Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/749

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Scherr, Gregor von, Arohbishop

of \Iunich-Freising X-632a,

n,.,l DoWinscr V-9Sd

Scheie. J. J. -'-•^Jr"'

Scherv er, Frances, Venerable,

fmmdrcss XU-249a; 2o<b.

Scheuerocker, AnnaXI--Wc rruu! Hear;: Abbot of M»ri

Sc^^t\f;^euWeM,.CarU;u.^n nion:isU-r\ ->,J j-.y,,. x-37Sb



ScheVem'" Bavaria, . -^^U^

4MarX-453c; shrme X-033d —Counts of XV-409C , j Scheyem-Wittelsbach, d>-nasty

Sche^eUn Se^Schaufebn Schianskl, Jesuit tX '/:'a^^^ SchiapareUi. G.ovanm V«guuo

astronomer Il-f^^n7a o" -'ob \IlI-670b; X\-407a. on .>u j

Medulic- Andreas

Sryr"lfHc.^;.fr^ XI- ScUe;e, Friedrioh Michael V- lISd^^TSn^r humanist

Scli?M0ri.z,p.^ij;anX-139c SrkSara^^S^Lada, Schildwache am Jura. peri...liral

33oC- metaphysics X-^f.-°; XII-336C; apd P"?,?,"


von, poet Vl-a"a. ;^' , ._ on Abraham » Sancta ClaraJ

Jon VlII-2S5a; and MicKie^K' X-283b; and Schlosser MU" 545b; statue X-310b «ai lenstein's Lager I 57a Weimar. Court of y-^'<^ .._ ScWUinger, Johann Kaspar. bar-


rcSimoVkT" ^ii^nuel von. SchimonsKy,^^ «^^^^^ ll-7ri4a

Schinkerkarl Friedrich, archi-


__'liiATTH«jfS Xm-528C^


Schipano, Mario, physician XV-

rnn^titutions I-f>37b. in Aqui 1;!; XIIl-533d; St. Augustine on 'XI 1 1-53 lb; and bunal.


Christian ,,I"-72a. ..ffg'?^' Pope CaUistus Xll.l-03;'O'

S'arxni-533b°ofVb6Cha: tel Xm-534d; St. Clement on XIII-530b; Clement of Alex- andria XIII-531a; "vd <;onst^ tution of the clergy XIU-o34c, in Corinth XIII-533a; Councd. schismatic I-3a; St. C^-pnan on Xlll^-Wla; namasus Ul

lat^'n \UI-531d;

Ehin'nr -.HI ,;b; essence

t 111 ^",",1 1 ' 11' i-sinuis ot CartluUevt27d;u.PopeFehx XIII-533C; German Catholics XIII-534d; Guibert of Ka- venna VII-BSb; of Henry VIII XIII-534b; and. heresy Vn-256d; St. Ignatms on XTII-530C; of Incommunicants Xin-534d; of investitures VIII-86a; St. Irena-us on XIII-530d; 532d; and irregu- larity VIII-172a; St. Jerome on XIII-531d; St. John on XIU 530b; Lucifenans XIII-M3d. a, Tuke on XIII-53Ub, 01 MeleUus Xni-533b; Nova- riansXIII-533b; Old Catholics XIII-53.ia; St. Optatus on V iV,d; xm-.>Ub; Origen on Xlll-Slila; putrintic teaching lll-7.53b; St. r...| nu \\\\l 530a; pemil -::u.U,m^ .\1 529c; and ^Hniii'i"- -^ 774c:St. Jiu,>' v' ' "'"i"-'""^ OrderofXlll :--;'-^^"^^ 756a; and '"\' -^ ' ■,,,■ 1" state oflence >;.W-'i77b Ter- SSr^-.N^^a °f

_^^^lS"xl^5^-"^- 762c; XV-139a; Antioch 1

Christend'.i" .Iimh -^ * 137a: C '■ ' """"'







'x"40b;"Mclchites X-nSd; Melctius of Antioch X-Uilc, Me e il of Lvcopolis X~lf>4a;

