Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/543

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na Domini VII-717d; mdultfor IX-154a; Jerusalem III-^)'^* • VII-436a; Last SuPPer XIN- 341c; Lateran Basilica VlyTOb, Ussons IX-195d; 197a-, Litany of the Saints IX-292a: Mass, Conventual IX-790C; Mass. evening I-197C; Mass, Re-

^r'^xlwiM; Mo.arabic Rite X-616a; Pango Lingua XI-443a; procession Xll-4-t'a, reconciliation of pomtents 1- 64b;Xl-630d; Repository XI 1- 770b: in Russia V-72ia; Sac- raments. Congresation ol Xnl-141b; in barum L^e XIII-lSlc; washing ot leet

MiunelU,' Girolamo, Bishop of

Miunoir! JuUeii! Venerable XIV- lina; t..H lI-4Wd; at Lfon

MAUNOURY, AUGTJSTE- FRANQOIS X-tiSc; and Mar- tin IX-7:>0a .

Maupas, Henri de, Bishop ol Le P.rin-2p7d; and « Joseph, Congregation of ) "l ^l'"?' 512a; IX-47fic; and MMaille X^llb; on St. Vincent de Paul

—Peter Alexander, Archbishop of

Maupassant, Guy de VI-203C MauSeou, Rene-Char es-Auguste de, and Choiaeul in-b9.jb. and La Rochefoucald - Liancourt

Maiipoint, Amand, Bishop of .St-

Denis XVI-83a Maur, Saint, Congregation ot.

Sec Maurists Maura, Saint, martyr. Ravenna

XII-660a —Saint, virgin. Tours ^V-4b —Saint, virgin. Troyes XV-bSb —Antonio, orator XlV-lSSb,

Mauracher of Gras, organ builder

XI -31)1 lb Maurageto, lung of Asturias

XIV-l«)a . . .

Maurault, J. A., missionao' X-

Maurehus, Saint, Bishop of Fer-

rara \'I— 17a Maurenbrecher, K. P. W. I-

372a: on Reformation IX-44bC Maurepas, Fort V 11-61. 5a —Jerome PhiUpeaux, minister

M^^'et^Georg, and F?>lmoser

VI-26c: Zacharias on XV-<4id Mauretania I-191b; 199b: III-

387b; autonomy ot 1-lM-c.

Islamized I-186a; kings of

XIV^7:isb; lituniy I-194b —Caesariensis, province XI^ "3* —Proconsular, Pr-'vince I-lfl9b — Sitifensis, pr ■vince Xiv-juc — Tingitana. See .Morocco Maurevel, and Coligny Xlll-

.3:!3i: 334d; and Gregory Xlll

XIII-33Sa Mauri I Berbers) X-o/ 4c Mauriac, France. Jesuit College

at \IV-SSc; pilgrimage XU-

9:!c; XIII-34SC —Abbey. See St-Pierre de Mau-

Maurianus, Bishop of Ceramua III-.5:i7d

—Bishop ot Pisa XII-llI.c

— Bishop of Pompempolis Xli- 227a „. ,.,,

Maurice, Saint, Cistercian .\I1- r.l2c , . , .1-

— SAINT (of Thcban Legion) X- fiSd XIV-14d: 362b; churches in U. .-!.>a; conversion of (ill) X-fi9:feastin-16.3c;VI- 360b; lance of VIII -774b; relics IX-716C; Xn-723b; reliquary of XII-762d; society of n-712a —Saint, Trinitarian mart>T Vlll-

MAURICE, Emperor X-69a; III- lOld: in2d; 10.5a; and St. Anastaiius I-t.T4d; and Ar- menia I-7.37d; and Chosroes II XI-717c: and St. Gregory Vl- 7S2a; 78ld; VIII-fi32c; M- 4.53a' and John the Faster VIII-49.3d; murder VIII-3.59d; and Pelagius II XI-fi0.3c;

and Saif I-673a; and Tripoli- tana XV-59b Saint, Abbot of Corndet VII-

— Bishop of Kruszwica XV-eSlb Bishop of London lX-34.ib,

—I, Abbot of St. James XV-721C — n. Abbot of St. James XV-721C m. Abbot of St. James XV-

PHor of Whithorn XV-614C

— Adolphus, Bishop of Leitmentz

XIII-500C ,

—Frederick Demson VIII-49C,

and -Tract 90" XI-37l)b —Godfrey. .Sec John Buckley,

Venerable . . .

