Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/591

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and De Rossi IV-741a; on Marv. in Gospel XV--404Ec; at Oscott XI-336b: Roma Sotterranea Ill-olSa: 707b; at St. Chad's II-o79a

NORTH DAKOTA Xl-lUd; aborigines Il-ljli:ic; III-690a; agriculture XI-112a; Bohemi- ans II-621a; Catholics in XI- 115a; Church in Xl-llic; cor- porations, religious XI-112d; divorceXI-U3a : education XI~ 113d; French in VI-273a; Ger- mans VI— 176b; history, ecclesi- astical XI-114C; marriage XI- 113a: mining XI-112a; oaths XI-n2c; prisons XI-lHa; prohibition in XIV— 191a; re- formatories XI-n4a; religion XI-112b; resources Xl-li2a; Rumanian Orthodox in VI- 7-4a; seal Ull.) Xl-lUd; Sioux XXV-18a; 24b: statistics XV-176b ; taxation XI-U2d ; in Union XV-171b; wills XI-llSc

Northeast, Prnnsvlvania, college V-5inc; Xll (l,s.-,b; Cst'id

Northern Baptist Convention, in United States II-2S0b

— Germany, Vicariate Apostolic

■ of. See Germany, Vicariate Apostolic of Northern

—Light, journal XI-194C

— Lights, (Liberals) and Maxi- mUian II VI-.5nb

— Lights (atirora borealis) I-52Sa

— Madagascar, Vicariate Apos- tolic of IX-512b; XVI-82b

— Missions. See Germany, Vi- cariate Apostolic of Northern

— Nyanza, Vicariate Apostolic of XV-614a

—Pacific Railway XIV-22a

— Press, newspaper Xl-loOd; 674d

— ^Rising (1536). See Pilgrimage of Grace

— Rising (1569). See Rising of the North


— Times, periodical XI-6S9d

Northfield, convent XII-712C

North German Confederation XI- 198a; XIII-.524b; and Bis- marck VI-512b; Constitution VI-512d; Savigny XVI -73c; and Windthorst XV-655d

—Island, Church of XII-393d

— Mark, Brandenburg II-738d; Xlll-JnSc

NORTHMEN XI-lI5d; in America I-!ir,d: 418c; 419c; II- 7.59a; in Antwerp I-588d; in Dublin V-172d; and Eskimos I-J22b; in Germany VI-187c; in Greenland I-J22d; in Ham- burg VII-121b; in Normandy XI-104a; Olaf. saga H17d; at St. Gildas XV-271d

North Moytura, battle VIII-119d

— Point, battle IX-760C

— River. West India Company IV-692C

Northrop, Henry Pinckney, Bish- op of Charl.-.lon II-231C; III- esib: XIV-1'.'id; in Rome I- 424b

North Somercotes, Lincolnshire, font rill.) ll-faring 274

Northumberland, Earls of. Sec Percy

Northtimbria, and St. Aiden I- 233c; under Aldfrith I-28na; church, early I-506a; and Dublin Danes V-173a; the Heptarchy VII-241d; Ivar, King of V-172d; St. O.swald in XI-34Sd; Si. Wilfrid in XI- 21.5c; XIV .■|71b

North Vancouver, mission school II-79:ia

North-West, Vicariate Apostolic of XIlI-3:i9b

North-west Company II -792b; IX-(ill3b

North Western University, Wis- consin XV-<.r>4c

North-West Passage, Ayll'ins' expedition Il-KUc

North-West Review, periodical XI-187a: 673b

North-West Territories, educa- tion III-240d; Indians III- 241c; Indiana, Catholic .X-

3S4a: religious statistics III-

24 Id North Yakima, Church in XV-

563a Norton, Charles Eliot VI-680b — CHRISTOPECER, martyr XI-

117b; V-J77d — John, martyr V-476C — ^John, Superior at Wearmouth

XV-.-i72c — John. See Knatchbull — John Henry, Bishop of Port

Augusta XII-2S4a —Richard XI-117b; 415a — Thomas, martjT V-177d: XI-

117b; rhymed Psalter XIII-27a Norumbega, Maine IX-545d; X-

NoTwalk, Ohio, Church in IV-56b

NORWAY XI-117C; agriculture XI-117C; area XI-117d; Art XI-121a

—Church in IV-348b; XI-119d; 129b; Adrian IV in I-I57b; bishops of I-126d; Bull. forge<l VI-135d; disability, religious V-613b; Franciscans in VI- 294b; and Innocent III VIII- 16a; patron XI-5G6b: Peters- pence XI-774d; Propaganda XII-457b: Tametsi, decree IV-2b; and Victor IV XV- 412a

