Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/753

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I887( elected titular Bishop of Martvropolis and corations for exceptional bravery, such as the croiz

coadjutor in Transvlvania 15 March, 1897, succeeded de gverref mSdaiUe mUitaiirc, croix de la liffion

to bishopric 1 July, 1897. He resides at Gyula^ d'?wnneurf etc.

Feh6rv^ (Karlsburg, Alba Julia, Blaj). which con- Several of the monasteries suffered many injuries,

tains the monumental cathedral of St. Michael. Mont des Cats, near Mt. Kernel, in Flanders, of

founded in tibe twelfth century. Rev. Samuel which so much mention was made in the newspapers;

Prokupek, papal chambcriain, died in 1920. as did and which was one of the most beautiful monasteries

Rev. Joeepn Meisel, Abbot of Corona, wno had in the order, was totally destroyed in 1917, and its

been forced to emigrate into Hungaiy. heroic abbot, who could neve.* be induced to abandon

During the war, when Thmsylvania was in Eastern his post of dutv, even under almost constant bom- Hungary, many men were soldiers at the front. Since baroment, died from exposure and mental strain, the war over 2,000,000 Hunwirians have been whilst lying on an improvised cot made of empty separated from Hungary and nowuve in new Rumania provision boxes, the refuse of a nearby militaiy camp . where they have no political autonoiny. Forty It was at this monastery that the Prince of Hesse, priests of the diocese served with the Hungarian whose Catholic mother was a cousin of the former army, but none of them were kiUed. Rev. Maysas Emperor William, was killed in a hand-to-hand con- Sebestyen was kiUed by the Communists and Kev. flict in the very cloisters of the abbey, in 1915. Nicholas Osild by the Rumanian soldiers. llie next was Notre Dame d'Imy, near Fismes,

In the diocese there are 377,000 Catholics of the France, the abbey of the Most Rev. D. Auf^tin

Latin Rite, of whom about 350,000 are Hungarian Marre, actual abbot general of the order. This was

and 20,000 German, lliere are 238 parishes, 290 first captured in August, 1914, when it suffered but

chimUies, 100 chapels, 28 monasteries for men and slight physical damage. In August, 1918. however.

1 for women. 26 convents for women, 358 secular whilst the invadens were in full retreat, tney mined and 130 regular priests. 1 seminary with 28 semina- the buddings with high-explosives and, when at a rians, 2 academes wito 18 teachers and 47 pupils, safe distance, detonated the charges, completely 7 gynmasia for boys with 125 teachers, and 23u0 stu- destro3ring the monastery, leaving out a desolate dents, 1 gymnasium for girls with 18 t^tchers and 310 heap of ruins where before nad stood one of the most students, 3 business schools with 18 teachers and 727 ancient abbesrs of the order. The third was Notre students, 28 civic schools with 163 teachers and Dame de Mont des Olives (Oelenber^) . Alsace. This 3750 students, 206 elementary schools with 556 abbey, but recently completed, was ngnt on the battle teachers and 23,070 pupils, 3 training schools with 19 front; it was taken a couple of times by the French, teachers and 280 students, 6 boaxding schools for tiien used as military hetulquarters by the Germans, boys with 17 teachers and 550 students, 5 boarding was frequently bombarded by both armies, and to a sdiools for girls with 10 teachers and 260 students, great extent destroyed, especially its monumental 10 homes for aged and poor, 4 orphanages; and 5 church and doistens. Fourth is Notre Dame de Catholic papers are published . Two societies are or- Mariastem near Banja-Luka, and not far from ganised among the clergy and many varied ones Serajevo, where occurred the murder that was the among the laity throughout the diocese have a large immediate excuse for the terrible conflict. This number of members. abbey housed the largest community in the order,

embracing over 200 members, and was proportionate-

Trapaol, Diocbsb of (Dbbpanbnsib; cf. C. E., ly prosperous in material affairs. On account of a

XV — ^23b), on western shore of Sicilv, suffragan of great number of the religious being of German na-

Palermo. This see is filled bv Rt. Rev. Francesco- tionality, and because the neighborhood was in-

Maria Raiti, a Carmelite of the ancient observance, habited chieflv by Serbs, Turks, and others not in

bom in linf^ua g^ossa, Sicily, in 1864, appointed sympathy with these, its personnel was soon reduced

Bishop of Lipari 22 June, 1903, and transferred 6 almost to extinction and its possessions very greatly

December, 1906. The city, which has a population dinumshed. Notre Dame aes Sept-Douleurs, at

of over 70,000, has only, within the last mty years, El-Athroun, in tiie Holy Land, about half-way be-

been entirely united witn the main land. By latest tween Jerusalem and Jaffa, was occupied by the

statistics it comprises 14 parishes, 55 churches, 1 Turks, who badly damaged the buildings, especially

monastery for women, 1 Carmelite convent of men. their valuable library, as well as their mill and vine-

74 secular and 6 regular clergy, 1 seminary, 12 yards, these latter being their principal means of

seminarians, 1 college lor men, 1 normal school with support. The monks were drag^ to the sea-shore

12 teachers and 12€0 pupils, 2 professional schools whence,through the intervention of the Italian Consul,

with 12 teachers and 15(X) pupils and 2 elementaiy ^y were finaUy repatriated to France. Notre *

schools. Tlie charitable institutions include 1 agj^um. Dame du Sacrd-Osur, near Akbes, in Syria, a very

2 hospitab, 2 orphanages and 1 day nursery. Three interesting monastery, was devastated and the re- societies are organised among the clergy and many ligious kept for a while as captives, during which among the laity. time one of the brothers died on a bench in a railroad

station, the othens being finally expelled from the

Trapplsts (cf . C. E. , XV — ^24a) . the common name country,

by which the Cistercians who follow the reform in- The monasteries of Belgium were all occupied by

augurated by the Abbot de Riuic<6 at the Abbey of the invadins army, and the religious compelled to

La Trappe, were known; and now often applied to the exile themsdves' to Holland. Amongst those which

entire Order of Refonxied Cistercians. suffered most was the Abbey of Westmalle, where

As a great number of the monasteries of this order the church was damaged and all material that could

are situated in France and Belgium, the two countries be used for munitions of war confiscated. Notre

that Buffered most during the disastrous World War, Dame de St. Benolt, at Achel, was just on the

it is not surprising that they had much to endure, frontier between Belgium and Holland, the line

Between 500 and 600 membcra were mobilised in tbo intersecting the property. The monks were obliffsd

armies of the Allies, of whom from 150 to 200 were to take up their abode m a chicken-house and other

priests and from amongst these a food number, in- out-building9 of the monastery, within the Holland

eluding 3 abbots, were utiliied as military chaplains, line but ouy a very short distance from their abbey.

Of those mobilised some 55 to 60 were killed in action, from which they were separated by a wire fence,

many were honored with citation on tlie field of heavily char^ with electricity; thus they were al-

battle, and no small number received various de- ways within sii^t of their beloved home, but threat-