Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/567

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OF X-S2Sd — family, and Fosaombrone VI-

IMd — Antonio, Conte di, and Albor-

no2 VI-559ai and Gubbio VII-

55c — Bonconte di XV-221d — Federigo I di, Duke of Ur-

bino VII-o5c: XV-221d — Federigo II di, Duke of Ur-

bino XV-221d — Federigo m di, Duke of Urbi-

no XIV-2Md: XV-221b; 221c;

222a; and art XII-640d: and

humanism VII-o39d; and Ma-

lateata. Sigismondo V-7S5a;

and Melozzo da Forli X-170a — <jiiido, Conte di, in " Div-ina

Commedia" IV-631a; and

Durandua V-207b; Sinigaglia

XIV-13C — Guido Antonio, Duke of Spo-

leto XV-221d — Guidobaldo di, Duke of Urbino

II-219b; III-409d; VI-4!oc — John of. St-e John of Monte

Feltro — Oddo Antonio, Duke of Spo-

leto XV-222a — Montefeltrano da XV-221d Montefiascone, town Vin-219b:

treaty (13.54) VI-.55Sd —DIOCESE OF X .329a Montefiore, Claude G., Biblical

critic X-64a: 64b — Sir Moses, and Zionism XV-

7t)0d Montefiorentino, monasterj', and

Viyarini. .\lvise XV-491d Monteforte, Castle of, Catharista

at 111-431)3 Monte Foscolo, Tancred da.

Bishop of Xicastro XI-47C — Gargano, Basilica of, and

biu9, Bisliop of Trani XV-17b;

and St. Michael IX-588C; X-

276d; St. Michael, shrine at

I-170d; and Throne, Episcopal

XIV-709d Montegelas, Maximilian Joseph

de. See IVIontgelaa Montegranaro, priory IX-2S9b Monteiro, Juan de,' Bishop of

C.,loi„l)o lV-124b — Luiz Vahia Xll-103a — Nicolau, Bishop ..f Oporto XI-

2tilc Monteith, John X-280c Monte jo, town, and Domingo,

Bishop of Plasencia XII-I57d — Francisco de, and Yucatan X-

82d: 25.3d; 268d Montehmar, town, and Council

of Valence XV-250d Montelongo, Gregorio da XI-

.593a Monte Luco, Hermits of VII-280d Montemar, general, and Charles

111 of Spain X-686b Monte Mario XIII-164c: Almo

CoUegio Capranicense XIII-

132a Montemartino, Diocese of XI-


X-.529b; .\ll"3U7d: XlV-19nb — Prudencio de, nnd B.auoz II-

247d: IV-2.3sb Montemolin, Count of II-22.5a Montemor, Jorge de. See Mon-

Monte Morcino, convent XI- 737b

Montena:ken, battle (1465) III- 69b

MONTENEGRO X-529d; Al- banians I-2.54d; and Antivari I-3S2d; area X-531b; and Church X-.531b; Concordat (1886) I-S82d; IX-171C; and Franciscans VI-294d; govern- ment X-531b; history X-.52nd; independence XV-9.Sd; and liturgy I-.>83a; and mon.ia- terics n-32.3c; organization, ecclesiastical I-.582c; Orthodox Church XI-.3.30a; population V-60,Sd; X-.531b; and Powers X-530C; religion X-.531b:and Russia .\-.'>30b; Serbs and Croats XIV-50b: statistics. Catholic I-.>S2d; statistics, re- ligious XIV-278a; and Turkey X-.T.30b; and Vladika, rule X- 530a

— John of. See John of Monte- negro Montenotte, battle (1796) X-

6.S7d Montenses, Rome, and Donatists V-125a

Montensis, Bishop of Guarda Vll-49b

Monte Oliveto, cliurch, Naples IX-ooiJc; XVI-72C; and Cic- cionc lll-7r,,sc; Xola, Gio- vanni da Xl-9l)b; Signorelh's frescoes XI11-7S7C

— Ortono, Augustinian convent VII-2S2d

— Pannonia, Benedictine Abbey II-451a

Montepaolo, hermitage I-556c

Montepeloso, Diocese of. See Crania and Montepeloso

Monte-pio XII-420C

Monte Porzio Catone, town VI- 243b: and CoUegio Beda XIII- 1.34c

Montepulciano, town, college, and Agnelli I-212a; Palazzo- Puhlico (ill.) .\-531d; rebellion of XIlI-7S0d; and San Gallo. Antonio da XI!I-444a

— Agnes of. Saint. See Agnes of Montepulciano

— Bernardo da, and Albertini I- 26.3c

—DIOCESE OF X-531c: and St. .Agnes da Montepulciano I- 214a; chapel of VIII-793d

Montereau, Bridge of, and John the Fearless IIl-69a

— Pierre de, and church of St. Denis XI-4S7b; and Sainte Chapelle III-578C; XI-485b

