Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/121

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204d: as canonist IX-67d: on consanguimty IV-265a: elec- tion I-2S0b; European policy I-2S6C; and Greek Church VI-765d; and Guibert of Ravenna VII-63b; and Hilde- brand VI-792b; at Lucca IX- 405a; at Milan XI-55c; at Monte Cassino X-527d; and Moiarabic Rite X-612a; XIV- ISOd: and ordeals XI-27Sb; reforms I-286b; Regesta XII- 716b: and Trinitv. feast XV- 5Sb; and William the Con- queror XV~ti4;ib

ALEXANDER FV iBANDINELLI, ORLANDO), i'ope I-2S7a; XII-274a; on baptism II-262d; on Bartholomew of Exeter Xlll-lllb; and Boso II-698a; at Bourges II-720c; burial I- 287c; on canonizations II-366a; XII-I79a; and Cathari III- 435d; and Centuriators III- S35c;atChartresIII-636a; and Cistercians XIV— 454b; at Cler- mont IV-54C; and Cruciferi IV-537b: decretist IX-62d; at D6ols II-720d; on deposition IV-738a: on droit de regale XII-713a; on education XIII- 556c: election I-287a; and England XIII-717c; and Etherianus V-ooOa; founda- tion VII-288b; and Frederic I I-158C; 2S7b; 449a; III-702b; 743c; VI-254b; 492a; and Geoffrey of Clairvaux VI- 427c; and Saint Germain XI- 482d; and Golden Rose VI- 629d; and Guelphs XIII-412c; and Henry II of England I- 287b: 802d; II-162d; and heretics VIII-2Sb: and Saint Hildegard VII-352d; on Jesus Christ I-151b; and Jews VIII- 393b; and John of Salisbury III-635C: Lateran Council, Third I-287c; 312d; IX-17b; and Laudabiliter I-158d; on legacies IX-116d; and Le Puy IX-1S6C; Licet de vitand& III-33Ga; on mar- riage, clandestine IV-lc; on marriage, dissolution V-59c; 62a; on papal elections XI— 457a; at Paris XI-482C; 485a; on property, ecclesiastical IX- 117c; XII-471C; and Portugal XII-29SC; and Prester John XII-400d; Regesta XII-716b; Reims, synod XII-730b: and Roger, Bishop of Worcester Xlll-lUb: Saint Vincent's restored VI-473d: at Sens XIII-717C; and Sept Fons Abbey XIII-720d; and Tal- laght XVI-77b; and Saint Thomas Becket I-802d; V- 436d; XIV-678a; at Tours XV-4a; on usury XV-236a; Vatican XV-276d; and Vau- dois XIV-037b; Venetian le- gend I-2S7b; at Veroli XV- 359c; and William of Ebelholt XV-632d; writings I-287d

—IV (CONTI, RINALDO OF, RAYNALD OF SEGNI), Pope I-287d; XII-274b; and Alfonso the Wise XIII-740b; and Annibaldi I-5-lOc; arms fill.) I-288a: and Augustinians VII- 280d; 281b; XII-752a: XIII- 736b; XV-644d; and Bernard of Botone II-498C: and cardi- nals III-335b; and Saint Clare IV-6b; on consecration XIII— 413a; on disputations V-34b; Dominicans XII-355d: 3.56a: 368Ab; 368Dc: and England I- 288a: and Franciscans I-28,Sb; III-341b: and Germany I- 288a: and Gregory IX VI- 798b; and Hugh of Saint Cher XII-359b: and Inquisition VIII-32b: and Joachists VIII- 407b: and La^arists IX-97a: and Lubeck privileges IX- 401b; and ^Iendicant^ II- 649b; X-18-lb; at Ostia XI- 346d; on P,iri3 University XH97a: on Salamanca I'ni- versity XIII-392d; and .Selbv Abbey XII-232c; and Scrvitea XIII- 5 12a; and .Sorbonne XIV-150b; at Velleiri XI-

346d; and William of Saint Amour I-264b; XIV-0G5a; XV-637d; and witchcraft XV- C75d

