Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/718

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&PAm 702 flPAlK

In addition, the Soviet Constitution^' provides of 1910 ^ve 19,950,817 inhabitants, but the estimated

for so-called "Soviets of Deputies." These are population in 1919 was 20,738,844. organised in the following way: In cities, one Agriculture. — ^The soil of Spain is subdivided

deputy is elected for each one thousand inhabitants, among a very large number of proprietors. In 1919.

The total number of deputies is not less than fifty 3,300,965 acres were under vines and produced

and not more than one thousand members. Other 7,914,252,192 pounds of grapes; in 1918, 3.852,910

settlements, such as towns and villages, of less than acres under ohves 3rieldea 1,403,831 i>oim(is. Silk

ten thousand inh^itants, elect one deputy for each culture is carried on in Valencia, Murcia, and other

one hundred inhabitants, the total being not less provinces. There are 26 cane suigar factories and 40

than three and not more than fifty deputies. The beet sugar factories in Spain. The production in 1917

term of the deputy is only for three months. The totalled 80,034,580 kgs. The normal agricultural

Soviets of Deputies, in turn, elect Executive Com- production in 1919 was: wheat, 70,352,992 bushels;

mittees to deal with current affairs. These Com- barley, 35,623,758 bushels; rye, 11,835,142 bushels;

mittees are also accountable to the Soviets which maise, 12,882,452 bushels; oats, 9,555,392 bushels;

elect them. This complicated and clumsy govern- total, 140,249,736 bushels. Oil, 255,202 tons; wine,

mental system makes it impossible to administrate 643.904,788 gallons.

governmental affairs in a way that would be more Fishbries. — In the Spanish fisheries the total

or less efficient. Conflicting decrees are issued by number of boats employed in 1917 was about 15,293,

the hundreds of different local Soviets. Moreover, o^ which 751 were steamers; fishermen, 86,287; the

even within the central state organization contra- value of catch about 87,229,047 peseUu, representing

dictory orders are given by the Soviet of People's » ^^ weight of 135,607 tons. The most miportant

Commissars, the AU Russian Central Executive catehes are those of M^es, tunny fish, and ood.

Committee and the All Russian Congress of Soviets P SP*^ **^ere are 677 factories, with 19,320 workmen

—the three bodies acting in a large degree inde- ^o' *he preparation of sardines and fish-preseives.

pendently one from the other, flie Commissars , Religion. —Itehgipus hberty prevads m Spain,

themselves have admitted on various occasions that S** **^?, ^H®-.?*PHiS**°.^ ®^?^Pntn^'i9^ ^^^i,i^

such a system of government is bound to result in ^^^ Catholic faith. The law of 1910 aUows the PubUc

a complete paralysis of the governmental machine, e*?'?^ ^^ ^ ^^ ^ Spam. In the year 1919 Uie

Thus, Nevsky, formerly Commissar of Ways and rel^Pous orders in Spain numbered 807 oommuniUcs

Communications, and Rykoff, in charge of the ^V"^^"" "^"^ ^^rr rT'"^'Q7^,L^o°T^ ""I .^

Supreme Council of National Economy, L far back ^^S\o^ was 9667; of female 37,849. Some of th^

rovL^'.:i^fri&t!U?^^^^^^ mSsTresSLrrd^^^^^^^^

f.,r^*f L • ?^if ® *^^"°* of the shortcom- ^ ^ , ^ j^ j^ ^ ^^ profitable or

'T ^♦]*%^'1 ^^^' picturing m the darkest cultivated, and erected monasteriw there after

colors the state of Russian economic life. the nSmner df the MiSS^ or of the enenjeUc

In spite, however, of these warmngs. and the m^JonariM i^ the Fm- Weat^^

Sifinh^/^n'f^.fl n^f^rilnL^Hflir^n^^^^ EBucATioN.-Thc elaborate system of education

which IS m a state of complete decay, no measures ^.^eated by the law of 1857 has not been rigidly en-

^^n a^^.^ M°P^^ ^ w-P^^ *^^ situation In j^,^^ ^ut various improvements have been^ff^ted,

various countriM revolutionary movements have especiillly by a law of 9 June, 1909, which made edu'

been accomp^ied by attempts to set up Soviets catJon obli^tory. The country is ivided into eleven

of rebellious Workers and Soldiers' Deputies The education J districts with the Universities as centres,

notonous Communist rule m Hungary (1918-19), There are seventeen government schools of com-

under liie dictatorship of Bela Cohen (Kuhn), M- ^erce, and the national government maintains

sumed the shape of a Soviet administration. In twenty-five manual training schools. There are also

the same way, m November, 1918, the mutmous 26,103 public schools and 6669 private schools, with

sailors of the German fleet, after an upnsmg m 2,604,308 pupils. Besides the 58 secondary insUtu-

Kiel, organized a Council or Soviet of Workmen, tions, or middle class schools, there are 253 annexed

Soldiers and Sailors. This revolutionary outbreak schools or coUffios, preparatory to the cultural

was followed by a smular Soviet movement in institutions. Educational conditions in Spain are

Hamburg and other ports and German mdustnal improving. In 1917 the amount expended by the

districts. By the Fall of 1918, Soviets were estab- Government upon primary education was $6,894,235,

lished in nearly every center of importance in an increase of 33 per cent since 1902; on secondary

Germany, and their tactics became identified with education, an increase of 48 per cent; on special

the agitation for world revolution and the destruc- schools of 161 per cent. The appropriation for uni-

tion of the capitalist regime in Germany itself, versity education in 1916 was twice that of 1902. By

The German Soviet movement, similar to that in royal decree of 25 August, 1917, there was organised

Russia, was dominated by the Bolshevist faction, with the Ministry of Public Instruction a foundation

which is known in Germany as the Spartacus group for the study and encouragement of the education of

(q. v.). The Soviet system both m Russia and deaf mutes, the blind and the mentally abnormal,

elsewhere expresses practically the program of The establishment of the Commission for the Enlarge-

proletarian dictetorship. ment of Studies and Scientific Investigations, La Junta

Fbankb. Di4 Wahrheit ueber Riudand (Beriin. 1920); *The BoC- lectual and religious tendencies of Spain, is of doubtful

tififtf* «!»«*«> RoU of Manaa^9andRuler»Vxn RuBsian, Tokio. value as the Universities are really deprived of initia-

1919); Mefnorandum on the BoUhevut or Communttt Party tn a-,^ „«j r««u»^^w« Tf fn.«>*^«>fa fiv^oniok ofn/lAVki-a ;»

RtuBia and it» RdaUons to the Third or CommuniH intematumaU ^^e and freedom. It Supports bpanish Students m

and to the Sovieta (Washington, D. C, 1920). foreign coimtnes and encoura^es new types of educa-

BoRiB Brabol. tional institutes as well as scientific ana sociologicai


Spain (cf. C. E., XIV — 169b). — ^The kingdom has CHARnr. — In 1919 there were sixty-three hospitals

an area of 190,050 sq. m., but including the Balearic in the capitals of ihe country, Madrid has eight:

and the Canary Islands and the Spanish possessions I^ovindaL Princesa, Clinico de San Carlos, San Juan

in Africa, the total area is 194,783 sq. m. The census de Dios, Nino Jesus, V. O. T. de San Francisco, Jesus