Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/727

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Saints, dulia V-188b; ecstasies V-277d , „ ,

—Feasts: All Saints I-315c: ancient calendars II-771a: in martyrology IX-7-4 lb; Office II-770d; in post-Nicene Church

— fourteen most helpful III- 445c; and gods II-44a; hagiog- raphv Vll-ineb

—Intercession II-364c; Viri-70c; XII-346a; Amort I-435a; An- glican service XIII-92a; Bbck- en Il-eOSc; catacomb, pamt- ings III - 709a; in French Protestantism VII-529d; Icon- oclasts VII-621a; Morone X- 57oc; Reformers III -203a; Ritualists XIII-93b ; St. James, Liturgy of I-573a

— in Jainism VIII-270c; m La- maism XII-409C . , , ■

— Lines of: and ecclesiastical his- tory Vn-371a; Irish I-lUd; mortifications I-770d; in Rus- sian writings XIII-269b

— on monstrances I-35Sb; mys- terj' plays X-348d; names, baptismal II-273a; names, der- ivation of X-674c; nimbus XI-Slc; "numberless' XIII- 468d;Oilof. .Sef Oil of Saints: Old Law I-148C; Orders of (in Ireland) III^9oa: Patron. ,SfC Patron Saints; Predestinarian- ism XII-376C; primitive use of word I-632a; Quietism XII- 609d; St. James, Liturgy of I- 572d; 573b; St. Mark, Liturgy of I-304d; symbolism XIV- 376c; symbolism, animals I-

— Vmeration of XII-496b; XV- 459d; 710b; abuse XI-.*hd; in .\nglo-Saxon Church 1-5 10b ; Apostohci I-647C; "German

Cathoiics" XIII-535a: per- fection, as means to XI v -bl-pc, relics XII-734b; and Swedish Reformation XIV-349b; Trent, Council of XV-35a; and wor- ship I-152c — Zelanti controversy \ 1-3470 —Battle of the VI-728c — Communion of the. See Com- munion of the Saints — Legends of the. See Legends of

the Saints —Litany of the. See Litany of

the Saints Saint Sabas, monastery, Jerusa- lem IV-403C; VI-761b; VII- 677b; Antiochus of Palestine, abbot of I-57_4_c; monks, mar- t\Tdom of I-.i74c Saints Abdon and Sennen, chapel

of. Rome nl-512d Saint-Sabine, Michel de, founda- tion n-277d Saint-Sacrement du Miracle, feast, celebration of, Doual VII-493a ^ ^ ,.

Saints Adalbert and Paubnus, church. Insula Tibenna XII- 290b — Adrian and Dems, monaster}', I.ambsrrine VI-14Ga; Fort .^uiri.'tus n 4.'>:ia Saint-Saens, Camille, musician

XI-271a Saints Alexander, Evantius, and Theodul, cathedral, Samogltia XIII-421C Saint Salome, church, \ eroli X\ -

3.59c — Salvator, college. St, Andrews, Scotlanil VIII-fil6d; XIII- 3.30d; 332a — Salvius (SalvusL Sec St.

Sauvc Saints Ambrose andCharles, semi- nary, Rome Xin-132d Saint Samson, hospital, Con- stantinople X-12.TC —Samuel, abbey, Barletta,

Italv XII-.3S9b — Samuel, abbey, Jerusalem Xll-

389a _, , .

Saints Andrew and Ambrose,

church. Genoa VH20c Saint Sang, pilgrimage, Hoog-

straetcn X-10.')b Saints Anges, tower, Avignon II-

1.5Sd SRint Satur, abbey. Sancerre 11- 720d

— Satuminus, priory, Avignon

XV-630a , ^

— Satuminus, chapel, Fontenelle

VI-129C , „

— Satuminus, catacomb, Rome,

holy water font Vn-434b — Sattiminus, church, Rome III-

"*2a ,„ ,

— Satuminus, basilica, Toulouse V-731c; St. James the Greater, relic of Vin-280d — Satumioro, church, Pamplona

XI-i38b — Satyrus, chapel, Milan X-301c;

mosaic X-5S6C Saint-Sauve-de-Montreuil, mon- astery, Bologne X-71a Saint - Sauve -de - Valencieimes,

abbey, Cambrai ni-210d Saint-Sauveur, abbey, Antwerp

I-SS9d Saint-Sauveur, pilgrimage, Hae-

kendover X-105b Saint-Sauveur, church, Limoges

IX-264a Saint-Sauveur, abbey, Lodere X-

.546b Saint-Sauveur, Maine IX-.546c; founded II-542a; XII-287c; French colony at 1-9 la; mis- sion X-386a , ,, Saint-Sauveur, church, Moor-

zeele VII-56C Saint-Sauveur, c (ill.) III-676C Saint-Sauveur

XI-186d Saint-Sauveur, abbey of. Redon

X-71b; xn-772b Saint-Sauveur, church. Rouen

IV-375a ^ ,

Saint-Sauveur, abbey. Sarlat,

France XI-668b .

