Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/729

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Saints Ursula and Cathenne,

Confraternity of ^I-4,e-r» -VINCENT AND ANASTA-


3S0d; V-789a; foundation H-

500c; reorgamzation .\l-/st)a —Vincent and Anastasius.rhurch.

Rome VII-71Hb; XIII-l,3a;

174a; St. Bern^ird \ III-13b — VitaUs and Agricola, church.

Clermont-Korriiiul \ -21.0b —Vitus and Modestus, church,

Rome III-OlOc —Vincenz- und EUsabeth-Verein,

Mainz X-(J03b Saint-Swithin, cathedral, W m-

chester XV-650a —Sylvester, convent III-362d —Sylvester, chapel (l.ateran Pal-

-IyLTCSTEr', ORDER OF XIII -3Slc. 1\' lii'^a; t.6bc; abbreviators I-29d; decoration (ill.) IV-facinc ljti~< .

—Sylvester and Martin, basil- ica, Rome X1V-37SC; mosaics

—Sylvester's chair (iU.) XIV-

— Sylvester. See San Silvestro Svmphorian, raonaatery, Co- logne XIII-589d Svmphorian, monastery, iMetz,

.&ympaoiitt", i>i^^"^^-'j ^ founded IX-363a; restorat

Saint-Symphorien, abbey, Autun VI -473c

Saint-Sympborien, Father, Prcs- entation of tlio Blessed Virgin Convent of the Sisters of the

Sai^t-Symphorien de Mahun.

France, school II-324C Saint-Tarkin's Well, Fordyce

XlV-458b Saint-Taurin d'Evreux, Maurist

monastery X-71b Saint-Taurinus, church. Rome

See St. Paul Without the V, alls — Teilo monastery. LlandaB

XV-.WOc —Teilo, Society of XV-536d Saint-Telo, t.i«n, France, patron-

■u;e XIV- 174a Saint Teresa, church. Calcutta

-Tir;sl1cl.urch,D-..blinin-365b -Teresa, church. Vilna XV-433C —Teresa, Society of ^IV-l;--" — Teman, church. Arbuthnott 1-

— ThMla, church. Milan I-400c — Thecla, catacomb, Rome (ill.)

11 1-4 ind; .513b —Theodore, monastery, on the

Bosporus Xl-olb —Theodore, church, Gerasa VI-

469c , V D Y Theodore, church, Rome x-

S87b . „^^

— Theodosius, monastery. e>ee Dcir Dosi Monastery

—Theodosius, grottoes, Kien lX-4'3.5b

— Theosophos, church. Constan- tinople (ill.) III-94C

Saint-Thierry, monastery, Keirns X-71a; XII-275a; Balue II-

Saint Thirso, abbey, Portugal II-

+ 19C . ., 1 •

—Thomas, church, Alexandria

-Thomas, college, Avila II-161a —Thomas, seminary, Ba"*"'™

IX-387C: founded XIII-698b;

XIV-332C; Bishop Ryan at

—Thomas, church, Brokhthes Xl-249b „„

—Thomas, abbey, Briinn VII- 2v.>c: X IsOd

—Thomas, church, Calcutta III- l.-):id; l-lc

—Thomas, college, Ceylon 111-

—Thomas, church, Cremona II-

|-,7.3c _

—Thomas, seminary. Denver,

— Thonias, abbey, Dublin XIII- — Thomas, hospital, Edinburgh V-286b „ ,. ^ T^7

-Thomas, abbey, Erdmgton IV-

Thomas, church, Goa VI

—Thomas, seminary, Hartford, established VII-146a; XIII-

TOla „ , T,„,

—Thomas, college, Houston, lel- asII-32.'ic.XIV-549d

—Thomas, hospital, London Vll-4.*lb; IX-345a

—Thomas (Dominican), churon, Madrid XII-3G8a

—Thomas, seminary, Malabar Vll-131b , ,, , „

—Thomas, hospital. Marshall- town VI-735a .

—Thomas, hospital, Nashville X-

— Thomas, college, Newbridge

XIII-578b .

—Thomas, Petun town, site VII-

— Thomas, Pittsburg (Bedford),

church XII-123b —Thomas, monastery, Prague

VII-235a —Thomas, college, Rome XI- 32.')b . . .

—Thomas, convent (Trinitarian),

Ror.ic XV-4Bd

-Thomas, college St. Paul.

Minnesota X-331b; XIII-

SiiSd; XIV-17a

—Thomas, college. Scranton

Xin-6.33d „ . r

—Thomas, church, ScythopoUs

XIII-648d .

—Thomas, college, Seville Xll- 3()8Fc .„ , „

Thomas, convent, Toulouse 11-

304a „, .. .

