Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/827

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X-449b; Mohammedans X- 426b; Monarchians X^50a; Montaniats XV-oOd; as mys- tery XV-52b: necessity of be- Uef VI-702b; iNovatians XI- 140a; Xovena XI-143d; office XIII-2SC; Origen Xl-307d; 309c; XV-olb; origination XV- S7b; Patristic teaching XIV- 584c; XV-51a; Patil of Samo- sata XI-589d; and Personality, Divine VI-614d; Philo VII- 683d; Philoxenus X-493C; Por- retanus VI-555d; Procession XV-54a; Protestantism III- 586d; Prudentius XII-51Sb; Pseudo - Areopagite V-14b; Quakers VI-305d; RationaUsm XV-52d; Recapitulation, doc- trine of XV-S3b; relations, di- vine XIV-S84C; XV-5Bb; Rich- ard of St. Victor Xni-46a; Rosminians XIII-198a; Sabel- lianism XV-.50d; Sacrifice of the Cross XIII-317a; in Scrip- ture I^SOb; XIV-536d; self- consciousness XV-57a; sign of the cross IV-525d; Socinians XIV-113c; Son XV-54b; 55b; soul I-149d; Swedenborgians XIV-355d; symbolism VIII- 7S6b; XI-82d; XIII-7S6b; XIV-376b; XV-54a; Tatian XV-51d; Tertullian on XIV- 524c; Theodotians XV-756C; in Theology, Catholic XIV- 584b; XV-55a; Thomism VI- 690b; XIV-667C; 700b; Tradi- tion, proof XV-49d; Triduum XV-41d; Tritheism V-636a; X-492a; 492c; Unity XV-53b; Univcrsalists XV-lSlc; Valen- tinian I XV-2.5.5b

Trinity, Canons Regular of the Holy. See Trinitarians

— Confiatemity of the Most Holy VIII-533b; XII-19b; XIV- 121c

— Congregation of the Holy, Ba- silian II-324a

— Hermits of the Holy, Augustin- ian Vn-2Mc

—SUNDAY XV-.58b; "Alba" I- 251b; at Durham V-214b; in Greek Church III-166c: indul- gence VII-7S8d: preface IV- 34b; XII-386a; Vesper hymn Xin-409a

Trioche, Archbishop of Bagdad II-202C: X-210d

Triodion, hvmn I-473d

— liturirical bonk I-92c; IV-31.5d; IX-303a: X-177d

Triompbe, Arc de, Paris (ill.) XI-493

Trionfetti, Bernardino, Francis- can VI-2S7b; IX-640a

Trionfo deUa Morte lV-(il7c

Tripe, mission ni-fi99b

Triphonia, Saint III-5I.5C

Triphylia and Olympia, Greek Sec VI-740d

Triphyllus, Saint, Bishop of Ledra XI-71C

Triple Alliance fl717) V-177c; ,'171S) Vll-UWa; (1879) VI- .513a


Triple crown. .See Tiara

Triple-Entente (1907) VI-515b

Triple Gate, Temple of Jerusalem VIII-354a

Tripods, in sacrifice XIII-310C

Tripoli, state, .\frica I-192d

— Geoffraphy XV-,iSd; .\ugite II-73b; Barca II-2S8d; C>Tene IV-591d; Girba VI-.i70d; I>ep- tis Magna IX-18.5C: Libya XVI-82b; map I-facing ISO; Sabrata XIII-292a: Teuchira XIV-Mla; Ticelia XIV-721a

—Jews I-18.5d: VIII-399c; Mo- hammedans X-42Td: Turkish«^inn X\'--'Ob; 07d

—town. Africa X^■-^Ob: 9^

—PREFECTURE APOSTOLIC OF XV-3Sd; l-lSSc; 199b; XVI-69c; Franciscans VI- 293c; statistics XIV-280b

—Set Tripolis

TripoUs, town, Greece, school VI-74ld

TRIPOLIS, SvTia XV-60c; IV- .>t7b; XIV-399c; 404c; castle (ill.) I.\-l(Mc; Godfrey of

Bouillon VI-62ob; Maronito diocese IX-6S4a; .Melchite diocese X-161a: Phcenician possession XII -41b; XI\'- 402d; Raymond IV IV-547a; XII-669d — See Tripoh

Tripolitana. See Tripoli; Tripolis Tripos, Cambridge III-213d Triptych V-22d; ivory V-23c;

(ill.) Vlll-facine 258 Triregntim. See Tiara (papal

Trisagion. See Agios O Theos

Trismegistus, Hermes. See

Hermos Trismegistus

Trissino, Bonaventura, Bishop of Rimini XIII-oSc

—GIAN GIORGIO XV - fila; VIII-250b; IX-164a; XIV- S6Ia; and Palladio XI-423d; portrait XV-61b