^'t7ra'^fu-534"a;5\Kd tmlsficbm X-470d Photius

537b; and Poland MI-184':^ reunion, attempts f,, ^^U . .53Sa; in Rumania ^Ulr*^-,?"' and Sardica I-709d; Stephen !v Urosch XlII-733a; and thpolog\', Greek XIV-5S90. and Union of Christendom XV-139a; unleavened bread


d'AiUy's action I-236a, Am brose of Camadol. I-388b, Aniiileia, Council of (1409) 1 fir/M Barcelona, Councd of I13S7I 11 2s9d; Boniface IX xill rAlta. Benedict XIU

Hb;and Carmelites 11I-359C; «!t Catherine of SienaIU-44(a, fai.Ve XV-217b; and Celestine mil480a; Cleniange' IV- llc; Clement VII Xin-539d, Constance,CouncdofIV-^8b, criticism, modern XIU M 'a. nieirich von Nieheim IV- 789c Bl Elimbeth of Reute's „?0RhecvV-391d;Filla»treVI- ?;drFlandersUl-5d St. Fran- ces of Rome's prophecy VI fold: German Archbishops XIIl-413b; Gerson V :530d,

afgoS"xl?i'^2-"v'- XIII-MOb; Holy Roman Em- pire XlII-7S4d; . Hungarian Solicy VII-551b; >Kno7°«v',^ Viti-'vlOc- Innocent vii ^H}-MSb;.IohnXXIUXI I- .540b; liturgy, effect

774b; Maimbourgs history IX-540b; Martm. V XIII- 540b; and MRi-a^'V^V'SSf^; and Reformation XII-701a, Regium Placet V-708a;. science effect on XII-52b; Simon of Gramaud XIII-799a; Spam XIV-lS2c;andStatesof Church XIV-264b; Telcsphorus ot

Wenceslaus of Gernianj VI 495d; and Zabarella X\-

ScUsmatic Greek Church. See

Orthodox Church

Schismatics, and mfidels VIII 2d; Mass. apph'ati.m ot^^ X 23d; and p.itfnvui - :^-r^. andValennniM, 1 \\ -ood, works coii'i'i' iji '! 1 1 1 '--^c

Schitzui, laiii-MKi^: X l^'"> ,.

Schivelbein. pllrl^ll, 01 j\"..uu


minister \ 1727b Schlagl. Austria, monastery lA

Schlatter. Michael, elergj-man

Vl-477b: Xll-711b Schlatterbach. Archbishop of

Salzburg X-623b Schlauch, Laurenz, orator VU

Schlebusch. Germany astronom- ic'd experiments XV-i»oc

Schlecht, Silvester, Prior of Erd- ineton V-518a

ScSlgel. August Wilheta von Vl-525d; Athenaum Aiii ,M2br at Bonn_n-674a; and


^Vl'^ ■u't;*ini,neouriX^ ojiib- "on'Cid lll-770a; and Eichendorff . V-364a; portrait XIII-542a; in y'™na.I'-'<,^: Windischmann s edition Av

-ThMdore. Abbot of St. Luzi

III-743C; XIII-365a Schlehdorf. n'ouast-'ry ."-l/f^, Schleicher. A., phdologist XIV

Denmark IV-722d; '29b; VI 512a; and Germany VI-512a under Pr?P?Kanda XII-457b and Prussia IV-725d. Vl-512a Schl"sw?g°-Holstein Prefectare ApostoUc of Vl-529a; map VI- , '^T__ n I. „„,1 (Knnhruck VI-

Schleiden^ Matthias Jakob, scien-

ScWellmachtr. Daniel. Zionite

— Fried^rich Ernst, Protestaiit theologian lX-403a; on Acts of Apostles I-121a; Apocatas- .\.tl' T_Knnrt- on Attributes,

tasis I-600d; on AttrAut Divine II-64a; on Christ. l)i vinity of XIV-600C;. ethics V- 559d- on God. existence of XIV-569C; idealism I-176C; en- cvelopedia V-415b; on iniracles X-340d; XIIl-3d; and mod- ernism X-415d; 419a;. and MShl^r X-430a; and mysticism X-6l54d; religion, defimt.on o Xn-740b; on religion, natural X-344C; on revelation Xl 1- 653a; Romantic .S^.hool J-^. 507d; and Schlcgel XIII-54JD ,ehool IV-495d; on Synoptics VTV ^OSa- on New Testament n- 4<r;a iinivrrsalism II-103b Schleifer, J. XVI sua; SOc .