—and Lazarus, Saints, Knights

of. .S.c Lazarus. Saint, Order

— of Agaune, Saint I-10.5d Z^f Cornwall, Saint Xnl-340d —of England XI I-364d —of Hesse Cassel III-203d —of Nassau VlI-3SSc; X-(62b; XIV-203b; and .Arminianism i-741d and CathoUc persecu- tion VII-387d , —of St. Albert, Bishop of Qmlon Xll-Olla ,. . , ,.

of St. Teresa, Vicar Apostolic

of Bombay II-644d

of Saxony, Elector Il-75d;

XIlI-199d: and Agricola I- 231a: ami Charles VIII-628b; VI-23Sa; Interim of Aella Vnl-78a; .and Leipzig Univer- sity IX-I40C; 140d; and 'Magdeburg IX-524d; Silver Groschen (ill.) XI-155a; and Smalkaldic League XIV-.58C Mauricius, Chartulanus Xlll-

108b —emperor. See Maurice Maunenne, Saint-Jean-de. See

Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne — Thomas de V-7Sea Mauriet, Isabelle, foundress IX-

Maurila, Bishop of Palencia XI-

Maurilio, Saint, Bishop of Cahora ni-141b

Maurilius, Saint, Bishop of An- gers I-4S9b: X-713a

—of Reims, Saint, Archbishop of Rouen XI1-729C; XIII-209d; and St. Anselni I-,546d; at Rouen. Council of XIIl-211d

MauriUac, Waldenses at XV- 529c

Maurin, Venerable, Bishop of

Auxerre XIII-718b MAURISTS X-fi9d: n-42"d; 4.l)0b; 476b; abbeys II--44bb; d- Ach«ry I- 102a; 102b; and appellants I-9ob: St. Augustine edition IV-697c; at Bee II- 379d; Btoard II-426d: Chaiite- lou III-57.3b; chief writers 1- 462c; CU-mei,--' IN Hd: Clement IV-:;-'l < ,,, m ni. ii X-701c;anddi'i ■ .' '"■<•' XII-419C; C'rii - 1\ '•>: Dantine IV-G:;-.d. M. l'; h^ Abbey of XIII-344a. G,.ret VI-384C; Gerberon VI-469C. Gregory XV VII-.5d; Gufrard VII-59C; historians. French II-715b; Japan Xiy-75.5a; Le Nourrj' IX-151d: L^f-ps IX- 189a; literary labours X-4li3b. Mabillon IX-479c; Maran IX- 6.3Ga; Mart^ne IX-721a; Mar- tianav IX-722c: Massuet X- 37c; Mcge X-146d; M6nard X- 178b; and Mont St. Michel X- 531b; Morigny Abbey X\- .3G6c; priories XII-42Sc; Saint- Malo II-447C; Saint Ouen. Abbev of XIII-366C; Ta-ssin s history of XIV-463C; and Te Deiim XIV-469a: Touttfe XV- .5a- Unigenitus IV-31d Mauritius, Saint. See Maurice —Bishop of Burgos 111-688 -Bishop of HamathVII-120d -Bishop of Sovana XIV-10.5C —Island of XII-290b; Buddhists in I-186d; Church in XII- 2S9a; Port Louis XII-289a; Propaganda XII-4.57d; Protes- tant Missions in I-188a — de Portu. Sec O'Fihely, Maur- ice

Mauritzhuis, The Hague VII-

lOSc; (ill. I Vll-facing 390 Mauro, Fra, geographer XU-

41')c XV-771C; map VI-450C.