-V (FILARGO; PHILARGI, PIETRO; PETER OF CAN- DIAi, I'op,- I L'ssb: IX-7_',-,b; XII Tlld: i;74b: .)n A.iuil.ia I-IJli2b; arms nil.) I-2f>Sc; and Dietrich von Nieheim IV- 7S9d; election I-2S9a: XII- 113d; H4a; epithet V-74d; and Germany VI— 496b; and Leipzig University IX-139b; 140c; at Milan X-301a; at Novaro XI-135a; and papal schism XV-145d; at Pavia XI-594b; at Piacenza XII- 70d: and Pisa, council XII- lUd: XIII-413C; and Poggio Bracciolini XII-177d; por- trait I-28Sd; Scotist XIII- 612b; and Simon of Crainaud XIII-799a; and WvclifEsm VII-5S5a

-VI (BORGIA, RODRIGO), Pope I-289b: XII-274c: 7G6c; and Aberdeen University II- 610a; at .\lbano I-256b; and Alcald University 1-27 lb; and Annius of Viterbo I-541a; and Annunciades I-543b; Apostolic sacristan XIII-748b; Appart>- amento Borgia XV-284a; arms (ill.) I-289b: and Augustinians VII-284C: and Ariz, Knights of II-162C; and Bohemian Brethren II-617b; and Bra- mante II-73GC; and Briconnet II-799d: and Bull, Bernard 1-114; III-lOc; Bvzantine pol- icv VI-770a; and Carafia XIII-291b; as cardinal I- 289b; and Carvajal, Bernar- dino L6pez de III-393b: on censorship of books III— 521b; XIII-143a; and Charles VIII I-291a: IV-555b: and Christ. Knights of III-698d; and Cistercians III-783a; and Columba of Rieti IV-121d: coronation I-289d: death I- 293a; Demarcation, Bull of I- 290b; II-748b: IX-7.5d: X- 261d; XI-155b; XII-t89c; election I-2S9c; 294c; _and Ferdinand of -dragon I-272b; French policy I-291d; foreign policy I-290b: and Friars Alinor VI-2S.5C; Hadrian's tomb restored XIII-170b; and Holy Sepulchre, Order of IV- 669a: on Immaculate Concep- tion XV-661b; immorality XII-766d; and Italian barons I-292C: and Ivan the Great XIII-246a; and Jews VIII- 396a; jubilee indulgence XIV- .539c: and Julius II VIII- 562c: Maffei on IX-.522c; military operations I-29Ic; on Mirandola III-521b; nepo- tism I-290c; and Pius III XII-128d: and Pinturicchio XII-104a: pontificate XIV- 264b: at Porto XII-290d; por- trait I-292a; XV-284d; and Quimper cathedral XII-6I2b; and Roman University XIII- 177d: 178b; in Rome I-290a: 29.ia: and Savonarola XIII- 491b: 491c; and Signatura XIII-149a: and Spanish sov- ereigns VIII-177d; XIV-183b: and Subiaco XIV-321d; and Tivoli XIV-747C: tomb III- 512c; XIII-37.3a; Vatican XV- 27Sc: Vatican librari- XV- 29fia; and Vergil XV-353C

-Vn (CHIGI, FABIOl, Pope I- 294b;XII-274c: Xin-402c:on abstinence Ul'.vc: and acolytes, college of I-ll)7d; Ad Sacram XII-37.5d; Alexandrian Libra- r\- Xni-17Sb; and Allatius I- 318a: and Altieri IV-29a; and Amelole I-407a; arms (ill.) I- 294b: on attrition II-fi6b: and Augustinus I-128a; on Beati II-.59Sa; and Bollandists II- 632d; 6.3.3c; and Bona II-645d; and Bonalists II-647a: and canons regular III-29.5a; and Canranica College XIII-132a; and Casanata IIt-396d: Chair of Peter III-437d; III-5.53d:

