Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/374

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S99b; magic VI-593d; magic vowels VI-597C; Marciomsm VI-595C; IX-649C; Marcus IV-650a; and matter All- 792c; and Metempsychosis A- 236b; and millenanamsm X- 308d; and Montanisni Vll- 340c; Nasorseans X-705d; no- menclature I-58C ; nymphon VI-597C; Oriental books V 1- 600d; origin VI-592d; origins. Oriental VI - 593a; ophitic diagram (ill.) VI-597d; and parlbles XW61d; and Passion of Christ XI-527c; and pas- torals XIV-731b; and pessim- ism VI-593b; and priesthood XII-415b; primeval man Vl- 596b; and pseudo-Abdias 1- 31a- Ptolemy the Gnostic Xll- 553c; refutation VI-6pla; rites VI-596d; and salvation Xll- 609a; schools VI-597d; and Scripture Xin-63?b; scu p- tures I-485b; and Simon Mag- us XIII-798C; and sin XIV- 6b; Sophia-myth VI-594d; soteriology VI-59ob; and the soul XIV-154C; fe>Tian school VI-597d; and TertuUian XIV- 523b; "Testament of Adam I-132b; Valentmians XV-256a,

Gnupson? Erik',' Bishop of Gardar VI-77Sd ,„

Goa, town I-270c; conquest VI- 603a; Dudsagore ialls (,U1-)

-ARCHDIOCESE OF VI-602d; XII-305C; Antonio de Andrada I-469a; cathedral (ill.) VI- 604a; church I-271a; and St. Francis Xavier \1-Zdia, »t. Francis Xavier, shrme of Vl- 234c; St. Francis Xavier, shrine of (ill.) VI-603d;XII-91c; in- stitutions VI-6q5b; jurisdictioii VII-758d; missions XIV-IUJC, patriarchate XII-312a; prelates VI-604a; present condition VI- 605d; schism II-644d; Vl- 6 03d; XIII-386b; statistics


GOAkf SAINT VI-606b; VII- 29Sd; and Wandelbert X\-

— Ia'cOUES VI -606c; XII- 368Gb^ XIII-72b; XIII-300b: on abstinence I-70C; Extreme

Go"?.t Bib;e"M7d; 522c; 522d;

523b; 523c; Day of Atonement

II-54C" in sacrifice XIII-309c;

symbol I-523C; wUd I-520a GobVI-439d

Gobain, Saint, hermvt Xiy-13-a Gobarus, Stephen, Tritlicist V-

636a; X-492d; XV-61d GOBAT, GEORGE VI-607a von Cremines, Samuel, Bishop

of St. Jamos (Jerusalem) \ lU-

Go\"an.' Saint IV-371a; VIII-

638b — SAER VI-607b . ^ . ^ , Gobbo, II. .Sec Solan Cristoforo Gobel, Jean Baptiste, Bishop of

Paris VI- 173b; XI^84a;

Xin~lld; XIV-434d GobeUn, tapestry works IX-

lOC.b; and Clnvreu Hl-fi.-'la GobeUns, catacomb of. Pans XI-

GOBELINUS, PERSON VI-007C Goblet, Rene VI-lS2a Goblins, in Shamanism XI 11- ?.-)0c

Gobljanovitch, Lazar XIII~7.33b Gobryras, Persian general U-

Goch, Jean Pupper de X-lOld GOD; and Abraham 1- 51d; Abrasax I-58a; absoUito I-60c; Actus Purua .I-12jq; Adonai I-146b; adoption, Di- vine I-147b; 148b;. f'"™*-"" I-I51d; African belief I-183d, Albigensian I-268a; Algonqum I-312b; Alpha and OmeRa I-- 332d; and Altruism I-369b, Amalrician I-379d; Amos I- 436d; analogy, argument from I-l.)9d; and anarchism 1-4 j2c;


Ancient of Days I-463c; and angels I^76d; animism I- 528d; anthropomorphism 1- 559a; 559c; VI-613c; Ananism I-707d; Aristides I-713a; Aris- totle VI-637a; art I-365d; asceticism XIV-613C; aseity I-774b; Athanasian Creed 11- 33d; atonement, and Puritan- ism II-58b; attributes I-658c; II-62d; VI-B12d; St. Augustine II-93b; and authority, civil II- 138a- V-564b; and authority, social II-174d; Beatific Vision VII-171d; 172d; blasphemy II-595a; Calvinism III-198d; 199a; Campanella III-221d; Celsus III-492b; and chanty IX-397C; and Christ VIII- 384c; Christianity XV-710a; Clementines IV-41b; concept of I-61b; 450c; Concursus of VI-615a; corporeity of, MoUto ofSardis X-166d; as Creator I-129d; IV-473a; VI-614d; XI-190a; XIV-584c; and crea- tures I-60d; and the damned VII-210a; Deism I-621d; IV- 680b; Deutinger IV-762a; and dreams V-155b; Druzes V- 167a; Duns Scotus V-19bb; Elohim V-393a; Epicurean V- , 501b; Eriugena V-520d i-EssenceofV-bibd; XIV-584a; ' Clementines IV^4a; and oper- ation VII-301C; Thomism XIV-667C; 699c; 700b —eternity V-551c; VI-617d; XIV-726d; and ethics V-216b; VI-638a; and evil III-199b; V-650b; VI-620a; XII-513a; XIV-l()d; exemplar VII-292d —Existence of VI-608c; 615d; d'Ailly I-236C; Alexander of Hales I-298c; St. Anselm I- 549b; VI-612C; Aristotle III- 461a; apologetics I-619a; Can- didus III-245b; conscience VI- 61 Id; consent of mankind VI- 612a; contingency IV-331c; Descartes IV-746b; VI-612c; Duns Scotus V-198b; and eth- ics V-561c; Gunther VII-86b; Hermesianism VII-277d; Hugh of St. Victor VII-522C; Leibniz VI-612C; IX-137C; material- ism X-41d; necessity of belief VI-702b; ontological argument VI-612C; scholasticism VI- 609d; XIII-551d; Socrates XIV-120C; theism VI-609d; theological argument VI-611b; Thomism XIV-700a; Vasquez XV-27.5b ,, .V ,

