Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/448

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During the World War about 3000 Catholic yotmg hospitals for native women and children in Raw- men of this diocese entered the service, of whom alpindi and at Baramulla in Kashmir. The Irish 84 gave up their lives. Presentation Sisters have convent day schools in

Kan-8n, Nobthern, Vicabutb Apostolic op (db |b^P\?*^„^'^ F^^^' "^^ * boarding school

Kan-su Septentkionaus; cf. C. E, VIII-602d), in feLf'J^H fc^L^f^^f * a^T" ^^°%S1'

China. The vicariate contains about 8,000.000 inhabi- S??.ifl* *^:i.!!S..l«y^A J^L^V^'^^ I^L.t^

dences, 2 secular priests, 16 regulars, 18 native Sis- Tfc«. V^~««...* ^^t^^ ..»~^»i:.. :- o* t>«- t> i ters who live in commuiity, 1 preparatory seminary will J^h^ S^J? n^' p J5 n** fc^' i* with 10 students, 1 college for boj^ with 12 teachere VSJ?"^^^' J*';" Si!^!^^„?ii5f'^lP\^T !^ ^ and 52 studentTsO elementary s^iools, 61 teachers. &fi55"t J5 WbPii*^'* educated at K^vedon, and 1063 pupils, 28 catechtats and 10 catechu^ !S^^' 'i?f %H,^ii^,S^l^ °f "^^tjLVV^ menates. the following institutions exist in the R^^itl^lJ^il^l",rK.ili?°wh»~^,: vicariate apostolic: 3 Isylums in charge of 18 ?? JJI'T^' ^^xJ^ ^j\*° Kashmir where no Sistere with'^230 childrenTS email homel for old K,;5fii;,TJ^^nr1J!^rZ"*fi^J»if "^ people, several day nurseries. Of late the number ^^^^^^tT^*^^^ t^rtl^i-K'^li ^A of missionaries has diminished, some of them having 2.=^^'»^ f w T^i l i k i? *i * died and others being recalled to the mothe* '?^ V^. »* ^^' ^'^$1 ^^ere he built a large house. The present bXp is the Rt. Rev. Geoffrey fcL'iJpr ^T&'knH^tt'lvr^onS'JlvTfS? Frederix of the Congregation of the Immaculate ^}^r^!'i^i°l^\'^^±^%^^^XTtin-Hin Heart of Mary of Scheutveld, b. at Afferden, 17 J^L"/rln^iiT,.i «??fiS? fhf -^.>^fn,Sl July, 1866, elected 8 March, 1920, appointed Vicar Y^^f,™' Council, and entered the semce imme- ap<4tolic of Kan-Su 5 March preceding, consecrated .J^^lfB^Jl * chaplain. He went to France^.jras 29 June foUowing. He arrivecf at Kan!Su in March, ^^t^f^i^T.?' '«'<' *l»f^F«»fl«l *?• ^^^ilt^^fj 1921. succeeding Rt. Rev. Hubert Otto, deceased! rtS^'^fer'^ntS^Atrt^^^tl

Kan-su, Southern, Prefectxtbb Apostouc op (cf, prefect and returned to India to direct the labors C. E., VIII-602C), in China. The present prefect of the Mill Hill priests in British North India, is the Rt. Rev. Constantine Benedict Daems of Other clerey who saw service in the war were: the Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Rev. J. Mullen, who was with the army which of Scheutveld, b. at Westmalle, Belgium, 13 May, defended Kut, was taken prisoner, and awarded 1872, ordained 21 July, 1895, departed for China the the military cross; Rev. Hubert Janssen, who served following September, and was named prefect 5 May, with the armies on the frontier and was mentioned 1914. In 1921 the prefecture apostolic contained 11 in diroatches for bravery and devotion to dutv; European regular pfiests, 1 native secular priest. Rev. W. Bolton and Rev. A. Maiden, B.A., who 2703 baptized Christians, 3931 registered catechu- served in the Khyber and on the frontier; and mens, 12 principal missions, 22 outlying missions, Rev. W. White, who was chaplain in Ef^rpt and 1 theological seminary. 1 preparatory seminary at Palestine.

Trinchow (29 students), 12 parochial schools (167 Tlie Catholic population of the prefecture ia boys, 81 girls), 12 teachers, 11 native Sisters who about 5000 native Hindus and British. There are are teachers, 3 orphanages with 76 ransomed in the prefecture: 11 churches, 4 missions, 18 stap- orphans. tions, 4 convents of nuns, 35 Sisters, 15 secular

KarintWa. See Jugoslavia. priests, 2 hospitals for native women under the

Franciscan Missionaries of Mary, and an orpnan-

Kamiola. See Jugoslavia. age for native boys in Baramulla. The priests

Kaschau, Diocese op. See Kosicb. S»^® <^^^« /^ ?a*iv« "5?*°°?. '? Rawalpinda,

Baramulla, and Snnagar. The schools are partially

Kashmir and Eaftistan, Prepbcture Apostouc supported by the government. OP (Cashmibensis et Kafristanensis; cf. C. E., J. M. Clabxb. Vlll-^lb), created by Pope Leo XHI in 1887. -^MRa tv/v^o, «». q^ Vr^m. The territory embraces a lar^e portion of the ex- ^^^' Diocbsb ot. See KomcB. treme north of India and includes part of the Kassai, Vicariate Apostouc of Upper (cf. C. E., Pimjab. the whole of Kashmir Kafristan, and many VIII-d09a).— On 13 June, 1917, the Prefecture Apoe- free tribes around Chitral Waziristan and the Swat tolic of Upper Kassai was erected into a vicariate. Valley bordering Afghanistan. Roughly the inhabi- comprising at that date 18 principal mission stations tants number 15,000,000. The northern boundaries and a Catholic population of 60,000. The bound- are the Hindu Kush moimtains, and the Pamir aries of the vicariate are : on the west the course of Range — ^the roof of the world." The mission was the River Loange in the Congolese territory, and taken over from the Capuchins by the Englieb the boimdaries of the colony; on the south the Mill Hill Fathers in 1887. The prefecture includes boundaries of the colony as far as the source of some of the most important British military stations the Lualaba; on the east the Lualaba from its in India. Peshawar piards the mouth of the Khy- source to Kikondja, the course of the Lovoi to the ber Pass, Nowshera is a large base near the Indus, source of the Lomami, the Lomamie from its source whilst Rawalpindi, the Aldershot of India," is the to Bena Kamba ; on the north the boundaries of headquarters of the Northern Army Command in the vicariates of New Antwerp and Leopoldvillc. India. In all there are about 20 permanent stations. The climate is salidbrious and the soil eenerally besides innumerable summer stations in the hills, fertile. The recent discovery of diamond beds (las served by the Mill Hill Fathers, 15 in number, brought to the locality mining exploitations^ and Besides military work the priests are engaged on these as well as the establishment of a railroad native missions, in which work they are very mate- and the improvement of other ways of communica- rially helped by the Franciscan Missionary Sisters tion are of great importance in the development of of Mary, assisted by Dr. Anne Dengel, who have the country. The most widely spread language ia