Saint-Sauveur. .SwSamt Saviour Saint-Sauveur-d'Aniane, monas-

terA-. Montpellier X-71c Saint-Sauveur-le-Vicomte,abbc>-,

Coutances IV-455d Saint - Savin, Hautes - Pyrenees,

holy water fonts VII-434d Saint-Savin, monastery, Lavedan

XIV-453C Saint-Savin, church, V lenne, ap- sidal chapels M60c; chevet

athedral, Peking, parish, Quebec

,-2fi0b; fresco (ill.) XV-5c Saint-Savin-sur-Gartempe, ab- bey. Vienne (Poitiers) X-71c;


Saint-Saviour, mission, Andros

Island, Bahamas II-20.5d — Saviour, church. Jerusalem

VII^27c — Saviour, convent. Jerusalem

VIII-369b — Saviour, Anglican church.

Leeds XII-583a - — Saviour, church. London IX-

3-43b „ ,

— Saviour, monastery. Mount

Amiata IV-S2b — Saviour, monastery, Prague 1-

213d ,

— Saviour, basilica, Rome, papal

patriarchium XI-553C — Saviour, prior>-, Southwark

VI-552C — Saviour, Congregation of_'Ba-

silian) X-160d; vril-,.7h-

founded II-32.3d — Saviour, Ord'


of. See Brigit-

— Saviour. Ser Saint-S.'viivour

Saints-Barthelemy and Magloire, monastery. Paris Xl-4.s2b _

Saints Benedict and Scholastica, abbey, Subiaco Xiy-321c

Saintsbury, George Edward Bate- man, on Crashaw V-iMd; on Habington VII-99d; on Spen- ser V-4H2d

Saint Scharies, church. Bremen

—Scholastica, college, Manila IX-600b », J .

— Scholastica, abbey, Maredret X-679d

— Scholastica, abbey. Subiaco XIV-321b; (ill.) XlV-facing 322

Saints Chrysanthus and Darius, cr^-pt of. Rome 1X^3 lb

— Cosmas and Damian, monas- tery. France, and Germain of \uxcrrc. Saint VI-473a

— Cosmas and Damian, church, Genoa VI-420C

— Cosmas and Damian, chapel, Li.^Ke VIII-7.-.7C

— Cosmas and Damian, church, Paris XIII~.W4c

— Cosmas and Damian, church. RomeVI~31c; IX-i',,s2d; XIII- 171b; 17ljd; XIV-042d; Boso. title of I-lJ6d; mos.aic X-586c; as station church XIV-26Sd; Zabarella. title of XV-739b

— Cosmas and Damian, abbey. Subiaco XIV-321c

— Crispin and Crispinian, cathe- dral. Osnabruck XI-341b

—Cyril and Methodius, church, AdrianopleI-161c .

— Cyril and Methodius, Bulgarian Orthodox church, Granite City, Illinois VI-774a

— Cyril and Methodius, seminary. Michigan XII-2U9c; XVI-32a; in tabulated list XlII-7l)la

— Cyril and Methodius, Sisters of XIV-55d „ . ^ ,

— Cyril and Methodius, Society or XIV-50d . ,

Saints' Days Ill-lfiOd; in Anglo- Saxon Church 1-5 10c

Saints Domitilla and Generosa, church of XI-5t'.2b

Saint Sebaldus, church. Nurem- berg IV-660d; Hartmann at VII-146d; (ill.) XI-170; Krafft, Adam VIII-696a .

— Sebastian, church, Alessio I-

— Sebastian, church, Berlin II-

494d ,. . ^

— Sebastian (Benedictine), mon- astery of, Brazil II-449C — Sebastian, convent. Chios VI-

606d — Sebastian, monastery. Genoa

III-409b — Sebastian, church of. Mantua

I-2r.3b; IX-612C — Sebastian, church. Milan III-

023b — Sebastian, church, Munich.

altar-piece VII-3S5C — Sebastian, catacomb. Rome

III-417d; 514c; Apostles.

tombs of III-512b; fresco III-

425b; "Nativity" III-728a;

Peter and Paul. Saints, tomb of

Xin-374a; plan III-418b;

plan (ill.) III-llS ,„.

— Sebastian, chapel. Rome Cot.

