Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/397

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assisted by a council of six members, besides a vicariate apostolic was created and placed in charge

secretary general and a bursar general. of the Lazarist Fathers, they being succeeded in

, . 1869 by the priests of the Foreign Missions ot Homicide (cf. C. E., VII-422c).-7A inember of Milan, directed by Bishop Simeone Volontieri. who the laity who is guilty of homicide is thereby greatly increased the number of Christians and mis- rendered incapable of legal ecclesiastical acts and gions. The vicariate was divided in 1882, all the is excluded from any office he may have held m territory of Ho-nan north of the Yellow River beinc the Church. formed into the vicariate of Northern Ho-nan and

Tr^«.««. 1? « . Tr.^..,.,». A»^o«^«*^ yw rTi«- that south of the river into the vicariate of Southern

Ho-nan, Eastbbn, ViCAmra. Apostolic of (H^ Ro^jum. It was 1884 before the bishop for Northern

NANBN8I8 Obibntalis) m ^l^na T^ v^iomate g^.^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^ territory and tlie vicar apos-

was erected 21 September, l»l»;;^^,!^n Ho-nan was ^^^^ ^^ ^o-nan became vicar apostolic of Southern

divided, for the ^^^J^^ J^"^f, ^i<>Jo^^^ Ho-nan. In 1911 Southern Ho-nan was divided and

three dioceses as hitherto, the new vi^nate bemg ^j^^ additional vicariate of Western Ho-nan was

direcUy east of W^tem Honan. . Bwhop Noe ^^^^^ g^.^ ^^^j^^^ separation occurred in 1916,

Giuseppe Taccom of the Foreign Mi^ons of Mdan ^j^^^ ^y^^ vicariate of Eastern Ho-nan was created,

born at Pavia 23 September, 1873, came to China ^^ ^^ ^j^^ vicariate of Southern Ho-nan is

27 September, 1896, w^ named Bishop of Aradus y^der the direction of Rt. Rev. Flaminius Belotti,

and vicar Api^ohc of Southern Ho-imn, 18 Sept^^ bom at Serina, diocese of Bergamo, 9 February,

^h Thv.^ ""^ ^tu^"^ ""^ 20 November ^^74 ordained 8 October, 1899; entered the semi-

1916, to the new see. With seven pnests five of ' ^f Foreign Missions at MUan 9 September,

whom were from the Foreign Missions of Milan, ^^ ^^^^^ \^ ^^^ ^^i^^ ^^ Southern Ho-nan

and two natives, the new viour orgamzed the ^7 ^ptember, 1908, and was consecrated on 6

yicmate. An iinposiiig cathedral has been built januai^, 1918, bishop of Sufeta and vicar of South-

^^^aV^'^^' u iTfJ?^°P q!^*** tr^- T> ' ern Ho-nan to succeed Rt. Rev. Noe Giuseppe Tac-

On 24 November, .1920, ax Si^^^ ^^^ ^ho was appointed 20 November, 1916. to

dence from the Umted States of America arrived ^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^j./^^^ vicariate of Eastei Ho-Jian.

in Kai-feng for purpose of foimding schools for important events since 1909 were the pacification

girls and caring for orphans, hi the same year ^f ^he Chinese during the revolution of 1911, and

three pnests from^ America arrived to teach the assistance rendered during the famine of 1919-20,

boys of the vicanate, and in a few months had ^^ ^^ich American priests were of great aid to

opened flounshing schools The ©62 Catholics are ^he missionaries from Milan. In the vicariate

schools with 15 teachers and 340 boys ajd 60 gu-1 8,000,000, of whom 17,782 are Catholics and 13,081

students, 32 elementaor schools with Z2 teachers catechumens. There are 1 seminary with 7 theo-

and 459 boys and 215 girls, 144 <»techumen8, 1 i^^jans and philosophere and 50 Latinists, 139

home for the aged, 1 orphanage with 30 children, schools for boys with 1563 pupils, 66 schools for

