Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/786

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193c; Venezuela XV-327d; West Indiea II-204C

STATISTICS, ECCLESIASTI- CAL XI\-269a; Apostle- ship of Prayer I-633b; as- sociations XIV-273d; Aus- tria-Hungary II-136d; Bam- berg II-245b: Bavaria II-3o6a; Belgium XIV-272a; Berlin II- 494c: Bohemia n-614b; Bor- neo missions, British II-6S7c; Borneo missions, Dutch II- 687a; Bulgaria III-47b; Cali- fornia ruissious III-IS2d; Cana- da XIV-272b; Canada, Indian missions X-3S3d: Canada, poor relief XII-241a; Castile and Aragon III-413C; Catholic XIV -270c; Catholics in the U. S, XII -502a; Chaldean Christians III-560d; charities XIV-273b; classification XIV- 270d; Delaware IV-694b; di- ocesan V-5b; directories XIV- 27 Id ; Dublin IX-404a ; English- speaking nations XIV-271b: France VI-17.5C; XIV-272a; Franciscan VI-290c: French Catholics in America VI-273a; Germany XIV -274c; history XI V-269b ; 275d ; Holland XIV- 272a; Holy Childhood, Asso- ciations of the VII-400b ; Hun- gary XIV-272b; importance XIV-274b; India VII-730a; ItalyXIV-272a; methods XIV- 269a; 270b; mbsion3XIV-273b; New Hampshire X-789b; Ob- lates of Mary Immaculate XI- lS6a; Oklahoma XI-233b; Old Catholics XI-236b; Preachers, Order of XII-358d; Premon- stratensiana XII-390d; Propa- gation of the Faith, Society for the XII -46 Id; publications, diocesan XIV -272c; publica- tions, national XIV-27Ia; reli- gious orders XIV-273a; Rome, bureau VII-9b; schools XIV- 273d; Scotland Xin-622a; South .Urica XIV-271d; South America XIV-272c; Spain XIV-272b; subject-matter XIV -271a; Superior, Diocese of XIV-336d; Transvaal XV- 20c; United States poor, care of XII-247a; year books XIV- 271c

—OF RELIGIONS XIV-275c; Abyssinia XIV-2S0b; Africa xrV-2S0a; 2Slb; America XIV-281a; Ancestor Worship XIV-276b; Andorra XIV- 27Sa; Anglicanism I-499a; Ar- gentine Republic XIV-2Sla; Asia XIV-279a; 28 lb; Aus- tralia XIV-279b; 281b; Aus- tria-Hungary II-13-a; XIV- 278a; 279b; Baden II- 199b; Bamberg II-243a; Baptists II- 281c; Bavaria II-353d; Bel- giumll-405c; XIV-278a; Bible Societies II-544d; Bohemian Brethren II-619d; Bolivia XIV-2Sla: Bosnia XIV-27Sa; Brahmins XIV-276a; Branden- burg Il-740a: Brazil XIV- 281a; Buddhists XIV-276a; Bulgaria XIV-278a; California III-174d; Catholics XIV-276b; Central America XIV-2SIa; Chili XIV-2Sla; China XIV- 279a; Christians XIV-276a; Colombia XIV-2Sla; Confu- cianism XIV-276b; Congrega- tionalism IV- 241a; Cuba XIV -281a; definition XIV- 275c; Denmark XIV-27Sa; Ecuador XIV- 28 la; Egvpt XIV-2S0b; Europe V-608d; 612a; XIV-281b; France XIV- 278a; Friends, Society of VI- 306c; German Empire XIV- 278a; Great Britain and Ire- land XIV-278a; Greece XIV- 278a; Greek Orthodox XIV- 276b; GrcKorian Armenians XIV-27Sa; Haiti XIV 2-ila: Hungary Vll-559d; Illinois Vn-6.-)7a;IndiaVII-72'<c:7:!3b; Indiana Vn-742a; Indo-Cliina, French XIV-279a; Internation- al Institntc; of XIV-27tia: Ital- ian churches in U. S. VIII- 205d; Italy XIV-278a; .Inpan XIV-279a; Jews XIV-27fia;


Korea XIV-279a; Liberia XIV-

280b; Lichtenstein XIV-27Sa: Louisiana IX-383b; Lutheran- ism IX-463b; Luxembourg XIV-27Sa; Maryland IX- 755c ; Methodism X - 242a ; Mexico XIV-281a; Moham- medans XIV-276a; Monaco XIV-27Sa; Montenegro XIV- 278a; Morocco XIV-280b; Netherlands XIV-278a; New Hebrides XIV -279b; New York XI-31b; New Zealand XIV - 279b; Nonconformists XI-97b; North Carolina XI- 110c; Norway XIV -278a; Oceania XIV-279b; Paraguay XIV-281a; Parsis XI-o08d; Peru XIV- 28 la; Philippines XIV-279a; Porto Rico XIV- 2Sla; Portugal XIV-278a; present status of religious bodies XIV-276d; Protestant Episcopal church in U. S. XII- 495c: Protestantism in France VII-536d; Protestants XIV- 27eb; Prussia V-645d; Ruman- ia XIV-27Sa; Russia XIV- 278a; San Domingo XIV-2Sla; San Morino XIV-27Sa; Servia XIV-278a; Shintoists XIV- 276b ; Siam (with Laos) XIV- 279a; South Carolina XIV- 160a; South Dakota XIV- 162b; Spain XIV-278a; Swe- den XIV-278a; Switzerland XIV-27Sa; 3C4c; Svria XIV- 404a; Ta..i.,ls XlV-27tib; Ten- nessee X I \-r. II Id; Tripoli XIV- 280b; Turkey XlV-27Sa; Uni- tarians XV-i56c: United States XIV-2S0a; 281a; Uruguay XIV-281a; Venezuela XIV- 281a: Virginia XV-451d: West Indies XIV-2>la

