Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/735

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and Junia. By a decree of 10 September^ 1921, the resident priests, a great scarcity of clergy having been

boundaries on the side of the Upper Sohmoes were caused by the revolutionary decree wnich expelled

somewhat changed. Teff6, Fonte-Boa and San all foreigners. In addition to these churches are a

Felippe have resident vicars, two other missionaries number of public sanctuaries and chapeb, making

are charged with the orphanage and industrial school, in all about 150. Before the Revolution three schools

and a third acts as rector of the seminary at Teff^. for girls were conducted by the Josephine Sisters, and

This seminary was established in 1920. and the fol- a school under the Marist Brothers was established at

lowing year a college for boys was added to it, and Tehuantepec. All of these schools, with the exception

Elans are being made to have Brothers established of one, have been suppressed since 1914, and this one ere in 1922. The only priest from this territory is in course of suppression by being converted from a ordained yet, is Rev. Manuel Alemar, a former pupil Catholic to a lay school. A preparatory school for of the industrial school, ordained in Paris in 1913. boys destined for the seminary is conducted in the Rev. Constant Tastemin, secretary to the Prefect, new episcopal residence, and a school for girls is to be is noted for his knowledge of languages as well as his added to this and entrusted to the Sisters. The geo^phical and ethnographical studies. In 1920 he seminary, which was founded in 1912, had four pro- received a gold medal from the Paris Geographical fessors and 130 students distributed through four Society and in 1922 a dictionary and grammar of the courses, but in 1914 the military authorities converted Tnpy language, published in Vienna twelve years it into a hospital. The present bishop is Rt. Rev. before, was traxislated and published by the Museimi I^nacio Placencia y Moreira, bom at Zapopan in the of Sfio Paulo, in Brazil. He has made numerous col- diocese of Guadalajara in 1867, studied at the seminary lections of the vocabularies of the many native Ian- in that diocese and later served as a professor there, guages, and placed them in the hands of Monsieur was made a pastor in 1904, became secretary to the Rivety a pro^ssor in ^e Paris Museum, for future bishop, then prebendary canon of the cathecfral, and publication. By latest statistics the territory has was appointed bishop 15 September, 1907. three parishes, 5 churches, 6 missions, 2 mission sta- tions, 2 convents of men, 1 secular and 10 regular Telase (or CERRETo-SANNrrA), Diocesb of der^ (Fathers of the Holv Ghost), 1 seminary, 5 (Thelesinensis or Cerretanbnsis; cf. C. E., seminarians, 4 higher schools for boys, 1 professional XIV — 476d), in the province of Benevento, Southern school with 10 teachers and 40 students, 2 elementary Italy, suffragan of Benevento, with episcopal residence schools with 2 teachers and 45 pupils. Four of the at Cerretoh^annita. Rt. Rev. Angelo-Michele schools receive assistance from the Government, two Jannachino. appointed to this see 29 November, 1895. organizations are formed amon^ the laity and a bi- retired ana was transferred to the titular see oi monthly bulletin, O Missionario,'* is published. Lorea 12 January, 1918. His successor was ap-

d T> pointed in the person of Rt. Rev. Giuseppe Signore,

Tegglano, Diocese op. See Diano bom in Monteroni in 1872, made a canon and rector

ir«<r«M<rai««« K^ ^,«^«» ^« /Tw-^^oATTi-i^TOToN of tho scnunary, aud appoiuted bishop 20 Juuc, 1918.

^\*?'^!?.t'K.^\S^'?.^L?r ^^^^^^.^'^ By latest stat^tics theToc«« compiLs 24 pa'rishes,

01 2 i^eoruaiy, i«io it waa oivmea mio inree pan* ^ ^^ 22 pupils, 1 home, 7 ablins and 1 refuge

and the eastern part was made the Archdiocese of q^^ association iL organiz^ among the clergy and

Tegucigalpa. It comprises the avil provinces of ^^ ^ ^j^^ ^^^ ^During the World War^ the

Voro, Comayagua, La Pf, Valle Tegucigalpa, Cho- ^ ^g ^^ ^^ ^y^^ ^j^^^ ^j^ ^ ^^^^^ ^^

lutcca, El Paraido and Oloucho. By the same ^^^^^ ^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^ charitable and patriotic

Decree the western part of the old diocese was ^^rj^a at home, formed into the new diocese of Santa Rosa de

Capan, and the northern part becaine the Vicariate Temlskamlng, Vicariate Apostolic of. See

Apostolic of San Pedro Sula. The new diocese Haileybury, Diocese of and the vicariate are suffragans of Tegucigalpa.

Most Reverend Jaime-Maria Martinez yCaba- Tenoilif e (or San Cristobal do Laquna), Dio-

cas, born m Honduras, 12 November, 1842, ap- ^,jjgj, qj. (Tenerifensis or Sancti Christophori db

pointed Bishop of Comayagua, 30 January, 1902, Laquna; cf.C.E., XIV— 507a), comprises the Islands

was prompted to be first archbishop of Tegucigalpa ^f Xeneriffe, Gomera, La Pahna and Hiemo in the

by the Decree of erection. Upon nis death, 11 Canaries. It is a suffragan of Seville and has its

August, 1921, the government ordered that he episcopal residence at Santa-Cruz. Rt. Rev. Nicolas

should be buned with military honore, and that Ray y Redondo, appointed to this see 21 May. 1894,

three days of public mourning ehould be observed. <jied 6 September, 1917, and was succeeded by Rt

His successor has not yet been appointed (1922), i^ev. Gabriel Llompart y Santandreu, bom in Inca

and no statistics are published for the archdiocese, in the Balearic Lsdands in 1862, appointed bishop 17

^ .^ May, 1918. The diocese has a Catholic population

Tehuantepec, Diocese of (Tehuantbpbcbnsis; of 260,707 and by 1920 statistics counts 184 parishes,

cf. C. E., XIV--473C), m the State of Oaxaca, Mex- divided among 10 archpresbyteries, 104 pnests, 60

ico,suffraganofAntequera. By a decree of 1 August, churches, 184 chapels and 18 convents with 52

1919, the canton of Tuxtlas in the State of Vera Crua religious and 229 Sisters, was added to the diocese. This new territory adds

about 27.000 miles to the diocese and comprises 9 Tennessee (cf. C. E., XIV — 508b). — The area of

cities ana 500 villages, with a total population of the State of Tennessee is 42,022 square miles. In

200,000. The episcopal residence has been trand- 1920 the population was 2,337,885, an increase of 7%

ferred to San Andres Tuxtla, and this change having since 1910. Of this, 26.1% was urban; 73.9% was

been approved in 1920, one of the parochial churches rural. The average number of inhabitants to the

of this city has been erected into a temporary cathe- square mile was 56.1, as against 52.4 in 1910. Be-

drsd, awaiting the construction of a new cathedral, sides the 1208 civil districts, there are also 236 second-

The city and the whole diocese are dedicated to St. ary divisions, comprising 28 cities, 202 towns, and

Andrew the Apostle, and the Immaculate Conception. 6 villa^s. The largest cities are: Memphis 162,351;

The parish churches number 32, of which only 22 have Nashvdle 118,342; Knoxville 77,818; Chattimooga