Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/477

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who took possession of his see in July, 1911, and daily increase in the cost of living and makes the ruled over it until 21 September, 1917, when he problem of supporting the numerous hospitals and was transferred to Denver. charitable institutions more and more difficult. The

The third and present Bishop of Lincoln is Rt. religious and political conditions have grown stead- Rev. Charles F. O'Reilly who, as first Bishop of ily worse. The destruction of the monarchy has Baker City, had for fifteen years been doing pioneer given the revolutionary Labor Party imlimited missionary work in that churchless section. During power, which they try to increase by terror and his incumbency in Lincoln there have been added force. They constantly wage opposition to the to the diocese, 9 parishes, 5 parochial schools, Church and oy inciting fear and distrust cause great and 1 hospital, while the services of the Capuchin harm throughout the country. Fathers (Irish Province) and of several Sisterhoods At the present time the diocese is governed have been enlisted. by Rt. Rev. John Maria Gfollner, b. at Waizen-

The present (1921) statistics of the diocese show kurchen, 17 December, 1867, for some time professor 87 parishes, 137 churches, 50 missions, 94 secular of theology and rector of the seminary at Linz, and 12 regular priests, 215 nuns, 11 seminarians, 1 appointed bishop 19 August, 1915, consecrated 18 high school with 5 teachers and an attendance of October following. The diocese is divided into 60 boys and 74 girls, 3 academies with 42 teachers 35 deaneries with 420 parishes, 4 mission stations and an attendance of 55 boys and 215 girls, 32 and 49 benefices. There are 658 active seculars, 14 elementary schools with 126 teachers and an at- of whom for divers reasons are stationed in other tendance of 2800. Li addition to the St. Thomas parishes, 59 have no regular duties, 310 regulars Orphanage, the Lincoln and McCook hospitals are of whom 36 are principally occupied in caring for maintained in the diocese ; all the public institutions souls in other dioceses. Of the religious orders permit the priests of the diocese to minister in of men there are the following establishments: them. The Catholic population of the diocese is the Canons Regular of St. Augustine have 2 mon* approximately 37,000. The Knights of Columbus, asteries, 1 at St. Florian near Linz (87 priests, Catholic Order of Foresters, Daughters of America, 10 clerics, 5 novices), 1 at Reichersberg (21 priests. National Council of Catholic Men are established 3 clerics, 1 novice), Premonstratensian Canons at among the laity. Schlagl (38 priests, 4 clerics, 1 novice), Benedictines

_. ,. _ ^ / T X • *^^ Kremsmiinster (89 priests, 8 clerics, 1 novice),

IdndJ, Prefecture Apostouc op (db Lindi), m and Lambach (16 priests, 1 cleric, 6 lay brothers. East Africa. This prefecture was erected by a i novice), Cistercians at Schlierbach( 21 priests, 3 decree of 12 November, 1913, which divided the clerics, 2 novices), at Wilhering (38 priests, 5 clerics, vicariate apostolic of Dar-es-Salaam. It is bounded i novice). Besides there are in the diocese 135 on the north by the Rivers Mbenkuru and Ruhuje, priests who belong to other orders and congrega- on the west by Nyassa Lake, on the south by tions, namely: J^nciscans of the North TVrol German Mozambique, and on the ea^ by the Province, 7 establishments (35 priests), Capuchins ocean. The town of Lindi, where the official rem- of the Eastern Hungarian Province, 2 establishments dence is situated, is a flounshing port about fifty (13 priests). Capuchins of the North Tyrol Province, miles from Delgado. It is entrusted to the Bene- 2 establishments (16 priests), Discalced Carmelites dictmes of St. Odile; Rev. Galium Steiger, O.S.B., (g priests), Jesuits, 3 establishments (27 priests), was appointed the second prefect apostohc 22 Redemptorists, 2 establishments (9 priests), Con- ^ir^^SA ^^J .^^ succeed Rev Willibrord Lay. gregation of the Divine Redeemer (8 priests in 1 The 1920 statistics credit the territon^ with 11 convent), Oblates of St. Francis de Sales, 3 estab- Benedictine Fathers, 13 Brothers, and 12 Sisters of lishments (6 priests), the Sacred Heart. The following religious commimities of women

Lindsay, Lionel St. George, author and editor, 5^.® °9^ represented in the diocese: Ursulines at b. at Montreal, Canada, 1849, d. at Quebec, Canada, ^^^^^ (54 Sisters), Sisters of St. Elizabeth (46 Sis- 1900. He was educated at Laval Univereity, *?™^' Discalced Carmelites (46 Sisters), Salesian Quebec, the Gregorian University, the Academy of J^^ (33 Sisters), Redemptorists (35 Sisters), St. Thomas, and the Minerva, Rome. He was Ladies of Chanty of the Good Shepherd (48 Sisters), ordained priest in 1875, was chaplain of the Ureu- Sisters of Chanty of St. Vincent de Paul (33 Sisters line Monastery, Quebec (1894-98), diocesan in- J? 20 houses). Sisters of Mercy of St. Charies spector of academies and convent schools (1898- Borromeo (90 Sisters m 17 houses), Sisters of the 1905), secretary (1905-1907), and archivist (1905- Holy Cross (443 Sisters in 76 houses). School Sisters 1921) of the Archdiocese of Quebec. He was the 2i u ® ^^^S- ^^^^, ^f St. Francis (124 Sisters in author of "Notre Dame de Lorette en la Nouvelle ^ *S"f,^/' Swters of the Third Order of St. Francis France," and editor of "La Nouvelle France," from ? Hallem, Archdiocese of Salzburg (7 Sisters, 3 1902 to the time of his death. He was also the Dja°ch houses). School Sisters of St. Augustme contributor of a number of biographical articles ?£ ^4}??^? >J j°^^J\? branch houses), Sistere of to The Cathouc Encyclopedia. J"® Third Order of Mt. Carmel (143 Sisters, 28

T««. TN. /T « ^ T^ x^ ««« ^ houses) Oblates of St. Francis de Sales (17 Sia-

Um, Diocbsb op (Lincibnsib; cf. C.E.,IX-273c), ters) Sisters of the Congregation of Christian Char- •uffragan of the Archdiocese of Vienna, includes ity (14 Sisters), Daughters of the Divine Saviour a part of Upper Austria and some townships in (6 Sisters in 1 house).

Lower Austria. The downfall of the Austro-Hun- The Brothers Hospitallers of St. John of God ganan Monarchy m 1918 and the establishment of have a hospital at linz (15 Brothers), the Congre- a republic in accordance with the Treaty of Ver- gation of Mary (Brothers of Mary) conduct a Nkilles brought many severe trials upon the diocese, theological seminary, a private normal school, a Prospenty decreased, famine and intense misery boarding school and an industrial continuation oppressed the ' • ' •• •• '«• -* ..—..._.

die classes,

tions and _ ^,...«vw ** «v,.v^

suffered great privations. Only the generous con- the Brothera °of " the "'Chri8tian*'*Schools "have a

tnbutions of the Catholics of foreign countries, school and an asylum at Goisem (10 Brothers)

especially America, made existence possible. The The diocese has a seminary (4 years' course) with

flteady depreciation of the Austrian exchange causes 100 students, which is under the care of the secular