Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/556

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Mikahestow, Indian convert II- 603d

Mikes, Hungarian writer VII- 561b

— Bishop of Steinamanger XIV- 285a

Mikhah. See Micheas

Mikhail. See Michael

Mikhayah (Mikhehfl). See Mi- cheas

Mikhmas (Machmas) VI-442a

Miki, Paul, martyr XI-755d; XII-7a

Mikketsen, Canute, Bishop of Viborg XVI-81C

Miklas,.heretic IX-595a

Miklosic, Franc, philologist XIV- 47c

Mikszath, Koloman, novelist VII-662a

MikyUus, Jakob VII-197a

Milada, abbess II-122C; XII- 338c

Milah (Milevum) X-304c

Milan, town. Alessi's work I- 284b; astrology II-22d; Bra- mante's work II-736a

— Brera Gallery: Alunno's work I-370d; Bellinis II-416d; Bor- done II-684b; Borgognone II- 686a; Campi III-224C

— Catharists III-436b; Charles V HI-626b; edict of (313) IV- 296b; 298b; XI-214b; 709a; XIH67d; XIV-765b; XVI- 66a: geographical congress XV- 386d; Goths VII-461a; Fiam- mo's history XII-366a; lace VIII-729d; lace (ill.) VIII- 730a; library, Royal I-31Sa; Museum, ivory carving (ill.) XIII-430d; museum, Messina's work X-216a; observatory II- 692d; peace (1229) XV-337b; plague II-688b; III-323d; sack of VI-492a; IX-339d; XV- 212a: temperance congress XIV-4S6a; and Vercelli XV- 349a; da Vinci's works XIV- 342c; XV-443b

—ARCHDIOCESE OF X-298d: XII-77b; alb I-2o2b; St. Am- brose I-384b

— Ambrosian Basilica I-363a: 38Sd; pala d' oro (ill.) I-facing 388; siege I-389a; 394d

— Ambrosian chant VI-779d

— Ambrosian Library I-393d ; manuscripts IX-619d; da Vin- ci's MSS. XV-144C

— Ajnbrosians I-404b: .A.ngelicals I-483a: St. Antonio Maria Zaccaria I-588a: Arianism II- 144c: Barnabites II-302a; St. Bernard II-500b: Borromeo, Federico II-688a

—cathedral I-400c: III-576b; X-301c: aisles I-237c; altar I- 346b; Amadeo's work I-375d; ambo I-382b; antiquities X- 647b; architect XI-73a; archi- tecture VIII-226b; breviarv. Te Deum in XIV-468d; can- delabrum III-249a; ceremonies I-400b: 401b: VI-662b; choir III-693d; design V-263a; For- ty Hovirs III-324b: holy water font VIH35b; (ill.) X-facing 300; Orsenigo's work XIII- 796d; school XIII-695C: sculp- tures XIII-644b; Solari's works XIV-133b

— charity organization III-602b; St. Charles Borromeo III- 620a

—councils X-301b: (34.3) III- 761c; (347) X-77b: XII-43a: (35.5) II-39c; V-641b; IX- 218b; 221a; 410b; X-301b; XVI-27C; (c. 390) I-629d; (451) I-75a: 592a: III-743b; X-81b; 301b: (680) X-301b: (860) XI-54C: (1060) X-301b; 1098) X-301b; (1117) X- 301b; (1287) X-301b; (l.ill) XV-730d; (1565) Ill-I121a; IV-213C: (1576) I-3.-.()a; Vll- 490d; (1579) IV-2ir,d; (liliW) X-301b; (1636)X-,301b; (IGOU) X-301b; (1850) X-301b

— dalmatic IV-608c: dead, com- memoration of I-316a; diptych V-23c; Dominicans V-lOSd; edifices, religious X-301c; edifices, secular X-301d; Em- ber days V-399d; Foreign

Missions, seminary III- 676b; XII-230C; 231b; 458b; Forty Hours VI-152b; found- ling asylum VI-159C; GaUican Rite VI-357b; and Genoa I- 393a; Gotti at XVI-42a; Grand Hospital VII-486a; Hospital- lers of St. John of God II-802d: hymnody I-392d: "Iliad" IX- 621a; India missions Vll-facing 737; Lent IX-152d; map VIII- facing 244; Palm Sunday XI- 432c; Paschal candle, blessing of IX-430b; patrons VI-537a; rite XIII-65d; Sanctus XIII- 433b; Sassi's works I-405c: schism XIII-533d; XIV-708d: schools X-301d; St. Sebastian, devotion to XIII-668a; semi- nary, papal I-154d; III-620d; VII-2d: service books I-396d: and Sicily XIII-774d; stole XIV-301d; Theatines I^72b; XIV-557C: Uniats V-235b; washing of feet XV-557C

— Duchy of, and Alexander VI I- 290d; concordat (1745) VIII- 233d: and France VI-498d; IX-340C; Louis XII I-292b; nunciature XI-160d; and Par- ma XI-505C; and Piacenza XII-70c; and Spaniards IX- 340c; Visconti dynasty VI- 494d; VII-58b; XIV-785a

