Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/451

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XIII-169d; in canon I-601b; in Canon of Bobbio III-SOOc; on canon of Old Testament III- 272c: 273a; on Cappadocian triad I-438d: on catacombs IX-iSOc; on celibacy III-S84a; characteristics Vl-Sb; VIII- 341c; and Chodchod XIV- 306c; Christianity in Arabia I- 668a; Christian morals XV- 691a; and St. Chromatins III- 730b; chronicle I -535b; IV- 13b; Chronicle o Euscbius I- 531c; chronology VIIl-341a; church dedicated to, Canada XI-565d; churches dedicated to, United States XI-565a: as Church historian VII-425c; communion VI-27Sd; on con- fession XI-627a; on constitu- tion of the Church XII-416a; copyist IX-617d; on cowl IV- 463b; creed I-632a; and Dama- sus I-733d: IV-613C; IX-224b; XII-7S7C; death (ill.) Vlll-fao ing 340; "De Viris illustribus" VIII-342b; and Didymus the BUnd IV-784a; 784b; on ec- clesiastical music X-ti48d; on ember days I-697c; and En- gaddi V-428d; on St. Ephraem V-498c; epistles III-38Sc; on III Esdras I-605a; and Eusta- thians X-163b; and Eustoch- ium Julia V-U29a; .and St. Exuperius V-731C; XIV-453d; 795d: and St. Fabiola V-743a; on Fabiola's hospital Vll-lSld; on fasting IX-152b; on fauns I-522d; feast V-7oa; and Flav- ius Marcellinus IX-639b; on Fortunatian and Liberius IX- 222a; and Glagolitic alphabet VI-575d; XIV-41d: glosscjs VI-5S7d; on grace VI-70Sc: VIII -342c; 343c; Gregorian chant VI-780c; on guardian angels I-t77c; VII-49c: on hair shirt VII-113d; and Hebrew poets VI-657d; XII-175b; and Hebrews XIV -716b; heresy and schism XIII-529b; as her- mit VII-280b; on Hexapla VII-318a; on hierarchy VII- 342b; on St. Hilarion VII-347c; historical works VIII-342b; hosanna VII-473a; on images VII-666b; on iubilus X-765c; on intercession of saints VIII- 70d; on Isaias VIII-179d; on Jehovah VIII-330a; on Jewish colonies I-185C; on St. John I- 596a; on Jovinianus VIII- 530b; and Judith VIII-554b; on Julius .-Vfricanus VIII~565d; on Lateran Basilica IX-14c: and Latin, ecclesiastical IX- 21a; Latin literature IX-25b; XII-76oc; lights, use of IX- 245a; 246d; and Lion (ill.) Vlll-facing 340; on liturgical lessons IX-195b; liturgical style XIII-70a; liturgiologists XIII-71d; on liturgy I-572b; and Liturgy of St. James I- .572b: on Lord's Prayer IX- 356d: and Luciferians VIII- 342d: on St. Luke IX-422a: on Macedonians XII-174d; on Machabees IX-496a; and Mag- dala IX-523b; Marian proph- ecy XV-464Bb; 464Dc; on St. Mark IX-fi73b: on marriage VIII-343a: on martvrology IX-741C; .SI. Matthew X-63c; and St. Metania the Younger X-154d; on mental prayer XII-348b; on metempsychosis X-236b; on .Methodius of Olvrapus X-243a; on Micheai? XV^64Da: and millenarian- ism X-309b; on Minucius Felix and Terlullian X-336b; on miracles X-346a; and Mlr- v&m XV-»G4Ab: and mona.iti- cism X^73a; on monks X- 4.88a; on Montanwm X-.523d: Mount of the Beatitudes II- 370c

JEROME, SAINT, on ffexc Tetla- meiU: XIV-.MOd: 532d; cita- tions XIV-.5:j.!b; revised XIV- 532a; text XIV-,532a

— on Nicetas Rcmesiana XI-52b; on Office of the Dead XI-221b: and Origen YIII-343a; XI-