Ho-Nan, Northern, Vicariatb Apostolic op (Ho- PJ^ ^'^^]^ ^ P^P^^S' \u^^^^^l ^°^ T*^^ ^

NANBN8I8 Sbptomtrionalis), is one of the four i^ants, 2 orphanages with 358 orphan^ JJ church

vicariates in the territory of Ho-Nan, China. It ^^ chapels, 317 primary stations, and 623 secondary

is entrusted to the seminary of Foreign Missions o^^-

of Milan and the pr^nt vicar apostolic is Rt. Ho-Kan, Western, Vicariate Apostouc op (Ho-

Rev. Martmo Cholmo born m Volchi^lla^ nanbnsis Oocidentalis; cf. C. E., XVI-«3d). is

of Ivrea, in 1877, left for Nort^rn Ho-Nan after o^e of the four divisions of the district of Ho-Nan,

havmg been appointed titular Bishop of Calama i^ Q^ina. It is bounded on the north by the Yel-

and Vicar Apostolic of Northern Ho-Nan 23 j^^ Rjver, on the west by the Shen-si, on the south

February, 1921, succeeding Rt. Rev. Giovanm by the vicariate of Southern Ho-nan, on the east by

Menuatti, born m Milan 18 Septei^r, 1866, came ^h^t of Eastern Ho-nan. The present Vicar Apos-

to China 1 April, 1889, was elected Bishop of Tams ^^^^^ jg Rt. Rev. Luigi Calza,!). at Rocco, Italy,

and Vicar Apostolic of Northern H(>Nan 12 Sep- 1379 ordained 24 May, 1902, appointed Prefect

^S^i^^'^^il co^^s^rated m Pekin 23 November, Apostolic of Western Ho-Nan 21 June, 1906, and

^^?o,o^u*^® occasion of his sacerdotal jubilee, yicar Apostolic 18 September, 1911, consecrated

in 1913, the pope accorded him the usage of the titular Bishop of Termessus 21 April, 1912.

throne and of the cappa magna, and the pnvilege n„„-^„ xtZ xxr^r.}A w— ^«« Jr;<»v,«.^, ^f ♦*,;-

to be named in The Canon of the Mass as if he .^^ *^® ^T . ^— ^^^^^7 a^

were a resident bishop. In 1920 the bishop resigned vicanate returned W to join the l^talian Army

from the vicariate and is now living in Milan »°^ !1T'\^LS? decorated with the Italian

By present (1921) statistics the (fatholic popula- ^^^"^ 1 ^"a^^^^ there occurred an invasion

tion of the vicariate numbers 20.967, all Chinese, ^^ the Peland and a terrible famine, whach was

and there are: 15 parishes, 22 churches, 396 mission ^^^l^flo^J^^'t* ?o ^"^ ""^"^ """^ southwestern

stations, 1 convent of women with 12 Chinese Sis- ^^^.f^L^LVn^^'^^.i^i^ ♦u... «,. ia ^:»«-^^- ters, 4 lay brothc secondary schools ary school school with

with 9 teachers and 250 pupils, 447 elementary STrX^A^^^n'S'^'^'nTnt^* Tonlfp^crp fn/a1rf« ^'t h

schools with 6900 pupils, 1 o?pLSige for boys witS | ^'^^^"'i^oS^^th^^^^ TrJ?

24 orphans, 1 orphanage for giris with 92 orphans, ^ \»techism" schools for bovs with 1167 nuoils 16

and 1 infant asylum with 363 orphan children, catechism schools for girls with 567 pupils, 1 orpllan-

Ho-naa, Southern, Vicariate Apostouc of (cf. age with 118 children, 119 men and 28 women under

C. E., III-677d) .—Before 1844 the missions in Ho- religious instruction, 2 dispensaries. Two societies

nan were cared for by the Jesuits, but in 1844 a are oi^ganized among the laity. The Chinese Cathp>