Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/471

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Kefr 'Kenna III-226c Kefr Yâsif VI-433b Keft (Coptos) IV-354d Kegon, Buddhist sect. VIII-305b Kehelathah. Sec Ceelatha Kehf Abu Layan XI-244d Kehler, Friedrich, editor XI-679a; and Centre Party XVI-21a Kehoe, Lawrence VIII-142c; in Brooklyn diocese II-801d; Publication Society, Catholic XI-28b; "Catholic World" XI-96a; "Tablet" XI-693c Kehr, P. F., and papal documents III-50c; and Prussian historical institute VIII-63c; and Regesta XII-716d; researches V-22b; Vatican researches VIII-65b; XV-286d KEHREIN, JOSEPH VIII-613c Kehrer, Ferdinand, physician XVI-39d Keichu, Japanese scholar VIII-314b Keiki (Hitolsubashi) VIII-313a Keil, J. K. F., commentator IV- 161b; 493c; 494c; on Biblical introduction VIII-80d —Treaty of XI-120a Keilah. See Ceila Keiley, Anthony M. XV-457d —John D., Bishop of Savannah XIII-488b; at American College, Rome I-424b; Catholic Benevolent Legion III-452c; and United States Catholic Congress IV-250a Keill, James X-132c —John XII-64d Keim, Karl Theodor, on St. Matthew X-64a; on Peasants' War IX-450c; on resurrection XII-791c Kei-o-gijiku, University of VIII-302d Keisatsu VIII-302a Keiser, Reinhard X-601c Keishicho VIII-302a Keistut IX-292c Keiter, Heinrich, editor XI-679b Keith, George, and Aberdeen University 1-42b —Robert, titular Abbot of Deer IV-674d —William XV-159d; and Germans VI-475d Keke, deity IV-407b K'e K'iu Kiun wang, princely family III-666a Kelaoun, sultan IV-552b Kelas. See Kilis Kelb, Nahr el- IX-104d Kelendres I-40a Kelheim, Abbey of XIII-590a —Henry von VIII-432b Kelidei. See Culdees Kelil XIV-286c Kelim, in Talmud XIV-437c Kelkheim, monastery IX-261d Kellaw, Richard de, Bishop of Durham. See Kellowe Keller, Bonaventure, in Brooklyn II-800b —George, missionary V-188d; in Minnesota XIII-36Sa —Gottfried, novelist VI-527d —Heinrich Adalbert, Germanist XV-84b —Helen A. V-319d —Ignatius Xavier, missionary, in Arizona VI-478a; and Pinia Indians XII-100b —JACOB VIII-613d; XIV-89c; and Clement XI-99b —Jean, and Richelieu XIII-48b —Johann Baptist, von, Bishop of Rottenburg VII-364c; XIII-208b: XV-207a; and Hefele VII-192a —Joseph, St. Louis University XIII-361a —Maria Anna VII-158d Kellermann, François Etienne X-687d Kelley, Francis C., and Church Extension Society X-394b; XIV-78c: 79b —Robert J. X-282c Kelliotes VI-7618 Kellison, Matthew, president of Douai V-139b; XV 714b; and Harrison VII-113d; and "Nag's head" story I-493b Kellner, Heinrich VIII-614a —LORENZ VIII-614a; on martyrs VIII-505d; on woman XV-687d Kellowe, Richard, Bishop of Durham V-211d; VI-322a KELLS, BOOK OF VIII-614c: 639b; IX-623c; 632d; XI-407b; (ill.) VIII-facing 614; and St. Columba VIII-00b; IX-623c —Council of (1152) 1-700a; 730c; V-173c: X-89c; XV-80c; and Achonry 1-103a; and Cloyne IV-72d: and pallium III-401b; (1172) X-97b; (1642) 1-731b —SCHOOL OF VIII-615b; and St. Columba IV-136b Kelly, B. J., and Catholic mission VII-746a —Denis, Bishop of Ross XIII-202b —E. A., and Church Extension Society XIV-78c —Edmond, socialist writer XIV-65c —Edward, pioneer priest XV- 240a; at Omaha XI-250c; at Salt Lake City XIII-405a —Eugene VIII-141d —Mr. and Mrs. Eugene, Catholic University III-455d; and St. Patrick's Cathedral XI-26b —James, Jesuit XIV-93b —James E., sculptor VIII-142a —John, missionary I-189a; IX- 217b; XI-24b —John, at Albany I-257b; at Schenectady I-257b —Malachy, at Irish College, Paris VIII-162a —Matthew XI-344c: at Maynooth College X-88d —Michael, Archbishop of Sydney XII-284b; XIV-365c; 367b; at Irish College, Rome VIII-158d —Oliver, Archbishop of Tuam II-597b; IX-499d; XV-80d —Patrick, Bishop of Richmond XIII-50d; II-232b —Patrick, Bishop of Waterford and Lismore XV-566c; at Irish College, Lisbon VIII-159d —Patrick, pioneer priest, in Buffalo III-38a; Carthage, N. Y. XI-222d; in Milwaukee X-319a —Patrick, in Civil War VIII-140b —Robert, founder "Monitor" XI-682b —Thomas, Archbishop of Armagh I-732b —W., Australian author II-119c; 120b —W. D., poet VIII-142b —William, Christian Brother in Melbourne VIII-147b —William Bernard, Bishop of Geraldton VI-464d Keloue. See Caloe Kelsâ (Cheslon) VI-437c Kelsey, Henry XIII-483d Kelso, abbey VI-676d; and David, King of Scotland XIII-615c Keltzene. See Justinianopolis Kelub, brother of Sua. See Caleb Kelvin, Lord XII-67b; XV-704d; at Cambridge III-212b; at Glasgow VI-579a; and energy V-424a; 426a; 427a; and heat V-123c; and solar theory XV- 188b: world, antiquity of the XV-704d Kemakh (Camachus) III-204b Kemble, George VIII-616a —John VIII-616a —JOHN, VENERABLE VIII- 6168; on dues XII-470b; and Inchbald, Elizabeth VII-717d; martyrdom V-477a; and Oates' Plot XI-175c —Richard VIII-616a —Cup VIII-616a —Pipe VIII-616a Kemener, Timann, and Münster cathedral school VIII-787d Kemény, novelist VII-561d KEMP, JOHN, cardinal VIII- 616b; III-657b; and St. Bal- bina's Church XIII-174b; at Canterbury III-300a; at Roch- ester, England XIII-102b; at Silva Candida XII-290d; at York XV-734b —Thomas VIII-616b Kempe, Boniface V-477b —John, Bishop of London IX- 347d —Thomas, Bishop of London IX- 347d Kempen, battle of (1642) XIV- 6568 Kempeneer, Pieter de. See Van de Velde a Kempis, John a, and Imitation of Christ VII-674d; and Peterssen XI-775b —Thomas a. See Thomas Kempis Kempten, abbey of X-453c; XII- 658a; church II-78b —Heinrich von, and Konrad of Würzburg VIII-691c Kemys, David Joseph V-478b —Edward XIII-648a Ken, Thomas, non-juror XI-99b Kenanah, tribe I-672d Kena'nu, Syria XIV-399d Kenaz. See Cenez Kendal, Thomas V-477d Kendall, Hugh V-524d Kenealy, Anselm E. J., Archbishop of Simla XIII-796b Keneb (Chub) VI-437c Keneh, Diocese of V-355d Kenetha. See Canatha Kengi, Kingdom of II-180d KENIA, VICARIATE APOS- TOLIC OF VIII-616C Kenisteno. See Cree Kenites. See Cinites Kenizzites. See Cenczites Kenmare, Earl of, Catholic Com- mittee, Ireland XIII-126c; and Irish Penal Laws XI-616b Kennebec route XIV-439a Kennedy, trial. See Lyell —David, in New Zealand XI-43b KENNEDY, JAMES, Bishop of St. Andrews VIII-616d; VI- 719a; XIII-330d; at Dunkeld V-1948; and James II of Scot- land XIII-617c; and St. Sal- vator's college XIII-332a —Quintin, Abbot of Crossraguel XIII-619b; 625b; and Knox VIII-683b —Thomas F., and American Col- lege. Ronie I-424b —Walter XIII-624b —William, and cathedral II- 231c; benefactions II-234c Kenner, Friedrich, on Eckhel V- 275d Kennesrhē convent, and James of Edessa VIII-277c Kenneth, Saint. See Canice —MacAlpine, King of Scotland II-594d; XIII-614b; and Co- lumban Church V-193d —II, King of Scotland, and Lothian XIII-614c Kennett White, Bishop of Peter- borough. See White Kenney, John, in Brooklyn II- 799c Kennicott, Benjamin, and Bible V-288c; and Hebrew MSS. IV-499d; and Old Testament MSS. XIV-526c Kenny, Saint. See Canice —C. D., in Baltimore II-231c; benefaction II-233b Francisco —Patrick, in Delaware IV-694a —Peter, Jesuit XIV-101d —William, in San Francisco