30Sc; and Origenist contro- versy XI-310d: and Orosius XI -322b; on Osee XI- 337d; and Palladius XI-t25d; and St. Pammachius XI— 43Gc; on Pamphilus XI-437a: on papal authority Xin-531c: on parable of the Virgins XI-465c; on parables XI-461c; St. Paul, in Arabia I -667a: and St. Patila XI-582d: and Paula and Eustochium VIII-341a; and Pelagianism VIII-12a; 343c: XI-60.5d: on Pelagius VIII- 117a: XI-604C; on St. Peter XI -753a; XIII-SSl; on Photinus XII-43b; on Pterin XII-79C; and pilgrimages Xn-86b: XII-S7b; and Pre- sidius XI-515d: on profane literature IX-32C; on prophets Xll-JSOa; on Psalms XII- 537c: 540d; XV - 516c; on Psalter XII - 534c: psalter- ium XII-54.3d; on relics XII- 735d; religious rule VII-345a; on rights of property XII- 214d: and Rufinus XIII-222b; at Samaria XIII-416d; Sara- baites XIII-468b: on Scripture V-699b; on Scptuagint XIII- 722d; 723b; St. Serapion XIII- 726b; on Sinai XIV-12b; and Siricius XIV-27a: and Slavonic alphabet XIV-45d; on spirits XIV-221a: on striking of the breast II-751b: symbol XIV- 376c; Symmachus version XIV-379a; on Synod of Pope St. Pontian XII-230a; at S>Tiod of Rome (382) III-277d; and Tertullian XIV-521a: tex- tual criticism XIV-527b; as theologian VIII-342d: XIV- 617d; and TheophUus XIV- 625b; 625d; and St. Thomas, Apostle XIV-658d; on Tiberias XIV-716b: on tonsure XIV- 779a: and Vallarsi XV- 260b: on vestments XV-388d; and Vetus Itala 367d; and Victor I XV-309a: on St. Vic- torinusXV-414a: on vigils XI- 87c; and virgin XV-148c; 4fi0d; on virginity VIII-343a: XV- 459c; on virgin's name XV- 464Ab: vulgate I-278b; XIII- 722c; XIV-534a; XV-370a; S15d: Way of the Cross XV- 569c: and Wigbod XV-619d — Apostolic Clerics of. Sep Jesuati —College of, Dillingen IV-795d —Father, martyr XV^94c — heretic, burned XIII-44d — Saint, Bishop of Nevers X-

778b —Bishop of Valencia XV-2.51d — Bishop of Vicenza XV— 405c — Helen K., journalist II-120c;

work ll-119d — Order of. Ser Hieronymites — Dasciano, Blessed, .lesuati

VIII-l.-,sd — de Angelis, Blessed. See An-

geli Oirolamo degli — de Atharia, pupil of Scotua

XIII-f.l2b — EMILIANI, SAINT VIII-34.3d: and St. Cajetan III-14.5b; foundation Xn-752b: XIV- 140a — Lu Pin-mei, mart\T VIII-

714a — of Moravia, work on music

Xn-367a — of Prague II-124a; condemna- tion XIII-41.3C; at Coimcil of Constance IV-292C: death VII-.585b; at Heidelberg VII- 196d ; predestinarian XII-378a; at University of Prague XII- 342c — of the Mother of God. See

Gratian. Jerome Teton VI-141b

Jeronimo, Don, Bishop of Sala- manca .XIII .inic — de Santa Fe, Jewish convei^

XIV-lS2d — of Guadalupe, Hieronymite


JeronTinites. See Hieronymites

Jeronymos, monastery IX-282b

Jeroschin, Nikolaus von, chron-

•rlor. Ti-ulonic (Irder VI-520a

Jerovi, Jose Maria, Archbishop

of (Juitu Vn-613c Jerpoint, ruins of Cistercian

Ablicv at I ill.) XI-343b Jerpulf, Binhop of Skara XVI-75b Jerrold, Maud F., Vittoria Colon-