—Thomas, college, Washington

III-456b —Thomas, West Indies I X-377d, Danish possession JV-7-2a


uanisii po»»(.-3^'"" »• -,.

Thomas, church, V, mona, Min-


SAINT THOMAS, UNIVER- SITY OF, Manila XIII-381d; XII-16d: Aduarte at I-162a; founded IX-599C; (lU.) XIII-

Thomas, University of, Peru

XV-2Qld . , „ .

—Thomas, University of, banto

Domingo XV-201C

—Thomas Aquinas, college, Dou-

ai V-139a —Thomas Aquinas, seminary,

San Francisco XIII-441C —Thomas Aqumas, convent,

Santo Domingo XII-292C —Thomas Bliitter, periodical.

Ratisbon X-749C —Thomas de Louvre, coUege.

Pari» IV-108b ^ ,

—Thomas in Parione, church, Rome XII-120a ^ , ., , — Thomas Manor, church. Mary- land II-228d; Barber at II- 287b: early missions XV- S58d' , ,. „,,,

— Thomas Mount, India xiii-

382d —Thomas of Canterbury, monas- tery. Abroath I-OSOb _ —Thomas of Canterbury, ahrine,

Canterbury XIV-678C —Thomas of Canterbury, abbey.

Erdington V-.-il7d —Thomas of Canterbury, hospice.

RoineV-472c —Thomas of Canterbury, chapel.

Westminster XV-WIOc; llOla —Thomas of Canterbury, Order of \-3ll.5d c ■ .,

—Thomas of Canterbury, Society

of XV-149d —Thomas of Cuzco, university,

Peru XI-7:ii'.a —Thomas of EskilsBe, monas- tery Denmark XV -r,32d —THOMAS OF GUIANA, DIO- CESE OF XIll 3S2c —THOMAS OF MYLAPUTR, DIOCESE OF XIII-382C; 1\- 77b- VI-630b; VII-729C; 730a; 7.58d; IX-2S3; XII-30.1c; XIV- 679d; and Calcutta IlI-l.Mb; established VI-603b; statistics VII-730a; St. Thomas in VII- 728d- St. Thomas, tomb of XIV-C79a —Thomas of Trujillo, univeraity, Peru XI-7.36a

—Thomas of Villanova, Hospital- lers of. See Hospitallers of St. Thomas of Villanova

—Thomas the AposUe, church, Malvern IX-577d

Thomas. Sec San Tomaa; ban


Thyrsius, church. Lausanne


— Tiberi, monastery. Agde X-/ ic

^Timothy, oratory, Oaza vi-

— Toribio, seminary, Lima, Peru

XI-734b „ ,. Torquabus, seminary, Ouaaix

XVI-43C Trias Hill, Rhodesia, mission

XIII-20a ^ . . ,

Saint-Trond, France, hospital at

VII-167d , . , ,

Saint-Trond, Redemptorists at

XII-084a .

Saint-Trond, monastery. LiSge

XI-31Sd; copes IV-3nic Saint-Trond, Pierre de 11 -woe Saint-Trudhon \'ll-li"d Saint Trudpert, iiumastcry.

manv lI-l'J4b; XV-bOd Saint Turibius, mission, Calitor-

nia X-374C .,.,,

— Ultan's Well, Ardbraccan XV-

— Urban, monastery, Beromiin-

ster IX-407C —Urban, abbey. Lucerne III-

785a; XI-742d; XIV-362d —Urban, church. Troyes XV-6ic — Ursanne, abbey, Switzerland

XIV-362C ^ , ...

—Ursula, church, Cologne IV-

117d- XV-226b; reliquaries

(ill.) 'Xll-facing 734: 763a —Ursula, convent, Cologne 1-

— Ursus, church, Solothurn VII- — Vaast, abbey. Arras. See — Vaalt. cathedral. Arras I-752d: Eucharistic tower (>'!), I-'5?„' -Vaast, college. Douai V-139a.

Barlow. William II-298d —Vaast, France. Mayhew, Ed- ward tomb of X-86d —Valentine's Day XV-254b — Valentinus, basilica, lerm x-

Valentinus, cemetery, Rome

III-517C . .