mann H 190b —Max Rudolf von, Bishop ot

I.eitmeritz 1X-141C Srhlesinger. Thcrese X1I1-6»'C IcHLEsViG Xm-542c; altar, carved XV--00b. St Anschar s school I-544d; bishopric I\- 724c; vn-121c; !«*: Jh 433d; Cistercian ahbc\ Alli .M3b; and Denmark IV-722d, 79qb' VI-512a; Dominican

Si^.ery X"I-M?|'rt.^r3b" ciscan monastery XIU M.40,

5S^a;";'^'^'rrul^ra"rv:7iV, ScS:J^i^SnI^^728a^^:

Apostohc 01 V i-o.i-.'o. ■■'-i- ■ - facing 514; and Osnabruck VI-


Xin-.543d . <?rhlett. musician l-2.i.ia .

Schlettstadt. Cath.olic .societies

I-34.'ic; Humanism in vii

Schletb^ein. physiocrat XII-68C

Schley. Winfield Scott, rear ad- miral XV-178C ., ,, .

Schleyer. dean of Freiburg Uni- versity VII-364C

Schlichting, Jonas. Bibhcal com- mentator IV-l()la

SchUck, imperial chancellor AU

Schiiemanii. Heinrich, archa;olo- ScWierbVch. abbey IX-275C Schliersee, monastery l-75ia,

SchKgl? Nivard Johann. Cister- SchiS.wle;J,'p;ies.II^129a -ALOYSIUS XIll ..«a ,

—Ferdinand von,^ Bi>hop ot

ScUos'ser," Frederick' Christoph. bcmossei, ^^^ vii-iusb


xni ">i.^b

Schlottanus. Srr ^lo'anus ^'^Jr- 50TdT\nrTussJn gl'ronictes X'nl-270d on Sla- vonic origin XlV-42b 4bc Schluffelburgh, Lutheran l-50i)C IchlUiselfeld. family, memorial

Schluter. Andreas, architect II- 493d; Xlll-375a, Great Elec- tor, statue of XII-522d

— Chr. B. Vll-M/C ^.^,^„,„|.

Schmalkaldic League, .'^fr bmai

SCHMALZGRUEBFR, FRAN- CIS XAVIER xin ■•l-?;^,t\ ^'"^1 l^./r'i.e.'^X-THd

Schmeller, johann And.eas. phil-

Schrr^.An^n,^™^-^^^ S^S's;hwarlenburgXI11^597^

Schmet. Augustine. .Sic Gaiiit 7in Demc-trius Augustine

SchmetVau" Samuel. Count von

Sc'llMli^ckRlSTOPH VON

portriiit Xlll."'4l'a — ferasmus IV-lotib

Felix See > aher

—Henry, Lutheran theologian

IX-4r,2d — K. A. V-418tt — Konrad VI-91b — Otto I'-23.5b _..

— S., Biblical commentator iv-

-Sebastian. Lutheran cxegete

IX-4G2C -Theresa von X";-^^.^,^ „,.

Xaver, philosopher V ll-»(a

Schmidelin, Jacob Vl';f2« y- Schmidt. Auguste. suflragist A v

— Benno, surgeon 1-x- 14 la -Bernard, organ builder XI

300c — C. Vl-.i93b

!;•'■' „V„,l,edral XV-419a

Vienna catneur.ii ..^ YT-inOc

-Gerard, organ builder XI-300C

-Heinrich von, architect XIU

546c; Passau cathedral Al

-fohinn Adam, ophthalmologist —Leopold lX-552d


c/hmiedel Paul Wilhelm, eie- ^teTe lV-102b; 495d; on Cor-