Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/664

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Protanthrdpos, in Gnosticism VI- 596b; in Manicha?amsm IX- 592b; in Nasorteanism X-707a

PROTASrUS, SAINT, martyr VI-537a; XV^S6a; St. Am- brose on I-387d; in Ambrosian calendar I-398C; in Ambrosian Mass I^Old; feast of III-161d; St. Nazarius X-72Sb; and rain XIV-358a; relics I-364d; 386c; 389b

— Bishop of Aix-en-Provence, and St. Augustine II-82b

—Bishop of Capua III-319d

— Bishop ot Lausanne IX-40d

— Saint, martvr, Bishop of Milan X-300C

— Saint, martjT, Bishop of Reggio delr Emilia XII-718a

— Bishop of Tarragona XIV- 459d

Protecteur Canadien, Le, period- ical VI-271d

Protection, right of XIV-771d; in United States VI-S8a

— of Belgian and Dutch Immi- grants, Association for the, fhicago V-1II4C

— of Young Women, Catholic International Society for the, in Pans XI-l'.l2d

PROTECTORATE OF MIS- SIONS Xn-4S8a; ol Far East XII-489b; French, in China IX-171d; XII-4S9d; French, in Turkey IX-171d; and the Holy See Xll-191c; the Levant XII- 48Sb; Portuguese XII-489b

Protectorates, Italian VIII-245b

PROTECTORIES XII - 492b; general plan XII— 193b; statis- tics XII-492d

Protector of the Indians, Cuba IV-5.59d

—of the Natives, Peru XV-265b

Protectors, of Apostolic Schools XIII-5SGd

Protectory, Catholic, Westches- ter, New York XII-492d

Protekdikos, in Greek Church VI-741b

Protepistates, In Greek Church XV-lUlb

Proterius, Saint, Patriarch of Alexandria I-.301c; V-637b; VII-218b; lX-645b; X-158a; 4S9d; and Peter Mongus XI- 770b

— Bishop of Myrina X-661C

Protestant, The, periodical VIII- 678a

— Association VI-649d

— Bible Society of London XV- 679d

— Boys, organization VII-320C

— Carpenter, The. See Payne, John

Protestantenverein V-fi4.5b

PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA XII- 493c; V-7l):irt; C'atliolicism. conversions to XII 49.jb; and Church of England XII^93d; communicants XIV-280a; dea- conesses IV-652d; deacons IV- 651b; history XII-493d; and Iroquois VIII-170c; in Japan VIII-308d; and Labour and Capital Committee I-684d; in Massachusetts XI-617a; name I-503a; national organization XII-494b; in New Jersey X- 791d; and Orthodox Church XV-149c; in Paris XI-491 prayer - honk X II I - 6,Sb ; in Rhode lalari.l .\III-22b; .and Sai-ranicnls XIII-297b; 301c and Sioux XIV-20b; 22c

— Statistics XII-495C; in Arizona XVI-5c: in Indiana VII-742b in Louisiana IX-38.3b; in Ne- braska X-7.13a; in North Caro- lina Xl-UOc; in North Da- kota Xl-lllb; in South Caro- lina XIV llilla; in South Da- kota XlV-l(12b; in Tennessee XIV-511a; in Texas XIV- 550b; in Virginia XV-451d; in Washington XV-.561d

—tendencies XIH94d

— Episcopal Mission, in Liberia I-I.ssa; IX 217a

—Friends V iillc

PROTESTANTISM XII -495c; at Aachen I-lb; abbesses in

I-9d; and Aerius of Pontus I- 174c; Apologetics I-619d; 621c; 623b; and Armada I -728b; asceticism I-772b; on asceti- cism. Catholic XIV-613d; and atonement II-5Sb; in Austria VII-474b; baptism II-264c: on bells, baptism of II-420b; Bible II-142a; III-269d; XII- 496c; Bible Societies II-544b; on Biblical inspiration VIII- 48b; in Breslau II-763a; burial in consecrated ground III-72b; Csesaropapism XII-498C; Calvin III -198b; Calvinism III - 198b; Cassander III- 403b; on Catholic (term) III- 451b; and Catholic Truth Society XV-78a; in Celtic Church XV-584C; char- acteristics XII^95d; 501c; Charles V on VI-500b; Chris- tianity previous to Xll-501a; and civilization XII-501d; on confession I-66b; confirmation IV-222a; and conversion XII- 744a; in Cuba III-770d; Deca- logue IV-664C; and demoniacs IV-711d; in Denmark XVI- 79c; and Divinity of Christ VII-708a; 709d; divorce IX- 696b ; and Dominican provinces XI I-368Ed ; inEngland I-322b ; VII-224b; in England, and Non-conformists XI-95c; Es- tablished Church in Scotland XIII-627b; and ethics V-559b; EvangeUcal Alliance V-641d; faith XIII-517C; faith, confes- sion of V-760a; faith, fiduciary Vl-701d; faith, rule of I-710b; V-766d

