Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/869

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R. D., on Baltasar II-:>2rc

—Thomas, Dominican IX-3S6d- St. Catherine of Siena, Con- gregation of XIV-640b

~^3d' '^'^P^' Jerusalem VIII-

— BUI (IS93) XV-177b

WUtram. .Sfe WiUiram Wilts, monastery II-G7Jh W.l..zius, CathoHo'D'eetory

~l?.o™<'5daj- Record of VI-SSOc- ijiHords episcopate VI-SS2a' monastery. Aelffic at I-nic- monaatep-, and Fleury I-50Sd-

IX-i°24.^W?,^'*= p/alters of lA-b24c; William of Wavne- flete, episcopate of XV-640c- William of Wykeham, episc^ pate of XV-641b: St. SwithiT shrine of XIV-3o7d "'"'"'• —Marquess of. .s« Paulet, John \Vl^%-i^ ~ ^°?K V-214a° UVbi V?'"' William of Wykeham \I-369a; XV-G41b

Tropes, f.icsimil,^ V ^<'^ "^*°



windthorsfbund ConCTe,<!e<: rv nr- ■

wrn'H*' . . ""gresses IV- Winning Saint VIII-644d; Celtic

Windward Islanrf, r-i l . -.rnufh, ded cated t^ YrLcc.'""


Wizen. See Lui,.^

Wimbledon, college, London

foundation XIII-S?3b- VIvJ

.3?0b "'"' ^""■■vhurat' XIV-

Wmborae, double monasters- X-


American Cassinese Congreea- tion 11-46 Id. and BenedSes Bohemian II-622a; and Bene^ d;cuncs. in Lnite.1 States II- J'.'rfr'iii'xX^-'lT'"' '•'^"-'■'M; WtMPFELING,' 7aK0B \V-

Ix^O^fan^J'c'^lfer^^ Kayserberg VI-404a- Ger- ^R-°/' ■^3!?.°' ■■'^"™' in XII- rjM •■ °:? ^Vner, Thomas X - r.4od. and Reisch, Gregor XII- i^Jlb: writings, dramatic IX-

^j.'PP^^O'^.battle (1622) Xl\-

l^MPiNAfKONRAD XVH549b; l.\-4o3c; at .\ugsburg V-272<:'

K'/er'i.x>:i4lf^^ *"-'"'

w"'inv f."^f,Xn-320c

.Vni494c ^'"' ^""^'"-^

1 n b e r g, Premonstratensian monastery XII-65Sa ^™'"'

n^l^Gb"''" """^ ^'- Boniface

U^"" **'"='"• ««Wimbornf

.y^ A^'**- X\-650d; I-176C- 3°^ Abani. Cardinal Alessan- dro I-2oSc: and Ingres VIII- Sd, neo-Hellenism VI - .';24r- portrait .\II-74d; and religious painting XI-401d *

Wmckler, Hugo IV-494d; XI- J^I^'h" Beelzebub II-388d: and Hammurabi Code XI- \-I Kir'!;"' P"mi.'ive state of XvS^,°°A,^'"T'n Prophecy eelr^ • *"'"m, theorj- li

—J., canonist IX-G.5d Wind, m Manichieism IX-592a- Pernter on XI-697b *'

Windber. town, Pennsylvama

Windeba4 Sir Francis, and

Panzani XI-450d


^,?73r' •'"'^ *■• M°™on X- ^NJESHEiM XV-651b; III-


".R^^af*"""- *" *^»°° ^?^eora^73.i^-">'-


o-.a: Ofn.v- ,,f XI-.-,27b "