Monteregale. See Moudovi

Monteregio, Johannes de. See Muller. .Iol,„i,D

Monterey, i > , C 'i'lmia III-

.b;Col ii; 174

—town, .\ifM.-o, battle (1846) IX-2ti6a; Jones, Thomas ap Cateshy III-173C; population X-2.')nc

— Archdiocese of. See Linares,

Arrhcliocese of

—AND LOS ANGELES, DIO- CESE OF X-532b; charities Xll-247b; and Italians Vlll- 206b; and Poles XII-211a; statistics X-.533d; XV-17i;c

Montero de Espinosa, Fernando, .\rchbishop of Manila IX-59Sb

— Rios, political leader XIV-188b

Monterotondo, town. Garibaldi XIII-169C; sulphur lake XV- .505a

Montertelot, and St. Teilo XIV- 474a

Monteruc, Pierre de, cardinal XUI-lSla

Montes, President of Ecuador XII-61.5C

— Jorge, at T'niversity of Santi- ago,' XITT ir,:h

—Lola, ail. I ' . I ' ,i,n VI-

i;.53d; airl I II \ '.:,a: and

Moycl..-. •> '-■.li.„l Phil- lips. f;...,rL-.. \ll-JJd

MONTESA, MILITARY ORDER OF \-.".3ta: II Hila; X-;ifl.5b: .\lll-3.'>ild; XlV-lssa: l.S2c; Knicht (ill.) .\-.531a; and Knights Templars XIV-495a

— S. Giuliano, cathedral (ill.) Xlll-facing 774; XV-23d

— Santo. See Mount .\thos

Montesanto, Church of, and Scarlatti Xlll-.51.5d

Montes Clares, t()wn. charities lV-772d: and Vieira XV-41|-,a

Montesclaros, Diocese of XVI- 36b

Montes del Valle, Agrippina, writer .\lV-20.5d

— de Oca, Jose de, mart\T X- 391a

— de Oca y Obregon, Ignacio, Bishop of San Luis Potosi XIII-44Sd

Monte Senario, Hermits of VII- 2S0d

MONTESINO, ANTONIO, mis- sionary X-.5.34b; 384c; XV- 4.5.5c; and V:is<iuez do Aylldn XIII-.50b

Montesinos, Fernando, historian XII-6n.5b

—LUIS DE X-534C; IX-209a Monte Sion, .Monastery III-7S3a Montesion, Luis de. See Monte-

Montesono, John de. See John

of Montesono Monte Soracte, monastery III-

207a Montespan, Frangoise Athenais de Rochechouart, Marquise de I-700d; and H^'bert I-209c; and Louis XIV l.\-372d; and Mme. de Maintenon IX-549a MONTES PIETATIS X-534d; III-599C; IV-709b; Barnabas of Terni II-301d; Bl. Ber- nardine of Feltre II-504d; St. Bemardme of Siena II-505d; Austria X-536C; Chaptal III- 582a; Cracow XIV-34d; Eng- land X-536C: Erba, Benedetto III-396b; and Franciscan Ob- servants VI-292C; Germany X-536C; Ghent VI-543b; and Lateran Council IX- 19b; Mid- dle Ages .X1I-239C; and Spain II-29(lb; X-.5.36C

MONTESQUIEU, CHARLES- LOUIS DE SECONDAT, BAR- ON DE X-53(id; Vl-19Sa; and AureUus Il-llOa; and "Ency- clop^ie" V— 119b; portrait (ill.) X-537c; on population XII-276d; on private property XII-463d; and Rousseau, J. J. IV-336d; on State and rehgion XIV-770b

Montesquiou-Fezensac,Francois- Xavier - Marc - Antoine de I- 797d: .ind Church property .Xlll-lOb

Montessoro, Vallumbrosan mon- astery XV-26.3a

Montet, Sacred Heart novitiate Vl-n27a

Montety, Monsignor, Apostolic Delegate to Persia XI-724b

Montevarchi, Mocchi da Xll-70b

Monte Varese, monasterj- I-404C

Monteverde, priest in Nevada X- 776d

—missionary XIII-401C

— CLAUDIO X-.538C; 601b; 658a; invention, musical Vll-I40b

Monte Verde, and Gualdo, Count of XV-263C

MONTE VERGDJE, abbey X- 538d; II-448C; 461d; X-687b; XV-644C; Abbey vere nullius I-16d; Camaldolcse VII-280C; general Chapters VI-412c; habit II-460b

— sanctuary, pilgrimage VIII- 221b

— Madoima of, church, Messina X-217a

Monteverginella, church, Naples VI-21.Sc

Montevideo, town, Uruguay XV- 230d; capitulation 11-8048; founded XV-232a; history XV- 232a; .Masonic Council' IX- 776d; siege XV-232b; Treaty (1827) II-804b; Treaty (1828) XV-232a

