Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/332

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institutions were constructed by the missionaries prisoner in Germany for a year, published an ac- from their personal means or at the expense of the count of his imprisonment (Paris, 1915), was re- mission, and put under the charge of the Sisters of stored to liberty and returned to the front, killed St. Paul of Chartres, Sisters of Providence, French in the Argonne; Francois Bonnetraine (b. 1843; d. Missionaries of Mary, or the Little Sisters of the 1917), missionary in Mysore, founder of orphan- Poor, ages and hospitals, superior of the sanatorium at Among notable members of the Society recently Wellington: Jules Chatron (b. 1844; d. 1917), deceased are : J. B. Guerlach (b. 1858; d. 1912), Bishop of Osaka; Marius-Antoine-Louis Caspar (b. missionary in Eastern Cochin China; Jules 1841; d. 1917), Vicar Apostolic of Western Cochin Lemar^chal (b. 1842; d. 1912), missionaiy in Japan. China in 1880 and Bishop of Canatha, author of vicar general at Tokio in 1888, author of several several works; Paul Vial (b. 1855; d. 1917), mi»- devotional works in Japanese and a Japanese- sionary in Yun-nan, composed prayers and a fVench dictionary; Jean Bruy^re (b. 1852; d. 1912). catechism in Lolo and published several works; missionaiy in Western Cochin China, reformed and Louis-Philippe Montmayeur (b. 1836; d. 1917), developed the religious congregation of the Lovers missionaiy in Eastern Cochin China; Albert P61u

1912), missionary in Southern Sze-ch'wan, author (b. 1872; d. 1918), missionary in Pondicherry; of a Chinese-French dictionary and other works; Eugene Murcier (b. 1880; d. 1918), missionary in Pierre Casenave (b. 1834; d. 1912), director of the Pondicherry; Noel Rondy (b. 1848; d. 1919), mis- seminaiy at Paris in 1867, assistant to the superior sionaiy in Coimbatore; Joseph Ferris (b. 1856; d. in 1880, and procurator general at Rome from 1883 1919), missionary in Japan, secretaiy and inter- till his death; Auguste Desgodin (b. 1826; d. 1913), preter of the FYench legation, received honorary missionaiy in Tibet, explorer and geographer, re- decorations, vicar general of the Archbishop of ceived academic honors for his geographic work, Tokio; Yves le Page (b. 1850; d. 1919), missionary one of the compilers of a Tibetan-Latin-French in Western Tong-king, formerly pontifical zouave dictionary, author of "Le Thibet," "Bouddhisme at Rome and soldier in the Franco-Prussian War d'apr^ les Bouddhistes"; Armand Dessaint (b. of 1870; Marie Aubazac (b. 1871; d. 1919), mis- 1831; d. 1913), missionary in Mysore, founder of sionaiy in Kwang-tong. author of several works in the Sisters of Pity, a religious community of young Chinese and of a French-Canton dictionary; Lucien widows, who, according to the custom of Lidia are Mossard (b. 1851; d. 1920), Vicar Apostolic of not permitted to remarry, author and translator Western Cochin China in 1899 and Bishop of Medea, of works in Canara and of ^'A Manual of Medi- collaborated with the Vicar Apostolic of Cambodia cine"; Hugues Bottero (b. 1837; d. 1913), mis- in the publication of a directory, was sent to Rome sionary in Pondicherry, professor at the Colonial to look over the rule of the Society; Joseph Charge- College and the College of St. Joseph at Cuddalore, boeuf (b. 1867; d. 1920), missionary in Corea, Bishop of Kumbakonam (1889), conversant in superior of the seminary at Kyong-wan (1897), French, English, Italian, Tamul, Bengalese, and later superior of the seminary at Taiku, evangelized Hindoustan, orator and writer, translator of the the Mokfo islands, author of several works; Con- Bible into Tamul; Jacques Vissac (b. 1848; d. stant Prodhomme (b. 1849; d. 1920) Vicar Apos- 1913), missionary in Mysore, principal of the Col- tolic of Laos and Bisiiop of Gerasa. lege of St. Joseph at Bangalore; Jean-^ngois porgery (cf. C. E. VI-135).— All those who forge Genibrel (b. 1851; d. 1914), missionaiy in Western letters, decrees or rescripts of the Holy See incur Cochin China, director of the printing press at excommunication; if they are clerics they are to be Tandmh, composer of Ajmamite-PVenchdiction^^^ further punished as the ordinary thiiks fitting, and lexicon; Joseph Grosjean (b. 1859; d. 1914), even by depriving them of their benefice, office, missionary m Northern Cochin China, professor at dignity, and ecclesiastical pension ; if they are reli- the preparatory seminary where he composed a gjQ^g ^h^y ^^e to be deprived of their office and method of harmony in Annamite, founder of twelve ^f active and passive voice, and may be subjected mission stations in Quang-tn, director of the semi- to other penalties provided by their constitutions, nary at Pans (1892), procurator general at Rome Jq ^ase of other ecclesiastical documents, the ordi- (1912); Henn Pianet (b. 1852- d. 1915), miMonaiy ^^ry is to inflict suitable punishment on the same in Cambodia; Eugene Luce (b. 1863; d. 1915), mis- parties, depriving the guilty one of his office if he

1915), Vicar Apostolic of Western Sze-ch'wan in 320-23.

1893 and Bishop of Caloe; Urbain Faurie (b. 1847; Porll, Diocese op (Forouvibnsis; cf. C. E., VI-

d. 1915), missionary in Japan, evangelized the dis- 137a), in the province of Emilia, Northern Italy,

trict of Hiroshima, director of the seminary at sufifragan of Kavenna. The present bishop, Rt.

Paris, chaplain in the French army, killed in action; Rev. Kaimundo Jaffei, has filled this see since 1895;

Joseph-Aoolphe Klinger (b. 1852; d. 1916), mis- b. in Bagnaia in the diocese of Viterbo I Novem-

sionary in Southern Ton^-king; defended over ber, 1847, ordained at Fermo, appointed bishop 18

2000 faithful at Xa-doai during the Annamite perse- March, 1895, and made an assistant to the pon-

cution; Charles-Emile Lesserteur (b. 1841; d. 1916), tifical throne 17 April, 1920. According to 1922

missionary in Western Tong-king, superior of the statistics the diocese numbers 61 panshes, 102

seminary at Paris, author of several works; Jean churehes, 101 secular and 15 regular priests, 2 semi-

Darras (b. 1835; d. 1916), missionary in JPondi- naries, 1 in Forli, 1 in Bologna, and 26 seminarians;

cherry, baptized over 35,000 in India, published 1 university in Bologna, 1 college for men with 150

an account of part of his ai>ostolate; Marius boys, 4 for women with 250 girls, 1 normal school

Guiraud (b. 1876; d. 1916), missionary in Mysore, with 450 pupils, 4 training schools, 50 elementary

professor at the seminary of l^ondicherry, superior schools with 15,000 pupils, 1 industrial school, 4

of the seminary at Bangalore, director of the semi- missionary organisations, 1 home, 10 asylums^ 1

naiy at Paris, military mfirmarian during the war, hospital. The gymnasium, lyceum, normal, and