r4b /n^h ?^'*' ^'"y Viii-

VIII-llSc i5^"--^' ""fient

.1 Worcester XV-704a nchcombe. Monastery of VII-

v^7"7b'" "^^ °' •'^Isi-'»ippi

"?!'"=• battle (1350) V-321d


— (Vindonissa), See of. Switzer- Uulin "e S" '■ -V Yv^«2b; and


RICH , HEINrIcH "g^G^d

"~M^\-1°^?,^" HIERONY-


feng X-603a: and Ndve X-

WINDOW, ROSE XV-653b- of

Church V-746d: Montreal France (ill.) XV-6.53b " ; Notre-Dame VI-671d

248c indward Island

Wine, abslinrnce fmm ■ k

I-660d; Ar,^;Ss fe'^L' & ^7*?^^ IX-IS2C; Jacob- ites I-7Ic; Jews I-67d- Man- 77rf Ip772a; NazariteVl- inn .' '".Pro'estant Commun- .on_^semce I-67b; Rechabi"es

^^foT!^T9araraS «5b" St"^*A*';K Andalusian 7- 4U00, St. Anthony of Padiio nuraele I-5S7c: antimenskim'

°,^°T"atlon of I-348C; Apo" :

X-III-sni;?' '° Armenian Rite -vui-SOb; and ashes I-776c-

n-324T'r ";^2«"- Basilians 43Sc- aio'i"^','"'" Rule II- wS.'m'^®^= ^'a<^ Fast II- 'oud: blessing, in 4rtnl,l-»:, I-7.56C: Buddhists III-30c /„ con.secration of Church f-.T

tites V-412d Encra-

—Eucharistic I-3S8d; V-.iS'ih-

ama I-375c; chalic^ I-SWb'

X;-2'57d*^ '-^^"^ °ff'™« 

-fcct '1%^'^ Greek


lndustr^^ Azores II-16sd in Jewish Sacrifice Xlll-si^l" for Mass yill-20b for Mass'

dr^rT-Vo?c^o^"^="- Chur4 i«i^i, early




W,re'"B,'V'"«r F-'«b

Winebrenner, John Il-2sic Winebrennerians 11-28^0

.T o. ""■"i > 111-0440; Ce tic

VI-7.Wb ""^ '^'"^^"^'^^ in WINNOC, SAINT XV-65Sh-

XII ••M8,'"".'? in'-'itultons


tlstics XII-21Ib; XV-i76d"

Temperance Union XIV-49]c

.Conner, periodical vvJcVJ.

Jierature, anc ent Wineh^^;;^ ■' ■■ "" 11-2S1C on Irish saga"' »iS^Tl«{.¥|'^_6,6d • «„„ _/ c_. ■. oS3d: and St «,.,,.,„ tt r.„ ■

->83d; and St. Bcuno II-S4fi».' dedications IX-S6-irt- ?Kr '


^wucisea, Datte (1.350) V-391<l i- „ '

ichesey, Robert Aril,!,; if >'otre-Dai

LCan.?ri,,,.7lI-1'«n°S ^^?gl^|cT^"l^CH

arch XV-fi,>in- Ro^^ -^.-tt

■ -.....^r.uury iii-;iu(>a; and noTvili>,lP-^^'a'-rn Chester, town. England, An- o-Saron centre I-oUc; Car- ^l!**/?.";-™' III-3.58d: hL- O of. ■M.'lnerX-31.5b: King's ouse, priests at V-4,53d wn. New Hampshire. Ini- rsabst conycntion XV-I8Ic ^Tl. V irginia XV-45Id* hnf tlo '62) Vn,657d. batfle.^'Iid neral Shie ds XIII-758h rciENT SEE OF YV-

/d; Ven. John Adams, I-

Wra;- Cardinal Beauforfs I. W'ii'^' ■■^'- Birinu.,' ?n-i "Z**- and Canute T'^OTb: chantries III-.577d- ' ^X-'f'"^- naye VI-67.5d' in XI-298a; reredos (ill )