chaplains III-5Slb; and Chigi XIII-378C: Chinese calendar XIII-522a; Chinese rites III- 671d; X-557a: Xni-3Sb; and Christina III -i^'-. r- =. •, j ,,,-, III-783b; 7^ M Mil - '!. > Crutched I r , i , lion (165.51 Ml . ■,. , :..: ,- larv I-294d; llH.j^c. Irench policy I-294C: Golden Hoses VI-629C; and Grimaldi, Gio- vanni Francesco VII-35b; and Hospitallers of St. Joseph VII- 477c; and Immaculate Con- ception VII-680C; and Imola VII-693C; Index III-522d; Inter cateras V-689d; XII- 387a: Jansenism I-12Sa: 743a; VIII-289a; and Jesuits III- 671d: and laxism XII-442c: and Lazarists XII-7o7d: on litany IX-290b; and Lorraine, Claude de IX-361d: and Louis XIV IX-373c; XII-7n7d; and Lu- pus, Christian IX-43Gd: and Marca, Pierre de I.X-G37b; and Marat ta. Carlo IX-G36d; Marcus Aurelius, arch XIII- 176a; Master of the Sacred Palace, regulation concerning X-40b; Molo, medals of X- 443b; monasteries 1 1 1-4 58c: monument XIII-372c; in Nar- do X-704a: nepotism I- 294c; and Pallaricino XI-427b; Pascal XII-442b; and Pavil- ion, Nicolas XI-594C: Piarists XIII-588b: portrait I-29.5a; on prelatures, real, XII-3S7a; Probabiliorism XII-442C: and Probabilism XII-368Ga; XIV- 609d; propositions, condemned V-688c: and Rospigliosi IV- 28b; Scala Regia, erection of XV-298C: 766a: Siam, Vicar- iate of XIII-766a: and Simeon IV III-.->GOa; and Society of Jesus XIV-Soc: Spiritual Ex- ercises XIV-228d: and theol- ogy, moral II-304b: and ■Thomas of Villanova, Saint XIV-696d; tomb Il-olOd; Ur- ban College Xni-1.34c: Vat- ican Library XV-2<16d

— Vin (OTTOBONI, PIETRO), Pope I-295b: XII-274C; and Adami d:i Bolsona I-13.5a; arms (ill.) I-2'.i.-.b: and Bailey Il-2llc,b: an.l Hianchini. Fran- cesco II-r,41b: li;«hr,prirs XII- 304a; elcclir.r, II 7:;-.h: and Jansenism 1--, \l\ 7i,7h: and Leopold l\ :l.i liK. - of Queen Chri^iu, , ,.-,uii I W- 296d: and Luui, Xl\ \ I-.;.',4d: IX-374b: monument XIII- 372c; XI-206a; and O'Daly, Daniel XI-20Ga; Piarists XIII- 588c; and Polignac XII-212C; in Porto XII-290d: proposi- tions, condemned V-68SC; on redemption VI-699C; Roman Vacabili rcvf-nuc Xni-Iida;

inSabinaXIII -"". I -rar-

latti XIII-:.I .1 M i i.l.ilo- sophical XI \ -b ii liius

XII-i42b: tl.,:.,ir.- .\1\ ..1,1b; Vatican library X V-290d : 297a

— Byzantine emperor III-107d

—I, of Epirus IV-403a; Sinon- tum IX;-5S8c; Taranto XlV- 450d

— Grand-duke of Lithuania IX- 293b

—I, King of Poland XII-lS4c; Golden Rose VI-630C

—I, Tsar of Russia XIII-24Sd; and Catholics XIII-257b; con- cordat XV-555d: crowned XII- 187c: and HaQy VII-153a; Holy Alliance VII-398b; Jews, treatment of VIII-398C; and de Maistre IX-554C; Napoleon X-691b; and peasants XIII- 2.3Sb: and Pius VII XV-iJ55d; portrait XII-74d; Rumanian Church XIII-37.5d: St. Alex- ander's Chtirch XV-556d; St. Paul without the Walls, gift of XIII-369C: Tira.spol XIV- 739b; universities XIII-241b; and Warsaw XII-187b; XV- 5.56d

