Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/690

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ecclesiastically administered by a vicar apostolic and are represented: Germans 15,000, Poles 6000, Bo- called the Vicariate Apostolic of Navigators' Islands hemians 12,000, Mexicans 75,000, negroes 1000.

^\h2'United States etill retains Tutuila and other A„!!S.f^!!? r ^^TTW^^^fn^l^iS^PMlV ishmds which for poHtia.1 reasons form a sepantte iS^'^/-£i.|i^"fef?^^t^SS^^if '^^'e

Broyer having died 27 October, ms. During the JSmh'diS'clta^^^fti^ioS! laf e&sf

6 congregations


is 8000. The whites number 1500^ natives, 37,000, San FranclBCO, Archdiocese of (Sancti Fran- and Chinese coolies 1500. There are: 15 parishes; cisoi; cf. C. E., XIII — 439c), in California. On 27 57 churches; 74 stations; 2 native priests; 15 Marist Dec.^ 1914. occurred the death of the Most Rev. Fathers; 9 teaching brothers ana 2 lay brothers; Patnck William Riordan. He was succeeded by the 21 European and 15 native Sisters; 15 high schools, Most Rev. Edward Joseph Hanna, b. at Rochester, with 25 teachers and 1091 pupils, of whom 576 are 21 July, 1860, ordained at Rome, 30 May, 1885, boys and 515 girls; 1 training scnool for catechists elected titular Bishop of Titopolis, 22 Oct., 1912, with 4 teachers and 35 students; 69 elementary and auxili^oy Bishop of San Francisco, consecrated schools with 69 teachers and 1293 pupils. A Catholic 4 Dec. following, and promoted 1 June, 1915, pub- periodical, O le Auauna," is published in the lished 6 Dec. following. According to the statistics native language. of 1922 the Catholics number about 364,826. All

races of Europe are represented. The archdiocese

Samogitla, Diocese of. See Zemaiti. contains 146 pajrishes^ 70 missions, 30 stations, 216

churches, 6 monastenes and 12 convents for men, 1

Ban Andres and Provldoncia, Prefecture Apos- monasteiy and 71 convents for women with about

TOLic OF, in Columbia, S. A. This prefecture was 1230 Sisters, 250 secular priests, 185 regulars, about

erected 20 June, 1912, and wasplacedm charge of the 200 lay brothers, 1 seminary with 260 seminarians.

Missionaiy Fathers of Mill Hill. The Very Rev. The educational institutions are: 2 universities, 75

Richard Turner was named first superior. No professors, 650 students; 8 higher educational institu-

statistics are available. tions for women, 161 teachers, 2391 students; 1 nor-

_ ^ . , _ ^ mal school; 2 training schools; 70 elementary schools.

Ban Antonio, Diocese of (Sancti Antoninh; about 840 teachers, and 15,500 students. Among the

cf. C. E., XIII — 424c), in Texas, suffragan of missionary works are several schools for the Japanese

New Orleans. The present bishop is Rt. Rev. and Chinese in San Francisco, and for the Indians in

Arthur Drossaerts, b. at Breda, 11 Sept., 1862, Lake and Mendocino counties. The following char-

ordained at Bois-le-Duc, 15 June, 1889, elected 18 itable institutions exist in the diocese: 3 homes, 5

July, 1918, consecrated at New Orleans, 8 Dec. asylums, 1 institution for the blind, 1 institution for

following succeeding Rt. Rev. John William Shaw, deaf-mutes, 7 hospitals, 2 refuges, 3 settlement

promoted to New Orleans. There are in the diocese houses, 7 day nurseries. The City and State prisons,

86 parishes, 180 churches, 94 missions, 66 mission insane asyliuns, etc., admit the ministry of priests,

stations, 1 monastery for women, 72 secular priests. The orphan asylums and 1200 children under the care

88 regulars, 47 lay brothers, 1349 Sisters. 3 seminaries of the Little Childrens' Aid are partly aided by the

and 165 semmarians. The educational institutions Government. The Eucharistic League has been es-

include: 4 colleges for women with 88 teachers and tablished among the clergy. The Holy Name Society

376 students, 14 academies with 220 teachers and for men exists m many parishes. A Catholic paper

2155 pupils (508 boys and 1647 girls), 2 training called **The Monitor" is published in the archdiocese,

schools with 19 teachers and 65 students, 71 element- Recently the Poor Clares and Bisters of the Third

ary schools with 236 teachers and 8128 pupils. The Order of St. Dominic have settled in the archdiocese.

A.^^^ Uo- ♦!,« *^ii^».: u— :*^ui- .'^-x.-L..... ^ ^ ».. . ^ . .^ Immaculate Heart of

parish. The following

„ . , ^ . . „ , ^^ since 1912: Rev. PhiUp

Shepherd, (57 mmates), 3 hospitals which took care O'Ryan, S.T.L., apologist in A.P.A. strufflde and

?nK uM^**^ peraons m 1921, 1 day nursery with organizer of the League of Holy Crosi

,_^ VI 1 - , , ' ' — o — o ^ Cross Cadets; Rt.

105 children and 32 orphans, a National Catholic Rev. Mgr. J. J. Prendergast, who was Vicar General

Commumty House for Mexicans. Connected with from 1878 to 1914. Dumig the war 10 priests served

the State Umversity is a Catholic students' club- as chaplains in the army, 5 overseas and 6 in camps,

house called Newman Hall. The following associa- The I&ghts of Columbus were active in the various

tions exist among the priests: the Eucharistic League camps.

and the Purgatorial Association. The laymen •

have organized the following associations: Knights of ^^^ Gabriel dell' Addolorata do ICaranon, Pbefbc-

Columbus, Catholic Knights, Holy Name Society, ture Apostouc of (S. Gabrieus de Vibcinb Per-

St. Vincent de Paul Society, Boy Scouts. A Catholic dolente), erected by a Decree of 27 February, 1921,

periodical called "The Southern Messenger," ia which divided the former prefecture of Sao Leon

published in the diocese. -It was founded and manag- de Amazonas, cutting off the regions which lie

ed by the late L. .William Menger. In October, around the Maraiion or Upper Amazon, and its

1919 a drive was planned to collect funds for a tributaries, within the limits of Peru, and extending

diocesan seminary which netted the sum of $132,000. as far as the rivers Huncway and Ancutiyo, ana

The building was erected in 1920. During the war erecting this territory into tht new prefecture. The

1 pnest served with the United States army overseas, district is chiefly populated with Indian tribes, and

1 wit*|i the Navy home service, 2 priests as Knights is entrusted to the Passionists. Rt. Rev. Atanasio

of Columbus chaplains. The diocese has a Catholic Jauregui was named first prefect apostolic. No

population of 140,000. The following nationalities statistics are published.