w.i IV-12Sd Jersey City, New Jersey X-790c; Armenian Catholics XIII-S2a; Church in X-780b; convents of Dominican Third Order XII-370b; Hospital of Poor of St. Francis XII-258a; Irish population (1900) Vni-I30a; Sisters of Mercy XV-554a; and Volanski VI-747c Jerubbaal. See Gedeon Jerubesheth. .S«e Gedeon JERUSALEM (U - ru - sa - lim) \ Ill-:i44b; 336b; abomination ofdcsolationI-46a:Abv8sinian3 VIII-371a: and Achaz I-lOld; Amorrhites I -43.3c; ancient customs III -576b: and St. Andrew of Crete I-473a: .An- glican bishop of XI-375b; Anglicans VIII-371b; Antioch, Rites of XVI-3d; and Antio- chus of Palestine I-574c; and Apostles III-747a; Apostolic See I-640d; Arab conquest VIII-360b: Arch of Ecce Homo(ill.)XII-404d;Arktrans- ferredI-723b;ArmenianChurch VIII-370d: Armenian Patri- archate V-235a; 571d: As- sumptionist institutions II- 105c; .\ssyrian siege (734 B. C.) III-315C; Baal, temple of II- 175d; 176d; and Bedc n-3S5d; Benedictine monastery II- 448d: Benjamin gate (1) II- 4S0d; Benjamin gate (2) II- 4S0d: bishopric VI-757b; bish- ops VIII-356a; Calvary VIII-

— Capture: (587 B. C.) I-361a: I-724a; Vin-656b; (614) IIl- 10.5a. (1070) IV-545d: and Abdiasl-30b; Babylonian 11 1- 3l6d; VIlI-348a; David IV- 643b; VIII-64SC; fasts I-67c; Heraclius VIII-360b: Moham- medans IV-524a; Nabucho- donosor's III -316c: Pompey Vni-201a; 3S8b; 3S9a; Saladin IV-548C; VI-795C: Selim IV- 555b; Sheshonk V-34IC

— cathedral III-439b; cathedra Petri III-554b; Cenacle VIII- 355d; and Chalcedon VIII- 35Sd; and Charlemagne III- 61(5c: and Charles of Anjou XV-384a: and Chosroes I XI-717b: Christian community of XII -324c; Christianity VIII-356d: Church centre IV- 43b

—Church in VI-758b; VIII- 368b: and Antioch I-570c: ascetics I-770a; in canons III- 294 b; Communion VI-278C: earlv Vn-329a: Feast of the Purification III-24.5d; Lauds IX-39a; orthodox VIII-370b; XI-3.30a: orthodox sees VIII- 370b; persecutions I-118c; primitive condition III-594b; dedication IV-673b; unleaven- ed bread I-349d

—Church of Sion (ill.) XIV-342b: Church of the Holv Sepulchre (ill.) Vll-facing 426: Church of the resurrection I-3(>4c; Church of the Resurrection, orientation I - 365c : cisterns XV-.581d; city of David VIII- 346d: climate VI-431d; College of the Holy Cross I-574a; Copts VIII-371a

—Council of (SI) in-737d: VIII-537d; XI-.570b; XII- 266b: abstinence I-6Sa: de- crees I-72a; St. James the Ix!ss VIII-276d: '281b: St, John XV— 170b: purpose I- 72d

— Council of (213) 1-2S.TC: (335) and Arius I-709c: (415) XI- 322b: 605d: (415) Pelagian con- troversy VIII-12a: (760) Bori- Icgium VI-121b

—Council of (1872): V-578b; .Wlb; VI-770d; VII-18.5d: VIII-366b; XV-147a: on Epi- klesis V-5a3a; on Greek Faith


