Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/466

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young girls, for supplying the prisoners' needs. St. Peter Claver. During these twenty-three 3reard

for taking charge of correspondence with invaded he brought into the Church about 67,000 negroes,

countries, and to assist the civil prisoners in Austria then only recently emancipated. In addition he

and Hungary. utilized his earlier professional experience to efifeo-

The statistics of 1920 credit the canton of Fri- tuate important sanitary and agricultural reforms,

bourg with a total population of 143,055, of whom He died with a reputation for sanctity which has

123,039 are Catholics, and about 19,000 Protestants, only increased since his death. The cause of his

The diocese comprises 192 parishes, of which six beatification and canonization was introduced at

are in the city of Geneva, a number of succiirsal Rome on 26 June, 1918.

of JFribourg is rich in churches and religious houses. Jugoslavia, sufframn of Salzburg This see is filled

In making excavations in the cathedral in 1911 the by Rt. Rev. Michel Napotnik born m Gonoblitz.

tombs of three of the bishops were found, which this diocese, 1850, appointed 26 October, 18MI, and

had escaped the Bernese who had destroyed the ™ade an assistant at the pontiiBcal throne 8 March,

original building. The tombs were those of Berthold 1901. In 1911 a diocesan synod was held here. By

of Neuchatel (1220), Henri de Bourgogne (1029), latest statistics the bishopric is divided mto 4 arch-

and Blessed Amed6e de Clermont-Tonnerre, a Cis- deaneries and 24 deaneries and comprises 221 par-

tercian and ecclesiastical writer. ishes, 203 chaplaincies (68 unoccupied), 6 unoccu- pied offices and benefices, 356 priests engaged in

LaiuitB (or LuBATiA),'PRBFBC?ruRB Apostouc of the cure of souls, 35 secular priests and 68 re^ar

(LuBATi^), in Saxony. This prefecture was erected clergy in other positions, 40 clergy without office,

in 1560 and its administration entrusted to the 728 churches and chapels, and 508,232 souls. The

Chapter of Bautzen. On 24 June, 1921, the prefec episcopal priests' seminapr numbers 4 classes with

ture was suppressed and incorporated in the diocese 1151 students, and the Maximilianum-Viktormum,

of Meissen (q.v.). an episcopal seminary for boys has 8 classes with

48 students. The School Sisters of the Third Order

Laval, DiocBSB of (Vallis GumoNis, or Vallb- of St. Francis of Assisi have 1 mother-house and

GUDONENSis; cf. C. E., IX-45a), in the department 29 affiliated houses with 325 Sisters. They conduct

of Mayenne, France, suffragan of Tours. This see a training school for women teachers, 14 girls'

is filled by Rt. Rev. Eugene-Jacques Grellier, bom schools, 14 boarding schools, 5 kindergartens, 9

in Jou^, France, 1850, studied at Combree and orphan asylums, 5 schools of domestic economy, 2

Angers, ordained in 1873, served as a vicar, chap- homes for servant girls, and 5 houses teaching

lain of the retreat at Angers, pastor and vicar housekeeping and sick-nursing. The Salesians of

general, superior of the upper seminary, and ap- Don Bosco were established in the diocese in 1912,

pointed bishop 21 February, 1906, to succeed Bishop at Verzej, and number 6 priests, 5 clerical novices,

Gaey, retired. On the occasion of the five-hundretn and 3 lay brothers.

^^nT7a^l ~l?S^H^nl°1±°lIIl5*?^ tL^.",^ !-»» (cf. C. E, IX-64).-The laws of the Code

mam in I92I, celebrations were neld in January, , . ii. j^: A • «x»i riu..«-u ^^^^^* «.k»n ^.^^i

and again in June, in the presence of many arch- <•«> not bind the ^l^^^}^^""^ ^f^P^r^Z^f"^

bishoi^ and bishop^. The sSme year. on22 Novem- '"K ^t^ T*!^",^:'"^ jS°"f *hj^^^*'S^,?i *h!

ber, the cathedral of the Holy Trinity waa ^ »?«'* '* ^j*! «"«'»' (°' instance, would be

consecrated by the bishop. This cathedriil was <^?K?**;5.J^\*^"P'T^'^r,^rt.&?^h!

be«it> in th„ oiovo«th ,.»T,H,rw K« tUc n»T,oH,v.finM of the Divine law or those exprewly including the


b^ ..

the addition of the chapel ui me oucicu jat^uit i,- ^ . ^ • . - j ah i— «, ^u^^u^^

in 1575; in 1789 it had twenty altars served by *^ contrary is expressly stated. All laws^hether more than sixty priests. By the 1911 census there universal or particular, oppcwed to tj^e pr^ptiona were 350.637 Catholics in the diocese, of whom ^i the Code >ve been abrogated, unless where 30;J25 were in Laval proper. The 1920 statistics the contrary is expressly stated regarding a par- credit it with 31 first class and 265 succursal par- ^^cular law. Canons restating the old law are to ishes, and 210 vicariates formerly supported by the ^^ explained by the interpretations already given g|.j^^g ^ f*' •'by approved authors. In cases of doubt whether

any prescription of the canons differs from the old IiAval, Jaoqxteb-D^bir^, missionary, b. at Croth, law, no departure from the old law should be made, in the diocese of Evreux, France, on 18 Septem- All penalties, whether spiritual or temporal, medi- ber, 1803; d. in the Isle of Mauritius on 9 Sep- cinal or vindicatory, latce or ferendoR sententiw, if tember, 1864. From early childhood he was noted not mentioned in the Code are abolished. General for his love of the poor and his gentleness. He disciplinary laws not explicitly or implicity con- studied at Evreux and the College Stanislas, Paris, tained in the Code lose all their force, unless they and in 1830 graduated in medicme. He practised are found in the approved liturgical books or are his profession at St. Andre and St. Ivry-la-Bataille, merely confirmatory of the natural or positive Di- Eure, with his usual charity, but not uncontami- vine law; however, the punishments imposed by nated with the spirit of the world in which he national, provincial, or diocesan synoda and the mixed. Suddenly his view of life changed, and penalties inflicted by particular legislation of the entering St. Sulpice he was ordained in 1838, and Holy See remain in vigor; so, too, do the dogmatic had charge successively of the parishes of Pinter- decrees of the Holy Office, the Biblical Commission, ville and Acquiguy. In 1841, filled with a desire and other such bodies.

to consecrate himself to the missions, he entered Laws of the Holy See are as a rule promulgated

the Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of by publication in the "Acta Apoetolic» Sedis."

Mary, then recently founded by Ven. Fr. Liber- Episcopal laws bind from the time of promulga-

mann, and after its union with the Congregation tion, if the contrary is not stated, the manner of

of the Holy Ghost he was sent to Mauritius on 14 their promulgation being left to the bishop. Merely

September, 1861, where" he reproduced the life of ecclesiastical laws do not bind the unbaptised, or