Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/344

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d. 1272 (31 October); Anthony Bonfadini, d. 14S2 studies, 1 seraphic seminary, 1 ecclesiastical semi- (1 December) ; Nicholas of Dalmatia, martyred at nary, 1 classical, commercial, and pre-medical col- Jerusalem, 1391 (5 December). lege, 2 high schools, 11 parish schools attended by

Friars Minor in America (cf. C. E., VI-298a).— about 3000 pupils. They publish "The Franciscan," On 11 September, 1885, the Province of Cincinnati, a monthly, "St. Anthony's Almanac," "The Laurel," Ohio, was established imder the invocation of St. and "The Seminary Year Book." The Province of John the Baptist. In October, 1897, at the request the Immaculate Conception, with provincial house of the Most Rev. Peter Bourgade, this province in New York, comprises 3 monasteries, 10 residences, accepted missions in New Mexico and northe^l 4S priests, 13 professed clerics, 6 novices, 6 professed Arizona among the Navajo and Pueblo Indians, lay brothers, 4 tertiaries regular, 7 students for the and a little later their activity was also extended priesthood, 12 parishes, 1 college with 25 students, to the Mexican and Spanish settlers of that terri- 6 parish schools with 4200 children, 1 asylum for tory. To further their work among the Navajo boys, tribe, the Fathers made a special study of that The Polish Franciscans in Wisconsin constitute a

language, together with a short catechism and brothers, 2 novices, 11 tertiaries regular. 1 postulant, Bible History in the same tongue. With the eleva- 1 monastery, 1 seraphic college, 2 residences, and^ 2 tion of one of their brethren. Rev. Albert Daeger, mission stations. On 2 August, 1912, the commis- to the Archbishopric of Santa F6 (consecrated 7 sariat of the Holy Cross was established in New May, 1919), a new impetus was ^iven to their mis- York City for Slovenian and Croatian Friars. It sionary zesJ, and many new parishes and missions embraces 15 prints, 6 professed clerics, 5 novices, were undertaken with great success. At present the 7 postulants, 7 professed lay brothers, 2 novices, 10 province numbers 5 monasteries, 43 residences, 1 residences, 10 parishes, and 2 mission stations, bishop, 172 priests, 54 professed clerics (22 in The finst Franciscan friary in Canada was founded philosophy and 32 in theology), 9 novice clerics, in Montreal 24 June, 1890, exactly 275 years after 53 professed lay brothers, 10 tertiaries professed, the first Mass celebrated on Canadian land (24 June, and 2 tertiary novices. The Fathers conduct a 1615), and that by a Franciscan Recollect, Fr. Joseph preparatory seminary, attended by 96 students, and Le Caron, and more than a century since the lapt are in charge of 46 parishes, 143 missions and Recollet died in Canada. The foundator was Very stations, including the Indian missions in New Rev. Otho Ransan de Pavie, Minister Provincial Mexico and Arizona, 45 parish schools attended by of the Province of St. Louis d'Anjou, in France, 12,000 pupils, 2 Cathohc Indian schools, and a sent directly by the Minister General, Most Rev. number of Indian Government schools are also Aloysius of Parma. He had, however, been preceded attended bv the Fathers. Eight Fathers on the by Ilev. Frederic of Ghyvelde (1881), who made a missionary band are continually engaged in preach- short stay in Canada where he became very popular ing missions to the people. The fViars of this and where he returned in 1888 to found the Com- province also publish "Der Sendbote," a German missariat for the Holy Land. He died at Mon- monthly periodical for the Apostleship of Prayer, treal in 1916, and many favors are attributed to the "St. Anthony Messenger" for the members of his intercession. Until 23 March, 1920, when the the Third Order of St. Francis, "The Sodalist," a Franciscan friaries in Canada were erected into an monthly for the young people, and the "Fiwiciscan independent commissariat with Very Rev. Jean- Missions of the Southwest," an annual for the mem- Joseph Deguire as first commissaiy provincial, the bers of the Indian Preservation Society. • Franciscans in Canada had been subjects of the

The Province of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, with French provinces of the order. After the expulsion provincial house in St. Louis, Mo., numbers 219 from France of religious orders, the provincial tem-

Eriests, 73 clerics, 100 lay Brothers, 23 Fathers in porarilv took up his residence in Montreal. Three tidian missions, 1 in China, 2 at the Catholic Uni- monthly reviews are published in Canada, two in versity, Washington, D. C, 10 monasteries, 23 resi- IVench, "La Revue Franciscaine" and "La Tem- dences, 81 parishes, 56 missions, stations; and perance," and one in English, "The lYanciscan institutions, 4 houses of studies, 1 college for Review and St. Anthony's Record"; and also a aspirants to the order, 1 college with commercial, yearly calendar in French, "L'AlmanachFranciscain." classical, and philosophical course. On 7 November, The Fathers of the province have also, published 1915, the convents and missions, which had con- many books on all Kinds of subjects, making a stituted the commissariat of California, were total of 278 for the period 1890-1915. They arc detached from the Province of the Sacred Heart the leaders of the Temperance League, for which and formed into a separate province under the during the first two years, besides many single ser- patronage of St. Barbara, virgin and martsrr. This mons and 78 lectures with luminous projections, 160 province now embraces the Franciscans in Cali- triduums and retreats were preached. Persons fomia, southern Arizona, southern New Mexico, known to have taken the pledge number over Oregon, and Washington, with provincial resident 80,000. Members of the Third Order under the in San Francisco. The status of the province is as obedience of the Franciscans in Canada number follows : 99 priests, 17 professed clerics, 6 novices, over 75,000 with a church of their own in Montreal, 57 lay brothers, 1 novice, 14 tertiaries regular, 5 six houses in different places, and two libraries, monasteries, 10 residences among whites, 6 resi- Statistics for the order in Canada are as follows: dences among Indians, 21 parishes, 40 mission sta- 70 priests, 46 professed clerics, 14 novice clerics, 2 tions among Indians, 1 seminaiy with 70 students novice lay brothers, 45 professed lay brothers, 23 for the order, 4400 children in parochial schools, postulants, 3 Tertiary Brothers Regular, 2 parishes, and about 400 Indian children in mission schools. 3 mission centers (New Brunswick, Alberta, and The Province of the Most Holy Name, with Japan), with numerous stations and outposts, 5 provincial house in New York City, has 6 monas- monasteries (guardianates), 4 residences or hospices, teries, 8 residences, 102 priests, 59 professed clerics, 1 college with 110 seraphic students. Another col- 21 novices, 52 lay brothers. The Fathers have lege for the education of future missionaries is to charge of 12 parishes, 31 missions, 4 houses of be founded as soon as circumstances permit.