Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/159

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USTRALIA, population II-114a; 116d

—Religions and Sects: Anglican- ism I-499b; II-115b; 116b; Animism I-528a; Metempsychosis X-236d; Presbyterianism XII-393d; primitive IV-687a; statistics II-117c; 118c; XIV-278b; 279b; 281b: Totemism XIV-789b; 789c; 793b; Unitarianism XV-155c

Australian, periodical, Brisbane II-120b

—Messenger, periodical, Melbourne II-120b

Australioid, racial type XII-624b

Austral Light, periodical, Melbourne II-120b

Austrasia III-611b; 629b; VI-239d


Austregilde, Saint XIII-716d

Austregisilus, Saint, Bishop of Bourges II-720c; and St. Amandus I-380b; and Sulpi- tius Pius XIV-333c

AUSTREMONIUS, SAINT, Bish- op of Auvergne II-121a; VI- 395d

Austria, Art: Donner, Georg Ra- phael V-131c; Donner, Mat- thäus V-131d; Knabl VIII- 669c

—Church: Anima College I-515a; archiepiscopal jurisdiction I- 691d; Benedictines II-150c; 460b; benefices II-475c; bishops, election of II-474d; 584b; 584c; Brother Hospit- allers of St. John of God II- 802d; Campo Santo de' Tedes- chi III-225d; Canons Regular III-296a; cardinals III-337b; catechism V-87c; chaplains III-581c; Charity, Sisters of III-606c; Cistercians III-785d; competency IV-187a; con- cordat XV-307d; concursus IV-210a; congresses IV-244c; Feldhischof V-706d; Franken- berg VI-236a; Gesellenvereine VI-538c; Good Shepherd con- vents VI-648b; holy days III- 166a; Institute of Brothers of the Christian Schools VIII- 60c; Institute of Mary VIII- 54c; Josephinism II-126d; 127c; Lazarists X-364c: 364d; League, German Catholics IX-101a; liturgy II-321d; nunciature XI-160d; 161b; organization II-136a: patronage, rights of XI-560d; patroness of XI- 566b; Pius VIII XII-134b; Poor Child Jesus, Sisters of XII-251b; Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ XII-254c; Pre- monstratensian abbeys XII- 391b; priests' confraternities of XII-421a; Priests' Eucharistic League XII-123b; privileges, ecclesiastical XII-439b; 439c; Propaganda XII-457b; prop- erty, ecclesiastical XII-440b; Redemptoristines XII-683a; Redemptorists XII-683d; re- ligious orders II-136d: re- treat houses XII-796d; St. George, Order of XIII-350d; Salesians XIII-399a; Schools, Clerks Regular of the Pious XIII-588c; Society of Jesus XIV-90b; 101a; 103a; Society of the Blessed Sacrament XIV- 111a; Society of the Sacred Heart XIV-112c; stipends XIV-297a; "Tametsi " IV-2b; tertiary communities XIV- 638b; and Vatican XV-306b; veto, right of V-677b; wash- ing of feet XV-557d

—Education XIII-558d; co-edu- cation IV-89b; Roman histor- ical institute VIII-63c: school of political economy XII-215c

—Geography. See Austro-Hun- garian Monarchy, Geography

—History: Aachen. Treaty of VII-399a; and Albania 1-254b; Babenberg dynasty 11-122d; 123c; and Bavaria 11-126b; XII-524a; Bismarck XV-656a; Bohemians XIV-49d; and China III-684a; concordat (1855) II-130b; 135b: IV-204b; XII-136b; concordat (1881) IV-204b; Counter Reformation IV-442a; and Croatia IV-512a; dukes of II-123b; Ferdinand II VI-502b; as fief VI-493d; and France VI-507b; VIII- 612a; IX-371d; and Galicia XIV-458c; Gregory XVI VII- 7b; Habsburg dynasty II-123c; Haspinger VII-147d; Holy Al- liance VI-509c; Hübner VII- 509d; and Illyria VII-664b; and Italy VIII-233d; XII-78c; XV-303b; Jewish emancipation VIII-398b; Joseph II VIII- 509b; Liberalism IX-213b; 417a; Liberation, war of VI- 509a and Lombardy IX-340c; X-700d; medieval II-122a; Metternich X-245a; and Mor- avia X-563c; Murat IX-492b; Napoleon X-691b; Neugart X- 765a; and Piedmont VIII- 234b; and Poland XII-182a; 186d; 187b; 188a; Poles XIV- 45d; 49a; and Prussia II-198a; VI-512a; VII-300b; Rudolph II XIV-649a; and Rumania XIII- 226b; and Russia VI-507b; XIII-248d; XIV-48b; 710d; Ruthenians XIII-278b; and Sardinia XIII-475d; Serbs and Croats XIV-50b; Seven Years' War XII-523c; Sicily XIII- 776c; Slovenes XIV-50a; and States of the Church XIV-265b; and Switzerland XIV-359b; XV-774b: Talleyrand XIV- 435a; Teutonic Order XIV- 542b; Thirty Years' War XIV- 648b; 648d; 651d; 656c; 657d; Thugut XIV-710b; 710c; Thun- Hohenstein XIV-712a; Tran- sylvania XV-21d; Turkish invasion XIV-62a; and Tus- cany XV-104c; and Tyrol VI- 498b; and Venice XV-339c; Waldenses XV-530a; Würtem- berg XV-716c

