In 1598 Fray Andres Corchado was sent to )reach to the Zuni and the neighbouring tribes. The irst permanent mi.ssion among the former was begun it Hawikuh in lt)29 by the Franciscans. On 22 'Vbruary, Hy.i2, Fray Francisco Letrado, and, five lays later. Fray Martin de Arvide were martyred bj' he Zuni. When the Apache attacked Hawikuh on ' August, 1070, and destroyed the Zuiii church, an- ither Franciscan, Fray Padro de Avila y Ayala,

ained a martjT's crown. In 1680 the Zuni joined

n the Pueblo rising, killed their missionary, nd fled, as they usually did when stricken with fear, o their fortress of Taaiyalone. The mission was ontinued until the nineteenth century, when it de- ayed from a want of priests and resoiu-ces.

Recently, imder the care of the United States Government, the Zuni, who now number about 1640 ouls, are becoming civihzed, and have learned to peak English. Catholic missionaries are again I'orking among them. Of the twenty-two Zuni meblos mentioned in historical times only Nutria, )jo Caliente, Pescado, and Zuni are still in existence, rhe Zuni were the first of the Pueblo tribes met by the Ipaniards, and have changed but httle in character ince that time. They were in general peaceful inless much provoked, tenacious of their traditional iraetices and beliefs, intellectual and serious, yet at imcs very witty. They featui-es are clear cut, noses quihne, and Ups thin; contrary to most of the 'ucblo tribes very many of them are long-headed. Obinos, with Ught golden hair and pink-gray or blue yes, arc not unfrequently met among them.

The term Pueblo Indians (so called from the Ipanish puchio, a village) was ajiplied to denote those ndian tribes living permanently in groups of adobe ir stone houses, in Arizona, New Mexico, and the djoining part of Mexico, and in prehistoric times n Utah and Colorado. It now includes 5 tribes of Ceresan, 6 of Shoshonean, 15 of Tanoan stock, and he Zuni. The first great exploration of the Pueblo ountry was by de Coronado in 1.540-2. In 1.581 'rancisco Stochez Chamuscado and three Francis- ans, Augustin Rodriguez, Francisco Loi)ez, and Juan ,e Santa Maria, were slain by theTigua Indians near he Rio Grande. Seventeen years later Juan de )riate visited this region, and, dividing it up into istricts, had each district entrusted to the care of a lissionarj', thus definitively bringing the Pueblo into ontact with civihzation; but the scarcity of priests vailable retarded the spread of Christian truth. In 630, in answer to an appeal, thirty more Franciscans ame to the mission and worked with great success, ntil August, 1680, when disputes having arisen be- sveen the ci%'il and ecclesiastical authorities, the In- ians broke into rebellion, destroyed the missions and lie rehgious archives, and murdered twenty-one of the hirty-three Franciscans as well as several hundred olonists. Again in 1696 an insurrection occurred and Dme more of the friars lost their fives, but since hen the Indians have in general remained tranquil, hough in 1847 Governor Bent was murdered by the 'aos, incited by Mexicans; on the other hand the ufli in particular have been very friendly and faith - j| to the Americans, supporting them in the Mexican rar.

In the northern part of the Pueblo region the village

wellings were generally constructed of sandstone or

iva blocks; in the southern most of the were

f adobe. The houses w'cre generally several stories

XV.— 49

high, with ladders or steps on the out.side, the roof of one story serving as a kind of veranda for the story above. The ground floor, evidently for reasons of defence, had no door, entrance being made by means of movable ladders. The hous<'S were owned and built by the women, the men sup])lying the materials. The pottery and weaving of the Pueblo Indians are the finest in the present territory of the United States; while the basket work of the Hopi in jxirticular is highly esteemed. The northern Pueblo were adept agriculturists, and made use of a system of irriga- tion. Corn and cotton were extensively grown. At present, beans, chile, melons, and pumpkins are care- fully cultivated. Fish is ne\-cr eaten, and there are few domesticated animals except the turkey and dog. The Pueblo men usually wore a jacket and trowsers of deerskin, though now they use woollens; the women wear a cotton shirt and a woollen blanket passing over the right and vmder the left shoulder, and caught at the waist with a long coloured sash.

Each tribe is formed of a certain number of clans, descent being through the maternal line; formerly the clan was presided over by a priest. The Zuiii had many secret societies deahng with agriculture, magic, refigion, war, etc. These societies could be entered only after severe ordeals had been successfully borne. As part of an initiation ceremony among this tribe chosen men clad only in the breech-cloth had to walk to a lake forty-five miles distant, under the blazing sun, to deposit a plume-stick and pray for rain; while one of the trials to be undergone by a candidate for admission to the priesthood of the Bow, was to sit unclad for hours on a large ant-hill. The rituals of the Pueblo contain many prayers; thus the Zuni have prayers for food, health, and rain. Prayer-sticks, that is sticks with feathers attached as supplicatory offerings to the spirits, were largely used by the Pueblo. These sticks are usually made of Cottonwood, about seven inches long, and vary in shape, colour, and thefeatherattached, according to the nature of the petitions, and the person praying. The stick is intended to represent the god to whom the feathers convey the prayers that are breathed into the spirit of the plumes. The Hopi had a special prayer- stick to which a small bag of sacred meal was attached. Green and blue prayer-sticks are often found in the Pueblo graves and especially in the ceremonial graves of Arizona. Polygamy among the Indians is un- known; the woman is the more important element in married life; she has the power to divorce the husband for trifling reasons, and he then returns to his parents' home, the children, if any, belonging to the mother. In former times the government was in the hands of the Indian priests; since the Spanish conquest, however, purely civil affairs are controlled by an elected body. The population of the Pueblo remained practically stationary for the last hundred years. New Mexico containing about 8400 inhabitants in the year 1887.

Hodge in Handbook of American Indiana, II (Washington, 1910), 8. V. V. Pueblos, Tiffita, Zuni; Hough, Ibidem, g. v. Prayer sticks; Johnson, Pioneer Spaniards in North America (Boston, 1903): B.vNDEUER, Discovery of New Mexico by Fray Marcos of Nizza in Magazine of Western History (Cleveland, 1886); Idem, Documentary History of the Zufii tribe in Journal of Amer. Ethnol. and Archa-ol., Ill (Beaton, 1S92); CcsniNQ, Zutli Creation Myths n ISth Ann. Rcpt. of U. S. Bureau of Ethnology (Wasliington, 892), .321-447; Idem, A Study of Pueblo pottery as illustrative of Zufii culture in 4lh Ann. Kept, of U. S. Bureau of Blhnologt/ (Wash- ington, 1886), 467-521; Idem, Zufii Fetiches (Washington, 188.3); SiTOREAVES, Rept. of an Expedition down the Zufii and Colorado Rivers (Washington, 1854); .Stevenson, Zuni ancestra gods and masks in American Anthropologist, V (Washington, 1898), 33-40; Idem, Zuni Indians (Washington, 1905); Fewkes. A few Summer ceremonies at Zuni Pueblo in Journal of Amer. Ethnol. and Arch- ceol., I (Boston. 1891); CrsHiNG, Zuni Folk Tales (1901): Krause, Die Pueblo- Indianer in .-ihhandl. Kais. Cop.-caroL deutsche Akad. d. Nnturforschcr., I.XXXVII (Halle, 1907), 1-226; Fewkes. Tuscayan Katcinas in loth Ann. Rept. of U. S. Bureau of Ethnology (Washington, 1894), 245-313.

A. A. MacErlean.