Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/672

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life. They give temporal service in taking care of Christian Brothers, convents of Presentation Nuns

presbyteries, apostolic schools, ecclesiastical colleges with 121 Sisters, 8 convents of Sisters of Mercy with

and seminanes, and homes for aged and retired priests. 88 Sisters, 25 seminarians, 1 college for men (St.

They have charge of the presbyteries of the Church of Bonaventiu^'s) with 12 teachers and 460 students,

St. Koch and the Basilica of Quebec, and the Apostolic 1 college for women (St. Bride's) with 14 teachers and

School of Notre Dame 'at Quebec. In Worcester, 141 students, 39 high schools, 1 Academy of Our Lady

Mass., they have a postulate, and the care of three of Mercy with 23 teachers and 450 girls, 2 training

presbyteries in Nashua, N. H. In all, they have schools forming departments of St. Bonaventure's

5 houses in Canada and 6 in the United States, and (16 students) and St. Bride's coUeges (35 students),

number 35 religious, of whom 17 are professed. 146 elementary schools with 420 teachers and 11,065

pupils, 1 industrial school with 152 pupils under the

Saint John, Diocese of (Sancti Joannib; cf . C. mstruction of 6 Brothers assisted by lay teachers, 1

E., XIII — 355a), in the Province of New Brunswick, hospital (St. Clare's) under the Sisters of Mercy,

Canada. The present administrator is the Rt. Rev. Belvedere Orphanage with 153 girli under the care

Edwuxi Alfred Le Blanc, b. at St. Bernard, Halifax, of the Sisters of Mercy, Mount Cashel Orphanage with

15 Oct., 1870, ordained 23 Dec, 1893, elected 2 152 bo^rs under the care of the Christian Brothers.

Aug., 1912, published 2 Dec, consecrated 10 Dec, All institutions are assisted by government grants,

following. He succeeded the Rt. Rev. Timothy The general hospital, poor asylum, lunatic asylum,

Casey, who was transferred to the Archdiocese of and sanitorium admit the ministry of priests. Organi-

Vancouver, 31 July, 1912. According to the statis- zations among the laity are the Benevolent Irish

tics of 1922 the diocese contains: 45 churches with Society, Total Abstinence Society, Star of the Sea

resident priests, 51 missions with churches, 57 secular Association, Holy Name Society, Knights of Colum-

priests, 23 regulars, 20 seminarians who are being bus, and other pious sodalities, educated in seminaries of other dioceses. Eklucational

and charitable institutions are: 1 college conducted Saint John's University, of Toledo, Ohio, was

by the Fathers of the Holy Cross, 4 academies, 3 opened in September, 1898, and incorporated as "St.

orphan asylums, 1 asylum for old people, 1 hospital. John's College" on 22 May, 1900. On 29 August,

The Catholic population numbers 65,000. 1903, the charter was amended and the institution

became "St. John's University." In September, 1908,

Saint John's, Archdiocese op (Sancti Joannts the Law Department was opened and the university

TBRRiB NoViB: cf. C. E., XIII--356b), in New- now consists of the Hi^h School Department. College

foundland. Most Rev. M. F. Howley, first arch- of Arts and Sciences, mcludinff a pre-medical depart-

bishop, died 16 October, 1914. He was succeeded by ment, and the Law School, which is a night school.

Most Rev. Edward Patrick Roche, who was bom in The university is conducted by the Jesuit fathere and

Placentia, Newfoundland, in 1874, received his early their usual course of training is followed. During the

education at St. Bonaventure's CoUege, St. John's, summer a course of studies is given for members of

and his ecclesiastical training at All Hallow's College, other religious orders wieJiing to attend, and during

Dublin, Ireland. Ordained priest in 1897, after some the winter an extension course of studies is given in

years of parochial work, he occupied successively the the evenings. A library of 5500 volumes is at the

posts of chancellor, administrator of the cathedral disposal of the students, and a Law Library of 1000

parish, and vicar general, and on the death of Arch- volumes. A bi-weekly paper, "The Gleaner," is

bishop Howley became administrator apostolic of published by the students. In 1921 the High School

the archdiocese. In 1915 he succeeded to the epis- Department registered 250 students under a faculty

copacy, being consecrated 29 June, and receiving the of 16; the College of Arts and Sciences, 39 students,

pallium on 12 December of that jear. Alread^r during faculty 15; Law School, 44 students, faculty 24.

the present episcopate a considerable addition has Rev. Francis X. Busch, S.J., is president of the

been made to St. Bride's College for young ladies, the university. Convent of the Presentation Sisters has been enlarged

by a new building, and the Presentation Schools of Saint Joseph, Diocese of (Sancti Jobephi; St. Patrick's, St. John's, have been replaced by cf. C. E.,XIII — 356d), in Missouri. The City of St. new and modern ones. A Memorial School, the Joseph has at present: 8 parishes with 13 resident Academy of Our Lady of Mercy for the higher eauca- pastors, each parish having a parochial school, tion of Catholic girls, honormg those Knights of attended by over 2000 pupils; a Catholic hi^ school Columbus who gave their lives during the Great War, for boys conducted by the Brothers of the Christian is equipped with all the latest educational require- Schools; a Catholic hi^ school for girls, conducted ments. Besides giving his attention to the completion by the Religious of the Sacred Heart; and an academy and embellishing of St. Patrick's Church, St. John's, and junior college for voung ladies, conducted by the the present archbishop has undertaken also the Religious of the Sacrea Heart; one hospital conducted important work of the restoration of the cathedral, by the Daughters of Charity of St. Vmcent de Paul. The communities of the Sisters of Mercy, as also Iiie City ofSt. Joseph has a Catholic population of those of the Presentation Nuns, formerly independent about 15,000. Outside of the city may oe mentioned houses, have been amalgamated into provinces with the Benedictine Abbey of Conception, established in a superior-general for each order. A new Catholic 1874. The Benedictine Fathers conduct a seminary hospital, St. Clare's, has been opened under the man- for their own students, and a classical college. For agement of the Sisters of Mercy. Two new convents the present several panshes and missions in the dio- have been established, many new schools built, the cese are attended by the Benedictines from Concention orphanages have been improved and enlarged, whUst Abbey. The mother-house and academy of the Bene- the archdiocese has benefitted much spiritually by dictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration is at Clyde; the erection of fourteen new churches and several new and at Maryville is the mother-house of the Francis- parishes. The episcopal palace of St. John's, the resi- can Sisters, who conduct hospitals at MaryviUe, dence of the archbishop, was destroyed by fire in Hannibal, and Moberly. An academy at Chillicothe February, 1921. A new building has been erected is conducted by the Sisters of St. Joseph, and one at to replace the venerable edifice buut in the year 1854. Moberly is conducted by the Sisters of Loretto.

The Catholic population of the archdiocese is 50,000, By a decree of the Sacred Congregation of the Con- all English-speaking. There are: 28 parishes. 27 sistory, dated Rome, 16 June, 1911, the territory con- churobes, 35 missions, 1 monastery for men witn 25 tained in the counties of Adair « C|ar]c, Knox, Lewis,