Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 15.djvu/857

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Lublin, Diocese of, 403b, for united diets read Union's Diet; 404a, before (St. Petersburg, 1869) insert ed. Kojalowitsch

Lucca, Archdiocese of, 405b, Jot Ammarati read Ainraanati

Lucerne, 406d, for Each newly elected Abbot of Mur- bach had to promise fidelity to the law of Lucerne read To each ncwly-electcd Abbot of Murbach the citizens of Lucerne had to promise fidelity; 407a, for 1228 read 132S; 407b, for Kreiuz read Krieus; 407c, for Bonnwalde read Bonnwald; /or The latter read The city; 409b, for in Hof ozu read im Hof zu

Lucie, John, 409d, for Trojir read Trogir; 410a, for f) vols, read 1 vol.

Lucius n, Pope, 412b, for Pierleoni read Pierlone

Lucius m, Pope, 412d, for Volkmar read Rudolf

Lueger, K.\rl, 417a, before moral insert and

Luminare, 430d, for mansionen read mansionem; 43 la, for A. SS. read Acta SS.

Luirnni Indians, 431c, omit (See Tulalip.)

Luna, Pkdro de, 432a, for Province of Aragon read Kinfcdom of Aragon; 432c, for Boucicout read Boucioaut

Luscinius, Ottmar, 437b, for Wimppheling read Wimpheling

Luther, Martin, 438c, transpose reference Am. Cath. t^uart 415-2.5 to precede in explanation

Luxemburg, 4G6b, after Catholic Church insert The throne has now passed to the Grand Duchess Mary Adelaide, who upon the attainment of her majority, 18 July, 1912, assumed the reins of government

Luxeuil, Abbev op, 467d, for empire read kingdom; for wesU-rn Gaul read Eastern Gaul; 46Sa, for Trban Butler read R. Urban Butler

Lyons, .\rchdiocese of, 472b, for Asiastic read Asiatic; 472c, for c. 433-.50 read c. 435-50; for 45ti-9S read 451-90; for 491-94 read 491-93; 472d, for 438 read 538; for 549-542 read 549-552; 473a, /or Ciutad, FriuU read Ciutad of Friuli; 473b, for 1302 read 1032; /or this letter read this primacy; 473d, for Seize read Seize; 474c, after siecles insert Cardinal Caverot (1876-87); Cardinal Foulon (1887-93). The present archbishop is Cardinal Coullie; 474d, for Baldmor read Baldomer; 475a, for Grimalains read Grimlaicus; /or beyond a doubt read probably ; /or occurred, the feast read occurred, the jubilee; 476a, after Nile insert 1885; /or has two read had two; 476b, for Vemieres read Verri^res; 476c, for also sends read sending; for Condamine read Condamin

Maasen, Friedrich Bernard Christian, 479b, for Gewissenfreiheit read Gewissens-freiheit ; for Fed- orali.smus read Fa'deralismus

Macao, Diocese of, 4Slb, for Macaoensis read Macaonensis; 4Slc, for de CJuia read da Guia; 482a, for 120 ecclesiastics read 200 pupils, of whom about 100 are ecclesiastics

Macarius, Saint, 482c, /or 212-34 read 312-34

McCloskey, John, 48.5d, for fourth Bishop read fifth Bishop; 487b, for Second and Third read First and Second; 488b, after Trenton insert The New Eng- land sees were made a separate province in 1875

Macedonia, 492a. omit Roman Empire; /or Saloniki


Macerata and Tolentino, 492a, after restored it omit and in 1290 established there a university renewed by Paul III in 1540; this pope; 492b, after univer- sity insert instituted in 1540 by Paul III

Machabees, The, 494c, for Biiccides read Bacchides

Machiavelli, Nicol6, 501d, /or Decennati read Decen- nali

McMahon, Marie-Edm^, .505a, for Palikab read


McMaster, James Alphonsus, 506c, for Of his three children . . . Child read Of his four children, a son and three daughters, the latter became nuns,

two Carmelites and the other a Sister of the Holy Child Jesus

Madema, Carlo, 513b, after Paris insert 1S30

Madianites, 514a, for Keilenschriften read Keilin- schriften; 514c, for Hawoit&te read Hawcitdt