Tristam, Nuno, explorer VII-240b

Tristan, legend IX-124a; 124b

Tristan of Athemis, missionary VIII-r>33d

Tristes Erant Apostoli, hymn II- 112b

Tristiano, Bishop of Mazzara X-94C

Tristram. See Tristan

Tristschler y Cordova, Bishop of Yucatan X\'-737d

Trisulti, Italy, charterhouse III- 390d

TRITHEXSTS (TRITHEITES) XV-eic; V-63ea; X-492a; Athana^ian Creed II-33d; Phi- lornniis ,.n .\~192c; Roscelin Xlll-lS'.td; and Socinianism XIV-lUc; WiUiram XV-646b

TRITHEMIUS, JOHN XV-02b; II-437a; 462b; VI-15c; VII- 363d; 540d; IX-619a; XI- 468b; XV-721C; on d' Andrea I-469d; on St. Anne XV-443a; on Carmelites III-355a; on St. Elizabeth of Schonau V- 392b; and Gresemund VII- 28c; and Paracelsus X-130d; portrait XV-62b; and Wirt XV-661a

Triumfo de la Santa Cruz, feast


Trium Fontium ad Aquas Salvias,

A hi


Triumph Roman, I-97c; V-7a Triumphantis Jerusalem, Bull of

Si.itua V Il-fi.-i.ib; XIV-G72a Triumph of death. .See Dance

of Death —of Fame (ill.) Xl-facing 780 — of Maximilian (Durer) V-211a;

XIV-742d — of Religion (Cornclisz) IV-

375b; (Tisio da Garofalo) XIV-

740c —of St. Francis (Giotto) VI-567b — of St. Hermengild (Herrera

the Elder) VII-29.5b: (Herrera

the Younger) \'ll-295d — of St. Thomas Aquinas (Tad-

deo Gaddi) I-7f.2d —of the Cross (Duprf-) XVI-36d Tritmiphus, Augustinus, theolo- gian Vll-2.'>.5a; VUI-432c; XI-

454c Triumvirate, France (1561) VII-

75b; Rome (43 B.C.) II-107a;

(1S49) XIII-109C Tfiumwini, Saint. .See Trumwin,



X-740b; XII-3fi.3c; 366a; and

Walter of Wintcrburn XV-

544d — Thomas XV-fi.3b Trivier, Saint 11-41.50 Trivium I-276d; 758b; 762b;

763b; 763d; X-463a; XI-

495b Trivulce, Augustin, cardinal II-

3.5Sc: Vl-13ld Trivulziana Library, Milan I-

390a Trivulzi Collection .X-fi47b Trivulzio, Agostino, Bishop of

Gra-iie XI-4Sd — Catalano, Bishop of Piacenza

XII-70d — Margherita Il-OSSa — Scaramuzza, cardinal. Bishop

of Piacenza XII-70d

— Teodoro, cardinal, in Sicily XI- 42()a

— Hospice, .Milan I-215b

Troarn, alihev II-358d

TROAS XV-63b; VI-446c; St. Ignatius of Antioch VII-645a

Trobar clus \'I-570c

Trobec, James, Bishop of St. Cloud Xlll-343b

Trochon, C, cxegete IV-161a; Vlll-sla; on Abdias I-30b


Trocmi, tribe \I-336b

Trocznowski, John, Taborite 11- 610c

TrcDzen, See of VI-738d

—town. Assembly (1827) 11- 4l>d; VI-710a

Trogau, Etienne, editor XI-C77b

Trogir. .s'cc Trail

Troglodytes \II-497d

Trogodario, ,\rchbishop of Sas- sari XIII-4,S5b

Trogus Pompeius. See Justin

Trogyllium \' I -440c

Troilo Nordiglio VII-692d

Troilus, pliil.wopher XIII-778b

Troina, si,-:;e (1062) XIII-775b; I rlian II at XV-210b

Trois Fontaines, shrine XI-S3d

Trois-Rivieres, mission X-512b

Troitsa-Sergievskaya Laura. .See Trinity, monastery, Moscow

Troitzki, church, St. Petersburg XIII-37.5a

Troitzky Laura. .See Trinity, mon- asterv. Moscow

Troja, Church. Pavia VI-677d; council (1093) III-15C

Trojanus, Saint, Bishop of Saintes IX-6C

Trojden, King of Poland XV- 555b


Troki, Lithuanians XII-l,S2a

TroUe, Gustavus, .\rchbishop of Upsala XI\'-349a: 352c

Trollope, Anthony XI-40d

Trolopp, Francis. See Fiva.\

Troltsch, Herm., philosopher IX- 4l'.3b

Trombay, leper home II-645b

Trombe sordine X-65Sa

Trombetta, Antonio XI-387c; XIII-lJ12c: and Cajetan III- 140a; ami Duns Scolus XIII- 612c

Trombone X-657a

Tromby, Benedictus III-391b

Tromp, Martin Harpertszoon Vni-629c

Trompe vaulting XI-321b

Tron, Saint. See Trudo, St.

