Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/642

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QTTiifPSB g26 Qxnxo

parishes, 314 churches, about 1000 chapels, 1 monas- the League Pro Pontifice et Ecclesia died at Chamb^ry

tery for men, 37 convents or residences for men, and 1 December, 1914, and in that yea^ also occurred the

154 for women. There are 1100 secular priests, 14 death of Comte Albert de Mun (q. v.), member of the

Jesuits and 3 lay brothens, 5 Benedictines, 142 Broth- French Academy, deputy for Finistdre, and founder

ens and 1625 Sisters. There are 2 upper seminaries of the CEuvre des Circles Catholiques d'Ouvriens.

(one being for the Missions of Haiti), and 1 lower During the war 766 ecclesiastics (priests and semina-

seminar3r with 150 seminarians in the upper seminary rians) were mobilised, of whom 100 were killed or

and 300 in the lower; Five colleges with 75 professors missing, 233 were cited in orders of the day with 379

and 1500 students. There are 2 normal schools, 1 citations, 15 were decorated with the cross of the

for boys with 4 teachers and 60 pupils, and 1 for g^ls. Lesion of Honor, 23 with the Midaille Militairej 10

with 5 teachers and 38 pupils. Two hundred and sixty with the MidaUle dea Epidemies, and a large number

teachers instruct 16,000 boys in 67 elementary schools received the Croix de Ouerre, Of the 17 army and navy

and 783 teachers instruct 30,000 girls in 180 schools, chaplains 14 were cited in orders of the day with 36

Charitable institutions include 16 asylumS; 28 hos- citations, and 7 received the cross of the Legion of

pitals. 3 refuges, 8 orphanages and 15 industrial Honor, schools. Four organizations exist among the clergy

and among the laity there are general associations such Quito, Archdiocese of (Quftensis, cf. C. E..

as the Jeunesse Catholique, the General Federation XII — 615c), Ecuador, has a Catholic population of

of Patrona^, the League of the Fathers of Families, 420,560, 81 parishes and 195 oriests. The present

the Cathohc Union, the Ligue Patriotique des Fran- bishop is Most Rev. Manuel Maria Polit, bom at

^ises, and the diocesan association for the Relief of Quito in 1862; he attained distinction as a lawyer and

War OrphanSj besides one. or two associations of publicist, became secretary to the Senate and deputy,

various kinds m each parish. The population of the entered the ecclesiastical state in 1890, made his

diocese is 809,771 Catholics. The see is still governed studies at the Latiu-American College, Rome, and at

by Rt. Rev. Adolphe- Yves- Marie Duparc, b. at St. Sulpice, Paris, was ordained in 1894, elected bishop

Liorient in 1857, ordained in 1880, elected 11 February, of Cuenca 11 Januaiy, 1907, consecrated 1 November

1908, in succession to Bishop Dubillard, promoted to following, promoted 17 June, 1918, in succession to

the see of Chambi^ry. The important events in the Mgr. Freoerico Gonzales y Suarez, d. 6 December,

diocese since 1911 include the coronation of the statue 1917. At the request of the Mercedarians the

of Ste. Anne at the famous shrine of Ste. Anne-la-Palue ancient and magnificent church of Our Lady of Mercy

in 1913, and the fourth Breton Marian Confess held was erected into a minor basilica by a decree of 2

at Folgoat in the same year, under the presidency of December. 1920. Under this title the Blessed Vir^n

the Rt. Rev. Bishop. Cardinal Dubillard, archbishop is invokea for protection from earthouakes, which

of Chamb6ry, former bishop of Quimper, president of acre so frequnt and so violent in Ecuaaor.