Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/330

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Studiehtiis at Tilburg, Holland (1912). At Viyland, 1915, was erected the Prefecture Apostolic of Sap- near Amhem, Holland, there is a sanatorium for poro, comprising Hokkaido (Yezo), the Chishima old, sick, and disabled missionaries. The superior islands (Kruile), Karafuto (Sakhalin), detached

Sneral, resident at Mill Hill, is Very Rev. Francis from the Diocese of Hakodate and conJSded to the

enry. The Society comprises (1^) about 280 German Franciscans of the Province of Thuringia;

priests and IS lay brothers. About 220 of these finally the Jesuits of the Cierman province Imve

priests are engaged as missionaries, the others as been assinied the depsutments of Yamaguchi,

teachers in the colleges or in the sanatoriimi. There Shimane,' Hiroshima, Tottori, and Okayama, though

are 10 mission stations in the Belgian Congo. In no canonical erection has yet been made of an

1912 the Caribbean mission, including San Andres, ecclesiastical division. The Society retains the

Old Providence, and Com Island, was confided by Archdiocese of Tokio, and the three dioceses of

the Holy See to the Society, and in 1921 the portion Nagasaki, Osaka, and Hakodate, diminished in ex-

of the Cameroons under British control. tent by the loss of the departments mentioned.

SiSTSRS OF St. Joseph's Soobtt for Fobeion Mib- The province of Kwang-timg, which formed a single

siONS of the Third Order Regular of St. Francis vicanate, was divided in 1914 into 2 vicariates:

have a novitiate at Patricroft, Manchester, England. Canton and Swatow. In 1920 the Vicariate of C^-

Tfae Sisters also have establishments at Mill Hill, ton was again subdivided into the 2 vicariates of

boarding schools and an orphanage at Blackburn, Canton and Western Kwang-tung and Hainan,

where there are 10 Sisters in charae of 80 to 1(X) chil- These last two vicariates Apostolic and also Swatow

dren; Freshfield (Liverpool); Waterford and Cork remain under the direction of the Society; the

in Ireland; Rozendaal and Tilburg in Holland. In Vicariate of Siu-chow has been confided to the

Borneo there are 20 Sisters at various mission sta- Salesians. Since 1918 the American Foreign Mis-

tions. The total number of professed Sisters in the sions of Marvknoll have labored in Yeune-kong

congregation is 200. under the authority of the Vicar Apostolic of Can-

Porelgn Missions of Milan, Socnsrr op, founded *?"i.™, Preparation for the erection of an eccle-

in the year 1850. under the patronage of ^ope Pius wastica! dbvision under their care, ihe Society of

IX, by the late Father Angelo RimassottX then F°J«K?, Missions of Paris at present (1921) has

an Oblate Father of Rho (Milan), who was after- "^^^^ 'f ^l^T ^ ^'^1^ ^^A^'^f^ f^ti

wards consecrated Bishop of Pavia, and subse- »?»«<'• «^ .•"«'L« "t^'^^k"*'^/^ w^J!^ Ji^^

quently elected Patriarch of Venice. The Society China, 9 in Eartem IndoJChma 4 m WMtem Indo-

^ a '^Pious Association of Secular Priests," who China, and 4 in.the south of India. The Japanese

devote themselves freely to the work of missionaries '^?'^J^J9i^'°- ^T^"! ^^'^i.f^vSfJ^tl on the mission field ii heathen countries (India, Seoul and Taiku are mCorea. The Chin^ ma- Burma, and China), for the conversion of infidels: |'°°?u*'*=«^^?™P't^^'"'^„^^^™ ff^te' They kre directed in their life work by a rule Southern Sie-chVan, Kien-chang, Ymi-nan Kwei- approved by the Sacred Congregation oY Propa- «•»«". Canton. Western Kwang-tung, and Hainan, gaSda. At present there are entrusted to this Swatow. Kwang^ Southern Manchuria. Northern

Society seven large missions ^ the Dioceses of 5*S1'""*^*'*V^*-Qi"»?'^^ l"*^?£ "^^^ Hyderebad-Deccan and Krishnagar and the Vica- Western Tong-king. Southern Tong-king. Upp« 

riates Apostolic of Eastern Biima. Hong-Kong. X??"?-*^' i*»"*r\-^°?t'""*'v^2fi!™ ^2!£ ° Norther/ Ho-nan, Southern Ho-min. and Lstem ghina. J^em ^Cc^bn ^na, ^Northem^Coc^

The Fathers have under their care about 60,000.- China are Siam. Malacca, Southern Burma, a^ 000 infidels. The mother-house, to which the Nortihem Burma. In India are: Pondicheny,

seminary for the studente of theology is attached **2?"*vi'<",5'*'2^°'*' *°.** ," «^^;i.. q^„h, and where at present there are 40 itudents, is at ^^f, ^orid. War seriously affected the Soaety Milan. Besides this seminary the Society had an »?<*.*»«. ™««>o'»s- Among those who enlisted at apostoUc school at Mona with 33 studente of **»« be«nning were 5 directors, 103 aspirants, and philosophy, another at Genoa with 37 alumni, and fj^^ >"*«'? /"^^R ^'H Semmaiy at Pans, and a fourth recently opened at Aversa (near Naples) J* P^^^ ^^A 1 bishop from the missions. Of the with a few alunii. From the last statistics (1920) 55 missionaries m Eastern S«e-ch wan. 14 were the Catholics in all seven missions number 141,000. mobiliwd; m Canton. 12 out of 40; 16 m Pondi- besides 36,000 catechumens. There are in aU 247 "^^"^t'" *? Eastern Cochin China; m Seoul, 13 churches and 1001 chapels. The missionaries work- 7* °J 26. In the following December there were ing in the missions at present are 121 in number, already among these 9 killed 7 pnsoners; and aided by 35 native priests; and with 25 lay brothers about 20 wounded By J^^ end of the war m on the teaching stiff. tWo are also 5M nuns of November. 918. 46 mieste and aeminanans had different religious orders, who have charge of Kf en their Uvm for France. To «>«"« the care orphans, of sclools for girk. of hospitals, and other «J souls the bishops reawmedtte^distncts they charitable insUtutions. There are 1881 catechists themselves undertaking the direction of one. or and teachers in the 712 colleges and schools of the »«>;« P'^"^^ ^f^ «J3« ^^±1^ "» tf^ '^^"Z missions. In 1920 there wefe 29.500 baptisms, of ^ *^*' sP'"tual needs might be met.. When the

which 7934 were of adults. ^ TtSS^r S*ot.^rr1leXrk"1efrrn1 Foreign MiBslong of Paris, Societt of (cf. C. E., vacancies among the veterans of the apoatolate. XIV-79d) .— Part of the vast territory in Japan In August, 1914, the Society numbered 1385 mem- evangelized by the Society of Foreign Missions of bers and in November, 1918, only 1222, this beinf( Paris has been confided to other congregations, this a loss of 163 members. At the same time financial being necessary because of the extent of territory, resources had greatly diminished, due to the depre- the density of population, and the diversity of ciation in value of French money. The high rate languages. In 1912 the Congregation of the Divine of exchange afTected charitable institutions, such as Word was entrusted with 3 departments of the orphanages and hospitals. Though far from good. Diocese of Hakodate and two departments of the financial conditions are now improved. Archdiocese of Tokio, but no canonical erection In 1918 the cause of the Martyrs of Corea was of prefecture or vicariate was made; on 12 February, introduced at Home. These were 2 bishops (Mgr.