Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/503

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sity acquired complete control of the schools of their consent verbally, and may not employ equiv-

Medicine and Dentistry, and the Training; School alent signs, if they are able to speak. If the mar-

for Nurses of Trinity Hospital. The following year riage is by proxy : (a) the diocesan regulations

property was purchased from the Wisconsin Col- must be observed; (b) for validity, the proxy must

lege of Physicians and Surgeons and the two Medi- have a special commission to contract with a speci-

cal Colleges of Milwaukee were merged into the fied person; the commission must be signed by the

new medical department of the university. A principal and either the parish priest or the ordi-

complete reorganization of the College faculties nary of the place where the commission is given,

took place after this and in February, 1915, Mar- or by a priest delegated by either, or by at least

quette School of Medicine was accorded a "Class two witnesses; (c) if the principal does not know

A*' rating by the American Medical Association, how to write, the fact is to be noted in the com-

In 1918 the Carnegie Foimdation offered the Uni- niission and another witness added who must also

versity two-thirds of a million dollars for the Medi- sign the document; if these provisions are not ob-

cal School on condition' that the University raise served the commission is invalid; (d) if prior to the

one-third, and this having been done, the Medical contracting of the marriage, the principal should

School now has an endowment fund of one million withdraw the commission or become insane, even

dollars. without the knowledge of the proxy or of the other

The present organization of the University com- principal, the marriage would be invalid; (e) the

prises the College of Arts and Sciences with a total proxy must discharge his commission personally,

registration of &5; College of Applied Science and otherwise the marriage would be void. Marriage

Engineering, registration 500; College of Dentistry, can be contracted also with the aid of an inter-

registration 425; College of Economics, registration preter, but the parish priest must not assist at a

500; School of Journalism, registration 70; College marriage by proxy or by the help of an interpre-

of Law, 250; School of Medicine, 155; Conservatory ter without just cause, and unless the authenticity

of Music, 1100; Training School for Nurses, 62; of the commission or the trustworthiness of the

and University High School, 450. Rev. Herbert interpreter is undoubted; if time permits he must,

C. Noonan, S. J., is president of the university, with moreover, get permission from the ordinary, a faculty of 264. In all cases of marriage a record should be made

»- __^ , ^ ^ ^ ,^T ^^^v ^ ^^ , ^ . ^ **o^ ^ possible {quamprimum, the word statim Marriage (cf. C. E., IX-699).— In 1921 the Holy —immediately— was used in the earlier law) by the See instructed ordinaries to insist, even by the in- parish priest or his substitute, even when another fliction of penalties, that their priests should ob- priest was delegated to assist. The marriage is to serve most carefully the canons prescribing the be recorded also in the baptismal registers; conse- investigation of the status of parties wishing to get quently if either or both of the principals were bap- married and the notification of the parish priest tized elsewhere the parish priest who assisted the of their place of baptism after the marriage cere- marriage must personally or through the episcopal mony. The Code prescribes that before a marriage curia and without delay notify the pastor of the takes place it is necessary to ascertain if the parties place of baptism. This notification must give the are free to marry validly and licitly. If there was age and names of the parties, the names of their danger of death the oaths of the contracting par- parents, the place and date of the ceremony, the ties affirming their baptism and freedom to contract names of the witnesses, and of the parish priest; would in case of necessity suflSce. Ordinarily the the document must be stamped with the parochial procedure is to publish the banns of marriage; in seal and should be sent through the diocesan chan- addition the parish entitled to assist at the cere- eery. The Holy See has recently called the atten- mony must examine the parties separately in accord- tion of parish priests to the fact that many of ancc with regulations to be drawn up by the local the emigrant workers are vagi or if not it is diflScult ordinary, and ascertain from them if there is any to be sure that there is no impediment to their impediment and if they, especially the woman, are marriage and that in such cases it is necessary for contracting freely. If they have not been baptized the priest to refer the matter to the ordinary before in his territory the parish priest who is to assist at Assisting at their marriages. If marriage took place the marriage must obtain baptismal certificates from under circumstances in which no priest was neces- both parties, or from the Catholic party if a dis- sary for validity, the obligation of procuring its pensation has been granted from the impediment record in both books devolves primarily on the of disparity of worship. Moreover, those who have priest, if any, who assisted, and secondarily on the not been confirmed are to receive that sacrament witnesses and the contracting parties, before marriage, if that can be arranged without Marriages of conscience, that is secret marriages grave inconvenience. The parish priest must exhort for which the banns have not been published, can minors not to marry without the knowledge or be authorized by the local ordinary, but not by reasonable consent of their parents; should the the vicar general without a special mandate, for a minors disregard this advice he must not assist very urgent and grave reason only. The assistant at their marriage without first consulting the local priest, the witnesses, the ordinary and his successors, ordinary; finally, he must instruct the parties, and either spouse unless with the consent of the according to circumstances, on the sanctity of the other are bound to secrecy. The marriage is to be sacrament, the duties they are about to assume, and recorded in a special book kept in the secret curial earnestly exhort them to go to confession and re- archives. The promise of secrecy does not bind the ceive Holy Communion before their marriage. ^ ordinary if its observance would constitute a danger Matrimonial Consent. — ^A simple error concerning of scandal or reflect gravely on the sanctity of the unity, indissolubility, or sacramental dignity marriage, or if the parents neglect to have the off- of marriage, even if it gave rise to the contract, spring of such a marriage baptized, or if they have does not vitiate matrimonial consent; nor does them baptized under fictitious names without noti- knowledge or belief that the marriage is void nee- fying the ordinary of the birth and baptism with essarily exclude it. A valid marriage cannot be the real names of the parents within thirty days, contracted unless the parties are present personally or if they neglect to give the children a Christian or by proxy: consequently marriage cannot now education, be contracted by letter, the parties must express Marriage may be contracted at any time of the