Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/126

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In Scotland, all the bishops meet every third while probably no individual book published by year beginning with 1021, after consulting their an English scholar has made so valuable a con- canons mdividually and forwarding their list of tribution to the .science of liturgiology a^ the names to the Archbishop of Edinburgh, or if that Liturgica Historica, Bishop's collected essays on see is vacant, to the Archbishop of Glaseow, the western historical and liturgical subjects, in prepara* presiding officer forwarding the record to the Holy tion before his death and publiahed in 1918. He See. In Poland, too, the meeting is triennial and contributed numerous papers to the ^'Journal of national, not provincial, and is presided over by Theological Studies" and other periodicals, the senior metropolitan; while in Mexico and

Brazil it is provincial and is held every three to Bismarck, Diocbsb of (Bismarkiensis; cf., C. E^ five years beginning with 1922, but these last three XVI-lOd) . — ^The Diocese of Bismarck comprises the countries the bishops need not seek advice from following counties: Adams, Billings, Bowman, their clergy. Burke, Burleigh, Divide, Dunn, Emmons, Golden Dress.— In answer to certain queries regarding Valley, Grant, Hettinger, McKenzie, McLean, Mer- episcopal dress the Congregation of Rites replied on cer, Morton, Mountrail, Oliver, Renville, Sioux, 26 November, 1919, that bishops may not have a Slope, Stark, Ward, and Williams in the State of red tuft on their birettas; tnat they must n6t North Dakota. This list is slightly different from wear silken capes or cassocks unless they are mem- that published in 1914, owing to the fact that bers of the pontifical household, that in Rome their some counties have been divid^. The area of Uie soutanes mantelletas, mozzetas, and birettas must diocese is 35,998 square miles. In 1920 Bismarck be purple, elsewhere in penitential seasons or at had 6,797 inhabitants. By count of 31 December, funerals these may be black, except the biretta 1920, the Catholic population of the diocese was and skull-cap; that they may never use the stole, 37,3^. The diocese contains about 25,000 German- mitre, and pastoral staff together with their prelatial speaking people, mostly from Russia and Hungary ; habit,' as had been customary in some places at 1,900 Bohemians, coming mostly from Russia; 180 confirmations or in processions, that they may not French Canadians; 330 Poles; at least 1^00 Ladians; wear mitres of silver cloth, which are papal, nor and about 1,300 Ruthenians of the Oriental Rite, damask mitres with red flaps, which are used by not included in the Catholic population. These cardinals or prothonotaries Apostolic ad instar. Ruthenians are centered chiefly in the missions of -,?^^ ^"* '^"'^i*'*:. ^^/;Sav^?1^"*^'**£'"^*^mSK' Wilton and Ukraina-Gorham. By a decree of the ISrsTsi^^iV^^SS'vffl'ofto^^^ Sacred Congregation of the Eastern Chureh (30 for proiKMdng suitable candidates for bishoprics in the United May, 1921), Rev. Father Theodore Roessler, and States. another priest of the diocese, were authorised to Bishop, Edmund, liturgiologist, b. at Totnes 17 follow the Ruthenian Rite whenever expedient. May, 1846; d. at Barnstaple 19 February, 1917. His being exacted to first obtain jurisdiction over Uiese early schooling was received at Ashburton and faithful, from the Ruthenian Administrator for the Exeter, and he was afterwards sent to a Catholic United States. By the same decree, the Ruthenians school in Belgium. While still very young he begsm scattered among the Catholics of the Latin Rite his career as secretary to ThomM Carlyle. In 1864 are permitted to attach themselves to this rite, he entered the Education Department of the Privy and have its priests assist at their marriages and Council Office and was employed there for twenty exercise among them all parochial functions. Cath- years. In 1867 he was received into the Church, olics bom in America of Ruthenian parents, who do While in the department the ea£fy office hours gave not know the Ruthenian Rite or Ruthenian Ian- him leisure for study; he read assiduously, copied guage, but who speak English and are considered documents at the British Museum, and, being American citizens, may receive their definite trans- gifted with a phenomenal memory and an extraor- fer to the Latin Rite; however, every individual dinary power of acquisition, laid the foundations case shall be referred by the bishop to tJie Sacred of his wide and varied learning. At this time he Congregation, and shall have attached to the re- transcribed, analyzed, and annotated the great Col- quest for the transfer the consent of the Ruthenian lecta Britannica, with copies of three hundred papal Ordinary of the United States, letters dating from the fifth to the eleventh century. There are 29 canonically^ erected parishes, 28 Failing the means of publishing the collection in missions with resident priests among whites; among England, he presented it to the Monumenta Ger- Indians, 2; mission churches without resident priests manisB. among whites, 85; among Indians, 8. St. Maiy's In 1885 Mr. Bishop resigned his position and the Benedictine Abbey at Richardton has in addition following year entered the Benedictine Order at to its abbot, 31 priests, 16 professed clerics, 14 lay- Downside. He remained there as a postulant for brothers. Some of its priests are working in other three years, but his fragile physique prevented him dioceses. In connection with the Abbey, is St. from taking the monastic habit. From 1892 to Mary's College with 70 students. Other orders 1901 he lived and worked with his friend Dom, of men in the diocese are the Canons of the Holy now Cardinal, Gasquet, with whom he was joint Cross, and the Fathers of the Precious Blood; author of "Edward VI and the Book of Common total number of regulars, 36; seculars, 43. There Prayer (1890)." Gasquet's "Henry III and the are two convents of women with novitiates, that Church was dedicated to Bishop in words that of the Ursuhnes at Kenmare, and that of the testify to his worth and the quality of his friend- Benedictines at Garrison; total number of religious ship. In 1902 he retired to Barnstaple, where he women, 211.

lived until his death; by his own wish he was There are 13 elementary parochial schools, and buried at Downside in the monks' cemetery. 1 industrial school for Indians, while the Govern- In proportion to his knowledge, Mr. Bishop pro- ment industrial school is partly in care of the duced very little under his own name. Much of Sisters; the school attendance, including Indians, his work lies hidden in that of others, for with self- 3,167. There are four hospitals. Besides the above effacement he gave unstintedly of his learning to mentioned Government Industrial School, the State all who appealed for inspiration and guidance. Prison, the State Reform School and the Govern- "The Genius of the Roman Rite" (1899) showed ment Indian School at Bismarck all admit the his imrivaled powers as historian and liturgiologist, ministry of priests