—and laithV-753d; as Father I-

148d; First Cause VI-609d —Foreknowledge VI-619a; XII- 378d; XIV-584b; Banez II- 248d; Thomism XIV-701C —freedom d., P."°3 S^Sj^Jny,": 197b; friendship of VI-706c; and ghosts IV-688C; gifts of XIII-379a ^ , . .

—Ghry of VI-5S5C; Calvinism XII-378b; formal, and heaven VII-171a —Good XIV-4b; supreme VI-

636d; ultimate VI-639d — government XIV-568a -indGrace VI-711d; Xiy-585c; congruism VI-713b; Molinism VI-712d; Thomism VI-710d —heaven VII-170d; Hegel VII- 193a; 194c; Hindu philosophy X-4S3b; honour VII-462b; and hope VII-465d; 466a; Hottentot belief I-184d; idea of l-219a; VII-673d; idealism VII-fi.34b —Immanence VI-61.5a; VII- 0S2c; absolute VII-683d; rela- tive VII-n84c; 685a —immensity V-.551d; yi-617d; immutability VI-618b; indit- fercntism Vll-759a; Infinity VI-012d; 613a; VIII-5a; im- panation VII -694b; inspira- tion VIII-46a; Jehovah VIII- 329a; Judaism I-332C; 722a; VIII-402c; .lustin Martyr Vlll-.Wiia; VIII-e04d; Kant VI - 609a; Kabbalisin VIII- .WOb; Kingdom of. Sec King-

-K^owL^eif VMlSc; 618d; agnosta;, belief of I-215b; of

future III-200b; XIV-584b;

Molinism X-439a -and law IX-53d; canon IX- 58d; and natural, Thomism XIV-699C -liberalism IX-213d -Lote of IX-397d; and atone- ment II-58d; Camus III-226C; defined XV-474b; grace VI- 694d; and love of man I-370a; and tolerance XIV-764C -Maimonides IX-540d; Male-

branche IX-568b -^nd Man I-130c; IX-581d; duties of V-563a; end of IX- 582c -in Maniehseism IX-592a; Mar- cionism IX-647a; and masonry IX-772a; 772c; mind of Vll- 631b; Modernism VI-609b; Mohammedanism I - 3 1 6 b ; VIII-191a; X-426b; monasti- cism X-460b; Monism X- 483b; Monotheism X^99a; amd Mosaic law IX-71c; Mo- ther of XV-466d . — ;\fomeo/I-658d; adjuration I- 142b; etymology VI -608a; among Hebrews X-675d —and Nature X-716c; Albertus

Magnus I-265b

—Nature of. and hell VII-208b;

209c; Thomas of Strasburg

XIV-696a ^ ,

—Naturalism X-713b; 714b; and

necessity X-733b; neo-P>-tha-

goreanism X-745d; neo-bchol-

asticism X-746c; Novatianism

XI-140a; Occasionalism 111-

464d; XI-I95c; omnipresence

VI-617d „,^

—Omniscience VI-618c; Theo-

phronians I-215b — Ontologism VI-609b; XV- 114c; Origen I-708b; XI-307d; Pantheism X-713d; XM49a; Pascal XI-512b; Paulicianism XI-583d; Paul of Samosata XI-589C; perfection of I-12ba; VI-613b; perseverance, nnal XI-711d; personal, Vatican decree XV-308a; personality of VI-614C; Persons in, Thom- ism XIV-667C; and Phansees XI-790b; and Philo Judffius V- 39Sa-,|XII-24d; Photinus XII- 43c; Platonism I-333a; VI- 641c; XII-161C; Plotinus y-