Statistischen Mitteilungen, year book XIV-27oa

Statius, AchUles Vll-9d

— Publicus Papinius, MS. of XII- 178a, study of IX-33C

— Ouadratus, proconsul XII- 221b

STATTLER, BENEDICT XIV- 2,S2a; ll-->l.'a; XlV-.VJ-,d

Stature Xll-ii-'iid

Status, in licmaii Law IX-Mlc

— afiiictionis et purgativus \T1- 44UC

— consolationis \TI-440c

— desolationis \Tl-440d

—illuminativus Vll-440c

— inigativus \TI-440c

— pacificus VIl-44i)c

— seminativus \T1— 140c

— vise. See Pilgrimage, Stat« of

Statuta, of Norbertine Order XII-388a; use of term IX- 202b

— antiqua Orientis. .Sfe Statuta Ecclesiae Antiqua

— Ecclesiae Antiqua III-2S3c: acolytes I-107a; 108b: of St. Cfesarius III-135d: VII-113b; and minor orders X - 333c ; on ordination of o-stiaries XII-285a

— et ordinationes, Bull of Martin V XIII-200C

— of the Six Articles VII-225a

Statutes, diocesan IV-67Ud

— of Provisors I-321d

Statutum (letters) lX~202d

— in tavorem principum, law VI- 492d

Statz, Friedtich I-2c

-Vincenz lX-27C,a: XV-775C

Staub, Joseph V-lssd

STAUDENMAIER, FRANZ AN- TON Xl\-2S2c; .Wlla; encv- ilupc.lia V 41-iC

Staudhamer, J., edilor Xl-f.SOb

Stauffenberg, johann Friedrich von. Bishop of Augsburg II- 76b

Staufia, S. K. V., Straaburg So- ciety I-345C

Staunton, \'irciiiia X\'-451d; ai-a.lemv X\'-ir.:!d

STAUPITZ, JOHANN VON XIV 2s.ia; \lI-2S.3a; IX-t4(lc

Stauracius, Emperor Ill-lO.'id: XI-.MId

Staurolaters IV-530c

Stauroniceta, niona.ster>' II— 18a

Stauropegion \'-.'>95c


Stauros (Leo the Philosopher)

XV-209a Stavani, tribe XIV-42b Stave, invention of I-702b Stavelot, abbey VIII-757b; St.

Agilulfus, abbot of I-211a; Wi-

bald, abbot of XV-615d Stavelot-Malmedy, principality

II-395b Stavenby, Alexander de. Bishop

of Lichfield and Coventry iJ-.-

232d Stavropol, Russia XIII-234d Stazio, Achille IX-232b S. T. B., abbr. I-26a S. T. D., abbr. I-26a Steam, Regnault XII-722a: Rog- er Bacon Xlll-llSb; da Vinci

XV-^44b —Navigation Vin-526c Stebben, Alaska, mission I-250c Steccata, church, Parma XI-505b Steck, Rudolf IV-496a; XIII-


237d: and Dominicans XII-

30SDC Stedingians. See .Stedingers Steele, Fort XV-727d — Richard V-466a Steelton, Pennsylvania IV-513c:

XlV-Sld Steen, Cornells Comelissen von

den. .See Cornelius Cornelii a

Steenberghen, J. B. van X-6S3a Steeneman, Jean-Baptiste III-

077c Steenhoven, Cornelius VIII-

293c; XV-247a; and VanEspen

V-.Hld Steenkiste, J. A. van XIV-730a Steensen, Niels. See Steno,

Nicolaus Steeple ll-394d Steer Xll!-309d Steevens, John V-149d STEFANESCHI, GIACOMO

GAETANI XIV-2S4a: and art

II-669a; and Giotto VI-566b;

on Gremiale VII-26b: and

(Jrdo XIV XI-2S7d; on Jubilee

V11I-532C —Retable, Giotto XI-,msb Stefani, Joseph Peter IX-ijSsb Stefania Cathedral X-fi83b Stefano, Cavaliere Giovanni di.

