Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/713

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Since 1910 the mission has lost 3 of its zealous workers: attached by Germany to its former colony of the Frei Jucunds of Soliera, Frei Agatangelo of Spoleto Bismarck archipelago. The boundary which cut this and Frei Julio of Nova, whose deaths at the early prefecture in two remains. From being Anglo- ages of 42, 27, and 25 respectively were due to the German it has become Anglo- Australian, pmitics not hardships of such an undeveloped mission and the having taken into acooimt the real geographical situa- severity of the climate. The Fathers are supported tion or the new boundary which it makes necessary, entirely by alms from Propaganda and oinerent

societies in Europe^ The mission statistics for 1022 Soldmon I slands, Southebn, Vicabiatb Apos-

record: 20,000 Catholics; 4 parishes; 2 churches and tolic of; (cf. C. E., XIV — 138b). — By a decree of

12 chapels; 6 Capuchin Fathers and 1 lay brother; Rome, dated 1 June, 1912, the F^fecture Apostolic of

2 Catholic associations or circles^ 1 high school with the Southern Solomon Islands was erected as a Vica-

20 pupils; 2 primary schools with 30 pupils. The riate Apostolic with new boundaries including, Ysabel,

government aoes not contribute to the support of New Georgia, Guadalcanar, Florida, Malaita, San

these schools. The first and present prefect apostolic Christoval. Santa Cruz and adjacent islands. A

is Frei Evanselist, b. at Cefalonia, Italy, on 5 Maye brief dated 2 June, 1912, appointed Rev. J. M. E.

18S2, enterea the Capuchins in 1898, and was mad, Bertreux, S. M., Vicar Apostolic of the new Vicariate

superior of the mission and prefect apostolic in and titular Bishop of Musti. He was consecrated

September, 1910. He resides at Tonantins. at Nantes, France, 28 Oct., 1912. Bishop Bertreux

_ died cat Rua Sura 4 Jan., 1919. His successor

Solomon Islands, Northern, Prefecture Apo&. „ the Rt. Rev. Louis Marie Rancaz of the Marist TOLIC OF (Inbularum SALOMONiCARtTii; cf. C. E.. Congregation and titular Bishop of Telepte. He XIV— 138a), comprises (1) the islands of Choiseul ^^^ b. at Verrons-Arvey, 1 Feb., 1879, professed and Shortland in the British Protectorate, the island 15 June, 1902, left for the Solomon Islands 6 Sept., of Isabel being since 1912 included in the Vicariate 1903^ elected bishop 13 July, 1920; named Vicar Apostolic of the Southern Solomon Islands; (2) the Apostolic of the Southern Solomon Islands, 16 July, late German islands of Bougainville, Buka and other 1920 consecrated at Sydney 27 Dec., 1920, and small islands presumably under the Australian published 16 Dec., following. In spite of the death administration and included politically in the New of several priests and Sisters of the mission, victims Guinea territory. The first prefect apostolic, Mgr. of the unhealthy climate of these islands, much pro- Joseph Forestier, appointed m 1898. died 3 May. gress has been made in evangelising the natives, es- 1918, after a humble hidden hfe of suffenng and peciaUy those of the islands of Guadalcanar, San sacrifices, in realisation of his motto. "Good makes Christoval and Malaita. At the end of the year no noise, noise does no good." He had spent eighteen 1921 the mission comprised: 12 Marist Fathers, 3 years in the Solomon Islands, having previously i^y brothers, 12 nuns of the Third Order of Mary, labored in Samoa for fifteen. The present vicar is g churches. 109 chapels, 8 schools for boys (410 Rt. Rev. Maurice Boch, S. M., elected 18 May, 1920, pupils) 5 schools for girls (276 pupils). The Catholics who makes his residence at roporag on Shortland. number 3866, neophytes 2275. Malaria, black- water fever and dysentery are prev- alent in these islands and all the missionaries who Solsoaa, Diocese of (Celsonbnsis; cf. C. E., came to establish the mission in 1898 have been XIV— 138), in Lerida, Spain, suffragan of Tarragona, carried off by disease. The sanitary conditions are is governed by Mgr. Valentin Comdlas y Santamana now improving owing to the clearing of land and as Apostolic Administrator. Mgr, Comellas, who suc- drainage of swamps. The missionaries' chief dim- ceeded Bishop Benlloch y Vidal (raised to the culty is the learning of native languages and dialects, cardinalate 7 March, 1921), on 18 December, 1919, which are numerous and difficult. ^as b. at Caserras, in the Diocese of Solsona on 6

The native Catholic population in 1922 is 3024, but June, 1861. The diocesan statistics for 1921 record

there are only eight Catholics among the white 150 parishes; 480 churches, chapds and oratories; 1

population, which consists chiefly of government seminary with 98 seminarians; 1 home for the aged;

officials and plantation overseers. There are 2 10 hospitals; 12 parish magazines, 1 official eccl^ias-

churches, 8 districts, 11 stations, 14 regular priests tical bulletin, 8 Catholic weeklies. Only the Gov-

(Marists), 8 Sisters, 2 lay brothers, 3000 catechumens, emment schools receive State aid, but they are

6 training schools for catechists, with 80 students, entirely Catholic, as are the inhabitants. The fol-

16 elementary schools with 809 pupils taught by lowing are the religious institutes not already men-

9 priests and 7 Sisters, 1 industrial school with 20 tioned in C. E., toe. cit.: men, Franciscans (Berga);

pupils, 8 orphanages in connection with the Sisters' Brothers of the Christian Schools (Berga and Mol-

schools, 9 dispensaries. Among the cler^ the Apostle- lerusu); Dominicans (Apostolic School, Solsona);

ship of Prayer, the Association of Pnests Adorers, Capuchins (Tarrega): women. Pious Institute of

the Lea^e of Priestly Holiness, and the St. Joseph Charity; Sisters of the Blessed Virgin; Josephines

Association for the Agonizing have been organized. (Cwdoza); Franciscan Tertiaries of the Sacred

and among the laity the Apostleship of Prayer and Hearts of Jesus and Mary (Villanova: Miralcamp);

the Confraternity of Mount Carmel. Servants of the Passion (PoUa de Lillet); in all 46

On 30 December, 1914, occured the death of Rev. religious houses, with 438 religious, of whom 198 are

Joseph Bertet, S.M., a victim of his zeal in evangeliz- Sisters, ing Choiseul. He was only 29 and had been onlv

two years on the mission . Rev . Charles Flaus, S . M . , d. . Sonda Islands, Prefecture Apostouc of

29 December, 192(). at Rockhampton, Queensland, (Insularum Sund>e Minorum), in Oceania, was

of disease contracted during his 10 years of ai)ostolate. erected 16 September, 1913, ana entrusted to the

He had been one of the founders of this mission, to Fathers of the Divine Wonl. Rev. Peter Noyen

which he came from Fiji, where he had spent seven of that congregation is the first prefect. The statis-

years and was sent to Germany to found a house of tics for 1920 report 45,700 Catholics, served by 24

missionaries at Meppen in Hanover. After five years Fathers of the Divine Word, 15 lay brothers, 4

he returned to the Solomon Islands in 1905, to resume Jesuit Fathers, 6 lay brothers, 17 Franciscan Sisters

his labors, but his strength failed and he had to go from Heijthuizen, Holland, 6 Sisters Servants of the

to Australia where he continued his work for souls. Holy Ghost from Uden, 64 Catholic schools with

On 10 December, 1914, an Australian fleet arrived 5978 boys and 4308 girls. The residence is at

at Ricka to take possession of Bougainville, an island l^avantocka, island of Flor^^