—Legislation: abduction I-35b; adoption I-14sb; associations, voluntary II-2c; bankruptcy Il-254b; donations V-117b; duelling V-185b; labour arbi- tration I-685d; marriage I- 208c; II-257c; V-40c; IX- 693a; 699a; Montes Pietatis X- 536c; poor law system XII- 255a: poor-relief XII-240a; punishment, capital XII-569c; seal of confession XIII-664c; apeculation XIV-212d; tem- perance movement XIV-484d; vivisection XV-496a; witch- craft XII-567d

—Literature: Brunner III-13a; Feuchtersleben VI-58c; Grill- parzer VII-33d; Grün VII- 42a; Haschka VII-147c; manu- scripts IX-620a; periodicals XI-669d; 670a; Seidl XIII- 687b; Stifter XIV-294a; Wen- inger XV-587d

—Religions and Sects V-613b; American Bible Society II- 545a; Lutherans IX-463b; Masonry IX-781c; 786b; Pro- topope XII-50-1a; statistica II- 137a

—See Austro-Hungarian Mon- archy

Austrian Museum VI-50c

—Silesia XIII-791c

—Society of New York V-404a

—Succession, War of the V-507a; XIII-476a; XV-158c

AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN MON- ARCHY II-121b; area and population V-608c: art II- 131a; blindness statistics V- 308d

—Church in II-121c; diocesan boundaries II-128a; Cistercian congregation III-785a; confer- ences II-130a; 130d; ecclesias- tical court commission II-128c; ecclesiastics, appointment of II-130c; episcopal activities II- 135a; feasts II-127a; holy days III-165d; Josephinism II-128b; 128c; Leo XIII II-134a; Leo- pold II II-12sb; Leopoldine Society XVI-52b; "Los von Rom' 11-134d; matrimonial suits II-130c; Migazzi II-128b; monasteries X-454b; Moravia II-122b; organization II-136a; Propagation of the Faith XII- 461d; religious orders II-130c; religious support II-133b; 134b; Servites XIII-737a; Society of Jesus II-125b; tertiary con- gregations XIV-643c; Ursu- lines XV-299a

—Education II-127b; 128d; 129a; 130c; 133d; 134a

—Geography II-121b; Agram I- 225c; Agria I-230c; Aquileia I- 661c; area II-121b; Bohemia III-612d; Bosnia and Herze- govina II-694a; Brixen II- 793d; Budweis III-34c; Casso- via III-407c; Cattaro III-456d; Cracow IV-464c; Crisium IV- 490c; Csanád IV-558b; Dalma- tia IV-606b; Diakovár IV- 769d; Eperies V-484d; Fogaras VI-123a; Fünfkirchen VI-322b; Grosswardein VII-40b; Gurk VII-88c; Györ VII-94c; Hai- du Dorogh XVI-35d; Ka- locsa-Bacs VIII-594c; Karin- thia VIII-606c; Krain VIII- 696b; Laibach VIII-743c; La- vant IX-49a; Leitmeritz IX- 141b; Lemberg IX-144d; Linz IX-273c; Lugos IX-419b; maps II-following 120; facing 136; Markana Trebinje X-599c; Moravia X-561b; Mostar X- 599c: Neusohl X-774c; Neutra X-774d; Parenzo-Pola XI- 480b; Prague XII-338b; Prze- mysl XII-532c; Przemysl, Sambor, and Sanok XII-532d; Rosenau XIII-192b; Salzburg XIII-311b; Sankt-Pölten XIII-447b; Sehenico XIII- 668d; Seckau XIII-672b; Silesia XIII-790c; Sirmium XIV-27c; Spalato-Macarsca XIV-207d; Stanislawow XIV- 247a; Steinamanger XIV- 284d; Stuhlweissenburg XIV- 317b: Styria XIV-318b; Szat- már XIV-419d; Tarnow XIV- 458c; Tinin XIV-736b; Tran- sylvania XV-20c; 22b; Trent XV-35d; Triest-Capo d'Istria XV-45b; Veglia XV-321a; Veszprém XV-392b; Vienna XV-417a; Wiener-Neustadt XV-618C; Zara XV-752a; Zengg-Modrus XV-754d; Zips XV-761b

