Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/555

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Eartial, racial and national religions/' In 1021 it million and a half live outside the New York City ad 3 churches, 2 ministers, 91 members. limits. There are within the State 7 Indian reserva-

(7) The Missionary Church AssodaHon^ founded at tions, inhabited by 4468 Indians.

Berne, Ind., in 1898, accepts many of the orthodox Eoonomic Status. — In 1919 New York had

teachines of Christianity. It believes in the healing 49,374 manufacturing establishments emploving

of the body in answer to the prayer of faith. In 1,229,900 people as wage earners. The capital in-

1921 it had 25 organizations, 59 ministers, 1554 vested was $6,033,852,000; the cost of materials,

members. $4,947,991,000; the value of the products, $8,875,-

(8) An oiiganization very similar to the preceding 007.000.

is the IrUemaHanal Apostolic Holiness Church. Commerce. — In 1920 New York was the first

founded at Cincinnati in 1897. In 1921 it reported shipping port in the world, surpassing even the

325 churches, 640 ministers, 11,000 members. ports of London and Liverpool. Its imports were of

(9) The Mennonite Brethren, in Christ in common the value of approximately $1,251,790,373; and its with some other branches (see Mennonites), hold exports, $2,616,850,680. The tonnage movement of the doctrine of divine healing of the sick by the foreign tiade for the year ending 30 June, 1920, was: "laying on of hands, and anointing with oil, and entered, 15,049,744; cleared, 14,275,255.

pra3ring over them." Aoricttlture. — In 1920 there were in the State

(10) The Pentecostal Holiness Church, organized at 193,195 farms of a total area of 20,632,803 acres, Anderson, S. C, in 1898, accepts in general the of which 13,158,781 acres were improved land. The doctrines of Methodism. It believes also in divine value of the farms was $1,908,483,201; of live stock, healing but does not condenm the practice of medicine $313,554,695. Though the number of farms showed as essentially evil. In 1921 it reported 192 churches a decrease of 10.4 per cent since 1910, the crop value 282 ministers, 5353 members. revealed an increase of 119 per cent, being $417,046,-

(11) The Progressive Spiritual Church is a very 864 in 1920. The principal crops were: cereals, $82,- radical Spiritualist organization holding that Jesus 524,839; hay $169,494,524; vegetables $104,070,460; was merely a medium and his resurrection a ma- the wool dip was 3,350,824 pounds, valued at terialization. As to healing it holds that divine $1,976,986. The dairy industry is still important aa metaphysics guide the mind of the medium on earth the receipts from the sale of dairy products in 1920 and tnat only in this way can the cause of disease be were $174,155,050. The fruit crop m the same year detected and overcome. In 1921 it reported 11 was worth $34,891,361.

churches 20 ministers, 5831 members. Mining. — The mines of the State in 1918 yielded

(12) There are also a few independent Reformed products valued at $54,997,036; the quarries pro- Christian Science churches. (See Christian Science; duced building stone valued at $5,208,752. The salt also in the original edition. Extreme Unction; springs produced in the same year 15,218,071 barrels Loxtrdes; Miracles; Prater; Psychotherapy.) of salt worth $2,176,472, whue the petroleum wells

DRB88CR. A History of the New Thougfu Movement (New yielded $3,307,814 worth of crude petroleum. New York 1919); low. The Rdigionof the Spiritin Modern Life York is Still the wealthiest State in the United States,

(New York, 1914); Idcic, (ed.) The SptrU of the New Thought, fU^. Ajyirrpimtj* vaIiia nf all thft nmnprtv within thp

withexteiurivebibUqgraphy(NewYork. i9i7),lD«M.«and6oofco/ j^e a^gr^aie vaiue 01 ail the propertv witnin the New Thought (New York, 1917); Idku. Health and the Inner Life State m the year 1919 (latest estimate) bemg $12,- (New York, 1906); lDXM,!r*«Potc«-o7st7ence (New York. 1902); 758,021,964, of which $12,322,150,324 represented

New Thouoht (New York, 1914); Atkinbon, Dynamic Thought ©rty waS WOrtn $435,871,630. The property m New

(Los Angeles, 1906). Andkrson, New Thought, Its Lights and York City alone was worth $1,225,055,569. The

i'S^ri^S^P<>^^/T.:S^k^aJ^;Lii^^^ V^^°f ^ Stete govenmient was j«6 433,925 (Philadelphia. 1909). (1918-19). The City of New York received the enor-

The best Catholio treatment is found in Bbi.i<wald, Christian mous revenue of $905,733,841. The bonded debt of

l^hZIJ'tS^i^^'o^^ji::^^ the state in 1919 was $236,744,660. The State in- York, 1922); see also Moore, New Thought (C. T. 8. pamphlet, come IS denved mamly from taxes on assessable prop- London, 1916). A brief treatnaent of mind-healing is given in erty, fees from foreign corporations, licenses, taxes ?916^ ^^^'^"^"^^ Denominations (London and New York, on certain public franchises and trusts and bankp. On ' the Emmanuel Movement see Worcestkr (xt al.). New York has a personal income tax modelled on the Religion and Medicine (New York. 1908); Idem (bt al.). The Federal law. Personal property yielding an income $^r?^."H:;i!r'lSSi:'^/?ir l^*!' ra^^ w exempt from the property tax. The State Tax

1908); on the Christian Catholic Church in Zion see Harlau, ^-^mmiSSlon administers all the tax Statutes m the

John Alexander Dowie and the Christian Catholic Apostolic Church State.

inZ}^ (Chicago, 1906), and Thumton, Chr^ian Scietuie in TRANSPORTATION.— There are 8,634 miles of rail-

foi'^i^%^:tiZstJ'S&!.%^^^ way track and 6,039 miles of electric raUway. The

1919), and Year Book of the Churches (New York, annual). canals COVer 638 mileS, of which 361 miles belong tO

Gerald Shauohnesst. the Erie Canal. The State Barge Canal has just

been completed at a cost of $150,000,000. It is 12

New York (cf . C. E. XI-lOc)— The area of the feet deep and has a capacity of 20,000,000 tons.

State of New York is 49,204 square miles. The In 1919 goods carried free on these State canals were

population in 1920 was 10,385,227, a gain of 14 per valued at $35,000,000. The port of New York has

cent since 1910. Of this, 82.7% was urban; 17.3 was a total water-front of 578.4 miles,

rural. In 130 years the population of the state has Education. — School attendance is compulsory

increased 36 tim^. The average number of inhab- for all children between seven and sixteen years of

itants per square mile was 217.9, as against 191.2 in age. A recent amendment to the educational law

1910. and 152.5 in 1900. There were 59 cities, of makes instruction in physical training or kindred sub-

which 6 have over 100,0(X) inhabitants and 16 have jecte compulsory for all over 8 years of age. and mili-

from 25,000 to lOO.CXX) inhabitants. The proportion tary training for all between 16 and 19 at least three

of the population ot New York living in places of 2500 hours a week between September and June 15. At-

or more mcreased from 72.9 per cent in 1900, to 78.8 tendance in part-time schools is required of children

per cent in 1910, and to 82.7 per cent in 1920. The 14r-17 years of age, who are not hieh school wtuluates,

six largest cities are New York, with a population of and who are not regularly attending school. Every

5,620,048: Buffalo 506,775; Syracuse 171,717; Albany minor between 16 and 21 years of age who does not

113,344; Yonkers 100,176; Utica 94,156. About two possess the ability to speak, read, and write the Eng-