VI fuiiii; 4.50: XV-771C Mauroceni, Eleanore VIlI-.34.3d Maurolycus, Francesco, physicist

XII-."..5d ^ , ^ . ,

Mauron, Nicholas, Redemptorist

X1I-IW4C. and Pius IX XI-

Mauront, Saint, Bishop of Mar-

..cill.-s IX 710b; relics IX-716C

Mauropus, Johannes, hymnodist

VIl-.V.KlJ ,, ,_, . Mauro-Wallachia. .Sec MoIda\ia Maursmunster, abbey X-248d MAURUS, SAINT X-72b; "t \il\.rn-. Al>ljev o XIII-719d; and St BL-iic'dict of Nursia II- 408c; church U. S. XI-565a; (ill ) X-72; legend II-443c; at Monte Cassino X-526d; at Orleans XI-319d; at St. Peter s Tomb XII-94d; and St. Placid- us Xll-I42d; Verdun, episco- pate XV-351a — priest, martyr XII-725b — Bishop of Ausculum I-774a Saint, Bishop of Cesena 111-

— Abbot of Einsiedeln V-368b —Saint, Bishop of Funfkirchen

VI-322b —Bishop of Leon IX-l/ob —Saint, Bishop of Piacenza Xll-

— Archbishop of Ravenna XII- 666b; schism V-133a; and Pope Vitalian XV-485C —Bishop of Siena XIII-781a —Bishop of Toscanella XV-489a — Rabanus. See Rabanus Mau-


594c: on grace X-4-llb — de CeUco VIII-406C Maurusio, Bishop of Evrcux V-

MAURY, JEAN-SIFFREIN, car- dinal X-72d; on Bridaine II- 781a; and church property Xlll-lOb; and Concordat ot (1801) IV-205a; and Consalvi XI-381a; at Council X-693d and Napoleon XI-484C; and Pius VII X-69.5b

— Matthew Fontaine, and Secchi XIII-609b; 670b; and De Vice XV-407a

Mausac, monasteiy VI-412a

Mausbach, writer XI-679d

Mauss, M. XIV-789b

Maut, deity V-oOSa

Mautem, Redemptorists at Aii- 6S4a ... V

Mauthner, Ludwig, physician X-

Mauve, Saint. .Sec Madalvffius,


Mauvia. See Mavia

Mauviel Pierre, Abbot of I'ou-

f,.„,ll.. VI-129a ^. ,^

Mauvila, battle I-240c; X--410C Mauvoison, Samson de Xll-/i^a Mauzac, fihbcy II-121a Mavara-un-Nahr, Khan d\-nasty

X-482a . Mavia, Arabian queen I-667d Maviael, patri.arch I-.5old; lU-

143a; XI-.54.8a . . „ ., Mavortius, Vettius Agonus Basil-

ius, consul XII--518C Mavrocordatus, Nicholas Con-

stantine XIII-2-2flc Mdvromati (Messene) X-212C Mawarinah. Sre Maronites Mawatani Indians. ^See Mandan Mawson, John y-177c Maxellende, Saint XV-44.5b Maxentia, Saint 11-377(1 Maxentius, Bishop of Berissa 11-

491d —Bishop of Cuma X-687a —Saint, Bishon of P"'""' X-

.546c: XII-17Sd: 179b; 180d —JOANNES X-73b; formula V- r>35d; and S.-mipclagianism XIII-70fia; and Tlieopaschitc

-MARCUS AURELTOS X-7.3d; lV-29na; Vl'34lb: and Chris- tians XIII-lR7d; circus XIII- 176b: and Constantilic XIII- 176a- victory over Constantme (ill ) 'iV-facing 30O: and Popi