—ARCHDIOCESE OF X-539b; XV-231b: cathedral X-.539C

Monteville, Jeande. A'ccMande- ville. Jean de

Montezuma I (Ilh u icamina), Aztec chief II-169d

— n, Aztec chief IX-lSOd; and Cortfe IV-.399a; and Totonac Indians XIV-794b

Montfaucon, town. France, Gib- bet of (ill, I Xll-,5i;7c

—BERNARD DE X-.539d; II- 462c; Vl-li.b: .\-70d; 71d; and Banduri II-24l3d; on Bene- dict XIV II-432d; and Bou- quet II -71.5a: and Larue, Charles de IX-7d: palseographv XI-in3d; and Pez. Bernhard XI - 78.5c; Sedulius Septus XIII-6,S0d

— Sebastian de. Bishop of Lau- s,anne I.\-4lb

— Timoleon de X-539d

Montferrat, Marquesaate VII- .5a; IX-612b: XII-76C; XIV-

— Boniface of, and Villehardouin

XV-4.30C — Guglielmo of, Marquess of, and

Tortona, Bishop of XIV-



— Margaret, Marchioness of. See

Margaret of ."-^avoj-. Blessed — Marquesses of, and Tortona

XIV-7,s.5a — Teodoro of, in Vercelli X V-349a Montfort, Abbey of XII-773a — Amalric de I-269b; X-541C; and Peiham. John XI-.599d; and Philip II of France XII-2a; and Ha\-niond VI, Count of Toulouse Xn-670b — Bertrade de, and Robert of Ai-

brissel Xin-96b — Counts of, and Rudolf von Ems .XI11-219C

— Fathers of. See Mary, Com- pany of

— Jean de, and Charles de Blois XII-773a: XIII-340d; XV- 271d; and founder XV-272a; and Nantes X-682a

— Louis Marie Grigiiion de. iSee Louis Marie Grignion de Alont- fort, Blessed

— Rudolph von. Bishop of Con- stance IV-2S7C

— Simon de X-.541C

— Simon de, Earl of Leicester, and Gro.sseteste VII-39b; Mar- isco, Adam de IX-671C; and Pastoureaux XI-539C

—SIMON IV DE, EARL OF LEICESTER X-540d; and Albigenses I-269a; VIII-16c; Albigensian policy I-269C; and Constantinople IV-549d; death XIV-796a; death (ill.) X-541d; and St. Dominic V-107b; and heretics VIII-29a; and Militia Jesu Christi XIV-638c; and Philip II of France XII-2a; and Raymond VI, Count of Toulouse XII-670b

Montfortists. See Mary, Mission- aries of the Company of

Montgaillard, Bernard (ie, found- er III-783b; Orval. Abbot of XI-331b

— Percin de, Bishoj) of Saint-Pona XV-446b

Montgelas, Maximilian Joseph de, in .\ugsburg II-76c; in Salzburg; XlII-415b

Montgiscard, shrine. XIV-798a

Montgolfier, Augustine X-541d

— Etienne, Sulpician XII-595a: XIII-379d; and Montreal X-548a; Bishop-elect of Quebec III-234C

— Jacques Etienne X-541d; aero- naut VI-341d

—JOSEPH-MICHEL, aeronaut X-541C: VI-341d; portrait (ill.) X-.542a

Montgomerie, Alexander, poet XIII-62.5d

Montgomery, town, Alabama I- 241a: XV-4.5(id; college I-242a; convention (1861) XV-171C; institutions. Catholic I-243a; population I-241d: school for negroes. Catholic XH-628C; I- 242a; siege 1-24 lb

— Eborard de. Bishop of Norwich XI-122b

— George, Bishop of Monterey and Los Angeles X-533b; in .San Francisco XIII^42b

— H., in Cincinnati III-774a

—Richard II-77Sd; III-234d; VIII-1.39a; XV-162C

Montgomery - Greens, society VIII-144a

Month, periodical V-157d: XI- 674d; XIII-231C; XlV-llOd; 46Sa; XV-579a; and Coleridge IV-9Sb

Monthe, monastery XIII-341d

Monthly Review, and Quin, Michael J. XlMilSa

Montholon, Charles Tristan X- 6n8d

Months V^Slb; astronomy II- 25c; Aztec II-171a: Egyptian V-.332d; embolismic V-iSlb; epact V-4Sla; Ethiopian V- 570c; intercalary II-29d; Jew- ish II-30a: Ill-lSSa: 167a; rev- olutionary III-740C; sacred, Mohammedanism X-428b

—SPECIAL DEVOTIONS FOR X-542b; .Innuarv X-.542b; July X-542d: June X-.542C; March X-.542b; May X-542C; Novem- ber X-.543b; October X-542d; September X-542d

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, Quarter of page.