—History II-123b; Bosnia and Herzegovina II-696c; 697b; constitution, modern II-132a; Counter-Reformation II-125b; Croats XIV-50c; Diet of 1790 II-135d; formation II-121c; 132c; Habsburgs II-123c; 124d; Luxembourg dynasty II- 123d; modern times II-124d; Middle Ages II-122a; Reforma- tion II-125a; Thirty Years' War 11-126a

—Legislation: anti-Catholic II- 132b; 133b; divorce V-66a; duelling II-135a; marriage II- 132b; 615b

—Religions and Sects: Calvinism II-125a; Hussites II-124a; Jews VIII-399c; Lutheranism II-125a; Masonry II-127d; statistics 11-136; V-612a; XIV-272b; 278a

Austromoine, Bishop of Clermont IX-721d

Austruda, Abbess of St. John XIV-132a

Autari, King of the Lombards. See Autharis

Autbertus, Saint, Bishop of Senlis II-378b

Autenrieth, Jobann Heinrich Ferdinand, physician XV-83d

Authadia, in Gnosticism VI-596a

Autharis, King of the Lombards II-477d; VI-784b; IX-338d; XII-717b

Autharius, Saint X-98d; XI-360b

Authen., abbr. 1-23c

AUTHENTIC 11-137b —modes, St. Andrew of Crete I-474a

—of Justinian. See Novella

Authentica Hebdomada, in Gallican Rite VI-360b



Authier, Joseph M., United States Consul VI-277c

—de Sigaud, Christophe, Bishop of Bethlehem X-778d; XV-251a Authority (general), and belief II- 409c; in Cartesian system IV- 744d; and certitude XV-114b; as criterion XV-14b; fideism VI-68c; Kantian theory IX- 54d; and law IX-54a; modern- istic teaching V-768b; and rea- son VI-615c: Rousseau's the- ories IV-335d; and society XIV-74c; Socinian teaching XIV-114b

—CIVIL II-137c; anarchy I- 452b; Aristotle on II-140a; change, right of II-139a; and the Church IX-66d; contract, theory of II-141c; de facto II- 139a; definition II-138a: dis- tribution of 11-139a; divisions II-139b; functions 11-138d; and happiness II-138c: Hobbes on II-139d; institution II-141b; and justice II-138c; limits II- 138b; measure II-138d; medie- val theory 11-139c; nature II- 137c; object II-138c; origin 11-139b; papal teaching II- 141a; Rousseau's teaching II- 140a; and society II-137d; source II-138a; V-564b; Suarez on II-139d; Totemismi XIV- 793c; tyranny II-138b

—Divine, and heresy VII-257b; Suarez, teaching of XIV-319d

—Ecclesiastical III-754b: Alber- tus Magnus on 1-266c; of Apostolic Churches I-635a; Apostles' teaching III-747c; of bishops II-586a; crosier, symbolism of IV-515c; and cure of souls IV-572b; deists on IV-680d; Duns Scotus on V-198a; of Messianic kingdom III-745b; and morality III- 432d; Origen on XI-308d; origin VII-329b; 333d; papal XII-265c; 266b; of Roman Congregations I-123b; and Rule of Faith VII-259d; and science XIII-607b; and theol- ogy XIV-580d

AUTHORIZED VERSION II- 141d; and Douay Bible V-140c; literary merit V-465d; proper names VI-429b; revised XIV- 532b: New Testament basis V-290b

AUTOCEPHALI II-142d; in Il- lyria 1-103d

Automelodic, antiphon I-579d

Autonomism 11-173a

Autonomus, Saint, Bishop of Claudiopolis IV-Sc

Autopsy, medieval I-458d

Autor, Saint III-19c Autorianos, Arsenius. See Ar- senius Autorinnos

AUTOS SACRAMENTALES II- 143a; of Calderón III-156c; in Mexico XIV-203a; in Spain XIV-199a

Auto-suggestion, discovered VII- 605c; in Hesychasm VI-768a

Autpert, Abbot of Monte Cassino II-143c

—AMBROSE, Abbot of St. Vin- cent 11-143c


Autreau, Jacques, Cardinal Fleu- ry's portrait by (ill.) VI-103b

Autrecourt, Nicbolas d', fideist VI-68d

AUTUN, DIOCESE OF II-144a; X-603d: cathedral I-659c; 11-144b; IX-715d; Christian antiquities X-647c

—Councils: (661) IX-174b; (670) II-144b; 144c; (1065) II-144c; VII-526a; (1077) II-144c; III- 15a; (1094) II-144c

—inscriptions V-33d; VI-395c; St. Lazarus's tomb IX-98a; sacramentary XI-407c

—Honorius of. Sec Honorius of Autun

—Pectorius of. See Pectorius of Autun

Auvergne, town XIII-278d; ab- bey 11-446b; St. Austremonius 11-121a: ball-churches V-261a; lace-making VIII-731c; Philip II of France XII-2b; Thierry's campaign X-604a Roman numeral indicates volume; arabic, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.