Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/562

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The laws governing parochial and private schools sociation scheme , and for the State to engage in anv are as follows: the legislature shall bv a general law business directly or indirectly involving farm prod- exempt from taxation all property exclusively used by ucts. Seventeen million dollars' worth of bonds were schools. To comply witn the compulsory education authorized to finance the enterprises, which were to law, private schools must teach branches usually be under the control of the Industrial Commission, taught in public schools. Private schools, to be law- composed of the governor, attorney ncneral and oom- fully attended by children of compulsory age, must be missioner of agriculture and labor. A Gtate compulsory approved by coimty superintendents. Incorporated hail insurance bill was also passed, requiring all farm- schools must annually make fuU report of all their ers to insure their crops from hail damage. Opposi- property and of all their affairs. Bible reading in the tion to the Non-Partisan League developed m the public schools is specifically permitted by law. form of the Independent Voters Association, and the

Rbuoion. — According to the United States Re- movement is dwindling.

Ugious Census of 1916, the Episcopalian Church has During the European War North Dakota oontrib-

2445 members, 60 organizations, 156 Sunday School uted 25,803 men or .69 per cent of the United States

teachers, 1499 scholars, 45 church edifices and 5 Anny. The North Dakota members of the national

halls, 19 rectories, and 22 clergy. The value of the euard belonged to the 34th Division at Camp Cody,

churches, chapels, ^unds, and all other property New Mexico; those of the national army to the 88th

including the rectones, which cost $65,750, is $180,- Division at Fort Dod^, Iowa. The summary of

475. There are 52 parishes and missions and 80 casualties of the North Dakota members of the Amer-

preachin^ stations. Total offering, $41,241.10 for ican Elxpeditionary Force is as follows: deceased, 13

year endme 1, June, 1918. The Methodist Episcopal officers, 687 men; prisoners, 35 men; wounded, 43

Church had in the State 221 church buildings, valued officers, 1782 men.

at $963,900 and 139 parsonages, valued at $265,615 ^^ ^ ^ ^

with a membership of about 14,000. The Presby- Northampton, Diocebb of (Nortantonibnms:

terian Church had 6 presbyteries, 67 ministera, cf. C. E., XI— 107c), in England, suffragan of

9295 members, and 12,572 Sunday School members. Westminster. A conswtonal decree of 25 July, 1916,

There were in the State 173 church organizations, modified ita boundaries. The pr^nt administrator

177 Sunday Schools, 138 churches, and 81 manses, of the diocese is the Rt. Rev. Dudley Charles Cary-

The value of the property was reported as $725,550; Elwes. He was bom in 1868, ordained in 1896,

of the manses. $163,400. The Lutherans, who are elected 21 November, 1921, succeeding the Rt. Rev.

numerous in the Northwest, had 1050 organizations Frederick William Keating, who was promoted,

and 758 churehes. The Baptists had a memberohip According to the statistics of 1922 the diocese oon-

of 6268, a Sunday School enrolment of 6864, 72 tains: 116 churches and chapels, 24 convents, 80

churches valued at $229,290, and 43 parsonages worth secular priests, 4 of whom are retired, 22 regular

further educational and religious statistics see 21 for girls, with 1575 pupils, 3 institutions for poor

Fabqo, Diocese op; Bismabck, Diocese op. children, orphanages, poor law and reform schools.

Legislation. — According to recent legislation, the According to the census of 1911, the Catholics

issuer of a marriage license must inquire of the numbered 16,892.

applicant on^oath relative to the legality of his forth- Korthem Missions. See Germany, Nobihern

coming marriage and may examme witnesses on oath Tk^.^ftinvo ow ^^ ^'^ vi«.««ii« » , x^ wi»*n«.^

if he deems necessary. A copy of the divoree decree, «i*8»io«s o*^-

if there is any, must be filed with him. He must re- Korthem Territory, Prepecturb Apostouc op quire each to file an affidavit, setting forth whether the; (cf. C. E., XI — 115b), in Australia, formerly each has been divorced or not. He must also have a known as the Diocese of Port Victoria and Palmer- physician's certificate, proving that he is neither in- ston: is bounded on the North by the Indian Ocean, fected nor feebleminaed, imbecile, epileptic, or ad- on the South by 25^ Latitude, on the Southeast by dieted to drink. A License must not be granted to Queensland, on the West by Western Australia; the one under the influence of liquor, nor for a misce- Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Issoudun are in genetic marriage, nor for one that would contravene charge of it, with Very Rev. Francis Xavier Gsell, the decision of a divorce decree. All servile labor is M.S.H., administrator Apostolic since 1910. There prohibited on Simdays, except works of necessity and are in the prefecture 3 pnests, 2 Brothers, and 6 Sis- charity, providing, however, that transportation and ters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart at Port Darwin, the operation of bakeries and newspaper plants shall 2 priests, 1 Brother and 3 Sisters in charge of 1 school be considered works of necessity. AH public selling is witii 50 pupils on the Island of Bathurst.

prohibited before ten o'clock a.m. except that of fish / r o 1?

and meat, and food to be eaten on the premises, Norway, Vicariate Apostolic of (cf., ^-^n

drugs, confectionery and papers. Free basebaU eames XVI— 84d). --Under the guidance of Mgr. Famie

are allowed more than 500 feet away from a church the mission of Norway mcreased rapidly. In 1912.

edifice. he was made assistant to the Pontifical Throne, and

The Socialistic legislation recently passed in the in 1921, owing to ill-health, he was obliged to rengn

State has attracted much attention. Back of this was his post as vicar. His great influence in Norwav has

the Non-Partisan League, organized in 1915, origi- been instrumental in wmnme ^ost complete liberty

nally a movement of wheat-ox)wers to improve the for the Catholics there, and his loss will be kneely

marketing of their product and to secure better bank- felt. By a decree of 1 June, 1913, Spitsbei^ was

ing facilities. The movement grew so rapidly that in included m the NOTwefi;ian Mission.

1916 the League, whose membership was limited to Since 1919, the Dommicans and the Father of Uic

farmers, elected its candidate for governor and in Sacred Heart have worked together with the secular

1918 came into control of the Legislature. Its le^ E!?®®*®' regulars and seculars combmed number 24.

lative measures coQtained provisions for establishmg The total number of nuns engaged in the manage-

a state-owned bank, termmal grain elevators, flour ment of schools, hospitals and canng for the ack m

mills, packing plants, public warehouses; for pur- their homes, is about 200. On account of a deplorable

chasing homes or farms under a building and loan as- emigration to foreign countries, especially to Amenca,