VI-771C; on .Sacrament of Penance I-().'>d

—Council of IJSIJ7) VI-77Ib

— crusade XII-669d: map IV- following 554; destruction I- 604a: III -735b: VIII- 350d; 355c; XIV-63la; 746c: Do- minican school XI-305b; XII- 369a; earth from, in Rome III-225a: Eucharistic Congress (1893) IV-24.5a; V-593b; XII- 727a; XV-149a; Eudocia VIII- 359b: excavations XI-305b; Ezechiel V-737d: fall XIII- 445b; fortification VIII-3o2c: Franciscans VIII-36Sd; and Frankish kings II-o33a: Fred- erick II VI-256C: geographical position VIII - 344c; gift of tongues XIV-776d; Good Fri- day in VI-643d; government VIII -367c; Greek Melchite Seminary XV-6I4a; Greek Patriarchate VI-75Sc: and St. Helena VII-203a; Herod VIII- 34Sd: Herod Agrippa I VIII- 350a; Hill of Evil Council III- 143d ; history VIII-346b ; 364b ; Holv Cross VIII-357C; holy places I-429b; VIII-357a; Holy Saturday VI-79b

—Holy Sepulchre: VII -425a; VIII -365d; golden altars I- 346d;

— Holy Week celebration VII- 435d; House of St. Veronica (ill.) XV-362d: Hungarian hos- pice II-122d: (ill.) Vlll-facing 340; insane in hospitals VIII- 39c: insiitutii.ii« VI- 176a: I>:ii ; VITI-lSlc;

1>. Ill l'j7b;Ja-

C..I 111 :;71a; and

.><i .J 1 - . , I. wish oom-

nunioraii.ius 111 - Ri7d: and Joseph and Mary XV-166a; Judaism VIII-4(X)d; Justinian XXII VIII -359b: Juvenal, Bishop VllI-3.5Sa: Knights Templars XIV-493a

-Latin kingdom of I-434b: IV- 547a; VIII-361d: 363b: .Assizes Il-la: succession VIII-361a: Teutonic Order XIV -541b: and WiUiam of Tyre I-534d

—Lenten obser\'ance I-71a: IX- 152b; LevitesXII-412d; library I-295d; IX-228C: and Liturgy of St. James I-572C: 573a; 574a; XIII-66C; and Macha- bees VIII-.348C: Melchite pa- triarchal title VI-755d; X- 160c: Melchite synod (1849) X-160b: monasteries II-323c; Monastery of Mount Sinai VIII-367b: Monastery of St. Saba I-574C; Monophvsitism VIII-359C; Moslems VIII- 360c; Mosque of Omar VIII- 360d; Mount Calvary III- I9Ia; Mount Gareb VIII- 346b: Mount Moria VIII- 345d: Mount Sion VIII-345a; names VIII-344b: Nativity III-725b; V-.IO.'ib: Nestorian Apocalypse I-597b: Nestorians VIII -371a; New, in Apoc- alypse of Baruch I-604b: and Ophel vni-351c: origin VIII- 346c: Orthodox Greeks in VI- 744a

- Palr«arc*a<f o/VI-754b; VII-

S24c: Xl-5.Wa; XIII-535d;

-Albert. Bletaed I-261a; diocese VI-754C; extent of VIII-368c; Holv Sepulchre and Knights of IV -669b; inferior XIII-536C: jurisdiction VIII -369b: and Knights Templars XIV-493a; 494a; liturgy I-573d: map V- following 612: Orthodox V- 232a: VIII -366b; restricted III-557c: standing VIII-357d; Svriac liturgy VI-763b

-Palriarchs (4.52-644) VIII- 3.59b; (705-1099) VIII-361C; Basilica XVI-8b: Latin VIII- 368b: 369a; orthodox VIII- 368a; title VIII-370b

-Persian Conquest III-105a; VIII-3.59d; XI-7I7d

-Pihrimages V-7:i9c; VII-786b; VIII-33Bd: XI-529d; XII- 9Id; XV-.569b; St. Cador XV- 585d: William of Maleval XV- 633c

Roman numeral indicates vohime; arabic, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.