398a; X-742d; Plurahsm XII- 337b; Pomponazzi XII-2.7b, and predestination VI-620d Presence of. See Presence of God; primitive idea X-yYlSd; promises XII-453b; providence of VI-620C; XII-510d; and religion XII-739b; 748c; and religious life XII-748d;. reve- lation VI-615C; Ritschlianism I-216b; XIII-88a; Rosmin- ianism XIII-196c; Sacrifice of the Cross XIII-317a; and Scripture XIII-636d; Seleu- cianism XIII-688d; simplicity of VI-614a; and am XIV-8a; 9a; Soeinianism XIV--114D, Son of. See Son of God; and the soul XIV-155b;. Spinoza II-64C- XIV-218d; spint XIV- 221a;andtheState^XIV-770a: and substance XIV -323a, Swedcnborgianism XIV -3550. symbol of XI-82d; and tem- perance XIV-482a; Tertullian XIV-521C; thanksgiving XIV- 555a; Theism I-217d; and Theodicy XIV-569b; theolog- ical virtues XV-474b; theol- ogy, dogmatic XIV-583d; the- olo^, moral XIV-604a; theos- ophy XIV-627C; Thomism XIV-667c; 699c; 700b; and toleration XIV-767C; trans- cendence of VI-615a; the Trin- ity XIV-.584b; ubiquity of VI-

l/nitii of VI-613d; Clementines

IV-41b; Gregory of Nazianius VII-14C J

— Universalism XV-181c; and the Universe VI-614d: Vatican Decree II-64d; and I'ree will VI-619b; Zoroastrianism 11-

—mU of VI-fil9c; Calvinism III-199C; and negative repro- bation Xll-383d; prcdestina-

rianism XII-386C; Torah XIV-

779c , ,

Go Daigo, Emperor of Japan

VIII-311d „ „. ,

GODARD, SAINT, Bishop of

Hildesheim VI-621c; VII-

128c; 3.53b; hospital VII-482d;

at Kremsmunster VIII-701b —Saint, Bishop of Rouen, relics

XlV-i:!ld Godchildren l-626d GODDEN, THOMAS VI-621d Goddess of Reason. .See Reason Goddyn Abrabam, artist \ II-

294<1 , , „

Godeassi, Archbishop of iara


XI-48d; and Academy I-S9a;

as Church historian VII-376b;

nickname III-635C; Vavas-

seur's satire VI-622d GODEBERTA, SAINT VI-623b Godebold, Bishop of Meissen X-

Godefridus (Godefried) (Gode-

froi). -See Godfrey Godegisil of Geneva IV-66d; 71c Godegiand. See Chrodegang Godehard. See Godard Godeke, Karl, historiographer

X-64(ia Godelbert, foundation IX-363a G O D E L I N A (GODELIVA)

SAINT VM23d GodeUe, Joseph Isidore, Bishop

of Pondichcrry Xn-229b Godeman, Abbot of Thomey

XIV-706a Goden, Henning XV-679b Godena. .See Cot«nna . , . . Goderich (Ripon) Fredenck John Robinson, Viscount, Prime Minister XIII-130b Godescalc, copyist, Evangeliary

V-641C; IX-618b; 624c —monk, of Limburg V-46c Godescalchus, Bishop of Osma XI-339b ^ _ ..

Godescalcus, Saint. See Gott-

schalk. Saint

Godet, Frederic, exegete IV-

lB3a; 495d; critical attitude

IV-496a; on Ephesians V-

488c; introduction, Bibical

Vlll-SOd; Kenosis \Ill-bl'B.

St. Matthew's Gospel X^a;

Synoptics, theory of Xiy-391c


624b: III-635c; IX-200d: and

Mme. Guyon VII-93c; and

Mme. de Maintenon lX-o4yD

Godfather. See Sponsor.

Godfrey, subdeacon, I-28bd

—Bishop of Chichester, III-7<d,

absolution cross IV -53.'3b —Saint, Count of Kappenberg

XI-100d;XII-392a -Abbot of Lekno ni-704d _nl Duke of Lorraine 1-2616, VI-624C; IX-363d; XV-210C; and Matilda of Canossa X-49D —Bishop of Mileto X--3()3b —Count of Namur \I-105b —Bishop of Tortosa XH -<S5c

— Kisnop oi loiw^tt".*. •- — Duke of Tuscany, and Alexan- der II III-129a — Sir Edmund Berry, of 111- 489b; Oates's Plot VI-622a;

—deiClaire, metal worker X-222b -OF BOUILLON YI^24c; IX--

363d; and chivalry ni-()92a. crusade lV-546b; 546c; 54bd; 547a; and Holy Sepulchre, Order of IV-669a; and Jeru- salem Vl-625b; ^VIll-361d, "Knight of the !>wan IX- 124c; and Peter the. Hermit XI 77.^>d; and Sflynibna XIU- m'd anl Ti.n.r.d X1V-»42C —OF FONTAINES VI-62l.a; I\ -:ir,d, sri„.lMMi.-isni Xll-

■^•>b rh..nns,n Xl\-7ll2b —of Laiinbech-Hoven, Bishop of

N„M-Kn„:Vll-M;id . of Malmesbury, chronicle lA-

— ^f Mervel, martyr VI-651d

-of Normandy I>^T-"..ib

—of Trani, canonist IV-072D,

IX I'ib ,

_ of Verdun, Duke of Lower Lor-




typo indicate, title, of artiCea; other typea. topicai;^;;^ (iU.) = iUustratiou,.