—in France VI-170b; Bossuet II-701C; de Brueys on III-4c; clergy, assemblies of I-797a; Free" Churches XI-49Ia; Na- tional Assembly Xlll-lOa

— on free will VI-261a; Funda- mental Articles VI-319d; XII- 496c; origin VII-.i27d

— in Germany VIII-7U4b: 705b; X-324a; XIII-414d; and Eng- land VI-506C; Protestant Un- ion VI-501d; X-76b; Thirty Years War XIV-648d

— glossolaly XIV~77c; on grace X-437d; on grace, actual VI- 693c; in Gran VI-722c; in Greece VI-743b; and Greek Church VI-770c; and Gregory XIII VII-2c; in Grosswardein VII-40c; and Hamilton VII- 123c; in Hanover VII-129c; heraldry, ecclesiastical VII- 244b; and heretical poison XIV-766C; in history, ecclesi- astical VII-369a; historians, Church VII-377a; Honorius I VII-455C; on hope VII-466a; and Hungarian CathoUcs, American VII-.546d; in Hun- gar/ VII-553a; 556d; on im- manence VII-682C; Imputa- tion theory- VI-704a; and In- dians I^lSb; individualism, religious VII-761b; in Ireland I-112c; VIII-105d; in Japan VIII-308d; in Jerusalem VIII- 371a; Jesuit Schools XII-656d; justification VI-708a; VIII- 574a; XII-496d; 498b; 714c; XIV-585d; S86a; and Klesl VIII -606c; and Knights of Malta VII— 480a; and Kromer VIII-702d; in Laibach VIII -743d; on Latin XIII- 70b; and Liberalism VII- 760a; X-418d; 714d; Limbus infantium IX-256c; and the Loucheux IX-368c; Louis XIV IX-375C; at Louvain IX-393a; Lutheranism IX-458a; in Mad- agascar IX-512b; in Magde- burg IX-524d ; and Maimbourg I X-540a ; vmdcr Empress Maria Theresa IX-664C; and mar- riage I X-707C ; marriages, mixed IX-698d; marriage, validity of IV-2a; and the Mass X- 16d; millenarianism of X-309d; on miracles X-344b; in Modena X~»l-lb; modern, and Refor- mation XI V-7l)7d; on Modern- ism X-U5b; in Moldavia XIII-228b; in Moravia XI- 248a; and mysticism X-C64d;

in the Netherlands X-760a; New England XIV-557a; in New Hampshire X-786c; in Nigeria XI-74b; on non-Im- putation theory VI-703c; in Oaxaca XI-181b; in Oceania XI-200C; "O Deus Ego Amo Te" XI-207b; Old Testament, canon of III -273d; Order, Holy I-491b; origin VII-258C; origin, claims of XII-497d; origin of name IX-453a; X- 152b; XII-495C; and Orthodox Synod of Jerusclem VIII-367a; in Paderborn XI-3S4d; and Palatinate XH16b; in Paris XI-490d ; on penance XI-620b ; XIV-587a; and Bl. Peter Cani- sius XI-757C; and Philip II XII-3a; Pietism Xll-SOd; and Pius X towards XIV-766d; Plymouth Brethren Xll-173c; in Poland VII-173C: political aspect XII-49Sd; poor-relief, ecclesiastical XII-237b; popu- lar XII-499d; in Prague XII- 340d; prejudices Xll-oOOa: present day XII-499c; priest- hood XII-J14a; 415a; 496d; private judgment XII~497a: and progress XII-499a; 500a: and progress in civil society XII-SOOc; progress, religious XII-500b; propagation XII- 502d; Protestant Methodists X-241a; purgatory XII-576a; Puritans XII-5Slb; and Quiet- ism VII-93d; XII-610C; and Raskolniks XII-648d; ration- alism I-503C; VII-760a; XII- 653d; regeneration XII-715b; results, earlv XII-499a; and Richelieu Xlll-ISa; rights of patronage XI-560d; Rites XIII-66d; Ritschlianism XIII- 86c; and Rome XII-499a; and Rome, churches in XIII-175d: Sabbatarians and Sabbatarian- ism XIII-287a; sacraments XIII-297b;300c;303c:sacrifice in XIII-318a: and salvation XIV-707a: schism XIII-529d; in Scotland VII-76d; VIII- G81b; 682a; 682d; XIII-61Sd; 619a; sects I-48fla; XIII-l574c; and serfdom XIV-38d; on sin XIV-6d; on sin, original XI- 312c; .Slovaks XIV-55d; So- ciety of Jesus XIV-Slc; Sola fides doctrine VI - 702c; and Sorbonne XIV-150c; in South Africa XI-267d; State sub- sidies, Alsace-Lorraine I-342d; 343a