— Liturgy of. See Ambrosian Liturgy

—I, Prince of Servia XIII-734b

— n, Ising of Servia XIII-734b

Milanes, Jaime Hernandez, of Nieza. Bishop of M^rida X- 202a

— Jose Jacinto, writer XIV-207d

Milanese Rite. See Ambrosian Liturgy

Milanesi, Abbot-General of Val- lumbrosa XV-263a

— Gaetano, on Gentile da Fabri- ano VI— 422a; and Muntz X- 640c; and Vasari XV-274b

Milani, S., Vicar Apostolic of Aleppo XIV-405d

Milano, Bramantino da, painter XV-2N.-,a

— Giovanni da, artist VI-332d

Milante, XIV-703a

Milas iMylasa) X-B60d

Milasch, Servian bishop VI-772a

Mila y Fontanals, writer XIV- 201d

Milazzo. See Mylas

Milbank, Presentation Sisters at XII-398b

Milcham, Nicholas, sub-prior of Walsingham XV-.>t3b

Milchlaschingsonntag XII-614b

Milchu, Ulster chief VIII-99d; XI-554b

Milcom, deitv I-432a; X^43d

MILDE, VINZENZ EDDARD X- 302a; II-12'Ja; 12yd; lX-141d; XV-420a

Mildew, in Bible I-525a; XII- 154d

Mildness, Fruit of Holy Ghost VII-414b

—Defect of VIII-172d

Mildred, Saint, abbess II-463b

—Bishop of Worcester XV-703d

Mildura, Church in II-223C

Miledh Vlll-98d

MileUa, Michele, Bishop of Te- ramo XIV-514C

Miles, degree, in Mithraism X- 403d

Miles, family, Maryland II-229b


—Nelson A., general X-318a; 720b; XIV-2:ia

. — Richard Pius, Bishop of Nash- ville X-704d

Milesi-Ferretti, cardinal, Abbot of SS. Vincent and Athanasius XIII-381b

Milesians, race VIII-9.Sd; in Irish liter.ature Vlll-UOd

Milet, Pierre. .SVr Millet



Miletos ni-4.'.sd

Miletus X-303C; built I-784C: destruction XI-713a; St. Paul at in-74fla

-VITUS X-304a

Mileve fMilevis). Sec Milevum

MILEVUM (MILEUM) X-:W4b: c.unril 14(12) l-2l)0c; .\-.304c;

XIV-3S9b: appeal, right of I- 652c; archives I-696c: on cler- ics, lawsuits of IV-448C: coun- cil (416) I-200c; X-304C; XI- 606b; and St. Augustine II- 87c; on baptism, infant II- 270c; on divorce V-57c: on grace VI-695C; on Office, Di- vine XI-220a ; Pelagianism VIII-12b; XII-165d; St. Pos- sidius at XII-318b; sacraments XIII-298a

Miley, rector Irish College, Paris VIII-163b

Millord, Armenian Catholics at XIII-82a

Milhac de Noutron, Dordogne, holy water fonts at VII-134d

Milhau, town, Calvinism XIII- KlSb

Milhet, JeanIX-3S0c

— Joseph, French revolutionist IX-3S0d

Milholland, family, Marvland II-231d

MiUarensis X-545b


MiUdi II-14b

Milinda Panha III-29b

Milinovic, Simon, Archbishop of Antivari I-5S3a; VI-295b

Militantes ecclesiEe, Bull of Ur- ban VIII IV-345C

Militantis ecclesise. Bull of Inno- cent X III-339C

— ecclesiffi. Bull of Pius VII IX- 4()3d: XII-I67a; XV-555d

Mihtare Centrale, school, Rome Xni-lCwc

MILITARY ORDERS X-304d: Alcdntara I-271d; .\ummziata X-306C; Av-izII-161d; the Bath X-306C; Benedictine n-4B3d; Calatrava III-149d; Christ. Or- der of X-306d; the Collar X- 306c; Cross VIII-671C; founded XII -752a; the Garter X- 306c; Golden Fleece X-306C; Holy Ghost. Order of X-306c; Livonia X-306a; marriage in XIII-353b; Montesa X-534a; organization, economic X- 307c: organization, military X- 307b; Our Lady of Bethlehem XII-127C; Our Lady of Carmel X-306c; Our Lady of Loretto X-306d; Portugal II-162c: the Precious Blood X-306d: priors XII-427d: religious X-305b; 303c; 306d: Rhodes VII-479a; rise of IV-547C; St. Anthony of Ethiopia X-305a; St. George X-306b: XIII-350c; St. Hu- bert VII-.508b; St. James of Compostela XIII-333a; St. John of Jerusalem. Hospitallers of VII-477d; St. Lazarus of Jerusalem IX-96d; X-306c: St. Michael X-272d; 306c; St. Paul X-306d; St. Peter X- 306d; St. Stephen X-306b: Secular X-306b; sick, care of VII-483a: Spanish I-271d: XIV-181a: the St-ar X-30Bc: Templars XIV-493a: Teutonic XIV-541a; the Thistle X-306C