Tronche, MUe. de, foundation Ill-ClOa

Tronchin, Theodore, physician X-136d

Tronchoy, pilgrimage, France Xlll-719d

Trond, Saint. .Sec Trudo. Saint

TRONDHJEM (NIDAROS), See of XV-lila; 733c: I-157b; 706c; XI-118a; 234b; XVI-9c; 10a; cathedral XI-121b: 317c; ca- thedral (ill.) XI-119; XV-64b

Tronson, Louis Xni-378d; 380b; and F^nC-lon VI-35c; founda- tion IX-lS7d; and Mmc. Guv- on VI-36d; VII -93c; and John Baptist de la Salle VIII- 444b

Tronson Ducoudray. See Du Coudray

Trooz, de, Belgian prime minis- ter IV-234C

Troparion, in Acathistus I-92d; of canons I-t73c; in Greek Office I-106a; IV-319b; in Tercc XIV-51.5b

TROPE XV-65a; X-348b; XI- .531c; XIV-,560a; in Gloria VI- .5H4a; in Gounod's Mass I- 223d: Xll-14.5b

Tropea, Diocese of. See Nico- tera and Tropea

Troped Gloria VII-.596b

— Kyrie vn-5n6b

Tropesius, Saint, martvr VI- 270b

Trophimus, Saint, mart\-r XIV- 3S7d

Trophimus, Saint, Bishop of Aries I-23Sa; VI-.395d: IX- 721d; chapel to XV-462C


—Saint, disciple of St. Paul VII-

335a: X-303d; XI-571C Trophonius, oracle V-154b; XI-



elite Rite XIII-

— ad Ordinarium Missa XV-66a — ad Proprium Missarum XV-

66a — Antiphonales XV-65d -Graduales XV-65d; Agnus


in I-

Tropologion, hvmnodv I-473b TROPOLOGY, SCRIPTURAL

XV-66d; V-695C Troppau, congress (1820) VII-

399a: X-246a — Martin of. See Martin of

Troppau Tropus ad Gloria VII-596b —ad Kyrie VII-596b Trosly (Trosle) Council (909) I-

63a; 111-311C: 4S5c; IX-92d TrossarelU, painter XV-447d Troteman, Jocelimus. See Joce-

lin of Wells Troth IX-706a

Trott, Mayne, apostate IX-316d Trotter, Philip, death V-477d Trotti, Ercole VII-53a Trotula, physician X-126b; XIII-

398c Troubadour III-692b; VI-64d,

VIII-246C Troubetzkoi, Sergius, philoso- pher XIlI-275a TrouiUas, tower, Avignon II-158d Trousseau, Armand, physiologist

X-lliic Trouvain, Antoine V-281c Trouve, Francois, Abbot of Ct-

teaux ln-7Ma Trouveres ni-692b: VI-190c; Godfiey de Bouillon VI-625d Trovamala, J. B., theologian

XIV-606b Troy, town, Alabama, college

I-242a — town, Greece I-784c; in mys- tery play X-348d —town. New York XI-31a; churches I-257c: industries I- 258b: Maronite mission XIII- s-,a: St ,I,..t.|i),, Sisters of All I 'I ir ■■■umnTV I-258b; 2:.^i II 7.71. VI-543C — D. S., ( \ i>.i . i 1 243a —Hall of \ 1 .-.r.ia —JOHN THOMAS, Archbishop of Dublin XV-6Rd: V-176b; VI-33.5a: VIII-107d: Bible V- 141a; and Crolly IV-514c: on Emancipation XIII-12Sb: and Irish Bishops XIII-12.3a; May- nooth College X-S7c; and Movlan X-609C; and Murray X-646C; at Ossorj' XI-344a; portrait XV-67a; in United States II-232a; on veto XV- 393b Troya, Carlo, writer VIII-252d Troyes, town, treatv (1420) VI-

168d: XI-483b; XV-67c — Chrestien de VI-191b; XIII-

623c —DIOCESE OF XV-67b: XIII- 762c; Bon Sccours, Institute of II-67Sb — Cathedral VI-079b; apses I- 659c: (ill.) XV-68b; Lady chapel IH-576d — Council (429) XI-608a; (867) VI-3.53C; (878) VI-140b; VII- 357d; 358a; (1107) XI-515a; (1128) II-162a; 499d; XIV- 493a — Crown of Thorns I^74b; Laz- arisls X-301b; Louis I de Lor- raine's episcopate VII-76b; map Vl-facing 188 Troynovant (London) IX-341C Tru, martvr VII-776a Truber, Primus, Protestant VIII-

743d TRUCE OF GOD XV-6Sd; II- 2b; 3.-,sd; Illr.Old; IV-709b; IX-67d: XH-lSDc: and absti- nence II-160a: Benedict VIII II-42,Sd: crusade XV-211a; Henrv IV VII-231d: 1st Lat- eran Council III-180b; 2nd Lateran Council IX-17b: Lim- oges, Council of IX-264d; Reims, Council of XII- 728a Truchard, A., Archbishop of

Santa ke xill-457b

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a. b, c, d, quarter of page.