—11, Tsar of Russia XIII-249d; XVI-5.3a:and Catholics XIII- 2.5Sc; and education XIII-241b;

Jens, treatment of VIII-398C; and Leo XIII IX-171a: memo- rial X-.595c: .(ill.) X-593b; Nihilists XI-75d: Paris, Treaty -■ \ 7()(tc; serfdom, abolition ^1(1 J :sb; and Tischendorf I 1: Uniats X-429a: me-

- :i I X-.595C; (ill.) X-59.3b —III, iaar of Russia Xin-250c; and Catholics XIII-259a; and Jews VIII-398C; and Leo XIII IX-171a — I, King of Scotland XIII-615b; ecclesiastical changes V-193d; and Honorius IIlI-500a; mo- nastic foundation III-291c; XIII-332b — n, liing of Scotland XIII-

616b; foundation V-2S6a — m. King of Scotland, mar- riage VIII-328d; foundations XII-171a: XIII-616C — rson of Anthony, and the Ke-

lendres inscription I-40a —Prince of Servia XIII-734d;

735a — Duke of Wurtemberg X V-716d — Saint, martyr, Csesarea XI-

709d — Saint, martjT, Drusipara V-

166a — Saint, martyr, Marcianopolis

IX-645d • — Saint, mart\T, Rome VI-28b — son of Anthony I-JOa — Dominican, emba-ssy to China

III-670a ALEXANDER, Kphesian apostate

I-2s.".a: lll-.a.'Sla ALEXANDER, Ephesian copper- smith I-287>a — Gnostic VI-598d — monk, church historian VII-

425c — Montanist X-522b —false prophet VIII-93b —son of Herod VII-290a; IX-

49.5c ALEXANDER, Jewish councillor

I-2S.5a; I-.537a ALEXANDER, St. Paul, defender

of I-2S.5a ALEXANDER, son of Simon of

Cvrenc I-285a: IX-676C —SAINT, Patriarch of Alexan- dria I-29Gb; 301b; and Alex- ander of Byzantium I-285b; and Arius I-708d; 718d; II- 37a; and Athanasius, St. II- 35d: council XI-44b: encyclical V-623c; and Eusebius of Ca;- sarea V-619b; 621d; and Mele- tiu5V-35.5c; X-164C; and Orig- en XI-308C —Saint, Bishop of Brusa III-21a — Bishop of Ciesarea IV-46c —Bishop of Colophon IV-129a —SAINT, Bishop of Comana I-

295d; IV-151b: V-llc — SAINT, Bishop of Constanti- nople I-2S5b: IV-302C —Bishop of Corvdallus IV-402C —Saint, Bishop of Fermo VI-44b —Saint, Bishop of Ficsoli- VI-70b —Saint, Bi-liop of Forli XV-419b —Abbot of Gonion I-10.5C ; founds

Acffimcta; I-lOSb; XIl-750b — SAINT, BLshop of Jerusalem I- 295d; 285c; VII-425c; VIII- 35Gc; IX-228c:and Demetrius, Saint IV-706d; at Flavius VI- 99b: and Origen XI-306d; 308a • — Patriarch of Jerusalem VIII-

361d — Bishop of Kamenetz IX-465b —Bishop of Lincoln ^'-133c; IX- 267a: and Gilbertines VI-556b; and Ncwhouse Abbey X-789d —Bishop of Lycopolis IX-468b — Bishop of Magnesia IX-533C — Administrator of Merseburg

XIII-.500a — Bishop of Pisa XII-lllc — Bishop of Porphyrion XII-

2S2b — Bishop of Thessalonica XIV-

633d —Bishop of Tipasa XIV-738b ^Bishoi) of Tomi XIV-775d -Abbot of Wilhering XV-fl24a ■ — Michael Samuel, AnglicanBisb- op of St. James (Jerusalem) VIII-.371b —Sarah VlII-139d • — Tiberius, procurator of Judea VIII-350b

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.