Saint-Valery, monastery, Amiens

swnt^vallier! jean BAP-

TISTE DE, Bishop of Quebec XIII-3S7d;" III-233C; IX-46C; XII-594C: and Bourgcoys, Mar- guerite XI-127b; death III-- 234a; foundation VIII-516d General Hospital of Quebec XII-241C: at St. .lohn XIU- 355a; at Saint Pierre XIU- 376b; schools in Quebec XIU- Se.'ic; an<l I-rsuhnes in Three Rivers Xlll-5(>7b Saint-Vallier, Sisters of St. Jo- seph of. See Joseph, bisters of St <.-<l. Vallicr) Saint Vannes, monastery; X" j °

VII-519b; founded XV-351d Saint Vannes, Congregation of II-4.50a; X-176b: Afflighem affiliated VII - 105c; and St. .Maur. Congregation of X-69d Saint-Vaubry, France, pilgrimage

IX-264d ^ „ ,

Saint Vedast. See St. \ aast — Venantius, chapel, Rome l^\-

16a; X-.5S7b — Veronica, Melkite church. Jeru- salem VIII-370a ^ . . —Viator, c<jllege. Bourboiinais. Illinois X\-400c; and Bishop Fcchan III-656a - -Viator, school. JoliAtte, Canada

XV-400b ^ _^„,

—Victor, abbey, Geneva AIV-

— Victor, church, Geneva IV-«6d

—Victor, church, Mainz X\- 532a; 646a .,, ...

Saint-Victor, abbey, Marseilles II-440b; IX-lSOa; 71.>c; foun- dation IX-716C; X-4,3h: li- brarv- IX-716d: Semipelagian teaching XIII-704h

Saint-Victor, church, >Iarseillea IX-71.)d; Lazarus. Saint, tomb

of IX-98b; Urban V, tomb of XV-215C , ^ . „„

Saint-Victor, school, Pans vu- 522a; foundation XI-482C: licence to teach XI-495c: uni- versity, as origin of XI-496a Saint-Victor, cathedral, Xanten,

Germany X-639C SAINT-VICTOR, ABBEY OF, Paris XIII-3SSb; VII-:- d; IX-540b; XI-48i;c; X\-'"."d: Adam of Saint Victor I-l.Ma; Arnulf of Lisieuxl-752a; cler- ics, education of XIII-695C, foundation II-499a; Harlay. Francois de VII-137d: library IX-230d: 231c; Peter Come- stor. Saint, tomb of XI-763d; St. Eloi. abbey of XI-773b Sully. Maurice de, death ol XIV-329C, St. of Cantcrhurv 1I1-2'.I4C; Walter of St Victor XV- .■.44c SAINT-VICTOR, ACHARD DE

XIII-38Sd , -. ,,

Saint Victor, Adam of. See Adam

(.f Saint Victor — Victor, Canons Regular ot.

.See Canons Regular Samt-Victor, Gauthier de, and

Peter of Poitiers Xl--73b Saint Victor, Hugh of. See Hugh

Sa^t-Victor,'paul de, and Millet

Saint Victor, Richard of. See

Richard of St. Victor —Victor, Walter of. See Walter

Sa?nt'- Vigor, church. Cerisy-Ia- For^t. apses V-259d

Saint - Vigor -le- Grand, monas- tery. Bayeux X-71b

Saint Vincent, academy. Albu- querque XIV-29b

Vincent, church, Attica lii-

656a , I > -1

—Vincent, cathedral, Avila, ar- chitecture VI-678C . —Vincent, church, Baltimore 11-

— Vincent, arch-abbey, Beatty,

Pennsylvania II-452b; VI-

481d: XV-648d: founded XII-

I23d; (ill.) II-451c; and Wim-

mer II-622a .

—Vincent, seminary, Beatty,

Pennsylvania, in tabulated list


—Vincent, monastery, Benevento

II-143C „ ., , _, .

—Vincent, college, Brazil I-461d

Vincent, college. Cape Uirar-

deau, Missouri X-367a —Vincent, church, Chicago X- 367c ., ^,. „ ,

—Vincent, college. Chicago. See

De Paul University- —Vincent, college, Dublin XIII-

2.30c; .578b —Vincent, church, Germantown,

Pennsylvania X-367h —Vincent, academy, Helena.

Montana X-519a —Vincent, convent, Kliushpur VI11-743C ^ „ .,__.

—Vincent, al.l.ey, Laon X-/la, Xl\'-i:ild aii'l Pr^montre. '„l,l,.y ..1 Xll-:!'.i2a —Vincent, al.ljey. I.isbon._ bt. Anthony of Padua I-oo6b, foundation XIl-389a —Vincent, college. Los Angeles III-173b: X-532d: opened 1-

— Vincent, cathedral church. Mi- con. Burgundy IX-.507C

—Vincent, abbey. Metz. dalmatic IV-608C; and Poppo. bt. All 275b; Sigebert of Gembloux XIII-7S3d

Vincent, church. Metz lA-

414d: X-249d

— rincent,schoo . NevadaX- / . b

—Vincent, female orpli-an as> lum. Norfolk. Virginia Xlll-ola

—Vincent, church. Pans V I-»'3a

—Vincent, monastery. Pans VI-

— Vincent, monastery, Pennsyl- vania lX-14fid -Vincent,, town Pllffe"'"' -Vincent, church, P'ttshurg (Westmoreland County) Aii- 123a

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.