Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/698

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of good habits and the inculcation of virtues essential eaually sincere convictions — the only true democracy,

to good character. The Scout Movement appre- The twelfth point of the Scout Law is called by many

ciates and understands the sentiments and interests "the cardinal |>oint" in Scouting. Its sets forth the

which belong to the boy. These interests are met and foregoins principle as follows: He is reverent toward

satisfied by a program of activities so varied and so Grod. He is faithful in his religious duties and

broad that the true scout is always moving forward . respects the convictions of others in matters of custom

becoming keener in his capacity for observation ana ana religion. The receipt of the Letter from Cardinal

deduction and growing stronger as desirable habits are Gasparri, Papal Secretary of State, allayed any doubt

woven permanently into his character. The genius that remained in the mind of Catholics as to their

of scouting lies in its appeal to the boy. Scouting proper attitude toward Scouting. That letter bespeaks

makes a boy eager to learn. The scours recreation the full approbation for scoutine of His Holiness^ Pope

is the scours education. Scoutingf has proved an Benedict A V, and confers the Apostolic Blessmg on

excellent solution of the much-discussed boy problem, all those who further the Catholic Extension of the

The activities which every normal boy craves are Scout Movement under the auspcies of the eccleaias-

utilized in scouting for the making of a sturdy and tical authorities.

manly boyhood ^ the brightest promise of an honor- The National Council of the Bov Scouts of America able and lo^al citizenship. Yet scouting is not play, has more than played fair. In the early days of its it is a senous work. Scouting awakens a sense of organization it cordially endorsed the ^tablishment personal responsibility and stirs up in heart and mind of the Bureau of Catholic Extension of the Boy Scout the spirit of earnest devotion to duty. The scout Movement, which was organized with the approval promises on his honor to do his duty to God and to his of His Eminence, the late Cardinal Farley, by a country, to obey the scout law, to help other people group of Catholic men interested in boys' work: at all times and to keep himself physically strong, The creation of this Catholic Bureau for the handling mentally awake and morallv straignt. The scout is of the Boy Scout Movement among Catholics fur- trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, nishes us with a tremendously effective medium obedient, cheerful, thirfty, brave, clean and reverent, through which to aid in the oevelopment of that Be Pr^ared," is the scout motto. For what? master creation, high principles, clean and clear "For a Good Turn daily and for every emergency," thinking, independent manhood, is the answer. Parents, teachers, leaders of boys, have "Our National Catholic Societies can aid materially begun to see the movement in its clear light. They in this work. These organizations can best stimulate are recognizing in Scouting a distinct contribution to interest by stretching out a paternal hand, aiding the the happiness and welfare of the 'boy of today and to activities of the Scout troops not by sympathy only the community and civic prosperity of tomorrow. but by suppl3ang scoutmasters; men to take an active Scout activities constitute in their admirable variety part m troop athletics, hikes, etc. This is not the a splendid program of endeavor for every normal boy. work of any single society but the work of all. There Whether he m rich or poor, in school or facing his will be plenty to «o around. We must have a corn- first strug^e with the industrial or commercial world, bination of forces and we must eliminate waste scout activities offer him defijiite aims and positive energy. There must be more than idle words of purposes which hold his interests fast. These ac- commendation . . . there must be action." (N.C. tivities are almost beyond counting. Yet there is no W.C. Bulletin, Aug., 1919.)

coxifusion in their arrangement and presentation. This Bureau exists for the following purposes:

Each has a purpose, clear and definite, with its pecu- to promote the formation of Boy Scout troops among

liar appeal to the yoimg mind. The pro^ni of Catholic boys; to assist Local Scout Councils in

scout training meets a need vital to all organizations securing the co-operation of the Catholic authorities

for boys, touting succeeds where many other in their several communities* to bring to the at-

worthy efforts fail, for scouting keeps scouts busy, tention of pastors and others naving the direction of

The scout never loses spirit for want of something groups of Catholic boys, the benefits of the Scouting

interesting^ to do. T^ops do not disband because program; to stimulate among young men of the Church

membership is irksome. Under intelligent interpre- the desire for leadership as scoutmasters; in localities

tation and application the activities of the scout where there are no troops of Catholic boys, to assist

program do not fail to develop and to maintain the scoutmasters to understand and to execute the wishes

interests of aspiring young scouts. of the Catholic authorities concerning the religious

GnrfcTTT" duties of Catholic bojrs in other troops. In the

SCOUT execution of this program the Bureau will, from

The religious policy of the Scout Movement is time to time, issue such literature as may be neces-

clearly demied in Article III of the Constitution: sary, and will publish in the oflicial Scout publications

"The Boy Scouts of America maintain that no boy matters interesting or informatory to troops of

can grow into the best citizenship without recog- Catholic boys. Catholic scoutmasters, scoutmasters

recognizing his obligation to God. The recognition of who have CTatholic boys as members of their troops.

God as the ruling and leading power in the universe, and persons planning the organization of Local

and the grateful acknowledgment of His favors ana Councils, are mvited to consult with the Bureau in

blessings, is necessary to the best type of citizenship order that every facility for participation in Scouting

and a wholesome thing in the education of the growing may be opened to Catholic boys, which is the aim of

boy. No matter what the boy may be — Catholic, the Bureau.

Protestant, or Jev — this fundamental need of good Girl Scouts. — In the United States, Girl Scouts,

citizenship should be kept before him. The ^oy Incorporated, a national organization, consisting of

Scouts of America as an organized body recognizes girls between the ages of ten and eig^te^i, who meet

the religious element in the training of a boy, but it periodically to undergo training which shall prepare

is absolutely non-sectarian in its attitude toward them for a fuller life in their personal as well as

religious training. Its policy is that the religious social relations. The organization, patterned after

organization or institution with which the Boy the Girl Guides of England, the sister organization

Scout is connected shall give definite attention to of the Boy Scouts, was founded in March, 1912, by

his religious life." No argument is necessary'to show Mrs. Juliette Low of Savannah, Georgia. In 1915

the great good that can result from such a program the growth of the movement warranted its national

of ideal Americanism; sincere devotion to our own incorporation. Girl Scouts and their leaders, to the

best principles and respect for our fellow man in his number of 114,000, were in 1922 oiyanized in every