Maedoc, Saint, 520c, for Brentrocht in Leinster read Brant ry, Co. Wexford

Magdala, 523b, for St. Jerome . . . Peregrinorum read Eusebius and St. Jerome (Onomasticon) sup- pose the place to be in the north of Dor (Tanturah) on the sea-coast, identifying it perhaps with Athlit (Castellum Peregrinorum)

Magdeburg, 524d, for Falkenburg read Falkenberg; 525a, /or "Weltgeschichte Plug" ed. by von Hart- tung read "Weltgeschichte" ed. Pflug-Harttung; 525c, for Otto II read Otto IV; 526a, for 1885-1886 read 1800-17

Mai, Angelo, 538b, for "In Clodium" and "In Curionem" read "In Clodium et Curionem"; for 182.5-38 read 1828-38

Mailla, Joseph, 539a, for MaiUac on the Isere read Mailla, near Nantua (Ain); for Morocco read Macao; /or Ferret read Feret; for Tongkiere-kang- mou read Tong-kiln-kang-mou

Maillard, Antoine-Simon, 539b, for Antoine-Simon read Pierre

Mainz, 551a, for Oppertshafen read Oppert.shofen; 551b, after Salzburg insert and cardinal; 5.52a, for Hausenstamm read Heusenstamm; 5.52c, after Theodore von Dalbcrg omit q. v.; 5.53a, for Mon- gang read Moufang; 553b, after Dominicanesses insert at Wimpfen

Majunke, Paul, 557d, omit and from 1869 to 1870 was editor of the "Kolnische Zeitung"

Malabar, 558a, for The Cochin State, . . . approxi- mate read Malabar in its widest, as com- prising the two native states of Cochin and Travan- core, is covered by the padroado Diocese of Cochin, the Archdiocese of Verapoly, the Diocese of Quilon and the three "Syrian" vicariates (now divided into four); but the ecclesiastical divisions are inde- pendent of the civil boundaries

Malabar Rites, .560c, for 1.540 read 1640; .561b, for succeeded in read succeeded only in; 562c, for I. R. P. read T. R. P.

Maldonado, Juan, 567d, for Goudy read Gondy

Malebranche, Nicolas, .568b, for Oratory of St. Philip Neri read French Congregation of the Oratory

Malta, 574c, for Comine rea<i Comino; 574d, 6f/ore returned insert were

Mamertus, Saint, 5S0c,/or SS., II, read SS., M.ay, II

Mangalore, Diocese of, .589b, after 189.5-1910 omit (see vacant) and insert Paul Perini, S.J., 1910-

Manning, Henry Edward, 605a, after debating insert society; tiOOd, for At the instigation read on the resignation; 60Sb, after prisoner add in hia own ho\isr; (iOSc, for Hemener's read Hemner's

Manual Masses, 614a, omit cross-reference

Manuscripts, Illuminated, 620d, for Abousir read Aboukir; f)22c, for Nazienzus read Nazianzus

Maphrian, 635c, /or Ahudenunch read .\hudemmeh

Marca, Pierre de, G37c, for Tarizey read Tamzey; nfler jioslhuma; insert (Paris, 1669)

MaJ-cellinus, Saint, Pope, 638a, for letter read letters

Marcello, Ben-edetto, 640b, for 1696; . . . read 10S6;

March!, Giuseppe, 644a, for Tessieni read Tessieri

Mariana, Archdiocese of, 660c, for Pimento read Piraenta

Marie de I'lncamation, Blessed, 667d, for Merillac read Marill.ic; for Mile de read Mme de

Marienberg, 668e, for read Vintschgau

Maronites, (iS3c, for 300,000 read 450,000; for 230,000 rrod .S50,()00; for vilavet read mutsarrifat; for Tahk' read Zahlehi^; 683d, for d'Hautpoult read d'llautpoul; 684a, after Porte omit the Maronites