See Lanfranco, Giovanni — BeUesini, Blessed VII-2sea — dall* Arzere XI-386C — da Zevio Xl-.i'.Wb — Ziu-iare, Blessed XlV-llOa


Steflan of Breslau Xl-3(K)b

Steffens, Franz V!II-64c

— Henrich \-303d

Stegocephala XI-412a

Stehle, G. J. E., composer X- 65Sd

Steichele, Anton von, .\rehbishop of Munich-Friesing V-94d: X- (■i:!2d

Steidele, Raphael X-13.5b

Steier, castle

Steiermark. ,SVp Styria

Steiger, Caspar \"I— 17sb

Steilacoom, Washington XV- .■)ii2d

Stein, Barthel VI-451C

— C. G., religious statistics XIV- 27Bc

• — Franz Joseph von. Archbishop of Munich-Friesing XV-720b

—Friedrich Karl VI-507d; XII- 526c; and Miinster X-t536c; 639d: reforms VI-508d

— Johann Heynlin of. 6'ff Hevn- lin of Slein. .loliann

STEINAMANGER, DIOCESE OF XlV-2S4d; II-136C; VI- 721d: VII-94C; XIV-2S4d: ca- thedral (ill.) XIV-285a; cathe- dral chapter XIV-2S5b

Steinbach, Erwin of XIV-315a

—John of V-.-)26c

Steinberger, Eberhard. See Bil-


Sleindorff, Georg V-.IS.'id Steinen. Karl von der XII-699C Steinesness, Greenland I-420a Steinfeld, abbev Vl-f.27c: VII-

266c — Franz XV-709b

Steinfurt, countship XV-604a Steinheil, Jenny X-151a Steinhowel, Heinrich \ I-o20c Steinhijber, Andreas Xl\'-110b; and Anima College I-515c; on Collegio Germanico U'ngarico XIII-133c; at Innsbruck VIII-


285b ; XI-362C ; Canisius, por- trait of XI-761d; paintings of XI-402a; portrait XI V-285c Stemmarm, Alphons \T-336d STEINMEYER iSTEINMAYR), FERDINAND XIV-2S5d; VI- 2C.Sd; 477c; and Briard II- 77Sd: and Griissel VI-729a; and Harding XI-793d; in New Jersey X-779d; 792b; in New York XI-20d; in Pennsylvania \T-477c Steins, Walter, Bishop of Auck- land II OSc; 645a; III-154a Stela. .S. . Stele Stele Vlll-4:ia; Babylonian II-

l.sod; IMib —of Abercius !-40a — of Merneptah I X-20Sd —of the vultures Il-lSUd Stella, Andreas Vlll-344a

— Didacus VII-44tid

— Georgius XlV-2.39c —Joseph XII-373b

— Pio Gaetano Secondo, Auxili- are bishop at Montevideo X- 539c; XV-231b

— Thomas, Dominican XIV-122a

Stellae. See Epiphany

SteUa Maris XV-464Ab

— Matutina II-795a

Stella mission V-736b

Stellio (Bib.) I-525a

Stellce. See Stele

Stelluii, Francesco I-S4d

Stellwag von Carion, Karl X-141c

" I onzer Eeuw, periodical



Stenar, Bishop of Linkoping X\T-.')4a; \>xio episcopate XVI-78d

Stenbeke, Petrus XIII-20SC

Stendhal VI-2()2b

Stengel, Abbot of Anhausen II- 437a

—Georg IV-796b

Stenkil, King of Sweden XIV- 34Sc; 351b

Stenko Razin XIII-273C

Stenning, J. F. IV-U'.2c

Stennius, Saint XIII-SSc

STENO, NICOLADS XIV-2S6a; I-460b; VI-433a: 529b; X- 13 Id: on anatomy H60b: on animal motion II-573b; in Schwerin X-llOb; as vicar IV-725C

— Niels. See Steno, Nicolaus

Stensen. See Steno

Sten Sture I, and Hans I of Nor- way XI-119a; and Sunnan- viicler XV-592C: and Univer- sity of Upsala XV-20SC

Stentrup, Ferdinand Aloys VIII-

Stenz, Gregorius Maria IX-747d Stenzel, Adolf Harald Ill-lSd Step, altar I-354d Stephan, cardinal VII-525a — mission, South Dakota, XIV-

23b —Henry VI-512C ^Michael, Abbot of St. James

XV-721C —J. A. VII-745d; X-720d Stephanas I-!01d; at Corinth

IV-364d; in earlv church VII-

334c: and St. faul IV-366a;

VII-33,'-,a Stephan Bathori, King of Poland

Xll-.il7c Stephaniacum, Greece \"I-73Sd Stephanini, John T. ll-234b Stephan of Chfitillon, Saint II-

415c Stephanos V, Catholicos of Etch-

niiadzin l-739b — Klon Il-17b

- Kvparissos ll-47b Slephanus, Robertus, Bible V-

2S7a: New Testament V-290b; works VII-.-.l2a

- Byzantius I\ -lb: XIV-563C

_ .S-., Slephrli


—in .4r(.- Fra Angelico XV-280a;

Baglioni II-203b; Brumidi

Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) ^ iUustrations.