-Statistics XIV-276b; in Africa I-190a; XIV-278d; 280c; 2Sla: in Alsace-Lorraine I-342a; in .America XIV-279b; in Asia I-782a; XIV-278b; 279c; in Europe XIV-277d: 278c; in India VII-733b: in Italy VIII- 226a; in Kandy VIII-597a; in Krain VIII-696c; in Lucerne IX-409a; in Maryland IX- 759a; in Nebraska X-733a; in Prussia XII-520a; in Rumania XIII-227c; in Spain IX- 518a; in Switzerland XIV- 578d; in United States XIV- 280b; of the world XIV- 281d

-in Sweden XV-592c; in Swit- zerland XIV-362d; 364d; syn- cretism XIV-383d; theology XII-499C; XIV-5.82b; 604b; and theophilanthropism XIV- 624d; Thomism XIV-B99b: toleration, religious Xn-502a; in Toulouse XIV-796b; and tradition XV-7b; in Transyl- vania XV-21b; the Trinity XIV-584b; and Valdes XV- 249d; vestments XV-3S9c; 390b; Union of Christendom XV-t41b; ISOa; Universalists XV-181b; in United States VIII(178a; in United States, "A. P. A." I-426C; vitality, test of XII-502b: and Waldensian- ism XV-530a; in Wales XV- 535b; Wessel Goesport XV- .WOb; White, Richard XV- 536b; University of Wittenberg XV-679a; woman XV-693c; women in ministry XV-697b; on worship XV-711d

Protestant Missions. See Mis- sions, Protestant

Protestants, French. See Hu- guenots

Protestant Vindicator, The, pe- riodical VIII-678a

Protestation of Allegiance II- .5.S9d; V-165b; XI-177C

Protesters, Scottish faction IV- 461a

Protesting Catholic Dissenters V-453C

Protet, Admiral III-684a; VIII- 634b

Protettore della Biblioteca Vat- icana XV-294b

Prothesis, and Agnus Dei I-221d; in Antiochene liturgies I-572a; in East S\TianRite XIV-415a; in Greek Church I-359b; 4.52a; IV-3I6a; 769c; in St. Mark. Liturgy of I-304b ; subdeacons, duties of XIV-321a

Prothmann, Regina, founds con- gregation V-522d

PROTHONOTARY APOSTOL- IC XII-503a; ad instar XII- 407b; classes of XII- .503b: de numero XII-407b; hat VII-245d; (ill.) Vll-facing 242; importance of XII-503b; Mass, Pontifical XII-233a; office XI-122d; Pius X IV- 451a; priests, assistant XII- 407b; supernumerary XII- 407b; titulares seu honorarii Xll-Snsb: as witness XV-677d

Prothylobates, in Hackel's theory XH13d

Prothypina, canonical hour IV- lS7b

Protikos, of Eg>"ptian Temple XIV-497a

Protimus, Nicholas, Archbishop of Athens II-J6a

Protocanonical Books XIII-G37d: Bc.ik i.f Hutli XIII-276a: term dcliiii-d lll-2fi7b

Protocellus, I niversitv of Salerno XIII-.«isb

PROTOCOL XII-503C; of Ro- man C.iiiKregations I-124a

ProtocoUisti XII-J59a

Protoevangehum Jacobi I-607a; 607c: XV-460C; Apocryphal Gospel \'I-656d: on infancy of Christ XV-449C: Sts, Joachim and Anne I-538b; XV-J64Ed; on Presentation of Blessed Vir- gin XV-464Fd

Protogenes, Saint, Bishop of Carrha; III-37Sd

— Saint, Bishop of Sigiienza Xin-7S8a

— painter in-i.5Sd

Protogonos, in Phcenician cos- IV-410d

Protohippus \'-60.5a

Protoiereus, in Greek Church I- 695b

Protomartyr. 5fe Stephen. Saint

—of Britain, St. Alban I-252d

— of Florida, Cancer de Barbastro Vl-llSb

Protomorphic, tribes XII-625a

Protonice, in legend of Abgar V-SSb

Protoplasm, assimilation I-SOOc; and food I-275a: Haeckel on V-657d; in Indian cosmogony TV-410a: portion of sex-cell \ll-2.-4d; Schultze on I-160d


Protopopoff, martyr III-671b; IX '747c

Protoscriniarius III-54d: XI- 4l7b

Protosyncellus I V-306C : VI-760C ; XIV-3s:ib

Prototypes 1 29Sd

Protus, n,:,iivr XIlI-IS.>a

—AND HYACINTH, SAINTS, niarl\r^ \ll-.-.ll4b; III-t27a; XIV :i7.i r, !•! IX-i;43d; in Dam:,-n- ,:,-.n,.i;..n3 VIII- 44c; t-.iil' HI M-b

Protusius. fimrad. .s,i- Celtes

Protyle 11 ..L'd

Prou, M. Maurice XIII-7ISC

Proudhon, Pierre Joseph I-4.52b;


II ic

Prouille, Monastery of V-107a;

XII-3,-.-.a: -tiiOb; XIV-(;39b;

shrine Ill-332a Proulx, Jean Baptiste, mis-sion-

ary. Diocese of Sault Sainte

Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrations.