Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/308

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Oriental Greeks, and TSSSSS Jews. The archdiocese vb Guzman t di Pobto-Cabbebo), wife of Napoleon

is divided into 40 deaneries, 480 parishes, 200 second III, b. at Granada, Spain, 5 May, 1826; d. at

class paridies and vicariates, 1(104 secular priests Madrid, 11 July, 1S20. Her father Count de

and 221 regular clergy. Montijo, was Spanish, and her mother was a Kirk-

-^.1..^^ /.» r> 1? V K'jojx TT..^^ ♦!.- r>^^^ Patrick of Scotch extraction. She married Napoleon

Bofiluilst (cf. 0. K. y-6TOd)^Under the C^ fn ^^ 29 June, 1853. when he was Emperor of the

for a grave cause a local ordinagr or parish priMt p ,^ ^ ^j^ • ^^^ imperial was borTlO March,

may pemut a deacon to give. Holy Commumon. jggg .^j^ ^^^ witT Germany broke out in

In wise ^ necessity this, permission may be pre- jg^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^ j but the Communist

sumed. Provided there is some one to take ««re Revolution, that followid the defeat of the em-

of the consecret^ host and that Mass js celebrated j^,,,^ ^^^ ^^ je^^e ^^^ q^ repaired

regularly at lew* once a week; (a) the Blessed ^ England, and was followed by the princ^ and

Sacrament diould be kept m a cathedral, the pnn- e^per*,. ^ 9 January, 1873, the emperor died

cii^ church of a vicariate apostohc. a prefecture „„jg;. ^ g„^^ operation, and six yearTkter the

apostolic, an abbey or prelature nulhiM, m every j„ee was UUed in the war with the Zulus. After

parirfi. or quasi-pansh church, and m churches an- ^^ ,jer Ufe was passed in seclusion,

nexed to exempt rehgious houses; (b) on the other '^

hand it may be kept with the principal public Enpen and MalmMy, Dioossb of. See LiiaE.

or semi-pubUc oratory of pioi« pla^ ot religious Emrope (cf. C. E., V-fl07a).-The result of the

houses, and of ecclesiastical college directed by the ^orld War (1914-18) in Europe has been to sweep

secular clergy or rehgious. To keep it m other j^e old boundaries of stites, poUtical partie^

churches or oratones an Apostohc mdult is re- ^^^ social classes. New states have risen, old states

quired; a local ordinary, however, can grant per- j^^g changed their character, and others are ex-

misBion for it to be reserved in churches or pubhc penencing a national re-birth. Among the latter,

OTatones, but only for just cauw and incidentally, ^y,^ most conspicuous example in Poland. The neW

No one may keep the Blessed Sacrament or bring gf^^^ i^^iy^e Jugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Latvia,

It with him on a journey. The churches m which Esthonia, and Lithuania. Germany has iost 5600

the Blessed Sacrament is kept, particularly parish ^^ ^^^ ^^^ nearly 2.000,000 inhabitants by the

churches, should be open to the public for at least ^^ession to France of Aliice and Lorraine, in addi-

a few horns eadh day. Mpnvileges to the contrary ^ ^ ^^ ^ g y^, ^ g ,j ' pjj^^

being .revoked, the Blessed Sacrament cannot be ^ence tlie inhabitants of the Saar Basin will

^hfLh^,.V'^^^r..Tn^tZ.^^J^f\^V^i ^e«i<»e by plebiscite who shaU rule them. Belgium church or principal oratory; nor can it be kept jj,^^ acquired full sovereignty over Moresnet, and within the choir or enclosure of a nun's monastery. „~m~k?_„ _r i?„_.„ „_j^Hij «.rron/ionLi k^ It may not be kept continuously or habitually on g^^^ aL X iSS an^SSTS'lToM^^^ more than one altar in the same church, and rectors IfnT^S^'nnliHnnT.f^m™^ rirm«nV .IL «^ are to see that this altar is more adom^ than any ^<* * ffiS Zi^t^Tfn §f5S?^,«^S other, so that the faitWul may be e it«l to grea^ ^Ca ptSfatiSkT6.o8o.SyrafdTo^TtoTS

fli^'^i Mi*'^.ViilM-'Sf^^'^*T5» ffh^ ^*de P5and with an outlet to the ocean surJ«n- tabemacle m the imddle of the aJtar. The tabei^ ^ ^ Danzig, which became the free city of Dansig ^±1 "^A^^^ artjsticalty constnicted^ securely „„der the protection of the League of Nations.

■1°^:.'!^°?^ **'f^??"? t°4i^*'SS^1l^™'L^; ^^ addition to the Saar Basin six^^ in the Ger-

it must contam nothing but the Blessed Sacrament Territory were placed under plebiscites: two

and must be guarded carefully agamst aU danger j^ j^ p^ (Ufarienwerder and Allenstein)

of profanation. The pnest in charge of the church ^^ ^^ ^ j^j^ Germany; Northern Schleswig

or oratory 18 bound gravely mcoMcience to guard ^^ ^ ^^ Denmark; Holstein and Southern

the taberMicle key most «f«f"My- F" 8«X« f"""": Schleswig to become re-incorporated into the Ger-

the Holy Eucharist may be remwed from the alter ^^^ g^^* ^ ^pper Silesia was divided between

and keijt dimng the mght mth the local orA^^ Po,^„d ^^ aq. "iiles) and Germany (2800 sq.

permission, m a fitting, safer place, m which case it ^-^^^ ^ guarantee for the faithful executira

IS to be laid on a corporal, and a hght must be kept „f ,,er contract! under the treaty of Versailles, Gei-

Durmng Detore it. _iju_ii_i many consented to the military occupation of ter-

A sufficient number of conseCTated hosts to meet ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^g^j of the Rhine, designated as

the wants of the sick and the faithful are to be kept ..j^^^ ^f j^^^^ Occupation." The Kiel Canal was

constantly m a solidly constructed, tightly closing internationalized, and Helgoland dismantled. Thus

pp, with a white silk embroider^ cover. In Germany is reduced to an area of about 172,000

churches or oratones m which the Blessed Sacra- ^,4 ^^^ ^ population of about 65.080.000.

ment is kept there may be pnvate exposition in ^^,4^^ has shrunk from 134,000 sq. liiles

the pyx for any just cause without the ordinary s ^^ 32,000 sq miles; its population from 29,000.000

leave. In pnvate exposition the cibonum is visible ^^ 6.500,000. The Klagenfurt; district voted by

in the open tabernacle, and is taken out only for plebiscite to remain with Austria. By the loss oV

the Benediction. There may be public exposition 'pransylvania (22,000 sq. miles) to Rumania, and

m the monstrance in all churches dunng the Masses Croatia, Slavonia and portions of Banat to ^lugo-

and continuing to Vespers on Corpus Chnsti and ^,^^5^ Hungary Was reduced from 125,000 sq. mfles

ri^"* tH°«'?^e; .at any other time this is for- ^^^^ ^jore than 20,000,000 subjects to 3M00 sq.

bidden without a lust mve cause, especially a ^^^^ ^^ 8fl00,000 people.

pubhc cause, and the ordinary? leave, even ma ^o the Greeks Bulgaria renounced Bulgarian

church belonging to exempt religious. The Forty Thrace; to the JugoelaVs, a strip of territory in-

Hours' Devotion IS to ^ held yearly m churches eluding the town of Stnimitsa. abo two fragmcnto

in which the Blessed Sacrament is reserv^; if ^^ »,,g ^^ Bulgarian front, one of which con-

for any special rewon this cannot be dcmewth due jain^the town of Tsaribrod; a total loss of about

reverence the local ordinary should anange to have j,^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^f ^^^ 430^0 ^jj^^ ^^ ^^e

exposition with greater solemmty than usual for Xu^iJ^only a small tract in Eiffope remains, the

some hours on stated days. Chatalja district, west of Constantinople. The Dar-

Engteie, Empress (Euo^niv Mabib db Montijo danelles, Boephorus, and shores of the Sea of Mar-