—Service, in Alabama I-243d; Bohemian Brethren on II- 617a; clergy, immunity of XII- 439a; Montanist I-772a

Milites regis XII-4c

Militia, in feudalism VI-61a; Roman Empire IV-297d

Mihtia Angehca. See Cord of St. Tliomas

Mihtia; Aureae. See Sylvester, St.. Order of

Militia Jesu Christi, Third Order XIV-638C

— of Christ. See Christ, Order of the Knights of

— of Christ, Brothers of the (Ger- man). .S'<c Sword. Knights of

— of the Golden Spur. S»-e Gold- en Militia

— of the Holy Family XVI-fiOa

—of the Holy Ghost Vtl-416b

Militsch, castle II 7li-'b

Milk, abstinence IX- 153c; hr- minean I-72a: Coptic I-72b; Jacobite I-71c: Manichfiean I- 772a; Maronite I-7ld

— adulteration I-162d: at bap- tism I-196a: III-563C: in Eu- charistic Host VII-494a; fast davs I -68b; II-590C; at fu-

neral feasts I-201a; in Greek Church I-70b; in Lenten in- dult I-69d; 70b; in sacrifice Xlll-31(lb: svmboUsm VIII- 7.i(ia; .Si-.' l.actioinia

Milk-drinkers. .S-e Molokani

Milk-pail, in catacomb paintings VIII-7.55d

Milky 'Way XV-187a; ecliptic character XV-lS6d ; savage beUef I-S28a; Winnebago In- dians XV-658a

Mill, James, assoeiationism II- 4b; 4d; 408d; XII-33a; and Bentham II-4S3a; Hedonism VII-188a; on political economy XII-215C

—John, Biblical critic XIV-532b; on synoptics XIV-392a; New Testament IV-498C; 503a; V- 290c

— John Stuart, on the Absolute I- 60c; agnosticism I-215d; al- truism XII-29C; association- ism II-4b; on belief II-409a; and Bentham II^82a; causal- ity theory ni-463b; 466a; on character ni-586a; on Christ VIII-382d; condition theory IV-212a: determinism IV— 736d: economic theory I-228a; error III-585a: on essence V— 54.5a; and experimental method XII-29d; on fataUsm V-793b: on free will VI-261d; on good, highest VI-641b: on happiness VII-132d; hedonism VII-188b; idealism VII-633c; on immor- tality VII-688d; on individual- ity VII-764d; on insolvency II-253d: on knowledge V- 408a; logic IX-328a; neo- Malthusianism XII-279b; nominalism XI-93b; and meta- physics X-232a; on miracles X-341b; 342c; on Omnipotence XI-252b; on parallelism XI- 475b; personality theory XI- 72Sb; philosophy I-217C; on political economv XII-215c; positivism XII-33a; 313c; re- ligion, definition of XII-740b; on self-consciousness IV-276a; as sensualist XII-28d; on soul V-750c: XIV-156C: space XIV-168d; substance VI-138c; XIV-323d; syllogism XII- 674c; on truth XII-336b; on universalitv XI-92d; utilitar- ianism XV-241C; 242c; on «-ilI and ple.a.^ure XV-625a; on woman X\'-ii92a

Millais, Sir John Edward, and Galton XVI-39a; and Patmore Xl-547a

MiUan, Saint. See Emilian

MiUar, J., on dancing IV-618C

MiUaud, Peter de, Carmelite III- 356b

Mille Lacs, Minnesota VII-217a; X-327d; XIV-17d

Millenary Petition, of Puritans XI-9l)a

Millennial Star, periodical X- 572b

MILLENNIUM AND MILLEN- ARIANISM X-307d: in Am- bri'^ia-st. T I iniib; .■\pocalvpse I-.")',i7b; St. .\ugustine I-597d; X-309b; Cerinthus III-539b; Commodianus IV-165d; Druze V-167b; early beUef I-597C; Gnostic attitude X-308d: Jew- ish concept X-307d; and judg- ment, general Vni-552b; Mil- ler I-166C: Xepos V-12b; Par- sees \'-.'>;>0c; itatristic teaching

\ :(isi, I' uth Brethren

\I[ i; i> I -hel I1-129C;

!■,. , ines X-309d;

SI \ !. i"Mnn~ W-114b; Zion- itcs XV-7r,la

Miller, Biblical commentator IV-lf.3b


—James M., publisher XI-692d

— Peter, martvr VI1I-106C

—Virginia V-l.73d

—William, .A.lventist I-16bc

— William, Vicar Apostolic of "Transvaal VIII-155c; IX- 661c: XV-20b

Millerand, Socialist leader XIV- 64d

Milleret de Bron, Eugenie, founder II-6a

Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrations.