Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/182

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eeneral policy, and in effect is a meeting ground they become sick and pays their board when they

for the special Committees. are out of work, advances money for clothes and

. The Guild was founded at Westminster in 1918. shoes, and has a loan fund and a relief fund. It

Its Masters have been Vernon C. Redwood arranges for dental care and medical examinations,

(191&-1920), Mark Symons (1920-1922). Its speak- also for mental examinations and, when necessary,

ers in Westminster now (March, 1922) number for commitment to proper institutions. It has had

about seventy, with forty auxiliary members (litera- to bury several of its charges who had no one else

ture-sellers, etc.); it conducts thirty meetings to perform that last service for them,

weekly, totalling seventy hours speaking. • The The staff of the Society consists of the director.

Guild is diocesan in organization, and acts under the chief clerk, five assistant clerks, a supervisor

the close direction of the bishop: it now exists in of case work, four women agents, two men agents,

Westminster, Birmingham, Portsmouth, Plymouth, and three women who give part time to the work.

Livexpool, Brentwood and man^ other dioceses, Last year over 12,000 visits were made by the

and IS in process of formation in various places Society's agents, nearly 4,000 children visited the

overseas. Society's offices, and over 2,000 boys and girls at-

C, E, Q Handbook (London, 1922) ; Biowne. Catholic tended the Society's annual reunion. The president

Evtdenc. Movement (London, 1921). ^^ ^y^^ g^j^^y ^ jj^ ^^^^^ Archbishop /atrick J.

Hayes, the director Rev. Samuel Ludlow. The

OathoUc Guardian Soclety.^The Catholic Guar- offices of the Society are at 480 Lexington Avenue,

dian Society of the Archdiocese of New York New York City.

uJnSu&*fS^deSfe^iliXn In^^^^ O**^""" »""* •' !«"»• The.-TIus movement

onPfAf Pfl with uimilRr nociptipfl in other narta of the ^^ initiated by a Hebrew Cathohc and established

KdStetes T^^^^ *^ ^^ P^*^* headquartera. the Convent of Our

ti^ ffouM thoi^ ^^y ^^Sion, Bayswater, London, on 18 December.

di^lS^XdireX tTthe Society Th^^^ ^^1^' ^ *^ extension of the Archconfratemity of

?pTh^ f h?fi^ Vonn r^^ viiitL tW Prayer which for over half a century has been

rtSr Ws^tKtw^^^ supplicating the conversion of Israel. The GuUd

L'J';eJS,Tll^^^^^^ andlhur^h ^a^ aPPJovef "^ft^^LK^.l' ^i'f ^^ attendance, their reception of the Sacraments, ^nd partakes m the indulgences granted to the their work and their general conduct. They are ^clS^^^V'^'^^iyi^ ^y Pope Pn?s X on 22 March, given the ise of the Society's employment bureau 1^' , In addition its activiti^ have been wel- and recreational activities. «°^,e;?. ^^^ »^« ^'"^^ supported by the Cardinal ' The important work of the Society is for the Archbishop of Westminster, the Cardinal Ai^h^ boys and girls who have no relatives to take them. ^^^""^.^^ ^^* '^l/^^'^u P'u°'Ti ecclesiastics Towards these the Society stands in loco parentis, throughout the world. The hundreds of Masses The director of the Society visits every child-caring f^c*! are said every year m practically every coun- institution of the archdicicese at least once every ^ry for the Gmld's intention prove the widespread year in order to become acquainted with the boys re^pition of ite importance.^ and girls before their discharge. The children look . The object of the Gmld is the converaon of upon him as their medium of contact wit;>i the ^el The means adopted are: (I) Prayer, outside world. They appeal to him when they ^?> ^^9?^ and lectures to Cathohcs on the work think that they should come out and they consult ^^ j'^^ G^^'a. ^^d articles m Cathohc newspapers him about the kind of work they would like to ?nd magazmes. (Ill) Corr^ondence center for take up. Upon their discharge they are brought to mqmring Jew^ and for collecting and spreading in- the Society^ office where the director interviews f?™^^55: ^^l Publication of htemture m Eng- them at lerfgth, takes their history, explains to J.^^ Yiddish and other tongues. (V) A Reference them that the Society has been established for Libmry of Hebrew and Catholic boo^ for the use their protection and care and asks them to do their ?4^*®^t^T,^ *°? students to Qualify as such, part by always consulting him before making any (VI) j^"*^^^?, ^^5*"T,^, *® Jews m the Ghetto dis- change in boarding place or work. An approved tncts from the Guild^ own platforms (the emblem boarding place is procured, the board is paid, money <i^oaen for the platforms consiste of Crucifix m is given for carfare and lunches, and employment center, on the left the Shield of David, and on is secured. The boy or girl is foUowed up very the nght the Keys of St. Peter). The public lee- closely for a while and after being given a good tures already ddivered have given the Guild great start the supervision narrows down to a monthly encouragement. The Guild of Our Lady of Ran- interview either in the office or at the boarding ^^ and the Cathohc Evidence Guild are giving home. This supervision is continued until the valuable assistance m this particular branch. The twenty-first year, but is not so frequent towards PTe^dent of the Gmld is Very Rev. Bede Jarrett, the end. For this group the Society is exerting O.F., Chairman Mr. Hugh Israelowics-Angress. itself to the utmost, providing for the girls evening Hon. Sec. Mrs. Murray. The pnncipal members entertainments, a scout troop, and the visitation o' the Executive Committee are members of the of two trained nurses; for the boys, boy scouts, commumty of Our Lady of Sion, Bayswater, who baseball teams, social evenings, and frequent meet- through their unceasmg energy have helped to bnng ings in its offices. Two men are employed for the the Guild to its present flourishing position, work with the boys. The Society is constantly try- Hugh I. Anoress. ing to teach thrift to these boys and girls, who OathoUc Laymen's Association, an organization, have at present in its care bank books, Liberty the first of its kind, composed entirely of laymen Bonds, War Savings Stamps, and cash amounting and women, formed in 1916 to counteract the in- to many thousands of dollars. The Society boards fluence of bigotry in Georgia, where, after years of most of its boys and girls in small groups of two agitation, hatred of Catholics had been stirred to or three in family homes in Manhattan and the the point that in 1915 the state L^lisature pro- Bronx, but it has several larger places conducted vided for the inspection by grand juries of Catholic solely for its boys or girls. schools and convents. Following the enactment of The Society takes care of its boys or girls when this law, its sponsors began to agitate other anti-