Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/141

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Accarding to the census of 1920 the number of tary education in St. Mary's College, Wilmington, Catholics was 538,927. The delegature is divided Delaware, and in St. Francis Xavier's College, New into 7 archipresb3rterates with 74 parishes, 41 York City. His theological studies were followed curacies, 182 churches and chapels. In addition to at the Seminary of St. Sulpice, in Paris, whence he the delegate and the secretaiy of the delegation went to Rome, where he was ordained on the Feast there are 272 priests of whom 74 are pastors, 143 of the Most Holy Trinity, 14 June, 1862, his being curates and assistants, while 55 live in communities the first ordination at the American College. He aiid have other appointments. The following re- returned to the United States in August of the li^ious orders have foundations: Dominicans 2, same year, and was appointed vice-president and with 11 jpriests and 7 lay brothers; Society of the professor of dogmatic theology at Seton Hall Col- Divine Saviour 1, with 6 priests; Franciscans 1, lege, which oflSces he continued to hold for two with 2 priests; Jesuits 2, with 12 priests and 1 lay years. In 1864, Dr. Brann was appointed assistant brother; Alexians 1, with 20 brothers; Poor Brothers priest at St. Mary's, and in 1865 he oecame assistant of St. Francis 1, with 15 Brothers. to Rev. John Kelly, in St. Peter's Church, Jersev

With few exceptions the religious orders of women City. He was appointed pastor, at Fort Lee, N. J.,

devote themselves to the education of the yoimg in May, 1866. in that same year he built the

and to the care of the sick and poor. They have Church of St. Cecelia in Enelewood, and also started

95 foundations, representing the following orders: the building of the Churcn of the Holy lYinity

Sisters of St. Charles Borromeo (7 houses) ; Dom- in Hackensack. In 1867, Dr. Brann joined the

inicans of St. Catherine of Siena (15 houses) ; Fran- Paulist Fathers, where he taught philosophy and

ciacans (6 houses) ; Grey Nuns of St. Elizabeth (24 theology. At the urgent request of Bishop Whelan,

houses); Sisters of St. Hedwig (1 house); Sisters Dr. Brann was loaned to him by Cardinal McClos-

of St. Joseph (2 houses) ; Carmelites of the Sacred key, to act as director of the seminary at Wheeling,

Heart (6 houses); Sisters of St. Catherine (3 West Virginia, during the bishop's absence at the

houses); Servants of the Immaculate Conception Vatican Council. When Dr. Brann returned to

(3 houses) ; Sisters of Mary (16 houses) ; Religious New York in 1870, he was appointed pastor at Fort

of the Society of the Sacred Heart (2 houses) ; Sis- Washington where he built St. Elizaoeth's Church,

ters of Our Lady (2 houses) ; Sisters of the Divine For nineteen years he devoted his priestly labors

Saviour (2 houses) ; Sisters of the Good Shepherd to the people of St. Elizabeth's, and during that

(2 houses); Sisters of St. Vincent de Paul (2 time he found ample opportunity for study, and

houses) ; Ursulines (2 houses) . he acquired fame as a lecturer, preacher and writer.

The following Catholic schools exist in the de- Numerous articles appeared from his pen during

legature : 2 private high schools for boys, 6 for those years in various reviews and magazines. He

girls, 4 of which are conducted by nuns, 36 primary publisned many books and small pamphlets, among

schools in Berlin, 52 outside of Berlin. In non- them two metaphysical works: Cfurious Ques-

Catholic schools catechism is taught to the children tions" and "Truth and Error." "The Age of Un-

by priests and secular teachers; classes in religious reason" was a reply to Col. Robert IngersoU in 1880.

instruction are also held in churches, chapels and "An Essay on the Popes," "The Immortality of

private houses. Religious orders of women conduct the Soul," "Pulsatory," "Martin Luther," "The

32 infant a^lums, and 11 schools for domestic Life of Archbishop Hughes," "Waifs and Strays,"

economy and manual training. "The History of the American College in Rome,"

Almost all of the charitable institutions are in and a pamphlet on "Christian Education" are

charge of religious communities of women. There among the best known of his works. axe 16 hospitads and sanatoria, 10 homes for con- In January, 1890, Dr. Brann was appointed paa-

valescents, 1 insane asylum, 1 maternity home, 42 tor of St. Agnes Church, New York (jity. For

nurses' homes, 10 homes for invalids, 32 juvenile thirty-two years, until the day of his death he

homes, 14 creches, 4 homes for men. 4 refuges and spent his best efforts, with distinction and success,

boarding houses for women, 28 orphan asylums^ 6 for the spiritual and temporal interests of his

homes for wayward girls, 14 homes for girls seeking people, ana for the welfare of the Catholic Church,

employment, several institutions for the instruction In January, 1910, on the Feast of St. Agnes, he was

of first communicants. In manv cases several of created domestic prelate by His Hdiness Pope

these institutions form one establishment and are Pius X, and in Jime, 1912, Monsignor Brann cele-

under the same management. brated the Golden Jubilee of his ordination to the

The Catholics are well organized in the delega- priesthood. Monsignor Brann was gifted with extra-

ture, prominent amon^ the 300 associations being ordinary talents; and with imdaunted courage he

the following: Association of the Holy Family (30) ; made use of these talents, as a preacher, professor.

Associations of St, Charles Borromeo (50) ; St. writer, controversialist, in the defense of truth and

Aloysius* Sodality and Yoimg Men's Association the doctrines of the Catholic Church. (35); Sodalities of the Blessed Virgin (25). The

following charitable political and social organiza- Brasll, XJNmsD States of (cf. C. E., n-745d). —

lions exist in the delegature: Caritas Verband The area of the Republic of Brazil is 3^275,510

(Charitable Association) for Berlin, Spandau and square miles. According to the census of 1920 the

other centers; Society of St. Vincent de Paul, with population was 30,645^96 (9Z per square mile).

90 conferences; about 70 Catholic labor unions; 10 The largest city is Rio de Janeiro with a population

journeymen's unions (Gesellenvereine) ; 8 Masters' of 1,157,873 in 1920; Sao Paulo, 504,300; Bahia,

Unions; 5 Associations of teachers; 12 Students' 348,130; Pemambuco, 216,484; Belem, 275,167. Associations; 2 National Bureaus (Volksbureaus) ; The number of immigrants between 1^ and

the National Union for Catholic Germany; the 1919 was 3,576,275. Between 1908 and 1919, there

Windthorst League, Civic Associations and dhoral were 1,015,873 immigrants, of whom 386,696 were

Unions. Portuguese, 212,732 Spaniards, 145,709 Italians, 36,246

Germans, 10,498 French. In 1919 there were 5,701

Braan, Hbnbt A., priest and scholar, was b. immigrants. In the southern states of Brazil there 15 August, 1837, in Parkkown, County West Meath, are prosperous German, Russian, and Italian col- Lreland; d. in New York, 28 December. 1921. He onies. The colonies maintained by Brazil are nine- came to America in 1849, and received nis elemen- teen; on 31 December, 1918, they had a population