«!!." XV-6.54a: Baroque XV- 654c; basilica., XV-6.53d- clu,-

Xv'^A-?^ <i?^'>- --ntebature XV-6.>»c; Gothic art Xv! b-^a: Intrados XV-0o4a: Re- nais.sance XV-fi.54a: Roma^ xT-J-.r . XV-6.Mk,- "^hTf^s WinL';ri'"*.5' 'rat'ery XV-654b L\-14 U •■" ^'^"^ University

'^IT-^M """'■""'• """^"""

'T-^"?°?v;°'a°<l XV-654d- Castle .\V-f,.>»d: Castle (Uls)

works of XV-444d ~ Hlle X-'hTlb ^' ^"■'"" ^'-^

91d; XIII-762b; .,iai, wfne,^' '"" XIII-759d W °Jf owe", patron of Xl-.ifific

^.',^|< Bisbop of Lichfield IX-

'^;"f.) xV°.?34i "'• ^"^- "^^e

'^Co'n"";,'^?r'« Ayvf^-O-olic


sion of the XV-37.3a "'"^' " ■^- a"nI^l^7c<'^'Bi-bopof -THOMAS X\^G.57c

Sb ' P "' Winchester XV-

"ci'^T of Worcester, and St Ceadda ni-470c '

234a ' '"°"'"' foundress II- ^^Ib""^' °"'"" "' ■'^Poleto XIV

Ar-'t-"""™ Lnion XIV-49IC

Wi„ ","• periodical XV-659«  ^\?.00|k,.town, Vermont. cSgo -Park, hn.spital III-S2b Wnnch of Kniprode, and Ten _ tonic Kn Kills mt'-.wo " Winsen, Ericde, H l,;,r"ofp„ „ zemysl XII r,! >c ^'


Kobert, execution IV-792c- Gunpowder Plot Vll-'g^b;

~8f'c'"?f' .V'^'TIJowder Plot VII- 81c. Oath of Secrecy VII-82a- and Spam VII-SIc ^'

"r'S"vi'„^?;,',:,^„of. .See Wal-

^a)d" ^°^ (Frederick V) III- Wintemitz, WUhelm insane

orwi^re;,/"";" °' "« John

^jfo"' r ' ^i'^mns Willads Chris- tian Ferdinand, writer IV-7?iK

Wmthrop.John, Goy ernor 6oL nt-cticut I\-2.54a ' ^°°


"^Cfe'nTt'e ^'^ ^-cb-ter,

'^s?att'x^-74Z- "'""'""^ - Winlun Indians X-370d Winwaed, battle \TI ■>-,•■ Winwalloc. Sa' '~-"'*

»uumas Vl-631d; and .Saint w" ,, ' 'i"""" ^ II-2.-.(ia 438c; tomb ■i-m:7?'„J° ^ "- Winwidfield. h.„,l, A:\ir5o9c

.vine ,\-779b - - ..^- """PSUS, Diikeof Snoleto VTV

WTNDTHORST, LUDWIG XV ^jj?^^^, . o. . poleto XIV-

„J.:P?.i_..<',a<h.IX-2.34a w/nl»^T .'^i-'r:'?*, . ....

WinwidfieldT "I'a t ( I. l\ . , , w,.

fll-ISc °' Qucrfurt

^|.Pif'?f_,Bavaria, Benedictine

WTPO (Wippo) XV-6r,0b; ee- quenco V-22fia: XII-4S4b

WIREKER, NIGEL XV-?GOc Wireless telegraphy, Branly II-

^Wh' "'."r^*"' Abbot of Form- -'^^TiZ ^-Sin


59^^"' *«°'^ ™'onary IX- ^isld^' °°"*^' Pl-J-'ician X-, WIRT, WIGAND XV-<i6Ia -Kas^per, and Anima College I-

"yi*?)!)"^' ^"""'^ "'• '° •'5«'a'>i» '^i.^^nberc (Wurtemberg) XV-

^^■J?™""er. . encyclopedia V-

Wirz, Landamman Th. XI-692b- ^atican. researches at VIII-

Wisbauer , priest X-319c