— climate XI-117c; government XI-117d

— History Xl-llSa: Congo Free State IV-229c: n.iiinurk 1\- 722c; Faroe I-lm.l, \ -Ts'Jc: Greenland VI 77Nb, 77^c, 11a- kon the Goo.l \ II -llUc; lee- land VII-616b; 618a; in Scotch Islands I-706c; Sweden IV- 729b; XIV-351d; 352b; Union of Calmar II-478d; IV-727d

— Industries XI-117C; Marble XV-600C

—Jews in VIII-399c

— Legislation: marriage IX-693d; woman suffrage XV-692C

—literature V-2S0b: XI-12!c; Lutheranism IX-459d; 461c; 463b;XII-706a; Masonry IX- 776c; missions I-511a; lS7b; population V-608c; XI-117a

— Sociology: blindness V-306a ; 308d; Canadians, emigration III-229b; illegitimacy VII- 650b; suicide XIV-327d; tem- perance XIV--182C; 4S3d; 484a

— statistics XIV-27Sa; topog- raphy XI -117c; Trondhjem XV-i'.la


Norwegian Lutheran Mission of America, in Madagascar IX- 512b: 5] 2c

Norwegians, in Illinois VII-656a

NORWICH, ANCIENT DIO- CESE OF XI-121d; abbey I- 14a; abbey, architecture VI- 674a; Bethel Hospital VIII- 4Uc; cathedral V-260a; XI- 122a: 441c: cathedral, apse 1- 660b: cathedral, chevet III- 576c: (ill.) Xl-facing 122; chapel, apsidal I -660c; chapel, charnel III-577d; GaUlce III- 577a: priory XI-122a: XV- 63Sd; sanctuary XIII-430d; 431d: university XV-356a

— Ralph de. Bishop of Norwich XI-122b

Norwold, Hugh, Bishop of Ely \-V.)',A

Norzi, Salomo, exegetc V-288b

Nose, fVUua on I-».58b; Fallopi.) on V-772b; racial difference XII-621d

Nose Ei, writer VIII-3I4b

Nosocomia VI-761a; VII-48Id: XI-323a; XII-239a

Nossa Senhora da Luz, Goa VI- 605b

— Senhora da Luz, orphanage, Bassein II-344a

— Senhora da Penha, hermitage IX-4Sld

— Senhora das Ddres, college XV- 116a

— Senhora de Guia, hermitage IX-4Sld

— Senhora de Monte, pilgrimage XI-242C

—Senhora de Serra, Goa VI-605a

— Senhora do Bom Conselho,

college XIV-4Bob

— Senhora do Bom Conselho, mission X-9«b

— Senhora dos Prazeres, pilgrim- age XI -242c

Nos semper Romanis Pontificibus, Bull Xll-lil5d

Nosser Senhor dos Passes da Graca, crucifix IX-2S2b

Nossi-Be, island, mission I-IS9C

— Prefecture Apostolic of. See Mayotte, Nossi-B6 and Co-

Nossi Burai. See Santa Maria, island

— Ibrahim. See Santa Maria, island

Nostr., abbr. I-25a

Nostradamus, astrologer II-22C; Vn-700d

Nostra Senora de Lluch, pilgrim- age I1-222C

Nostra Tuba, .'<eciuenceXII-4S5d

Nostrianus, Saint, Bishop of Na- ples X-6S6d

Nostro Damo del cap del Pount, shrine XII-91b

Not., abbr. I-2oa

Nota Tironienses I-21a

Notai d'Orange, MS.S. Vatican XV-291a

Notaricon, CabbaUsm V-702b

NOTARIES XI-122C; X-333a; ecclesiastical IV-^50d; Holy OfBce X1II-137C; patron XI- 566c; Roman I-696b; Roman Church III-334b

Notaru III-54d; IX-617a; XIII- 635c

Notarikon VIII-591a

Notarius S. Palatii III-55a

Notation, musical I-57Sb: early VII-65C; early antiphonaries I-579d; Guidonian I-579a; Guido of Arezzo VII-65b; Neum X-765c: neumatic, anti- phonaries I-578C

Not-Being, Gnosticism II-327c; 328d; Vr-594c


Note, eighth, music I-t76a

Notes of Church. See Marks of the Church

Notger, Bishop of Lijge IX-236c; and All Souls I-316a; and Gem- blours VI-40Sa; and Heriger of Lobbes VII-265a

Nothbald, Abbot of St. Augustine XIV-(65a

Nothbeorht, Bishop of Elmham XI-I21d

Nothburg, Michael, bishop, and Monies Pietatis X-53.5b

Notbelm, Archbishop of Canter- bury III-299d; and St. Bede I-269d; and Cuthbert of Can- terbury IV-580a; and Gregory III VI-789b

Nothi IX-l,32b

Nothomb, A., testamentary law IHola

— JEAN-BAPTISTE, Belgian Liberal XI-123d; II-399d;edu- cationll—IOOa; RevueG6n^rales XI-672a

