Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/454

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Brothers, Brothers of the Christian Schools, His poetical work was characterized by a deep

Brothers of St. Patrick, Presentation Nuns, Bridget- simphcity and straightforwardness. He took the

tines, Sisters of Mercy, Sisters of Mary Immacu- comm6nplace and spun out of it golden strands,

late. Sisters of St. John of God. and Poor Clares. As a soldier in the famous 69th Regiment of New

The population of the diocese (1911) is 147,781, of York City he saw service in France during the

whom 127,013 are Catholics and 20,768 non-Cath- World War, and was killed in action near the

olics. There are 49 parishes, 46 parish priests, 3 Oiu'cq.

administrators, 73 curates, 10 priests in colleges, etc., . ^ ^ 1 diocesan examiner, 3 military and naval chap- Kilmore, DiocassB of (Kilmobenbib; cf. C. E, lains, total secular clergy 136, total regular clergy 23, VIII-642d), includes a Catholic population of 102,- total priests 159, churches 164, convents 21. 254 (1911 census) and a non-Catnolic population ^^M m^M ^ * ^ * ^ « of 22,045, showing a decrease of some 7000 Catholics Klllma-NJaro, Vicariate Apostolic op (cf. C. E., gijjce the previous census in 1901. The former XVI-84b), in East Africa. Kilima, the residence bishop, Rt. Rev. Andrew Boylan, died 25 March, of the vicar apostolic and the most ancient of the iqiq, and was succeeded by Rt. Rev. Patrick Fine- missions of the vicariate, was founded in 1891, and gan, who now fills the see. He was bom at Coriun- numbers about 15Q0 Catholics and as many catechu- gan on 16 August, 1858, and elected to the Diocese mens. Kilomeni, the most recent mission, was of Kilmore on 4 July, 1910, being consecrated 11 founded in 1910, and numbers about 1000 catechu- September of the same year, mens. The vicariate comprises the districts of During recent years there* has been considerable Tanga, Pangani, Usambara, Pare, Kilimanjaro, activity in building and remodeling throughout the Neru, Ufioni, and Trangi. It numbers mne mis- diocese, and an imposing site has been obtained flions with a personnel of 20 Fathers of the Holy for a new cathedral, but its erection awaits the Ghost, 12 Brothers, 25 nuns, and more than 4500 collection of suflficient funds. Six of the clergy of Catholics. Rev. Henry Gogarty, C.S.Sp., was the diocese served as chaplains during the World appointed administrator of the Vicariate Apostolic War, and since then two others have joined the of Kilima-Njaro 18 February, 1922. Maynooth Mission to China.

KlUala, DiocESB op (Alladesnsis; cf. C. E., VIII- There are in the diocese 115 priests, 42 pari^es,

640c), suffragan of Tuam, Ireland. The present ^ churchy, and 100 nuns. The Manst Brothera

bishop is Most Rev. James Naughton, bom in have established a Juniorate at Bailieborough, and

1873, consecrated in 1912, succeeding Bishop Conmy, ^^f ™^®™ °^ ^^"^ 5*^® P^^^ ^^ 3 Public hoB-

who died 26 August, 1911. Religious orders in the V^^^- Elementary education is provided by 275

diocese are the Sisters of Mercy with 3 convents, schools, which are /"PPorted by the state and

and Sisters of Jesus and Mary with 1 convent, which were attended by 16,110 children m 1920.

There are 22 parishes, 20 parish priests, 3 adminis- ^ ^ood course in rehgious mstniction is given, the

trators, 19 curates, 4 college priests, 1 chaplain, Pansh priest bemg manager of all schools m Yaa

44 churches and chapels, and 1 college. The popu- Pansh, and an annual examination is held by

lation of the diocese is (1911) 63,238, of whom diocesan examiners. St. Patrick's College, with an

60,142 are Catholics and 3096 non-Catholics. attendance of m students, provides secondary

^^„ , ^ , . ^ education. The Diocese of Kilmore took its part

Klllaloe, DiocBSB of (Laonia; cf. C. E., VllI- in preventing the objectionable Education Bill of

641b), suffragan of Cashel, Ireland, is under the 1920 from becoming a law. The diocese is depen-

administration of Most Rev. Michael Fogarty, dent on Armagh, with residence at Cavan. D.D., consecrated 4 September, 1904. By the 1911

census the total population of the diocese was Klmherley, Vicariate Apostolic of (Kimbbb-

135,646, of whom 128,628 were Catholic and 7018 libnsis; cf. C. E., Vni-645b), suffragan of Perth,

non-Catholic. There are 57 parishes, 142 secular Australia. The area of the vicariate is 120,000

clergy, 143 parochial and district churches, 2 houses square miles. It was confided to the Trappists in

of regular cler^, 13 convents with 198 members 1890, and they abandoned the mission in 1891

in the commumty, 6 monastic houses with 63 mem- and were replaced by the Pallotines, who in turn

bers. 9 secondary schools with an attendance of were replaced in 1910 by the Benedictines of New

495 Doys and 214 girls, 290 elementary schools with Norcia, and they in 1920 by the Redemptorists.

attendance of 22,1^2, and 2 industrial schools. The present administrator of the vicariate is Rt.

Kilmer, Alfred Joyce, poet, essayist, and jour. ,^^Linf AhW r?iV«i?n^f^ nalist, b. at New Brun^ck, N. J, 6 December, replacing Abbot (Catalan, of New Noma. TheCath-

1886:'d. m France 30 Julv, 1918. He waf the soii ^te^i^Xv^'thlV^^^^^^^^ thp^;r ^nri^Sf

of tVederick Bamett Kilmer, a distinguished S W^fii,^iYfl!-^^^^^^

chemist, and Annie Ellene (Kilbiim) Kilmer Edu- ® Sf^fi"^"' ^^ ®'^*®"' ^""^ "^ *^'^^ '*" ^ Catholic

cated at Rutgers College, New Brunswick, N. J. «^^°°*s-

(1904-6), and at Columbia University, New York Klmberley In Sontb AMca, Vicariate AposfTOUC

City (A.B., 1908), he became editorial assistant of of (Kimberubnsis in Africa Meridionaus; cf. C.

the Standard Dictionary 1909-12, literary editor of E., VIII-645c), formerly called Kimberley in

the Churchman" 1912-13; member of the staff Orange, the name having been officially changed

of the New York Times Sunday Magazine and by decree of 28 November, 1918. The vicariate

Review of Books from 1913 till his enlistment. In comprises the whole of the Orange Free State,

1908 he married Aline Murray, likewise a poet of Griqualand West, and Bechuanaland south of the

distinction. In the latter part of 1913 he became Tropic of Capricorn. The population consists ap-

a Catholic and was received into the Church in proximately of 5270 Catholics, 224,000 Europeans of

New York City. He contributed to several non-Catholic sects, 371,000 natives, 5000 Jews, mak-

periodicals, delivered literaty lectures, was the ing a total of 605,270. Bloemfontein, the capital

author of "Summer of Love" (1911), "Trees and of the Orange Free State, contains 17,516 Europeans

Other Poems (1915), "Main Street and Other and 36,113 natives and colored persons. The

Poems" (1917), "Literature in the Making" (1917), smaller towns of the vicariate are visited from the

"The Circus and Other Essays" (1916), and com- large centers, the isolation of small groups of Cath-

piled "An Anthology of Catholic Poets" (1917). olics in these smaller towns causing Uie clergy much