Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/737

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TBSE8A 721

Gianetti from 18 June, 1902, until his death 21 cf. C. E., XIV—- 518b), in the province of Rome,

February, 1920. He was succeeded by Rt. Rev. Italy, directly subject to the Holy See. This see is

Settimio Quadraroli who was appointed in September, at present vacant, Rt. Rev. Domenico Ambrosi,

1921. The statistics of 1920 credit the diocese with who filled it since 1899, having died 17 August, 1921.

130,000 Catholics, 124 parishes, 210 secular and 23 These three united dioceses embrace a Catholic popula-

r^gular der^, 40 semmarians, 381 churches and tion of 70,000, and according to 1920 statistics in-

cmipelSy 11 Brothers and 15 Sisters. elude 25 parishes, 89 secular and 20 regular clergy,

15 seminarians, 13 Brothers, 98 Sisters and 62 chunfes

Teresa of the Child Jesus, Sister, Carmelite of and chapels.

saintly parents, Louis and Z^lie Martin, both of / AlVw^«^^i:oJo^ ttL^^ ;« Sii-wTk^ h* vt^^

whom hid^^ to consecrate their lives to God in i^,^Tn?!?^i; i7ps,.S^ hn^^ R^^aJ^t i^'

the cloister. The vocation denied them was given 5^- J^^Ju^ "L^^ ^^

to their children, five of whom became reUriousTone f tudied m the diocesan semin^, served as a pro-

in the VisitatioA Order and four .in the ^amleUte ^^.^^'Se?: fe ^^^^^

Convent at Lisieux. Brousht up m an atmosphere \- .»-^vcuiwc*, ac^w. am^w»wmw**v pvi^««*wY** v* v**^

of faith where every virtue aSd aspiration were ^^^ ""T^H IS^^OO^, and it comprises 104

carefX nui^ ind developed, W vocation Irishes divided among 6 archpr^bytenes, 250

maSed itSfwh^ she was^ifi only a child. Pneste 252 churches or chapels and 15 convents

SS^byThe Ben^ctkieT, when she was fifteen "l^^u^ J^^^^^L^^ ^'^^' ^Ibarracm is

she appUed for jsermission to enter the CarmeUte ^'^^^ ^^^ ^3 parishes.

Convent, and bemg refused by the superior, went to Testimonial Letters. See Novice Rome with her father, as eager to give her to God as

she was to give herself, to seek the consent of the Texas (cf. C. E., XIV — 543a). — The area of the

Holy Father, Leo XIII, then celebrating his jubilee. State of Texas is 262,398 square miles of land and

He preferred to leave the decision in the hands of the 3498 square miles of water. In 1920 the population

superior, who finally consented and on 9 April, was 4,663,228, an increase of 19.7 p^r cent since

1888, at the unusual age of fifteen. Th^rdse Martin 1910. Of this 32.4 was urban; 67.6 was rural,

entered the convent of Lisieux where two of her Texas has 171 cities, of which the largest are Dallas

sisters had preceded her. The account of the eleven 158,976; Fort Worth 106,482; San Antonio 161,379;

years of her religious life, marked by signal graces Houston 138,276.

and constant growth in holiness, is given by Sceur Economic Status. — According to the Summaiy of

Th^r^ in her autobiography, written in obedience Manufactures, issued by the Census Bureau in 1919,

to her superior and published two years after her there are in Texas 5724 establishments, with 131,389

deatii. In 1901 it was translated into English, and in persons engaged in manufacture, earning in wages

1912 another translation, the first complete edition and salaries 1147,908,000, and tuminj; out products

of the life of the Servant of God, containmg the auto- worth $999,996^000. The capital invested was

biography, "Letters and Spiritual Counsels," was $588,797,000. Texas ranks high agriculturally, the

publii£ea. Ite success was immediate and it has chief crops in 1920 beins: maize 174,200,000 bushels;

passed into many editions, spreading far and wide wheat 15,925,000 bushels; oats 44,100,000 bushels;

the devotion to uiis ^'little saint of simplicity, and rice 9,554,000 bushels. The yield of cotton in 1920

abandonment in God's service, of the perfect accomp- covered 12,576 acres; and the crop was 4,200,000

lishment of small duties. The fame of her sancity bales, valued at $227,200,000. In January, 1^1,

and the many miracles performed through her inter- the State had 1 ,187,000 horses, 792,000 mules, 1 ,184,-

cession caused the introduction of her cause of 000 milch cows, 4,457,000 other cattle, 3,069,000

canonization only seventeen years after her death, sheep, and 2,427,000 swine; the wool clip in 1919

10 June, 1914. amounted to 14,986,000 pounds.

Edith Donovan. The resources of the oanks in 1919 amounted to

„ , ^, « « r« T $723,257,000. According to the report of the U. S.

Teresian Sister. See Saint Teresa op Jbsus, Comptroller of the Treasury there are in the State

SociBTY OP 834 State banks, 73 trust companies, 38 private

  • Poi>i4»<H n»r.^«.o» r.« Qz^ iiir.T»i»i^A T'«»T««,FT banks, and 510 national banks. The total wealth of

.Jp^«.?,!? See Molpetta, Tbrlizzi the Stkte is $3,128,819,287. In 1919 the bonded debt

AND UioviNAZzo ^^ $4,002,000; the bonds being held entirely by

Tormoli, Diocese op (Thbrmularum; cf. C. E., State educational and charitable funds. The aa-

XIV— 518a) , in the province of Campobasso, southern sfssed value of real PJopertywM $2,060,602,300, and

Italy, suffragan of JBenevento. This see is filled by of personal property $939,898,582.

Rt. Rev. Rocco Caliandro, bom in Ceglie Messapica, REUoioN.--The Census Bureau's figurg. for 1916

Italy, in 1872, served as vicar general and canon K^^J^® ^^^^ °^ ^^P^J?^^ 55 ^,^»^^^

theologian of Oria, and was appointed bishop 28 Chnst 64,836; Lutherans 37,697; Methodiste 428,409;

March, 1912, to succeed Rt. Rev. Giovanni Capitoli, fl^^Y^^^?^ 75^673; ProtestMit Episcopalians 17,-

transferred to Bagnorea 14 February, 1911. The 116; Cathohcs 402^874; Jewish Congregations 628.

diocese embraces a Catholic population of 58,800, Tlurtypercent.areI^tortant,9peroent.areCa^^^

19 parishes, 55 secular priests, 1 secondary school for ^..P^^ c®"*- *^ve no definite rehgious behef , other

girls with 5 teachers and 40 pupils, 50 churches or '®^»^n8 1^ than 1 per cent,

chapels, 1 asylum directed by 4 Sisters of Charity, , In 1914 the Diocese of El PasoTq. v.) was erected

and 1 orphanage for girls directed by 3 Sisters of tj^^ territory taken from the Diocese of Tucson,

Charity, caring for 15 orphans. One society is Dallas (q. v.) and San Antonio (q. v.). For further

oi^anized among the clergy and the "Unione Fem- statistics see also Galveston, Diocese op; Corpus

minile Catholica Italiana, among the women of the Christi, Diocese op. .,..,,

diocese Mining. — The foUowmg were mmed m the Stete

in 1917: asphalt $2,292,036; clay producte $3,451,806;

Texracine, Sezze and Pipemo, Diocese op coal $4,177, 608; raw clay $22,477; copper;

(Terracinbnsis., Setinensis and Privisrnsnbis; $6315; natural gas $3,192,625; gypsum $996,262