Noticiero, periodical XIV-188C

Noticioso General, periodical XI- 68Cc

Notification, tacit IV-3c

Noting, Bi,l,i,p of Brescia II- 7iiilc; \I iiSL'b; Bishop of Ver- celli VII :ii.:ia

Notions, .\ri-i..tln I-7I4c; Epi- nir.Mii V .'lUlc: Ontologistic .W 111c; S,,- foncept: Idea


NOTITIjE episcopatuum



12.5b. XV-41.5b Notizie del Mondo, periodical XI-

683b — Scritte, Florence XI-6«9b NOTKER, Abbot of St. Gall XI-

126a —Bishop of I.iSge XI-126b; and

Ratherius XII-61.5b — BALBULUS, BLESSED XI-

12.5b; and Ekkehard V V-370d;

Sequence XII - 1.54b: 48.5d;

486a — LABEO (TEUTONICUS), the- ologian XI - 125c; II - 462a;

Olid; and Ekkehard IV V- 370c; German prose VI-518a; Sequence \'II-419d -notarius. See NVitker Physicus -PHYSIcns XI iL'ila: V-370b: \ll





XIV-397C: and Conrad of Pia-

eenza IV-2G0d; Normans at


XI-12I1C Noto-spitax Indians U-603a Notour, Srdt.h law ll-253a Notre charge apostolique, Ency-

elic-al Xll-i:iya Notredame, Michel de. 5ee Nos-

Notre Dame, Abbeville, and St.

Wulfram XV-716b — Dame, monastery, Ambronay

Vll-59d — Dame, cathedral. Amiens XIII-

97c: (ill.) I-facing 430; and

Robert of Luzarcln-s XIII-97b —Dame, cathedral. Antwerp (ill.)

I-facing 588; cfillegc I-.591a —Dame, cathedral, Baveux (ill.)

Il-faoinc 3.58 —Dame, cathedral, Breda II-752d —Dame, cathedral, Chartres (ill.)

Ill -facing 634: 635c: (ill.)

XlV-laciiiK 220 — Dame, al.>bev. Compiegne II-

37.Sb; lahyiinth VIII-72Sd — Dame, Church of, Coulanges

(ill.) VI-181 — DamCj cathedral of, Digne,

doorway (ill.) IV-794b —Dame, Douai V-138a — Dame, monastery, Eichstiitt,

V-365C — Dame, cathedral, Evreux (ill.)

V-671d — Dame, Geneva, and Mermillod

X-208b —Dame, Lausanne IX-43c

— Dame, liasiliea, Le Puv, facade (ill.) XIl-89d

- Dame, Mec hlin X-lOSa

— Dame. Montaigu, pilgrimage X-105b

— Dame, church, Montreal (ill.) Ill-facing 234; 236d: 237a: 239a; La v^rendrye's tomb IX- 50c

— Dame, church, Oudenarde VI- 544b

—Dame, Paris I-759b: 1 1 1-3 14a; (ill.) Vl-facing 17S; animal forms I-.516d: archiepi.seopal stall (ill.) XlV-facing 242: arch- itecture VI Ii71b; and I!. Il<.v,

1,1. II Il^rt . !,::l,r'|a

III-5; the C' cratin painti


.i7.,d, (_\,ui,ril 1,1 X-690a; council, national XIV- i;24d: Crown of Thorns IV- .541a: excavations Xl-l.snd; facade (ill.) VI-6C9a: IihiIs, Feast of Vl-I32c: Frays.=inous' conferences VI-251b; lal.\ tinth VIII-728d; Lacordaire at\III- 733d: XII-.3«sHd:,friv,

Feast of VI-17:!b:nn.l M;,iirlfe deSullyXI-7llsd:.M..i,-;,l .. at X-,509b: OzaiKin.d .,,„i, r. i„es XI-378C; and the Kev„luii.)n XIII-14a: rose window XV- 653b; schools XI -482c; 495a; 495c; 4H6a: sculptures XIII-644C: stalls XIV- 244b; and Sully XIV-329c; and The- ophilantbropism XIV - 624b; and Viollet-lc-Duc XV-Jl6d

— Dame, Pont, Giocondo VI- .5(;;!d

— Dame, cathedral, Reims (ill.) Xll-facing 730

—Dame, .Saint-Di6 (ill.) XIII- 34.5d

— Dame, church, Utrecht IV- 26 lb

— Dame, Augustinian Canonesses of. See Canonesses Regular of St. Augustine of the Congrega- tion of Notre Dame

—DAME, CONGREGATION OF, MONTREAL XI-127a: I- 321a; lll-2:i2c: 29i;.c; statistics IIl-23nc


Roman numeral indicates volume; arabic, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.