XIII-441c Kenoma, in Gnosticism I-173d KENOSIS VIII-617a; XI-575b; XV-117c Kenquis, Azo du VIII-256c KENRAGHTY, MAURICE VIII- 617c; 166b Kenred. See Coenred KENRICK, FRANCIS PATRICK Archbishop of Baltimore VIII- 618a; II-233b; and American College, Rome I-423b; at Bal- timore Council II-235a; Bible II-241b; V-141a; as Biblical commentator IV-161a; at Car- rolltown I-368d; and Catholic education XIII-580b; and Catholics in Pennsylvania XIII-633c: Catholic Univer- sity chair III-456a; and churches VIII-678b; and Con- well IV-350a; and Durbin V- 209c; Hewit VII-309d; and Kenrick, P. R. XIII-361a; and Monrovian colony I-189a; and Newmann X-773d; Philadel- phia, episcopate XI-794d; in Pittsburg XII-121d; and Sis- ters of Charity III-609a; and Spalding VIII-679d; tomb II-231c —JANE VIII-618a PETER RICHARD, Archbish- op of St. Louis VIII-619a; X-365c; XIII-361a; and Catholic Theology XIV-596a; and Douai version XV-377a; and the Drake Constitution X-401d; and Duggan III-654d; and Foley III-655b; and For- bin-Janson VI-134a; funeral sermon XIII-283c; and Bishop Hogan XIII-357a; and Irish community life X-365c; at St. Joseph XIII-357a; as Lazarist X-365c; and O'Regan III- 654c; and papal infallibility XV-306d; 307d; at St. Paul's Church, Pittsburg XII-122a; and Redemptorists XII-685a; and Archbishop Ryan XIII- 282d; and Smyth V-180b; on Test Oath XIV-538d; at Vat- ican Council XV-305b; 307a Richard VIII-618a —Thomas VIII-618a —Seminary, St. Louis X-367a; XIII-700b Kensington, Australia, seminary XIII-700c —London, and Cardinal Borro- meo III-621d; Carmelite Church III-365a; Catholic University College XV-595a; Westminster pro-Cathedral XV-595b Kensit, John, and Ritualism XIII-91d Kenswith IV-578c Kent, C. F., and Biblical introduc- tion VIII-80d; on Esdras and Nehemias V-535d —Charles, editor XI-675a —Constance XIII-658a —James, on Christianity in New York XI-36b; contract, defini- tion of IV-387d; on devise III- 592a; on donation V-118a; on Bishop England V-471a; on fraudulent selling IV-334d; on international law IX-73b; on mortmain X-581d; on Statute of Frauds IV-335b —Joseph, Governor of Maryland XIV-443b —Kingdom of VII-241d; and apostasy I-506a; and St. Bede I-269d; conversion I-505d; and Jutes I-505b; and Offa XI- 215b —Maid of. See Barton, Eliza- beth KENTIGERN, SAINT VIII- 620a: XIII-6148: and St. Asaph I-766a; XIII-332d; and St. Columba IV-136d; Glasgow see (540) VI-577d: Glasgow shrine XIII-761d; and Lian- elwy monastery XV-586c: and Scotch churches XI-564a; and St. Serf XIV-51sb; in Wales XV-583d Kent Island, mission XII-115a; settlement III - 194d; trading post IX-756d KENTUCKY, state VIII-620b; aborigines III-646a; agricul- ture VIII-621a; charities and corrections VIII-622a —Church in: Badin's mission II- 200c: 201b: Catholic publica- tions XI 692c; Church growth VIII 623c; Durbin, patriarch priest of V-209c; first mass II- 200c; missions VI-479b; Ne- rinckx X-752b; religion VIII- 623c; religious legislation VIII- 624c; Seal of confession XIII- 662a Bishop Spalding III- 787a —education VIII-621c; French Americans VI-273b; grazing VIII-621a; history VIII-622c: intoxicants, sale of VIII-626a; Knownothingism VIII-623b; manufactures VIII-621b; mar- riage and divorce VIII-625c; material resources VIII-620d; mining VIII-621a: negro popu- Intion (1900) XII-628b; popu- lation VIII-620d: physical characteristic VIII-620c; rivers

Roman numeral indicates volume; arabic, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.