St. Eusebius V-610a; and Pope Marcellus I IX-640d; and Severus IV-296a; tolerance


— Wilham, Venerable V-478b

Maxima, Saint XIII-719d

— abbess I-2SUd

— Cura, Constitution of Pius X XI -500b; 502c; XIV-388d: XV-248C

— Sequanorum, Roman Provinco XIV-358d

Vigilantia, Constitution of Ben- edict XIII I-696d

Maxime, Abbot of Melleray X-

Maximes (La Rochefoucauld)

VI-196d — des Saints (Fi5nelon) VI-37a; IX-375C: XII-610a: condem- nation Xin-211d: and Godet des Marais VI-624b Maximian, Saint, Bishop of Bagai I-346C; 362d; ll-88b; V-125d; 127a; 12Sa . ,

Patriarch of Constantinople

XIH49c; chair III-438a —Saint, Bishop of Ravenna Xll- 663d; chair ni-437d;V-251a: VIlI-25Sa; XV-698d; (lU.) Vlll-facing 578 —Bishop of Serraj XIII-731C —Bishop of Syracuse. Sicily XIV-

.397 b Maximiana (Adana) I-135d Maximianists V-126d MAXIMIANOPOLIS X-74C; VI-

43:ib: IX-131C .

Maximianus, Saint. See Maxim-

— MARCUS AURELIUS VALE- RIUS X-74d: V-7a; and cen- turiatora III-535a; and Con- stantius Chlorus VII-2q2d; and Diocletian IV-491a; divi- sion of empire V-4S4a: domi- cile, definition of V- 104a; and Maxentius X-73d: at Milan X-299a; persecution VI-75bc; IX-638a: and Pantaleon XI- 447c; and Sergius XIII-727d; 728a; St. Ursula's legend XV- 227a . „ ,,

—Archduke of Austria. See Max- imilian I. Emperor

MAXIMILIAN I, Duke of Bavaria, Elector X-7.5d; II-354d; VI- 41b; 502a; XIII-420d: XV- 623c: and Balde II-218b; and Bibliotheca Palatina V II-197C; and Contzen IV-340d; and Fer- dinand II VI-502C; and Ger- man Catholic League IX-llJOb, and Institute of Marj- Vlll- 54b; and Kager VIII-592a; and Keller VIII-813d; and Lorenzo da Brindisi lX-359d: and Pa- latinate VII-6a; portrait X-76; and Spain XIV-651d; statue

HI :-L /;il \ Y_fQr>incr h.iz: II

Munich (ill.) X-facing 632. -. Thirty Years War V I- 503b. XIV-649C: 6.50b; 653b: and Tilly XIV-724d; and Vetter XV-394C , ,„

— n (Emanuel), Duke of Bavaria, Elector II-355a; Vl-Wed; X- 632a; at Vienna X\-4I8b

—in. Elector of Bavaria II-355a, VI-.506d; and monasteries X-

—IV. Joseph, Elector of Bavaria. See Maximilian I, King of

-Faffing of Bavaria I-233a; II- 355a- VII- 29c:. 50Sb:XI-417a; and Frank VI-23.5d: and mon- asteries X-45:!c; and St. Mi- chael. <>nl'-r ..1 X J._2d: and

rrcsLliiirr M\ l7-2d;and Van Beethoven XV-26.5c; and <:SricanLib,ar>-Xy-296c;and Von Fraunhofer V1-2.t<JC -n King of Bavaria II-35ob. policy VI-51 la —1, Emperor of Germany VI-- 498b; XI-41Ra: and Adrian VI I-1.59d: and R- '\g"cola I- 231b; and Aldobrandini IV- 27b: and Anima Go lege I- 514d; and Balbus II-217b; and Berthold of Henneberg 11-^ 520d; and Burckmair lIl-l)oa,

i^^a7^;:m;;:^indicate8 volume; arabic7page; a, b, c. d, quarter of page.