Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/733

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Prix LangCf by the French Academv, and the govern- is in the seaport city of Ic^uiqu^, an important ship- ment conferred upon her the medal of honor, gold ping point for nitrate, with a nopulation of 47.000 medal of Madagascar and the rosette of an Officier (1918). In Iquique there are the mother church of d^Acadhmie, in recognition of the signal services ren- the Immaculate Conception, three oth^r parishes, dered to the sick andwounded of the French Army by and seven chapels. In the saltpetre district there are her and her community, and for their devotion to the ten rural churches near the mines which the ^tstors moral and religious progress of the Malgaches. visit periodically. One of these churches, that of The vicariate now (1922) coimts a total of 108,(XX) Pica, nas five dependent churches. In the Andes with baptized Catholics, 6 jsarishes in the city of Tanana- an elevation of 20(X) to 4500 meters above sea level rive, 362 churches besides 50 houses where the faithful there are four parish churches, one of which is San gather to practice the Faith^ 12 convents 6i women. Lorenzo de Tarapacd. These churches from date 44 missionary priests, 133 Sisters^ 40 Brothers, 20 of colonial expansion of the sixteenth and seventeenth whom are Brothers of the Christian Schools, 1 semi- centuries and their monuments and stone buildings nary, 35 seminarians, 1 college for boys with 290 stu- recall a state of ancient grandeur. The^r oweid dents, 1 for girls, 119 elementary schools with 179 their importance to the great traffic wmch re- teachers and 17,702 pupils, 1 hosmtal, 10 homes, 12 suited in the exploitation of these mines and those of workhouses and 6 orphanages. The two civil nos- Bolivia. Now these places, with the exception of pitals and 1 leprosy hospital admit the priestsji^hen it Pica and succursals, are poor villages of Indians, who is requested. On 8 R' of Arc was celebrated rive.

^ ,^ ,, , . ^ 7 lay brothers: Salesian Sisters, Oblates of the Tanganlka, Vicariate Apostolic , of, m former gacred Heart, Sisters of the Good Shepherd, and Geipan East Africa, now under a British mandate, sistera of Charity of St. Joseph of Cluny; a "Colegio confided to the White Fathers with residence at Notre j^j^ Bosco," of the Salesiaft Fathere, with 300 boys, a Dame deKarema. The vicar apostohc IS Mgr. Joseph- "Colegio de Maria Auxiliadoia," of the Salesian Marie Birraux, b. at Bemex, Fraiice, 27 Novembe r, Sistera with 300 girls; 5 elementary schools with 430 1883, novice at Maison Carree, ordamed at Carthage, pupils, i orphanage, 1 House of Correction for women 1908, missionary at Tanganika 1911. At the declara- n^ by Sisteracf Good Shepherd, partly supported tion of war the tern tory of the vicariate was a German ^y the Government: 1 hospital attended by the Sisters colony and the missionaries were mtemed but were ^f gt. Joseph of Cluny: La ReparacUm Sacerdotal later given their hberty, probably through fear of the ^nd Hermanos de San Pedro for the clergy and numer- nativMjth ey suffered grjBat privations until the arrival ©us societies for the laity; '1a Luz," a rdigious weekly of the English and Belgians. In 1919 Father Birraux ^^^1 "^^8 Cuestiones Sociales," a social weekly, are was attacked by grippe and he left for Aleiers on the published besides numerous leaflets and tracts of advice of the doctor. Returning, he was elected vicar pjous and social propaganda. The important events apostolic and titular bishop of Ombus 22 April, 1920, ^^ 1912 besides the consecration of the vicar and was consecrated at Bemex 23 June following, m apostolic were the foundation of the Oblates of Sacred mhabitants of the distnct number about 3,000,000 ^eart and their chapel in the diocese, and the erection negroes, 18,871 of whom are converted Catholics, ^f ^ chapel of St. Peter in Cavancha, a suburb of There are 13 missions, 13 churches, 13 stations, 6 iquique. convents of women, 30 White Fathers, 10 lay broth- ers, 1 seminary with 65 seminarians, 4 of whoni are in Tarasona, Diocbbb of (Tirsonbnsis; cf . C. E.. theological studies, 241 elementary schools with 255 XIV — 452b), includes part of the provinces or teachers and 16,906 pupils. Zaragoza, Sovia, Navarra and Logrono and is suf-

Tara^ Archdiocese of (Tarbntinensis; cf. ^^l^^^o^'^S^^^^^oSoiih^mo^ £1 f-L-^Y"";^^' m southern Italy. The see is ^f Tudela, which has been suppressed since 1851. filled by Most Rev.^ Omzio Mazz^, bom m the ^he preset bishop is Rt. Rev. Isidoro Badia y diocese of Beigventom 1^0, appomtedtitulw Bishop Serradell, b. at Isona, diocese of Urgel, 26 April, of Cyme 11 Febniap;, 1896, promoted to the arch- iggs ordained 1890, elected titular bishop of Ascalon diocese of Rossano 24 March, 1898, made an ajastant ^^ kuxiliaiy to the Cardinal Arohbishop of Toledo at the pontifical throne 15 Febraary,lW^ 9 Janua^, 1903, administrator of Barbastro, 3 ^rred to Taranto 14 April, 1917. He succeeded Mos* j^ j^' transferred to Tarazona 27 July, 1917, Rev. Giuseppe Cecchmi, who filled the see from 1W9 ^ ^Jcceed Mgr. Ozcoidi y Udave, deceased. Mgr. until his death, 17 December 1916. The diocese j^^^ Qzcoidi y Udave was bom at Pamplona 30 comprises, according to latest statistics: 27 parishes, December, 1850, studied at Calahorra and Pamplona, 336 churches, 1 monastery for women, 4 convents for ^^^^ ^^^ ^^ Tarazona 14 December, 1905, con- men and 3 for women, 162 secular pnests, 15 Brothers ^^^ ^ Cathedral of Vitoria, July. 1906, to succeed 170 Sisters, 1 seminary, 10 seminarians. 1 higher ^ Salvador y Berrera, transferred^; died 9 October, school for boys with 40 students, 3 i^orgu-ls with j^fg Bishop Ozcoidi restored the church of La students, 1 professional school with 4 t^hers axid Magdalena, promoted the publication of unedited ^ .^JU^^i^',^ f^^o r**^ f^"^}^ with 26 teachera ^^ ^^ tiie Venerable Mana de Agreda and new and 1000 students, 2 homes, 4 Mylums and 3 hospitak^ corrected editions of her other writings, founded One society is formed among the clergy and about 100 . . . . o-» . different associations are orfl

Diocesan and inter-parochial ^^

The population of the diocese numbers about 202,860. M^^rf^'^hoolT hTlSfwo, ^^dT^rt^l^l^hooli

Tarapacft, Vicariate Apostolic of (cf. C. E., for poor boys in Tarazona. The death occurred

XIV — 416b), in Northern Chile. The present recently of Father Albericio, prebei^dary canon for

vicar is Mgr. Jos^ Maria Caro Rodriguez, born at sixty years, who wrote a Latin grammar and con-

Cahuil, diocese of Santiago de Chili, 15 November, structed a wagon-road up to the Sanctuary of Our

1866. studied at South American College. Rome. Lady of Moncayo, situated on the mountain of that

ordained 1890, elected titular bishop of Myiasa and name, 1650 metres above the sea-level. The im-

Vicar Apostolic of Tarapadl 5 January, 1912, and portant happenings in the diocese since 1912 were the

consecrated 28 April, 1912. The episcopal residence opening of the process of beatification of Fr. Ezequiel