Peter's) XIII-372b — Sebastian, monastery. Rome

n-318a — Sebastian, church. Salzburg,

Paracelsus, tomb of Xl7468b — Sebastian, church, Venice XV-

334d; pictures (ill.) y-.549;

Veronese, work of ni-169d — Sebastian, Confraternity of

XI-63Sb ^ ^

—Sebastian, Gate of, Rome

—Sebastian Outside the Walls, church, Rome III-41Sb; XI- ,5fi2b; Xin-170a; Oonzaga. Scipione, tomb of \'I-lJ3oc; (ill.) XIII-f.icing 170; Peter and Paul, Saints, tomb of XI- 751b' church, Platoma 111- 51.3a; IV-614a — Secondo, monastery. Oubbio

XV-114d — Secundinus, church, AlcalA

XV-54-2C — Segolana, church. Metz X-

249d Saint - Seine - I'Abbaye, monas-

terv, Dijon \-71c Saints EUas and Anastasius, mon-

..^stery. Anglona I--512<1.,^ Saint Senator, catacomb, Albano

in-427b —Sepulchre's, episcopal resi-

denre. Dublin V-174C — Sepulchre's, librar>'. Dublin

I-733a Saint-Serge, monaalcry. Angers l—isoc- X-71b; Briocus. tomb of St. 'Xin-340b Saint Sergius, monastery. Balaa

II-29fic — Sergius, monastery. Edessa v-

498b — Sergius, hermitage. Russia

XIII-268d — Sergius, shrine. Russia XIII- 246c

— Serain, church, Toulouse XIV-

797a; chevet V-260b; indul- gences granted XIV-797b;

roof V-2Blb; Thomas Aquinas,

tomb of St. XIV-665d — Servais, church, Maastricht

VI-6.33d — Servan, Lazarist seminary.

France X-361C Saint-Seurin, basilica. Bordeaux

II-6S2C Saint-Seurin, cemeterj', Bordeaux

II-6S2C Saint-Seurin, chapter, Bordeaux

n-683b; reho II-682b Saint-Seurin. See St. Severus Saint-Sever, church. Aire I-237a Saint-Sever, Hermits of VII-280d Saint - Sever - Cap -de - Gas-

cogne, abbey. Aire I - 237a;

X-71c; Anselme at I-550d Saint Severin, church. Cologne

IX-llOb ^ . ^„

Saint-Severin, church. Pans X1--

486a; Billy, Jacques, tomb of

de II-567d; restoration VI-

393b Saint-Severin, Bonald, Vicomte

de II-647b Saint Severus, church. Barcelona

II-290a ^.,„

— Severus, church. Erfurt XIII-

504b; (ill.) VI-497d — Severus, catacomb. Naples X-

Saints Faustinus and Jovita, monastery. Brescia II-437a

— FeUx and Adauctus, church, Rome VI-32d; XII-295b

— FeUx and Nabor, monastery, Bologna VI-730d

— Fehx and Regula, church, Zu- rich VII-214b

Saint's Garden, Patmos XI-547b

Saints Gervasius and Protasius, church, Rome VI 11- 11a

— Gervasius and Protasius, mon- astery. Sens XIII-71fid

— Gervasus and Protasius, mon- .asterv. Tropes XV-68b

— Gordian and Epimachus, church. Rome IIl-514d

— Gratinian and Felinus, abbey, Arona III-619a

— Gregory and Augustme, chapel, Westminster Cathedral XV- 600d , ^ , J •

— Hemeterius and Celedonius, abbey. Santander, Spain XIII- 458c , , , „ ■

Saint Sigfrid, cathedral, Vexio XVI-Sla ^„^

— Silvia, chapel. Rome XIII-

— Simeon, convent. Assuan XIV- 367d ,.. J „

. — Simeon, church. Minden, Ger- many X-324b

— Similien, church, Nantes A-

"^- • AT . -v

Saint-Simon, seminary, Metz A-

fi"^*" ■ J 1,

Saint-Simon, seminary and hos- pital, Sejny XIII-OSSc

Saint-Simon, Claude de Rouvroy, Bishop of Metz X-249b ,

Saint-Simon, Claude Henri de Rouvroy, Comte de XIV-7().5c; in American Revolution XV- 163c; Communism IV-180d; Comte, Auguste. teacher of XII - 31.3a; Liszt IX - 285d; Notre Dame XI-485b: opposi- tion to Xin-3S9b; Ozaiiam XI-37Sa; Polish litcratiireXII- 199b; portr.iit XIII-377C

Saint-Simon, Dernier d'Archiac, Vicomte de Xl-lliic

SAINT - SIMON. LOUIS DE ROUVROY, DUC DE XIII- 37lic- on DiLii. ssc.iu IV-fi0.3c; on IV-nclon Vl-3iib; 37c; (ill.) XIII-376d: nn Le Tcllier IX- •inod; and Mme. de Maintenon IX-.540C; "Mtooircs" VI- )97c; I.\- 372d; Nantes, Rev-

nr.,tin„ r.f F-Ii-f "f VII-.5.34C

SAINT-SIMON AND SAINT-SI- MONISM Mil 377a; JSnskl, H,,...l.n Xll-7'.lla

Saint-Simon-et-St.-Jude, Petun tf.wn. site VII-oOHb

Saint-Simonism. See Saint-Si- mon and Saint-Simonism

Simon Stvlites, monastery,

Gindarus Vl-562a

Roman numeral indicates volume: arable, page: a. b, c. d. quarter of page.